(白い薔薇) Eyes Like Rubies - Volume One - xsoftly - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Chapter 1: Act I

Chapter Text

It is the Kakusei era, year 3XXX.

The world has undergone a drastic change due to the series of global conflict, ecological disasters, and the advancement of technology. Modern civilization had long collapsed and the merging of countries, increase in oligarchs and totalitarian regimes, corruption, and warfare was rampant.

Left alone, uninterrupted without pause, was a world unbeknownst to those fortunate; a world filled with demons and those who slay them.

* "Dialogue."
*'Telepathic dialogue.'
*"Past conversation."

┍━ 【❀】 ━┑


Himari Maeda, a young flower in the Yaegashi municipality of Ni-Kunoe Prefecture, stood before a grave, offering silent reverence. The somberness of the early morning complemented the mournful atmosphere of the cemetery, evoking feelings of anguish, sorrow, regret, remorse, and heartbreak.

After a prolonged period of silent prayers, Himari gently laid a beautiful arrangement of white orchids and lilies on the grave. With a heartfelt expression, she whispered, "Father-sama and I hope that you are finding peace in your eternal rest. We carry your memory with us every day and we miss you dearly... On this special day, we wish you a joyous birthday, dear Okasan."

When Himari was just seven years old, her mother passed away due to a sudden and deadly illness. Despite more than ten years passing since the tragic event, the emotional wound inflicted by her mother's untimely death remained open and painfully raw, vowing to never heal.

As the leaden skies darkened, ominous clouds emerged and a gentle shower began. Himari unfurled her umbrella upon sensing the first few raindrops, and proceeded along the path to leave the cemetery.

I do not like the rain. I enjoy watching it, but I do not like to get wet. I should hurry home before it begins to pour.

Amidst the gentle patter of rain, Himari's attention was drawn by a faint meow. Her gaze shifted towards the source, revealing a small black kitten peering out from behind a gravestone. Surprised, she softly questioned, "Is that a kitten I see?"

The kitten weaved between Himari's legs as it settled down at her feet, gazing up at her with its pleading, azure eyes. The adorable creature emitted gentle mewls and rumbled with delight, rolling on the smooth cobblestone pathway. "Mew, mew, mew!"

Unable to contain her excitement, Himari crouched down to pet the precious little creature. She gently ran her fingers through the kitten's soft and moist fur, unable to resist showering it with affectionate words. "Neko, neko, neko. You are so cute."

✧TRANSLATION: Unable to contain her excitement, Himari crouched down to pet the precious little creature. She gently ran her fingers through the kitten's soft and moist fur, unable to resist showering it with affectionate words. "Kitty, kitty, kitty. You are so cute."

Before disappearing into the alleys, the kitten affectionately rubbed and nudged against her legs.

I should hurry home...

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The wrought iron gates of an impressive estate swung open, the sound reverberating through the air.

The manor belonged to the illustrious Katōwamuro family, esteemed for their vast wealth and prominence in New Japan. Through dubious means, including deep connections with the Yakuza, the Katōwamuros had ascended to power centuries ago, exerting influence over various aspects of the government. Unique to their bloodline, each direct descendant possessed striking characteristics: vibrant emerald eyes and lustrous fuchsia hair.

After entering the manor, Himari proceeded with her daily chores, and soon she had completed everything except for one task: cleaning the hardwood floors. She prepared a bucket of warm, soapy water and began scrubbing the floors using a sponge. While in the midst of her work, her attention was drawn to the window. The window caught her eye, so she paused to look out of it.

Himari's eyes were met with her very own sky that she watched every day. The sky that was previously a doleful grey was now a serene cerulean sky with wisps of powdery white clouds. The sight brought a small smile to her lips, even if for a moment.

How pretty.

Quiet footsteps filled the air as Himari's stepsisters, Saori and Yui, gracefully descended the staircase.

Saori, the eldest of the two, was a sight to behold, and was befittingly renowned as the most beautiful woman in the Katōwamuro family clan. She possessed stunning features; her warm, olive skin and rosy cheeks glowed, while her slender emerald-green eyes sparkled with beauty. She had long, dark fuchsia hair that was impeccably trimmed and flowed past her waist.

Yui, the younger sister, possessed a delicate appearance akin to a beautifully crafted porcelain doll. Her captivating emerald-green eyes were large and round, while her lustrous fuchsia hair was often fashioned into high pigtails with charmingly curled ends. Yui's fashion choices leaned towards Lolita dresses, and her voice had a distinct high pitch that could be perceived as either endearing or shrill, reminiscent of the sound of a chalkboard being scraped.

The sisters, completely engrossed in conversation, carried themselves with elegance as they flaunted their beautifully styled coiffures and fashionable evening gowns, barely acknowledging Himari's presence.

"Oh, we're going to have such an extravagant time at the opera and then at the restaurant!" Yui enthused, twirling and flouncing around. "We look so, so, so beautiful; we will turn every head in such a fancy place! Especially you, Saori-chan!"

Gazing at her reflection in the mirror, Saori flaunted her long, fuchsia hair as she said, "I know, I know. My beauty does not need to be said aloud for all to acknowledge, they can see it with their eyes alone." With a mischievous smirk, Saori sauntered towards Himari, then kicked the sponge bucket and caused dirty water to spill everywhere. "Looks like you missed a spot," she sneered.

Yui covered her mouth and gleefully snickered.

It has always been this way. I do not know what it will take to please them.

Upon hearing the slow, heavy footsteps descending the stairs, Himari stopped cleaning the mess of dirty water and froze in a paralyzing fear. Acting swiftly, she concealed the spill behind the bucket and positioned herself in front of it.

Descending the staircase was none other than Soaku Katōwamuro, Himari's stepmother. Soaku, a middle-aged heiress and noblewoman, possessed a large and heavyset figure. She bore the distinctive traits of the Katōwamuro family clan, with fuchsia hair, and emerald-green eyes. Over ten years ago, following the death of Himari's mother, her father, Kihaku Maeda, wedded Soaku. Their loveless union was motivated by pure greed and self-interest; Soaku sought a husband to avoid remaining unmarried after her fourth divorce, while Kihaku strived to further his career.

Himari suffered under the wickedly cruel tyranny of Soaku. From the moment they first crossed paths, Soaku harbored an unexplained hatred for the young girl. Despite her dreams of studying abroad and pursuing her passion for pharmaceutical botany, Himari was trapped by Soaku and the burden of an insurmountable debt tied to the Katōwamuro family. The weight of this debt would take years, if not decades, to repay, leaving Himari unable to chase her aspirations.

I have a debt of 421,348,315 yen.

Soaku was adorned in an elegant black velvet dress, complemented by satin gloves that perfectly matched. She wrapped a white fur boa around her neck and wore a layered necklace of pearls, all topped off with a stylish wide-brimmed couture hat. Her makeup was tastefully dramatic, featuring white face powder, rosy cheeks, vibrant red lipstick, and captivating cobalt blue eyeshadow. As she gracefully descended the stairs, resembling a fanciful peaco*ck, she inquired, "Himawari, have you finished the laundry like I asked?"

Himari, wincing slightly at being referred to as 'Himawari,' stood in a respectful manner with her hands clasped. "Yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama."

"Did you clean the kitchen counters and cabinets, and all that was within them?"

"Yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama."

"Did you reorganize the pantry?"

"Yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama."

"Did you clean and polish the fine china?"

"Yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama."

"Did you wash, dry, and sort the laundry?"

"Yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama."

"Did you tend to all the flowers in the garden?"

"Yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama."

"Did you even go as far as picking all the hair and nail trimmings out of the bathroom mats?"

"Yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama. I have done everything you asked of me."

Soaku could not come up with any more tasks to give to her stepdaughter, so she rolled her eyes and decided to check herself out in the mirror. As she fluffed her boa and admired her appearance, she noticed a puddle of dirty water on the ground and paused. "Himawari, are you blind? The floor is still dirty and wet! It looks like you have not cleaned at all. What have you been doing these past few hours? Useless, worthless, ridiculous!"

Saori and Yui suppressed their giggles and laughter by covering their mouths.

Soaku's plump neck trembled, causing the pearls adorning it to sway, while she persisted with her severe scolding. "Himawari, if you insist on engaging in frivolous antics within the manor of my esteemed, reputable family, then once you have completed your tasks, you will be responsible for polishing all the hardwood floors in this revered estate!"

"... The s-second and third floor, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama?" Himari inquired with a timid voice and trembling body, feeling the chill of the room seep into her frail figure.

"Exactly that, you inept fool," Soaku angrily expressed. "We will be delayed in returning home, so ensure you complete the task before we come back from the opera and dinner at La Orangé. If the floors do not meet my expectations, there will be consequences. Do you understand?"

Himari sorrowfully lowered her head in shame. "Yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, I understand. Forgive me."

Soaku wore a self-satisfied, insincere smile as she observed her stepdaughter's sadness and dejection. "If Kihaku appears, inform him that we have gone out," she said, her nose high in the air. Then she confidently left the house, her daughters trailing in her wake.

Yui, on her way out, stuck her tongue out at Himari, teasing her.

As soon as the front door closed and Himari heard the family chauffeur driving away, a sense of relief washed over her. The oppressive atmosphere of the manor dissipated instantly, and its newfound tranquility finally granted her the freedom to breathe after enduring such a prolonged period of suffocation.

It is so quiet... I better finish polishing all the hardwood flooring for Lady Mistress Soaku-sama.

That was when Yui's beloved shih tzu, Fuwapo, scampered towards the puddle of dirty water and defecated. Fuwapo was a small shih tzu with silky, snowy-white fur draped over its eyes, concealing its short legs. A dainty pink hair bow adorned its head, complementing the matching pink tutu it wore. "Yip, yip, yip!" it barked.

"Oh, Fuwapo, now why would you do that?"

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

After achieving a level of cleanliness that allowed for reflective surfaces, Himari entered the piano room with Fuwapo trailing along. Inside, a magnificent grand piano, adorned with gold accents and coated in white lacquer, shone under the sparkling chandelier. Although it presented a captivating and formidable sight, the history lodged in between the ebony and ivory keys, and the fibers of the finely aged wood were the opposite.

To this day, Himari was haunted by the distressing recollections of her stepmother's violent acts. Whenever she made an error during her piano lessons, Soaku would slap and bruise her arms, leaving lasting marks. The severity of these punishments escalated further when the noblewoman was inebriated. These traumatic memories tormented Himari incessantly.

Wincing, Himari finished dusting the grand piano and closed the door with haste.

It pains me to go in there…

The familiar sound of jingling keys drew Himari to the front door with an expectant glimmer in her bronze-colored eyes.

Could it be?

A tall, lithe gentleman in a conservative navy suit entered. Setting his suitcases down, he made his way towards Himari with tired, weary eyes that appeared to see through her.

"… Father-sama," Himari spoke softly. "I was not expecting you to return from your business trip so soon."

Kihaku Maeda, a man with pale skin, had once possessed handsome features that had now become gaunt due to age, stress, and grief. He had established a reputation for himself in the corporate world as a business and political lobbyist. Being a true workaholic, he eagerly volunteered for lengthy business trips, worked long hours at the office, and happily retreated to his home office to continue his expertise. Consequently, he rarely found time to spend with the rest of the family but when he did, Soaku would make certain that Himari was excluded.

Hence, Himari cherished these rare moments with him.

"I am so sorry, Himari," Kihaku apologized, his voice filled with regret. He glanced down at the hardwood floor and fidgeted nervously, resembling a schoolchild fearing punishment. "I deeply regret not leaving a few days ago as planned. Work held me back, and I completely lost track of time. But as soon as I realized today's date, I hurried back as quickly as possible."

I wish he would look me in the eyes.

"It is fine, Father-sama," Himari answered softly. "I gave her both our respects."

It was not long before the despondency in Kihaku's bronze-colored eyes shifted to suppressed, misdirected anger. "I am always being judged for something! As if going to that cemetery is supposed to be easy on me! How long will you hold this against me?"

Recognizing her father's overwhelming stress and tendency to react impulsively, Himari forgave him with no delay. "Father-sama, I hold no grudges against you; I have no reason to. You have always wholeheartedly provided for me. I understand that you cannot bring yourself to visit her final resting place, yet I perceive it as a sign of strength rather than weakness, for it signifies your endurance through the pain. Okasan would be proud. I am thankful that you have come back home safely!"

"All right, Himari. I apologize for my rashness. I was not being considerate to you."

"It is fine, Father-sama. Have you eaten today, Father-sama?"

The man did not respond, his head lowered.

As she held her father's hand, Himari led him to take a seat at the dining table, and made her way into the kitchen to begin meal preparation. While the rice simmered on the stove, she diligently chopped the vegetables and sliced the pork into thin pieces.

"I— I also apologize on Soaku's behalf," Kihaku spoke haltingly. "I know how she has been hard on you lately. She is… I am sure you understand."

"It is fine. You do not have to apologize, Father-sama."

"Soaku has been going through a difficult time lately," Kihaku continued. "Still, I cannot believe she started drinking again. She promised me that she would stop."

Himari abruptly froze as if she was rooted in place with large, widened eyes. "She what, Father-sama? She did what to you?"

"Soaku promised me that she would stop drinking carelessly… I thought nothing of her vice because this is not the first time she has gone through this. I was a fool to take her word that she did not need any outside help."

… Promise?

While Himari's thoughts drifted, her father's voice grew distorted, and his face appeared hazy. The utterance of a single word evoked a buried recollection, reminding her of a pledge her father had once made, a promise from years gone by.


It was raining.

The scent in the air carried notes of moist soil, musk, and delicate white lilies, while the sun remained hidden throughout the entire day.

Drenched from head to toe, a nine-year-old Himari found herself standing before a restaurant. With the school day coming to a close, instead of waiting for the family chauffeur, she ran off to a nearby establishment to use their phone to call her father.

Soon, Kihaku emerged from an opulent car, donned in a black business suit with his tie loosely hanging and swaying. Upon seeing the pitiful state of his daughter, he hastily approached her with a sense of desperation. "Himari, why are you in tears, soaked to the bone? Where is your umbrella? Tell me what happened, Himari."

With tearful eyes, Himari confessed to her father, "Father-sama, I do not like it here." Water dripped from her short bangs, which were neatly cut in a hime style and reached just below her ears. "Yaegashi is not where I want to be."

"Why? Did something happen?"

"My day at school was awful all because of Saori-chan. Saori-chan has been extremely unkind to me! She has been spreading hurtful things about me, and now nobody wants to be my friend, so I ate lunch all alone in the courtyard today! To make matters worse, she intentionally broke my umbrella this morning, knowing it would rain, now I am all wet!"

Kihaku let out a heavy sigh and gave his head a shake. "What if Saori did not have any intention behind her actions? I find it hard to believe that she would do anything deliberately. Himari, are you absolutely certain that you are not just imagining things?"

"No, no, no, Father-sama, I am not imagining things!" Himari cried, stamping her foot. "I am not! Saori-chan hates me and I do not know why. It is super weird because I thought we would be the best of stepsisters. Our names even sound the same…"

There was a prolonged period of silence until Kihaku spoke. A solemn expression came upon his face as he said, "Himari, I am going to tell you something that must stay between us, all right?"

"Yes, Father-sama? What is it?"

"All of this is only temporary."


"Yes. I have no feelings for your stepmother. I am only with her to get closer to my dream of having a prominent position in the government. The corruption within our current administration is unfathomable, and someone needs to make a stand."

While the latter did not faze Himari at all, Kihaku's first sentence shook her to her very core. "Father-sama, you… do not love Lady Mistress Soaku-sama?"

"Not in the slightest. You see, Soaku and her people… are not the best kind of people to be associated with but they are necessary steppingstones for, well, people, like us."

"People like us? What ever do you mean, Father-sama?"

"Good people. We are good people, Himari. Bad people should not have all the power and riches, is all I am saying. Us good people deserve our fair share as well, do we not?" Kihaku playfully tickled Himari as he repeatedly said, "Right? Right, 'Mari? Right?"

When Kihaku's tickling ceased and Himari's fit of laughter subsided, the serious ambience from before returned.

"Father-sama, may I ask you something?"

"Yes, you can. You can ask me anything."

"If you do not love Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, then do you still love—" Himari covered her mouth in shock at her own words, unable to finish her sentence. "Oh, no, no, no… I did not mean to—"

Kihaku knew exactly what Himari was about to ask and simply looked up at the cloudy sky above. A few raindrops swept by the wind landed upon his nose and faintly freckled cheeks. "Yes, I do, and I always will. I miss your mother. I think of her every day."

Himari's lips pursed at the mention of her late mother.


Sensing that his daughter was on the verge of tears, Kihaku consoled her by tucking a lock of hair behind her ear and kissing her forehead. "The reason I am doing all this is for us; so that you may never be without anything. I only want the best for my Himawarihime, so, believe me: one day soon, I promise to get us out of here. Then we will be happy together, just you and I."

Himari's heart found a special place for the deeply moving words spoken by her father, making the challenges of the day insignificant.

"All of this is only temporary."

"I only want the best for my Himawarihime, so, believe me: one day soon, I promise to get us out of here. Then we will be happy together, just you and I."

Overwhelmed with emotion, Himari burst into tears and cried loudly with wet hair stuck to her reddening face. "F-Father-sama… Father-sama, all I want to be is happy with you!" she wailed.

Kihaku embraced his daughter and held her tightly against his chest as the rain began to fall even harder.


Himari, immersed in her thoughts, wore a distant and empty gaze while fixated on the diced vegetables laid out on the cutting board. In her mind, a distant memory of Himari and her parents frolicking through a sunflower field. The sound of their laughter, the comforting touch of the sun's rays, and the earthy aroma of the grass had left an indelible mark on her heart.

It was so long ago when he used to call me Himawarihime. I have not been called that in years, not since Lady Mistress Soaku-sama turned it into a joke. I miss the way things were between us…

Kihaku placed his hand upon Himari's to get her attention. "Himari, are you feeling all right? You zoned out for a minute."

"I am fine, Father-sama, thank you. I am tired, that is all. Your meal is almost ready."

Kihaku suddenly remembered something and quickly went to rummage through his suitcases. When he returned, he was holding a bell-shaped flower in a jar. The flower was deep violet in color and appeared to be drooping. "I got that Chinese plant you were talking about." Struggling to recall the flower's name, he said, "... Frittata?"

"Fritillaria unibracteata," Himari corrected with a laugh. "I thank you for retrieving it, Father-sama. I am forever grateful."

"Ah, it was not too much trouble; I had an assistant search high and low for it. So, what are you planning to do with it? Are you going to make medicine out of it?"

"Yes, I am. This flower provides treatment for cough, phlegm, and fever. It will be medication for those suffering from bronchitis."

"Marvelous. Have you given any thought about your career?"

With an enthusiastic nod, Himari displayed a level of emotion she had never shown before in her father's absence. "All I can think about is my future and the blinding brightness of it. I am determined to pursue my studies, work as an intern, contribute to the community, and eventually establish my own botanical medicine practice!"

"She would be so proud of you for following in her footsteps."

Himari blushed at Kihaku's words, feeling extremely honored to be compared to her mother.

I am filled with immense pride knowing that Okasan, who was also a pharmacist, would be proud of me. F ollowing in her footsteps is a natural and heartfelt choice for me. During the limited time we had together, she was my entire world. Words fail to express the profound sense of loss and longing I experience without her presence.

Himari presented her father with a delicious meal comprising a bowl filled with a delightful combination of vegetables, pork cutlets, and rice soaked in dashi and soy sauce. With utmost respect, she urged her father, "Father-sama, please enjoy this nourishing meal. You have been working tirelessly."

With chopsticks in hand, Kihaku felt a slight tremble as he eagerly tasted the food. Upon experiencing the delicious flavors, he hungrily devoured the meal with renewed vigor. "As always, your cooking is delicious, Himari! I have missed the taste of it. The food in the hotel I stayed at was inedible!"

Flattered, Himari humbly bowed multiple times while expressing, "I am truly pleased, Father-sama, that my culinary skills bring you joy."

"Himari, you are too sweet of a daughter to a fool like me. Still, I must ask if my little girl loves her father."

"Of course, I love you, Father-sama," Himari replied sweetly. "I love you more than anything."

┍━ 【❀】 ━┑


The dining table was brimming with an assortment of delectable Japanese delicacies. Seated at the table were Kihaku, Soaku, and Yui, while Fuwapo, the canine, lurked beneath, anticipating leftovers despite having already eaten. Himari stood idly by, her hands clasped, ready to fulfill the family's every beck and call. She observed the family dinner silently, only speaking when directly addressed.

With a wide smile, Soaku beamed at Kihaku, revealing the red lipstick on her teeth. "My dear husband, I am delighted to see you return from your business trip in Beijing. How was the weather over there?"

"Nothing noteworthy," Kihaku answered bluntly.

There was a long period of silence until Soaku spoke once more. "We were surprised by your return, right, Yui? I thought I had more than enough wine at the restaurant when I saw your automobile parked in the driveway."


"Kihaku, why is your conversation so brisk? Is something the matter? What troubles you? Did something happen during your trip?"

"No, not at all."

As if the mask fell off, Soaku's concerned tone shifted into a more spiteful one. "Why are you being this way? Is it that hard for a husband to speak to his wife?"

Kihaku let out a soft, frustrated breath. "I am fine, honey. Do not worry, sweetheart. I am just a bit exhausted, that is all. You look... lovely, by the way." Complimenting his wife was one of Kihaku's tactics to avoid certain situations, and in this instance, it was his means of evading Soaku's interrogation.

The noblewoman's cheeks would have turned red if they were not submerged underneath thick, caked layers of foundation. "Oh, Kihaku, you scoundrel!"

Yui felt disgusted and uncomfortable, causing her to narrow her eyes and avert her gaze in repulsion. "Hey, can we start eating? I mean, may we please begin our meal?"

"No, we cannot eat until your sister arrives," Soaku scolded. "You know how this goes, Yui. This is how we have always done it."

"Oh…" When Soaku was not looking, Yui snatched a piece of sashimi from a platter and gave it to Fuwapo under the table.

Aggravated, Soaku looked upstairs and called out for her daughter. "Saori, sweetie, come down! Dinner's ready!"


"Saori, sweetie?"


Suddenly, Soaku slammed her hands upon the dining table and screamed, "Saori! Come down here so dinner can commence!"

"Honey, I am sure she will come down soon," Kihaku muttered, reaching to touch the noblewoman's hand. "You must not worry too much or else your blood pressure will—"

"Be quiet, Kihaku!" Soaku hissed, yanking her hand away from him. "Himawari, stop standing there like a statue and make yourself useful! Go get Saori and tell her to come down here!"

"Yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama."


Saori was enjoying a peaceful rest on her bed when she suddenly became aware of rustling noises coming from outside. Initially, she disregarded the sounds, but as they grew louder and persistent rapping echoed against her window, she could not ignore them any longer. With a mixture of curiosity and annoyance, she decided to part her curtains, only to discover a young man with his face pressed against the glass.

"Ikuo!" Saori whispered sharply as she opened the window's latch and helped him inside. "I cannot believe you are here!"

"As if I could stay away from you for so long. I could not wait to see you again. Let's continue what we started the other day." Ikuo's hands scoured all over Saori's slender physique hungrily before they began sharing a ravenous kiss like starved wild beasts. Grunting softly, he tasted the nape of Saori's neck and rubbed his pelvis against her.

"Hush, keep it down," Saori warned, pulling away whilst biting her lip. "Someone may hear us…"

"Oh, yeah? Then they can watch."

In mere seconds, Saori's clothes fell in a puddle around her feet, and she was laying on her back upon the bed. She watched her lover climb on top of her with eyes that reflected nothing but a thrilling sense of happiness, anticipation, and love. She realized that she now loved him deeper than before because like a knight in shining armor riding on a white steed, he came for her. He climbed over the tall garden hedges, ventured through the labyrinth of a garden, and conquered the vine-covered lattice to her balcony; his hands that were scraped and bloodied by thorns attested to that.

Ikuo fondled Saori's breasts with one hand and touched in between her legs with the other. His consuming mouth covered hers swiftly. The two danced in their lustful waltz, oblivious to the knocks upon the door.

"More... More, Ikuo, more! Ah!"

"Saori! Oh, my Saori, I will give you my all!"

"Yes, please do!"

Suddenly, light flooded into the bedroom. The silhouette of someone standing in the doorway was cast against them. "Saori-chan," a soft, sweet voice said. "Saori-chan, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama wanted me to tell you to—"

Saori shot up and covered her bare chest with a blanket, causing Ikuo to topple over and fall off the bed. "Bitch! Get out of my room!"

"Sumimasen!" Himari sincerely apologized as she rushed to shut the door.

✧TRANSLATION: "Excuse me!" Himari sincerely apologized as she rushed to shut the door.

Saori looked down to see Ikuo hiding underneath the bed with a pitiful foot hanging out. "You can get up now," she sighed.

Ikuo stood up in relief, rubbing his head from having bumped it. "Hey, who was that? She was cute!"

"That was the maid. Do not look at her with wandering eyes, Ikuo!"

"Oh, she was the maid? Wow, I wish we had a maid like that. Our maid is saggy and overripe..."

"Ugh, just forget about her, Ikuo! You should only be focusing on me. I am your woman, remember?"

"As if I could ever forget that! I cannot forget the cute, sexy, hot, gorgeous, beautiful chick I call the love of my life!" Ikuo dove into the crook of Saori's neck and bit her, eliciting an excited, aroused squeal from her.


While Himari was humming to herself, diligently scrubbing the hardwood floors, a sudden interruption came in the form of a pair of heels. She raised her head to find Saori standing there, glaring at her with an intimidating scowl.

"Himari, you stupid, hollow-headed fool!" Saori hissed. "You embarrassed me in front of someone of high status! Why can you not learn to knock like a normal person or is that too much for a pig like you?"

"Saori-chan, I did knock on your d-door," Himari pleaded, her breath wavering. "Forgive me, but I would not be so impolite as to—" That was when Himari felt a strong blow to the side of her face. She instinctively crouched and covered her head for protection, saying, "Gomen'nasai! Gomen'nasai! Gomen'nasai!"

✧TRANSLATION: "Saori-chan, I did knock on your d-door," Himari pleaded, her breath wavering. "Forgive me, but I would not be so impolite as to—" That was when Himari felt a strong blow to the side of her face. She instinctively crouched and covered her head for protection, saying, "I am sorry! I am sorry! I am sorry!"

Saori rolled her emerald-green eyes and pouted her lips. "Why are you always so polite all the time? It is annoying. You are so pathetic; I do not even care for disciplining you as much as I used to."

Trembling, Himari prostrated herself with her forehead against the hardwood flooring. "Forgive me, Saori-chan, please… I did not mean to upset you. Please, do not strike me once more. I am sorry."

Saori crouched to Himari's level and seized a lock of her hair with nearly enough strength to scalp her. "If you tell anyone about what you saw, I will murder you in your sleep," she threatened in a voice oozing with malice.

"I w-will not breathe a word about what I saw, Saori-chan. I will not tell a soul!"

Smirking deviously, Saori released the lock of Himari's hair and raised her hand as if to strike her.

Himari flinched and cowered in fear, expecting a painful blow that never came. "Gomen'nasai!"

✧TRANSLATION: Himari flinched and cowered in fear, expecting a painful blow that never came. "I am sorry!"

Saori laughed at Himari's frightened response at the mere sight of her raised hand. "Ha! Pathetic! You believe that I would break a nail just to hit you? What a stupid, hollow-headed fool you truly are!" Saori erupted in a fit of derisive laughter.

Himari remained in that posture until she was confident that Saori had departed, after which she resumed her responsibilities. She hurriedly completed the task of scrubbing the floors, pushing through the searing and unbearable pain on the side of her face.

I should put some ice on this.

The application of ice provided relief for the bruise and numbed the physical discomfort, yet it failed to ease the emotional anguish that overwhelmed Himari upon glimpsing her own reflection. She was confronted by a pitiful, frail young woman wearing a dingy apron over a tattered, plain kimono, her eyes conveying a deep sense of solitude and hopelessness.

A piteous, abused housemaid.

I hate everything about what I see in the mirror.

Soaku materialized behind Himari in the mirror, her plump hand adorned with rings resting on Himari's shoulder. The noblewoman, casting a shadow over Himari, inquired, "Himawari, have you completed all of your tasks?"

"Yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama..."

"Good, good. Now, Himawari, I need you to go to the market and gather the ingredients for a well-made dinner and a dessert. I am inviting a prominent guest tomorrow, and I expect a fabulous dinner for the five of us."

"You wish for me to go to the market this late, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama?"

"Yes, of course… There will not be an issue, will there?" Soaku's bright pink nails began digging into Himari's shoulders. "You do wish to pay off the entirety of your debt, right?"

"No, no, n-no, there will not be any issues, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama."

"Good, good. I also have a list prepared for you." With a malicious grin, Soaku presented Himari with a meticulously prepared list that could go a mile long. Knowing that Alde, the family chauffeur, was not available at this hour, she said, "Now run along. You will have to make the long walk."

Fatigued, Himari made her way down the basem*nt stairs towards her bedroom. The room, originally designed as a wine cellar, featured a small space with a barred window. In the past, she used to have a proper bedroom on the upper floor, right across from her stepsisters. However, Soaku, in a fit of senseless rage, condemned her to the basem*nt. A futon, a dresser, and an oval full-length mirror as the only pieces of furniture. The coffered ceiling held a dimly lit light bulb, creating a humble ambiance.

Despite its simplicity, Himari remained grateful for everything she had.

Himari held the Katōwamuro garden in high regard and took great care of it. The basem*nt, which had a door leading to the garden, boasted a workstation where she dedicated her time to studying and concocting perfumes and herbal remedies. The workstation was equipped with shelves lined with jars of flowers, essential oils, herbs, and books focused on botany, perfumery, and chemistry.

The young woman approached her workstation, where she carefully observed a tiny sprout emerging from a flowerpot. "You are growing with such grace," she cooed affectionately. "I cannot wait for the day when you blossom into a fragrant flower. Your petals will be transformed into the most delightful perfume... I must leave now."

Himari adorned herself in an attire devoid of the scent of floor polish. Her ensemble comprised a simple dress and boots. Gazing at her own reflection in the mirror, she winced upon noticing the presence of red and violet contusions and welts that marred her skin.

I hate looking at myself, so why do I even gaze into the mirror? What is the point?

Himari's aversion to observing her own reflection did not stem from vanity. Despite her captivating appearance, as she was as pretty as a flower with her long, raven hair, sun-kissed complexion, and alluring heart-shaped lips, there was one aspect that silenced any remarks on her beauty. This was an unsightly scar that extended from the corner of her mouth to the base of her ear, causing others to refrain from commenting on her physical allure.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari thoroughly enjoyed the peaceful and solitary bus ride to the marketplace. Sitting by the window, she absentmindedly stared at the pale, radiant moon, which diligently observed every part of Yaegashi.

The moon is so pretty tonight.

Despite the late hour, the marketplace in New Japan remained lively with bustling shoppers, which was characteristic of the local way of life. Himari, an introvert at heart, navigated through the crowd, keeping her head down and clutching her belongings tightly to her chest. She preferred solitude and seldom engaged in conversation, making herself almost invisible among the bustling crowd.

Himari quickly gathered a variety of ingredients, including scallions, salmon, bean sprouts, and pickles, filling her bags. The only thing left on her shopping list was pork belly, so she strolled through the bustling marketplace until she came upon a butcher's shop. "Three slabs of pork belly, please," she politely requested.

While the butcher was busy preparing the order, Himari's gaze shifted towards a coil of rope resting on a crate. As she stared at it for an extended period, her mind became clouded with dark thoughts.

I would be doing everyone a favor, even myself... I do not wish to suffer like this any longer.

"Miss?" a gruff voice asked.

Himari shifted her focus back to the butcher, who was casting a disapproving gaze her way. With an annoyed look on his face, he extended his hand, signaling that it was time for her to pay. Startled, Himari exclaimed, "Oh, my. Sumimasen!"

✧TRANSLATION: Himari shifted her focus back to the butcher, who was casting a disapproving gaze her way. With an annoyed look on his face, he extended his hand, signaling that it was time for her to pay. Startled, Himari exclaimed, "Oh, my. Excuse me!"

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The bus ride to the marketplace was the last ride of the night, so Himari had to walk home. Carrying several grocery bags, the totes' handles dug into her hands as she walked on the sidewalk. Her breath was visible against the coolness of night air.

Oh, I must hurry home. I have never been out this late before. Although I am afraid, if I walk quickly, I should make it home in no time.

Himari quickened her pace when she suddenly heard a rustling sound from the nearby forest. Startled, she cautiously glanced up and noticed a set of large, yellow eyes peering at her through the spidery, tangled branches of the trees. In an instant, the creature with the yellow eyes lunged towards her, swooping over Himari's head. As a result, her groceries went flying into the air, and she let out a piercing scream, filled with terror. "KIYAHHH!"

With a low, soft hoot, the yellow-eyed creature settled on a nearby tree branch. Himari stood there, awkwardly clutching her chest as it rose and fell with fright.

It is just an owl, it is just an owl! I need to pull myself together or else I will die of a heart attack before I am thirty!

Himari's focus shifted towards the groceries strewn across the ground and the apples that were descending the sidewalk and making their way onto the road. "Oh no, no, no! This is not good at all! Lady Mistress Soaku-sama will definitely be displeased with me!"

Amidst Himari's rush to gather the apples, another grocery bag toppled over, scattering its contents. Himari lost her footing and tripped, scraping her knees in the process. The dreadful sight of the expensive items strewn on the street, the pain from her injuries, and the inevitable punishment for her mistake was too much for her to bear, prompting her tears to flow uncontrollably. Hot tears streamed down her face as she let out pained sobs.

Oh, I cannot stop myself from crying! I am so very ashamed. I am such a stupid, inept, hollow-headed fool! Shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shame—

"Excuse me, ma'am, are you all right?" a deep, captivating voice, as velvety smooth as can be, inquired.

Startled, Himari's attention was drawn to a striking figure emerging from the shadows. This man possessed a tall and attractive demeanor, characterized by his fair complexion, wavy black hair, and soft, crimson eyes. Adorned in a white fedora, a black cloak draped over a charming beige suit vest, and white trousers, he exuded an air of elegance and mystery.

Oh, my! This man is so handsome, and his skin is the color of moonlight. I have never seen anything like it...

Upon catching sight of a friendly face, Himari's racing heart gradually calmed, bringing her a sense of relief. A blush crept onto her cheeks as she felt the warmth within. "K-Kon'nichiwa…" she stammered, her voice filled with nervousness.

✧TRANSLATION: Upon catching sight of a friendly face, Himari's racing heart gradually calmed, bringing her a sense of relief. A blush crept onto her cheeks as she felt the warmth within. "H-Hello..." she stammered, her voice filled with nervousness.

The man kneeled to offer an apple to her, albeit bruised. "I apologize for catching you off guard," he said, extending the fruit towards her. "Here you are."


✧TRANSLATION: "Thank you…"

The man gathered the apples and assisted in placing them inside the grocery bags. As he helped Himari up, he confessed, "I apologize, but I could not help but hear your scream earlier. What caused you such fright?"

"Oh, it was nothing!" Himari laughed unconvincingly. "I thought I saw something, but it was just an owl. An anxious mess like me is not used to being out on a dark night like this and being alone worsens it."

"Well, you are not alone now because I am here with you. There is nothing to be afraid of." Observing the numerous groceries in Himari's possession, he kindly inquired, "May I hold a couple of those bags for you?"

Himari expressed her gratitude with a fervent nod. "Oh, my, yes, arigatō!"

✧TRANSLATION: Himari expressed her gratitude with a fervent nod. "Oh, my, yes, thank you!"

The man took all the groceries from Himari, leaving her to hold the lightest one of the bunch. "Allow me to introduce myself properly; my name is Tsukihiko Kobayashi. May I inquire about your name?"

"Oh, me? Uh… Um… Oh, I am Himari! Himari Maeda-Katōwamuro!"

I forgot my own name! Gosh, he probably thinks I am forgetful.

"Miss Maeda, would it be acceptable if I accompanied you on your way back home?" Tsukihiko asked. "I cannot bear to see a young lady like yourself venture alone, especially in such perilous times."

Oh, my, he is incredibly kind. I do not want to come across as impolite by rejecting his generosity but...

Himari became flustered and shook her head, her cheeks turning even redder and the blush spreading across her entire face. "Oh, no, no, no, Mister Kobayashi-san! You do not have to do that. I am sure you are incredibly busy, and I do not want to trouble you with my— Well, actually, yes, yes, yes... I would appreciate it if you could accompany me on my way home."

"Please, you are most welcome to address me as Tsukihiko. There is no need for formality between us."

A warm smile spread across Himari's face at the man's charming cordiality. "Okay, then, Tsukihiko-san. You can address me as Himari."

As they ventured towards Himari's residence, she and Tsukihiko followed the moon's light along a forest shortcut. The surroundings were silent and eerie, causing Himari to startle at every rustle, be it from an owl, cricket, or frog. But her anxiety faded away when Tsukihiko stepped closer, as if shielding her from the creatures of the night.

Tsukihiko inquired, "Himari, may I ask for the name of the perfume you have on? Its scent is incredibly alluring and pleasantly sweet."

Himari glanced in his direction, her lips forming a smile that seemed to hold a hint of understanding. "Oh, arigatō gozaimasu, Tsukihiko-san!" she exclaimed cheerfully, blushing slightly. "I personally crafted it using tuberose, orange blossom, and marshmallow extract."

✧TRANSLATION: Himari glanced in his direction, her lips forming a smile that seemed to hold a hint of understanding. "Oh, thank you so very much, Tsukihiko-san!" she exclaimed cheerfully, blushing slightly. "I personally crafted it using tuberose, orange blossom, and marshmallow extract."

"Oh, I see, you're a perfumer," he laughed. "I assume you have a good understanding of botany, am I right?"

"Yes, mostly," she giggled. "I have quite the green thumb. I specialize in botany and medicinal herbalism, and I have expertise in crafting traditional medicine. Additionally, I have a talent for identifying various plants... Do you see that white cherry blossom tree over there? It is taxonomically known as prunus lannesiana."

"Lovely and intelligent," Tsukihiko commented, genuinely intrigued and impressed.

Oh, my!

Flattered, Himari looked away from him to hide her reddening cheeks. "Oh, arigatō…. So, Tsukihiko-san, what brings you out here this late?"

✧TRANSLATION: Flattered, Himari looked away from him to hide her reddening cheeks. "Oh, thank you…. So, Tsukihiko-san, what brings you out here this late?"

"I am only out for a midnight stroll to clear my mind," Tsukihiko responded. "I feel that the darkness of the night surpasses the illumination of the day."

"Oh, my, please forgive me! I am sorry for interrupting your midnight stroll with my burdens."

"No, you did not interrupt anything, Himari. Helping you is not a burden."

"Oh, my… No one has ever done anything so nice for me."

"Well, people should."

Soon, Himari and Tsukihiko found themselves facing the Katōwamuro manor, as the massive wrought iron gates slowly swung open with a resounding creak that echoed in the air.

Himari deeply bowed as a show of gratitude to Tsukihiko. "Tsukihiko-san, I thank you for walking me home safely. You have helped me so much, but I can take it from here. Goodbye."

As he handed over the grocery bags, Tsukihiko expressed his desire to see her again. "Himari, I wish to see you again."

The words Tsukihiko had just spoken made Himari freeze and nearly choke on air. "W-what? I mean, pardon me?"

"I would like to enjoy a conversation with you over dinner," Tsukihiko continued. "I know of a wonderful café here in Yaegashi."

Flustered, Himari gawked at Tsukihiko with a face as red as an apple. "W-what are you saying? Are you asking me out… on a date?"

"Yes, I am, Himari."

Oh, my, he is asking to take me on a date! What could a handsome man like him see in a housemaid like me?

"Am I overstepping any boundaries?" Tsukihiko asked with an expression of visible concern. "Or perhaps I am too late... Surely a young woman of your beauty belongs to another man. Forgive me for my transgressions."

He thinks that I am beautiful? Has he noticed my scar? Does it not scare him?

Himari examined the man's handsome face, hoping to uncover any signs of dishonesty or deception. However, as she locked eyes with his captivating light-red gaze, she realized he was sincere. "Oh, my! No, no, no, I assure you, there is no one else in my life. I belong to no one."

I belong to no one… That should not hurt as much as it does.

"I am pleased to hear that. So, Himari, may I take you to dinner?"

"Yes… Yes, Tsukihiko-san, I would love to go to dinner with you! But I— But I do not have anything suitable to wear…"

"Miss Maeda-Katōwamuro, I want to make it clear that what you wear is not important," he said. "The reason why I am inviting you to dinner is not based on your clothing but on your company. Tomorrow night at nine o'clock sharp, a chauffeur of mine will pick you up."

"Okay. Will I be picked up from here?"

"Yes, I suppose."

"Please, no! I mean— Forgive me!" Himari covered her mouth in sheer embarrassment.

I cannot risk anyone seeing a vehicle coming to take me, let alone seeing me speak to anyone, especially a man, like I am right now!

"Is picking you up from your residence not acceptable?" Tsukihiko asked with an expression of genuine concern.

Himari looked back at the Katōwamuro manor and felt a twinge in her heart. "Truthfully, no, it is not acceptable… But we can meet at the same place you first saw me, on the road going to the marketplace."

As the wrought iron gates closed in front of him, Tsukihiko bid farewell to Himari by tipping his hat. "Very well, Himari. I eagerly await our rendezvous tomorrow night."

"I do as well, Tsukihiko-san," Himari cried out, her face rouge beyond belief. "Goodbye!"

┍━ 【❀】 ━┑



The guest speaker Soaku had mentioned the previous evening happened to be none other than Jiro Adachi, a prosperous investor. Numerous organizations were vying for his investment, and the Katōwamuros were keen to avoid any competition. In order to sway Jiro Adachi in their favor, Soaku took the initiative to arrange a dinner.

Jiro was known for his boisterous nature, bursting into laughter at every opportunity and consuming sake with ease. Himari tirelessly catered to his drinking needs, causing her feet to ache from constant back and forth. However, when the discussion veered towards business matters, Jiro assumed a more grave and intellectual demeanor. Unlike his counterparts, Jiro stood out for his passion and firm belief in utilizing his wealth for the betterment of the community.

Soaku made an effort to shift the discussion towards more avaricious ideals, but Kihaku interrupted her and actively participated in the conversation with a level of energy and enthusiasm he had not shown in years. Soaku appeared disgusted and irritated by Kihaku's behavior, while Jiro was impressed and fully supported Kihaku's viewpoint.

Himari could not resist smiling while witnessing her father's face illuminate with enthusiasm as he passionately shared his benevolent and philanthropic convictions.

Father-sama, please smile more often. Please stay this way.

Upon completing her cleaning duties, Himari hurried to her bedroom to prepare herself for the much-anticipated date night with the enigmatic and attractive Tsukihiko Kobayashi. Unfortunately, she lacked suitable attire for the occasion, possessing only a black party dress and a humble pair of flats. To add a touch of allure, she applied a homemade lip balm crafted from beetroot and rose petals, granting her lips a delicate rouge tint.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari reached the street adjacent to the marketplace in under twenty minutes, spotting Tsukihiko eagerly awaiting her arrival. His dashing suit, in stark contrast to her simple dress, heightened her self-awareness, but her delight in seeing him outweighed any insecurities. "Tsukihiko-san, I made it as quickly as possible," she expressed, brimming with joy.

The man greeted Himari, taking her hand and placing a gentle kiss upon it. "I have longed to see you again, Himari. You look lovely."

"I have been wanting to see you again, too, Tsukihiko-san! I could not stop thinking of the night before, the time we first met."

"Come. I reserved a private table for us in a café with a scenery I think you will enjoy."

Himari and Tsukihiko strolled several blocks until they reached an upscale café. Upon their arrival, a waiter warmly welcomed them and escorted them to the balcony, where a cozy table for two was ready. The ambiance was imbued with romance, as candlelight flickered around them. From the balcony, they enjoyed a breathtaking view of Shibuya's nighttime charm, with its blooming flowers and captivating beauty.

Himari sat down on the seat Tsukihiko pulled out for her, wearing an expression of pure amazement. "Oh, Tsukihiko-san, this place is so beautiful!" she exclaimed. "I did not know that such a place was not so far from where I live. I have never— Excuse me. I am just so happy to be here with you."

"Himari, I will take you to places even finer than this if you are willing," Tsukihiko replied.

The man's words caused an unprecedented sensation in Himari's heart, making it beat faster. "Oh, my…"

It feels as if Tsukihiko-san is n ot even real , as if he comes from a different realm where men possess extraordinary kindness and warmth, unlike those I am accustomed to. He goes above and beyond to shower me with generosity, purely driven by his benevolent nature. This makes me believe that he genuinely appreciates me for who I am. I am overwhelmed with joy for having crossed paths with him, but I must ask: Is all this too good to be true?

The arrival of the waiter prompted Himari to place her order for chamomile tea with orange blossom honey and a slice of lemon chiffon cake, while Tsukihiko opted for a simple glass of water. After the server departed, Himari found the courage to initiate a conversation. "Tsukihiko-san, may I ask what your profession is?"

"Yes, of course. I am an international trader and importer. The business is extremely lucrative albeit time consuming, I must say. Yourself?"

"I do not have a career just yet, but I did mention my area of study. I plan to study abroad and become an apprentice soon," Himari chimed cheerfully. "I am eighteen, so I have a long way to go before I have a clinic of my own!"

Tsukihiko's smile shifted into a wry, concerned expression. "You are eighteen years old?"

"Yes, but I will be nineteen in November and that is only four months away. What, is something wrong?"

"There is nothing wrong, I just presumed you were older… I am far older than you, Himari. Are you comfortable with that? If not, we can end this immediately."

So, what if he is older than me? I am of age; I can be with anyone I want.

Himari giggled behind her hand as she spoke. "A man your age? You say that like you are ancient or something, Tsukihiko-san! I am more mature than I look." She placed her hand over his and spoke in a more serious tone as she said, "And I do not want the relationship we have to end… You truly are a wonderful man, Tsukihiko-san."

Tsukihiko covered Himari's palm with his and stroked it softly, reassuring her with his gentle touch. "And you are a marvelous young woman, Himari. I am pleased that our relationship can continue. I could not imagine never seeing you again."

After receiving their orders, Himari added a spoonful of honey to her tea while fixating on the chamomile flower drifting in the cup. The lemon chiffon cake, adorned with a drizzle of blueberry sauce, strawberries, and a dollop of whipped cream, was a petite delight. It melted in Himari's mouth, its texture delicate and airy. "Mmm, Tsukihiko-san, this is absolutely scrumptious! Would you like a slice as well?"

"Ah, I appreciate your kindness, but I ate earlier. I am happy that you are enjoying your dessert," Tsukihiko laughed.

Neither of them said anything for a short while. Himari nibbled on her slice of cake and sipped her tea, and Tsukihiko watched her eat contently. "Forgive me for my quietness and lack of conversation, Tsukihiko-san," Himari said softly. "It is just that this is my first date…"

Tsukihiko stared at her in disbelief before forcing an incredulous laugh. "This is your first date? No man has wanted to take a young lady as lovely as you out on a date? How can that be? What, is your father a stern man?"

"Yes, you could say that… I seldomly see my father but my stepmother is twice as strict. She would be angry if I went against her rules, like I am doing right now. That is why if anyone found out about us, I would be p-punished severely…" Himari felt a wave of dread wash over her as she observed Tsukihiko's inscrutable face, trying to anticipate his next words. She could not help but gulp nervously as she waited for his response.

"It appears that your stepmother sees you as nothing more than a child," Tsukihiko stated forthrightly.

"Oh? What makes you say that, Tsukihiko-san?"

"You have reached an age where you can independently make choices. I fail to understand why your stepmother would react angrily and impose punishments on you for not adhering to her rules, unless her underlying motive is to exert control over you."

Himari dabbed her mouth with a napkin, anxious. "Control? I… I do not understand why she would want that but maybe I am not meant to understand."

"Maybe, but let's move on from that topic," Tsukihiko suggested as he stood up. "Himari, let's leave this café and take a leisurely walk It is a perfect night, and a stroll would be delightful, yes?"

"Yes, it would, Tsukihiko-san!"

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

As Himari and Tsukihiko strolled together down the dazzling streets of Shibuya, their hands intertwined, they exchanged stolen glances. Engrossed in their conversation, they eventually halted at a charming flower stand. There, Tsukihiko lovingly bought Himari a vibrant bouquet, bursting with the hues of yellow and blue. The bouquet featured an exquisite arrangement of sunflowers, yellow roses, goldenrods, hydrangeas, and delphiniums.

With a blush coloring her cheeks, Himari batted her long lashes at him while inhaling the sweet fragrance of the flowers. "I adore them so much, Tsukihiko-san. Arigatō."

✧TRANSLATION: With a blush coloring her cheeks, Himari batted her long lashes at him while inhaling the sweet fragrance of the flowers. "I adore them so much, Tsukihiko-san. Thank you."

"Anything for you, Himari. Moreover, I find your love of flowers and botany riveting. I promise to give you a garden one day, if you wish for it."

Upon hearing Tsukihiko's vow, Himari's once joyous expression turned somber. The recollection of her father's unfulfilled promise, which left her heartbroken, resurfaced, causing her heart to ache.

Promises are doomed to be broken…

"Himari, is something the matter?" Tsukihiko inquired. "Your countenance has changed."

"My father… You remind me him."

"I do hope that is a compliment," he chuckled.

"It is a compliment; you remind me of the man he used to be."

"Used to be?"

"Oh, did I just say that?" Himari laughed awkwardly. "What I meant was, he used to be like that when I was a child. We used to make all sorts of silly promises to each other, and surprisingly, we always honored them... My father is a man true to his word." Himari averted her gaze from Tsukihiko, hoping he would not notice her nose twitching, an idiosyncratic habit that hinted at her lack of truthfulness.

I do not want Tsukihiko-san to know the truth about me. If he knows, then he will not look at me the same way ever again. What kind of man will see value in a woman who own father does not see value in her?

Tsukihiko gently held her hands, tenderly tracing his fingers over her palm, their eyes locked in a meaningful gaze. "Himari, I am delighted to know that you recognize the same admirable qualities in me as you did in your father. It truly flatters me. Similar to your father, I assure you that every promise I make is sincere and genuine. I will honor each vow I speak. Therefore, trust me when I say that you hold the utmost significance in my entire existence."

Himari was at a loss for words, her bronze-colored eyes filled with glistening tears, as she could only gaze at him in silence.

This man... I am young but there is a love I harbor that is deeply entrenched in my soul. It is meant to be shared and cherished. Would it be fine for me to allow myself to fall for him, to love him dearly?

Is Tsukihiko-san the one? I pray he does not look away from me. If he continues to hold my gaze, then I will know.

Then, I will know.

Their eye contact remained unbroken as Tsukihiko simply kissed her palm. His lips brushed across her hand, the feeling akin to silk. "Come, let me take you to this secret spot I know of," he spoke into her palm as if her hand itself would respond.

Before Himari could take in a breath of air, she was being guided through the twisting, turning path of the woods to a clearing. The forest glade was filled with autumn-blooming cherry blossom trees. There was a shimmering pond and a breathtaking view of the golden, full moon in a sky of stars. Fireflies twinkled and fluttered about in the grass.

"Tsukihiko-san, this is so beautiful!" Himari gasped. "The moon is so pretty tonight."

"You and the moon are not so different," Tsukihiko complimented.

Flustered, Himari turned away to hide her rouge-colored cheeks. "Oh, my, you flatter me."

The man laid his overcoat on a boulder near the pond, then gestured for Himari to sit beside him. "Come, let us sit."

Himari obliged and sat closely beside him. She was unable to conceal her happiness and could not stop fidgeting but when Tsukihiko brought her closer to his side, her anxious fidgeting ceased. "Tsukihiko-san, I thank you for taking me here. I would have never known a place like this was here in Yaegashi."

"No, I thank you for allowing me to take you here, Himari. It is nice to have someone to relish the beauty of nature with. I know of more locations like this, and I would like to take you to all of them in time."

"I would love that, Tsukihiko-san," Himari giggled. "I look forward to going to more places with you."

It does not feel like I and Tsukihiko-san met just two nights ago. It feels like we have known each other forever. I cannot help but feel myself falling for him. I wonder, does he feel the same as I?

Close, they silently admired the last fireflies of the season. The late summer was bidding farewell, so the air carried a touch of coolness that Himari could not feel while resting against Tsukihiko.

It was like a dream.

Himari's eyes welled up with tears, causing a stinging sensation that prompted them to cascade down her cheeks. Sniffling, she instinctively shielded her face with her hands, avoiding Tsukihiko's worried gaze.

The man gently moved Himari's hands away from her tear-streaked face. "Himari, you are shedding tears. What has upset you?"

"No, no, no, Tsukihiko-san," she whispered tearfully. "I am not upset. I am not upset at all. That is the reason why I am crying; I do not remember the last time I felt this happy… Do you think that is strange?"

"No, that is not strange at all," Tsukihiko replied, wiping a tear away from her face. "Your happiness brings me joy, Himari, even if it is in the form of tears."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

It was a quarter past midnight when Himari arrived home after an extraordinary date with Tsukihiko.

The manor remained silent until a familiar voice lazily called out, indicating fatigue. "… Is that you, Himari?"

Upon hearing her father's voice, Himari turned around like a deer caught in the headlights. "Father-sama!"

As he emerged from his office, Kihaku stretched and blinked his eyes. The wrinkles on his sleepwear and messy hair indicated that he had spent the night there. "Himari, wait— You were away? I assumed you were in your bedroom... Is that lipstick?"

Himari shook her head with her nose twitching like a rabbit. "Oh, no, no, no, Father-sama, it is… It is stains from a strawberry and raspberry tea I drank! Yes, hahaha! It is very… Uh, staining."

I detest fibbing to Father-sama, but I must. I cannot have anyone knowing about I and Tsukihiko-san…

Perplexed, Kihaku came closer to her. "Why were you out? Where did you go?"

"I… I went out for a drink," Himari muttered, clinging her body in shame. "There was— There was a w-white peach drink I have wanted to try before summer ended… I thought it would be okay… for me to go after d-dinner. I saw how much fun everyone was having at the dinner and assumed that it would tire everyone out, so I did not b-bother asking…"

Kihaku stared at Himari for a long while, not giving any indication if he believed his daughter's words or not. "All right, fine, but you must ask for permission to leave next time. I need to always know that you are safe. Do not leave without telling anyone of your whereabouts ever again, Himari!"

"Yes, Father-sama. I will not leave without telling anyone again." Himari kissed her father on his cheek before heading downstairs to the basem*nt.

┍━ 【❀】 ━┑




Over the course of the previous week, Himari and Tsukihiko had been spending almost every evening together. Their activities ranged from visiting cafes and restaurants to sightseeing and traveling. However, tonight was an exception. Tsukihiko surprised Himari by arranging a personal session with a professional stylist. Despite her initial objections, Himari soon found herself in a spacious dressing room, surrounded by the stylist and a team of assistants.

Himari was surrounded by the stylist and her assistants, who buzzed around her like busy bees. They delicately handled her hair, took measurements of her bust and waist, and presented her with images of models. Meanwhile, Tsukihiko observed the scene from a distance, chuckling quietly to himself.

"Oh, you are just so pretty, and your skin tone is beautiful, like a milk tea!" the stylist exclaimed. "I will take great pleasure in dressing and styling you to my heart's delight! Is there anything you would like to start with?"

"Um… Forgive me, but I do not know what I like," Himari answered sorrowfully. "I do not even know where to start. Forgive me."

"Oh, I see. Well, do you fancy any fabrics?"

"I am very fond of leather…"

The stylist snapped her fingers and her assistants left to retrieve the clothing.

An assistant presented Himari with a case of various leather gloves while the other presented her with leather boots. Another assistant wheeled a rack of elegant coats towards her.

"I must mention that all of these articles of clothing are the new, unreleased items of our Autumn and Winter women's collection," the stylist said. "Mister Kobayashi emphasized that he only wanted the best of the best to be presented to you, so it is only right to show you what has yet to be even pictured in the magazines!"

"Oh, everything is so beautiful!" Himari exclaimed. "Arigatō gozaimasu, Tsukihiko-san!"

✧TRANSLATION: "Oh, everything is so beautiful!" Himari exclaimed. "Thank you very much, Tsukihiko-san!"

"So, what will you try on first?"

"That one," Himari said, pointing at a white leather fur-trimmed trench coat.

"Excellent choice, my girl! That trench coat also comes in the shades of black, navy, chestnut, and mulberry."

An assistant helped Himari put her arms through the sleeves of the luxurious trench coat. Giggling, Himari twirled in front of the mirrors and for the first time in a while, she could stomach looking at herself. "Oh, Tsukihiko-san, I love this one dearly!"

"Please, could we have a moment?" Tsukihiko asked abruptly.

After the stylist and her assistants left the room, Tsukihiko positioned himself behind Himari. He retrieved a gift box from his pocket and unveiled a necklace: a heart-shaped ruby adorned with sparkling diamonds, delicately hanging from a sterling silver chain.

Himari was left speechless by the exquisite necklace, unable to take her eyes off it as Tsukihiko gently fastened it around her neck. She could not help but inquire with awe, "Oh, my, Tsukihiko-san, is that— This jewel is real, is it not?"

"Yes, it is," Tsukihiko smirked as he answered, then leaned closer to plant a kiss on her neck and collarbones. His expression turned sour when Himari resisted his advances. "What is wrong?"

"No, no, no, Tsukihiko-san. I cannot accept this."

"Why not?"

"Because… Because it is too much! We have only known each other for a short amount of time, and you are already showering me gifts! Do you not think things are happening a little too fast?"

"I see no issue with spoiling you."

"Fine, but this necklace is still too valuable and expensive, Tsukihiko-san! I cannot accept something so valuable."

"Expensive? Do not insult me. I have more than enough capital to purchase whatever I wish, and I chose to give you jewelry. I find it looks lovely around your neck."

Himari gazed at her reflection in the mirror and realized that Tsukihiko's words were true; the necklace did look lovely around her neck. "Well, I will not wear it," she muttered under her breath.

"You will," he countered.

"I will not."

"You will."

"I will not!"

"Himari, are you not my woman?" Tsukihiko asked abruptly.

"Yes! I mean, I think so. Why else would we be seeing each other in this way if we were not together?"

"A woman of mine wears only the finest clothes and jewelry, therefor you will accept whatever I give you."


"The decision is final," Tsukihiko interjected. "From now on, you must always wear this necklace in my presence. Do you understand what I am asking you, Himari?"

"Yes, I understand, Tsukihiko-san… May I ask you a question?"

"You may."

Himari looked deep within herself to muster the courage to ask a question she had been wanting to ask him since they met. "… Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Everything. All of this. Treating me with such kindness, taking me to so many places, giving me such expensive things… Why? Why me? What is the reason? No one, and I mean no one, has ever been so nice to me. I would assume you want something, but I have nothing of value to offer. There are so many other women who can give you all you desire, so why choose me?" Himari's tears flowed uncontrollably as she released all the pain, heartbreak, and sorrow she had carried for years.

Tsukihiko gazed at her intently, his expression filled with a mix of emotions that were difficult to interpret. It was as if he had never witnessed a woman's tears before or knew how to provide comfort. Without uttering a word, he chose to express his response by gently placing his lips upon hers.

Despite being taken aback by the unexpectedness of the kiss, Himari did not move away. She slowly closed her eyes and surrendered to Tsukihiko's passionate embrace. As the kiss concluded, Himari's countenance had changed: her bronze-colored eyes shimmered with a golden hue, while her cheeks blushed with a hint of rosy color.


Once again, their lips met in a deep embrace, but this time it was Himari who took the lead. With a surge of passion, the couple shared a fervent kiss, oblivious to the world around them. In that precious moment, nothing else held significance as the warmth, tenderness, and vitality of the kiss consumed them. A deep longing for intimacy stirred within Himari, festering in her loins, an insatiable desire that burned with intensity.

His kiss is the tenderest thing I have ever experienced, I do not wish it to end.

Withdrawing from the kiss, Tsukihiko turned Himari around so that she faced the mirror with him standing behind her. "Himari?"

"Yes, Tsukihiko-san?"

"Pardon my forthrightness but I must ask: Have you ever pleasured yourself?"

Himari felt her tingling cheeks becoming even redder. "W-what? Oh, my!"

"Masturbation," Tsukihiko clarified, unabashed. "Have you ever engaged in self-gratification?"

"No, no, no… I have not."

"How come?"

"Because I w-was told— Ah!" Himari was interrupted by Tsukihiko biting her earlobe without warning. The pain was superseded by a strange, unfamiliar sensation that Himari could yet describe.

That feeling… I— I think like it?

"What were you told?"


"What were you told?" Tsukihiko asked once more, enunciating each syllable. "Finish what you were saying."

"I was told that it was wrong, a sin. Unchaste and impure." Himari mewled when Tsukihiko's hands began scouring all over her body. She wanted to tell him to stop and that she was saving herself for marriage, but her heart did not want him to stop. Her heart wanted the touching to continue and escalate further.


"They are wrong, you were lied to," Tsukihiko said earnestly. "It is not sinful to pleasure yourself. How else would you discover more about yourself, your likes and dislikes? As a blossoming young woman, it is your right to explore your body. You should not deprive yourself of pleasure any longer."

"I should not… deprive... myself of pleasure? Oh, my— Ahn!"

Time stood still as the man fondled and groped her body erotically, but time resumed when he paused and went close to her ear. "Himari, tonight when you lay your head down on your bed, I want you to touch yourself," Tsukihiko whispered. "Think of me as you do so."

"Yes… Yes, I will, Tsukihiko-san." Himari watched her and Tsukihiko's reflection in the mirror as he cupped her tender, perky breasts. The young woman breathed heavily, squeezing her thighs together as a weak effort to quell the simmering heat between her legs.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

As soon as her new clothes were in the dresser, Himari practically ripped off her clothing and threw herself on the mattress. She felt feverish from her head to her toes and the only thing she could think of was what Tsukihiko said to her.

"Himari, tonight when you lay your head down on your bed, I want you to touch yourself. Think of me as you do so."

The simmering heat emanating between Himari's legs grew from a subtle warmth to an intense inferno. She delved deeper into an experience that was once deemed unholy and sinful. A dark, lustful nature started to awaken, bringing with it an enlightened sense of self. If someone were to question Himari about her fervent disregard for the principles ingrained in her since childhood, allured by a man she had only known for a short time, she could not offer a satisfactory explanation.

What is this sensation? I… I feel so feverish down there… I am so, so, so hot!

The barred window was open, allowing crisp air of autumn inside. From between her thighs, the erotic scent of a young woman's awakening left a sillage more potent than the morning dew of jasmine flowers.

Himari tossed and turned whilst squeezing her thighs, whimpering softly. The heat pulsing between her legs coaxed her to remove her panties, and she obeyed. As soon as the cool air of the bedroom hit the warmness of her privates, she began to feel tingly all over. The slightest touch from another would drive her mad, and with the man in question not around to quell it, she had to take matters into her own hands.

I… I have never done this before. What do I do? Do I just plunge right in? No, that is not it. I guess I will take it slow…

Uncertain, Himari moved a delicate finger along the trail of her inner vagin*l lips. Shivers fluttered down her spine as she neared her cl*tor*s. Even the slightest friction from when she neared the sensitive bud of flesh created indescribable waves of pleasure.

Oh, Tsukihiko-san. I cannot stop thinking of the kiss that we shared...

As she thought about her kiss with Tsukihiko, it began to feel as if it was actively happening, so much that she could taste his tongue and feel the softness of his lips. She could still feel him cupping her breasts and rubbing the area near her privates. "Ahhh…"

This feels so good…

Himari's expectant fingers continued wandering through her Garden of Peach Blossoms until she climaxed. She covered her mouth to muffle a piercing moan. "I am going to—I am coming!"

I came… My first org*sm… So amazing!

Himari held up her fingers and saw that the two digits were coated in her clear nectar. Aroused, she shoved her fingers in her mouth without a second thought and sucked them dry. She mewled in desire and was amazed at how flavorful she tasted: sweet yet tangy from salty perspiration.

I am… I am behaving so impurely. H-how lewd of me! I do not know what came over me, but this tastes so good! Is this what I have been missing all my life from being so chaste?

It was not long before Himari hungered for more pleasure, so she began rubbing and squeezing her cl*tor*s between two fingers until she felt herself at the brink of climax once again. The young woman covered her mouth and released a muffled wail as she experienced an org*sm more powerful than the last. "Nghhh!"

Exhausted, Himari laid flat on the mattress with her arms outstretched and breathing heavily. An even darker rouge came upon her flushed cheeks upon acknowledging a sudden realization.

… I am in love with Tsukihiko Kobayashi.

*ೃ༄OUTRO .ೃ࿐

𓆩 𓆪 HYDRA - MYTH & ROID 𓆩 𓆪

破滅さえ 厭わないで
ねえ まだこの手に残る欠片だって
何もかも 失くしても
捧げるものが 在るの
未来だって 命でさえ
焼け尽きた感情も 不毛な祈りも
縋る無様も 貢ぐ愚かも
病んだ声も 穢れた両手も

𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳

時間がまだ 在るのなら
無意味だって 無駄だっていい
積み上げた日々が 無残に散っても
想いが呪いに 変わったとしても
報いも無く 徒労に終わってもいい
暗く陰った この道の先では
どんな光も やがて潰えるでしょう
希望待つように 生きるより
尽くしきるの 今を
焼け尽きた感情も 不毛な祈りも
縋る無様も 貢ぐ愚かも
何もかもが どうなってもいい
全て貴方に 捧げよう

𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘧 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳

Chapter 2: Act II


˚.༄ ❁ ˎˊ Hey, long time no see! I've finally managed to put out the second installment! Enjoy! Thank you for reading!


Chapter Text

It is the Kakusei era, year 3XXX.

The world has undergone a drastic change due to the series of global conflict, ecological disasters, and the advancement of technology. Modern civilization had long collapsed and the merging of countries, increase in oligarchs and totalitarian regimes, corruption, and warfare was rampant.

Left alone, uninterrupted without pause, was a world unbeknownst to those fortunate; a world filled with demons and those who slay them.

* "Dialogue."
*'Telepathic dialogue.'
*"Past conversation."

┍━ 【❀】 ━┑



Himari faced a dilemma while getting ready for her date with Tsukihiko as she struggled to decide on her outfit. She sifted through the collection of high-end, trendy garments that he had bought for her, and amidst the pile, she discovered a black co*cktail dress.

What a pretty dress. I do not remember receiving this from Tsukihiko.

In front of the mirror, Himari frowned as she held up the dress.

Oh, my, this does not appear to suit me at all!

Believing that the dress would enhance her appearance, she decided to wear it. However, as she looked at herself in the mirror, her dissatisfaction grew. She became self-conscious about her figure, perceiving it as shapeless and terribly frail in the dress. Moreover, she felt uneasy about the dress's short length and how immodest it was. Just as Himari was about to remove the dress, she began to realize that it was no coincidence that such a dress was in her possession.

No, no, no, I must not think badly about the dress nor how I look. Finding this dress was not a mistake; Tsukihiko-san gave me this dress for a reason. He is testing me because he wants to know if I am confident in myself!

Tsukihiko Kobayashi undeniably exerted a significant influence on Himari. The man made her feel beautiful, wanted, and desired, unlike any other. It was only natural for Himari to hold him in high regard and yearn for his continued approval, striving never to never disappoint him.

Himari adorned her attire with black flats with silver buckles. Standing before the mirror, she held her head high and placed her hands on her hips, feeling a profound sense of contentment, self-assurance, and a strong desire to make a lasting impression on the man who captured her heart.

I am ready for you, Tsukihiko-san.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari and Tsukihiko found themselves seated in a booth at an upscale restaurant. The flickering candle between them cast a mesmerizing dance of light, creating an ambiance of silence that stretched on indefinitely.

"You appear to be uncomfortable," Tsukihiko commented, rubbing his finger along the rim of his glass of sake.

"Uncomfortable?" Himari asked questionably. "What makes you think that, Tsukihiko-san?"

"I can feel you bouncing your leg underneath the table, to begin with," he laughed.

Embarrassed, Himari covered her mouth and looked away in shame. "Oh, my… I guess I am a little anxious."

"Why is that?"

"Because I was nervous about what you would think of me when you saw me," she muttered, her head low. "It took a lot for me to put on this dress, Tsukihiko-san. It is a beautiful dress, but I do not think that I am doing this dress any favors..."

Tsukihiko gave a short laugh while wearing a skeptical expression, as though he could not fathom the words flowing from Himari's lips. "Himari, you appear very attractive. There is nothing wrong with your physique, I assure you. In fact, you should embrace this look more often... I like what I see."

Tsukihiko-san likes what he sees!

"So, how was it, your self-gratification?" Tsukihiko inquired, narrowing his eyes like a playful, mischievous cat.

"It was so amazing, Tsukihiko-san. I never knew… that access to something that felt so good was just at my fingertips, literally."

"That is wonderful to hear. Now, describe it to me in detail."

Anxious, Himari glanced at the people seated around them. "W-what? Here, in public?"

"Yes,"Tsukihiko purred with a hand stroking and squeezing her thigh underneath the table. "Here, in public."

Himari's nipples hardened and rubbed against the fabric of her co*cktail dress. When Tsukihiko's hands moved further up her thigh, close to her intimate area, she fought the urge to yelp aloud. "I— I…"

The man beckoned her to continue with his soft crimson eyes. He goaded her to articulate her experience using vividly colorful words by gently prodding and nudging her feet. "Go on, tell me. Tell me of what you did last night."

Aroused, Himari bit her lip and fidgeted like mad in her seat, eager yet hesitant to divulge her secrets. The feeling, the rush, and the thrill of everything was intoxicating. "As soon as I got home, I took off all my clothes because I was feverish and aching all over. I did not know or understand what to do, so I listened to my body. I touched the parts of me that ached the most and I thought of you as I did so, like you instructed me to do. Our kiss was the only thing on my mind, and I kept replaying it. I kept touching myself until I had to stop. Oh, I have never felt such a powerful release… and then I tasted myself. I tasted rather sweet and sharp, like a tart summer drink. I… I liked it, I really did. I liked it so much, I did it all over again."

Impressed, Tsukihiko patted Himari's knee underneath the table. "Good girl."

Himari was on the verge of losing her balance and melting in her chair. The man's words exuded possessiveness, as if she belonged to him completely, and she struggled to control her intense feelings of arousal. "Oh, m-my..." she stammered, barely able to find her words.

The waiter came back to replenish their beverages and presented Himari with a serving of lemon chiffon cake.

Once the waiter left, Himari spoke. "Tsukihiko-san, I wanted to ask you something..."

"Yes, Himari?"

"The annual Yaegashi Tsukimi festival is tomorrow night... and I was wondering if we could go together." Expecting rejection, Himari tightly shut her eyes and crossed her fingers.

Please, please, please say yes! Oh, I have always wanted to go to the annual Tsukimi festival with someone, but no one has taken me in years! Going there with Tsukihiko-san will be a dream come true!

"I would love to, Himari," Tsukihiko replied calmly.

"You will?"

"Yes, it will be a wonderful activity to do together."

"Oh, Tsukihiko-san, I cannot wait!"



Saori, filled with shame, perched on the edge of her bed. She found herself in the midst of a scolding from her mother, who had just discovered that she had been meeting a man without her consent.

Soaku paced around in an agitated manner, appearing as if she was about to faint or collapse. She commanded while hyperventilating, "I forbid you from ever seeing that young man again!"

"Mother!" Saori shouted back in anger, Why does must decision be so severe? It is not as if Ikuo is lowly. He comes from a prosperous, wealthy family!"

"Although the Watomi boy may not possess traits of lowliness or humility, the reputation of his people is deplorable and abhorrent. They are not accepted within our social circles because they are below us. Dear God, I cannot have such a scandal sully the Katōwamuro family name!"

Saori's head drooped in shame as she detested disappointing her mother, despite their frequent arguments. "Mother, I assure you that Ikuo and I were discreet about our affairs..."

"Oh, yes! You were both very secretive and discreet," Soaku remarked sarcastically. "You two were so secretive and discreet that someone told me about it!"

Upon hearing that, Saori's emerald-green eyes widened as she lifted her head. "Mother, someone told you about this? Who was it?"

"Saori, it is not important who informed me. People talk. Rumors spread easily, and if someone else had witnessed your actions, they would have undoubtedly shared it and started gossiping about our respected family name over tea! They might even question my abilities as a mother and go as far as calling you promiscuous, saying that you are loose! Saori, you are forbidden to leave this manor until I say otherwise!"

"But, Mother—"

"Silence!"Soaku interjected. "Saori, I will see to it that you will never see that young man ever again."

"I cannot do that, Mother."

"Why, Saori?"

"Because I am in love with him," Saori whispered under her breath.

"What did you just say, Saori?"

"I said that I am in love with Ikuo Watomi!" Saori said in a raised voice. Upon saying the truth aloud, she felt a weight being lifted despite the dire circ*mstances. For a moment, she felt that she was not suffocating under the pressure of her mother's domineering control and could finally breathe. Saori bowed before her mother as she spoke. "Mother, I see a wonderful future with Ikuo. I wish to leave the manor and marry him promptly. I know that this is a lot to digest but I am an adult… Please give us your blessing."

Saori exclaimed loudly, confessing, "I am deeply in love with Ikuo Watomi!" As she spoke the truth, she felt a sense of relief despite the difficult situation. It was as if a heavy burden had been lifted, allowing her to breathe freely.

The noblewoman stood still, her mouth agape with incredulity. "Saori..."

Saori bowed to humbly address her mother and said, "Mother, I envision a wonderful future with Ikuo. I wish to leave the manor and marry him promptly. I know that this is a lot to digest but I am an adult… Please give us your blessing."

Tension thickened in the air.

Soaku abruptly swung her hand back and delivered an openhanded slap to her daughter. The sound of the strike echoed like thunder, resonating with the intensity of the moment.

There was a long while of silence until Soaku spoke once more. "Marriage to the Watomi boy? Ba-haha! Nonsense! You are a disgrace, Saori. Forget about him momentarily because I will see to it that you will never cross paths with him again!"

Saori massaged her crimson, pulsating cheek and directed a fierce gaze towards her mother, filled with intense animosity. "Mother, you cannot impede me from meeting him. I am determined to leave this estate and be with him!"

"Then I will be certain to make it impossible for you to see him," Soaku replied with a shrug.

"How would you do that?"

With a stern expression, the noblewoman fixed her gaze upon her daughter, sending a shiver down anyone's back. Her words were gravely serious as she explained, "It is simple; I will reach out to one of my acquaintances to take care of the Watomi boy."

The young woman covered her mouth in horror, appalled by her mother's blatant allusion to murder. "You would not dare do such a thing!"

"Oh, yes, I would, Saori! Try me!"

Saori's head drooped in surrender as she acknowledged her mother's merciless nature. The individuals with whom the Katōwamuro family had associated for generations were considerably more ruthless than her, capable of committing any act imaginable.

I cannot live with myself if I endanger Ikuo's life…

Saori's emerald-green eyes shed fiery tears born of sorrow, a mixture of anguish over her inability to be with her lover and the seething fury caused by someone's betrayal. In her heart, she believed that someone had perpetrated a despicable, deceitful act that shattered her connection with Ikuo, and she had a suspicion of the culprit's identity. "Certainly, Mother," she replied, her voice laced with resignation.

This is all Himari's doing! That bitch! I will teach her a lesson if it is the last thing I do.


It was the night of the annual Tsukimi festival in Yaegashi, and the lively event took place at Kurosuna beach, located along the coastline. Numerous residents of Yaegashi gathered to rejoice under the Harvest Moon, embracing the joyous atmosphere with songs and dances that filled their hearts with delight.

Himari and Tsukihiko were perfectly attired for the event. Himari looked stunning in a vibrant floral kimono, adorned with pink and red blooms. She gracefully held a parasol that perfectly matched her ensemble. Tsukihiko sported dark fedora and a stylish dark blue yukata, featuring a three-line grid pattern. Hand in hand, they strolled through the festival, basking in the warm glow of lanterns and relishing the lively atmosphere of the crowd.

Himari noticed a booth where balls were being thrown to win stuffed animals as prizes. Among the various stuffed animals, her attention was drawn to a teddy bear clutching a white rose.

Oh, how kawaii is that?

"I have not been to a Tsukimi festival in so long, Tsukihiko-san!" Himari exclaimed with eyes filled with the light of pure wondrous joy. "Everyone is so cheerful and happy!"

"Yes but are you happy, Himari?" Tsukihiko inquired.

"Yes, yes, yes, I am! Being with you is more than enough to make me happy, Tsukihiko-san!"

"That is wonderful to hear. Come, the night is ours."

The couple chose a table adorned with bush clover and pampas grass, settling down to witness a mesmerizing dance and koto music performance unfolding on a crimson and gold stage. Himari found solace in Tsukihiko's affectionate embrace, feeling a sense of belonging she had always longed for.

The October air has a quiet bite to it but, in his arms, I am warm, safe, and content.

A moon like this, round and golden, is for making memories. To live, to laugh, to love u nderneath this fleeting lunar light.

The placid waters along the coastline of Kurosuna possessed a tranquil essence capable of lulling even the most restless infant. The vista before them was etched into their memory, unforgettable, as they beheld a navy blue sea adorned with shimmering ripples, mirroring the hazy night sky. Their gaze fixated upon the grandeur of a colossal, radiant golden-orange moon suspended overhead.

"The moon is beautiful, is it not, Himari?" Tsukihiko asked.

"Yes, yes, yes, Tsukihiko-san!" Himari agreed. "It appears to be so large, like I can reach out and touch it."

Every day, after the sun falls, the moon rises, b ut there is no night to view the moon l ike tonight.

Standing by the shore, Himari extended her arms, immersing herself in the enchanting autumn breeze that carried the scent of saltwater. The sensation of the white sand and refreshing ocean water against her feet felt almost mystical. Lost in the moment, she remained in that position until she finally opened her eyes, only to realize that Tsukihiko was nowhere to be found.

Where did Tsukihiko-san go?

"Tsukihiko-san?" Himari called out, frantically looking around the area. She walked away from the coastline and was swept into the joyous crowd. The people were singing and dancing while Himari was in a rising state of panic. "Tsukihiko-san? Tsukihiko-san? Tsukihiko-san?Tsukihiko-san!"

"Himari, I am right here."

When Himari looked back, she noticed Tsukihiko standing right behind her, clutching the same oversized white teddy bear as before. "Tsukihiko-san, where did you go? Why did you leave like that?"

"I saw you enjoying the ocean breeze, so thought I would surprise you," he replied earnestly, offering the teddy bear to her. "I saw you eyeing it earlier, and i felt that you should have it."

"You are not answering my question, Tsukihiko-san!" Himari snapped angrily. "Why did you leave without saying a word?"

The man's bewildered and surprised expression returned Himari to reality. She suddenly became aware that she was conversing with the most attractive and compassionate man she had ever encountered, who loved her unconditionally. Feelings of shame, embarrassment, and remorse washed over her in the form of painful twinges in the heart as she recognized the unfairness of her behavior towards him.

Oh, my, what am I doing? I am behaving like an entitled and needy child! It is not right for me to behave this way. Tsukihiko-san does not deserve any of my anger or hatred because of my own problems. It is so easy for me to get overwhelmed and lose control of my emotions! I just hope this does not make Tsukihiko-san think less of me. If that were to happen, I do not know how I would

Himari's train of dark, intrusive thoughts came to an abrupt halt as a sudden and passionate kiss enveloped her. Like an unforeseen shooting star, the osculation was swift and intense. With the touch of his lips, she felt her spirit awaken, blooming like a delicate flower, and surrendering herself further into the depths of his affection. It was an electrifying, sensual, and metaphysical experience that defied conventional description.

Breathless, Himari closed her eyes and melted into his embrace. "I am so, so, so sorry for behaving like that, Tsukihiko-san!" she wept against him. "It is just that everyone I have ever loved has left me… I fear to lose another person in in my life. There is no more pain I can bear."

Okasan and Father-sama were the first to leave me. Father-sama's departure hurts me more because unlike my mother, he is alive and well. He has not looked me in the eyes in so long and that pierces my heart like thorns.

I cannot lose Tsukihiko-san. He is the only one that makes me happy and pushes me to go on! Without him, I have nothing to live for.

"Himari, you must not worry about me ever leaving," Tsukihiko whispered to her, cupping her face. "I am here to stay because you are mine and I am yours."

"Is that true, Tsukihiko-san?"

"Yes, it is true. I love you, Himari."

Unable to comprehend the words Tsukihiko had just said, Himari gazed up at him with an astonished, doe-eyed expression. "What was that, Tsukihiko-san?"

"I said, I love you, Himari," Tsukihiko reiterated.

He said it… He said that he loves me. I thought that my love was unrequited, but he felt the same the entire time! I am so deeply in love with him, if only he knew.

"… I love you, too, Tsukihiko-san!"

Bathed in the amber light of the glowing paper lanterns and the Harvest Moon, Himari and Tsukihiko kissed.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari did not find scrubbing hardwood floors to be a painful task as she was still in a blissful, dreamy state from the previous night. She could not help but swoon at the thought of Tsukihiko's words to her during the annual Tsukimi festival, which kept echoing in her mind repeatedly.

"The moon is beautiful, is it not, Himari?"

"Yes, it is true. I love you, Himari."

"I said, I love you, Himari."

The thought of being loved by a handsome, mysterious gentleman made it difficult for Himari to conceal her arousal. Her taut nipples ached and chafed against the poor fabric of her apron dress, so she gave her nipple a fierce squeeze and stifled a quiet moan. The young woman refrained from touching herself to not become too feverish.

Oh, m-my... So good!

"Himari?" a familiar voice called out.

Startled, Himari stopped touching her breasts and composed herself. She turned her head to see Saori watching her. "Y-yes, Saori-chan?"

"Could you come with me to my room for a minute? I need to talk to you."

Himari placed down the bucket and sponge, visibly nervous and confused. "... Yes, yes, yes. Of course, Saori-chan." She followed Saori upstairs into her bedroom, shuddering in fear.

I am so anxious. I wonder what Saori-chan wishes to speak with me about. I hope it is nothing bad…

Once inside, Saori sat upon the stool in front of her vanity dresser. "Himari, are you envious of me?" she began.

Himari stood frozen, her astonishment evident as she remained silent, unable to articulate a suitable response.

"Let me rephrase the question because you may not know what the word 'envious' means: Himari, are you jealous of me?"

The lump lodged in Himari's throat lessened enough to grant her the ability to give a brief response. "… No, no, no, Saori-chan. I am not jealous nor envious of you."

"Really? I would beg to differ," Saori remarked as she delicately brushed her vibrant, fuchsia hair using a bejeweled brush. Engrossed in her self-care routine, she observed Himari through the mirror, her eyes resembling those of a graceful feline, shimmering in emerald green. "I am prettier than you. That is true despite what was once said, so get that through your thick, hollow skull."

Himari opened her mouth to respond, but Saori turned her head around and yelled, "I am not finished speaking! The likes of you shall not interrupt me when I am speaking!"

Nodding, Himari covered her mouth and lowered her head in shame.

"You could not handle the thought of a man loving me, wanting me, desiring me because a man has never looked your way," Saori continued. "I mean, look at you. You are nothing more than a plain, scraggly housemaid. You are bound to this manor because of your debt, you wear thirdhand rags that were sewn together ineptly, and you are covered in ugly scars from head to toe. You smell like floor cleaner and mackerel while I smell like jasmine and honeysuckle. No one would blame you for being envious of me."

Saori's callous words pierced and cut through Himari like dull knives, rending her heart like how they would tear through flesh tissue. It was a heart-wrenchingly painful experience to hear the true thoughts of her older stepsister, whom she deeply loved and respected. "Saori-chan, why are you saying such cruel things to me?" she asked tearfully, heartbroken. "Why are you doing this? I have nothing but love and admiration for you, why have you never noticed it?"

"Love and admiration? Ha! Do not make me laugh. You have always hated me."

"I never hated you, Saori-chan, even when you—" A sharp, painful memory cut Himari's words off, leaving her mouth agape with a trembling bottom lip. "Why must we fight, Saori-chan? I know our relationship is not the best, but you are still my stepsister, and I cannot stop loving you! If only you knew how much I truly adore you..."

"Oh, cut the act!" Saori yelled at the top of her lungs. "I know it was you who told Mother about what you saw in my bedroom."

The memory of the time Himari saw a young man in Saori's bedroom came to mind. "W-what? Saori-chan, I did not tell anyone! I—"

"It was you, Himari. Do not even try to deny it!" Saori stood up from her stool, her gaze fixed on Himari. The brightness of her emerald-green eyes faded away, replaced by an intense anger that darkened them completely.

From Himari's perspective, she witnessed a disturbing transformation of Saori's lovely face into something horrifying and grotesque, resembling the mask of a Hannya. Himari stumbled backward, overwhelmed by the intense anger radiating from her older stepsister like fiery flames. Trembling, she pleaded with Saori, desperately hoping to be heard. "Saori-chan, I beg you, please listen to me! I never betrayed you! I did not tell a soul! Please, I implore you, do not hurt me any further!"

In a fit of anger, Saori's hand clenched around the nearest object within her reach, a weighty lacquered jewelry box. With a forceful gesture, she flung it towards Himari, her voice filled with fury as she shouted,"You hollow-headed idiot!"

Upon being struck by the jewelry box, Himari immediately felt herself losing balance and falling. Upon hitting the floor, she realized she was unable to move and remained still as her mind slowly drifted into unconsciousness. Despite the harshness of the situation, the peacefulness of her unconscious state was a welcome contrast to her reality.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"Hey, get up," a voice whispered sharply. "Himari, wake up!"

As Himari's eyes fluttered open, she was greeted by the sight of a blurry, unrecognizable face. However, as her vision cleared, she was flooded with a rush of recognition at the sight of those familiar wide, ingenuous eyes and the trademark curly high pigtails. "… Yui-chan?"

"Yes, it is me!" Yui sang cheerfully, taking Himari's hand and helping her up. "Come on, let's take you downstairs in the basem*nt."

"Yui-chan... You are... helping me?" Himari asked in confusion and disbelief.

"Yes. I am. Lean on me and watch your step."

With Himari relying on Yui for assistance, the pair made their way down to the basem*nt at a leisurely pace.

"Yui-chan, I feel so nauseous," Himari groaned, staggering as she walked. "My head is pounding like it is about to explode…"

"I bet you do feel nauseous. You were lying there unconscious for a few minutes."

"I was? Oh, my…"

Four flights of stairs later, they arrived in the cold, dimly lit basem*nt. Yui helped Himari lay down on the mattress and covered her with a thin blanket. "All done, hi-hi! I could not let you lie there on the floor, I had to do something. Also... I must thank you for taking the blame for me!"

"Taking the blame? What do you mean, Yui-chan?"

Yui's eyes, large and emerald-green, glimmered with an unhinged intensity as she declared, "It was me who informed Mother about Saori's relationship!"

"What?" Himari gasped in pure disbelief. "It was you? Saori-chan believed that I was the one who told Lady Mistress Soaku-sama!"

"Yeah, I know. Sucks, huh? I was eavesdropping and heard the entire thing, hi-hi-hi! It was a very intense exchange, but I did not think Saori would hit you with such a hard object! I guess I am sorry about that…" Yui shed her mask of feigned remorse to reveal her true malicious nature as she said, "Do not even think about telling anyone because no one will ever believe you."

With a sorrowful nod, Himari acknowledged the truth in Yui's words. She was aware that no one would trust her. "I promise to never speak a word of this, Yui-chan. However, I cannot help but wonder why you decided to betray your own sister."

"Oh, there are some things you just would never understand, Himari…"

Struggling to rise, Himari gazed at Yui with a impassive expression, grimacing from the discomfort. "I may not be intelligent enough to understand, but I can try."

"Oh… Well, I was bored! And Saori deserved it!" Yui erupted into uncontrollable laughter, her pigtails bouncing as she rocked back and forth. Her laughter, with its child-like and piercingly high pitch, was quite unpleasant to the ears.

Himari was not as mirthful as she wearily settled onto her mattress, curling up in a fetal position and clutching her knees. The pulsating ache in her head grew stronger, accompanied by a piercing ringing in her ears. The flickering and swaying of the lightbulb above her forced Himari to turn her head and tightly close her eyes.

I feel horrible, dreadfully ill. Something is not right…

Yui asked, her voice becoming faint and distant, "What, do you not find it amusing? Well, you have always lacked a sense of humor anyway."

As Himari descended deeper into disorientation, her surroundings swirled and multiplied, eventually blurring into an indistinguishable haze, rendering her unable to perceive anything.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari was abruptly awakened by a forceful kick to her side, causing her to cry out in pain. As she opened her eyes, she was met with the stern gaze of her stepmother. "Aie!"

"Do you believe you can simply sleep and laze about in this mansion all day?" Soaku accused. The noblewoman's voice was excessively loud and slurred, suggesting that she was intoxicated.

Oh, no, no, no…

Soaku delivered another powerful kick that left Himari gasping for air. Clutching her abdomen, Himari struggled to escape, her vision blurred by tears.

"You will earn your keep if you are to live under this roof!"Soaku seized Himari's arm and pulled her forcefully up the stairs leading out of the basem*nt.

The frail young woman screamed and kicked along the way, sobbing. "Lady Mistress Soaku-sama! Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, please! Please, yamete! Yamete kudasai!"

✧TRANSLATION: The frail young woman screamed and kicked along the way, sobbing. "Lady Mistress Soaku-sama! Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, please! Please, stop it! Stop it, please!"

Once they reached the main dining area, Soaku pushed a bucket of soapy water at Himari's feet and threw a sponge into her hands.

Himari experienced a wave of fear and her legs trembled uncontrollably. Throughout her childhood, she had dreaded Soaku's intoxicated outbursts because she was always the target of her wrath. Soaku's anger manifested in various ways, such as scalding her hand with hot water, burning her with fireplace embers or a cigarettes, or physically assaulting her.


It was always pain.

Soaku forced Himari to stand up straight and shoved a mop in her shaking hands. "Here! Take that! Now quickly do what you are good for, you skinny whor*!"

Struggling to catch her ragged breath, Himari propped herself up against the mop, as her legs trembled on the brink of giving way. "Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, I need… help." she pleaded before collapsing to the hardwood floor.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari's ears were filled with the constant hum of monitors and beeping sounds as she slowly regained consciousness. As she opened her eyes, she found herself in a world of institutional white. "Oh, my… Where am I?"

A kind-faced man in a white coat smiled warmly at her. "Hello, Miss Maeda-Katōwamuro," he greeted. "I am Doctor Kansai, and you are in the emergency ward of Yaegashi Central hospital."

As Himari began to question why she was in the hospital, memories flooded back and fragmented scenes of what had happened played like broken shards in her mind, caused by her head injury.

Saori-chan… Yui-chan… Lady Mistress Soaku-sama…

"Miss Maeda-Katōwamuro, may I call you Himari?"

"… Yes, you may, Doctor Kansai."

"Thank you, Miss Himari. We have seen cases like yours."

"Cases… like mine?"

"Yes, Miss Himari. When I speak of cases like yours, I am speaking of the…injuriesyou have sustained over the years."

Feeling ashamed, Himari cast her gaze downward as she understood that he was subtly referring to the marks of wounds and bruises on her body. "Oh, my..."

"Miss Himari, I do not want to make assumptions or cross any boundaries, but there are certain aspects of your situation that indicate potential abuse." Seeking permission with a glance, the doctor gently placed a reassuring hand on Himari's. "Miss Himari, we have the means to assist you. However, we can only do so if you give us your consent. Just say the word."

A long period of silence was shattered by a pitiful, tearful plea from Himari. "I want my daddy."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari sorrowfully handed a nurse the telephone with a pained sigh; she had just finished speaking with her father. She told him that she was in the hospital and needed his presence and support, but Kihaku said he was swamped in meetings, so it was uncertain when he could leave to visit her.

Father-sama may not be able to come for me… That is fine because I do not want to inconvenience him with my condition. Still, I feel my heart breaking. I do not want to be alone right now.

As the young woman shifted onto her side to find some rest, she was suddenly taken aback by a chilling sight: a pale, white face peering at her from the shadows of the room. However, her fear quickly dissipated as she recognized who it was. Himari's heart filled with delight and she could not help but break into a wide smile as she sat up in bed. "Tsukihiko-san?" she exclaimed, pleasantly surprised. "Where did you— How did you manage to enter this place?"

With a respectful gesture, the man took off his fedora while approaching Himari's bedside, his smile radiating warmth. "I came to see you. How are you doing?"

"I want to go home," Himari whined, pouting. "I keep telling them that I am fine, but they are keeping me here for observation. I was told that it is not likely for me to leave tomorrow."

Tsukihiko gently brushed stray strands of hair away from Himari's face and lovingly tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Well, they do have a point there. Concussions should not be taken lightly. Can you please enlighten me, was that troublesome door the reason behind your injury?"

"Please, do not start with that again..."

Tsukihiko presented Himari with a freshly picked white rose, complete with thorns. "This is for you."

Accepting the rose, Himari offered a faint smile, finding solace in its sweet fragrance that provided relief from the sterile smell of the hospital room. "Tsukihiko-san, you truly are amazing. Arigatō gozaimasu," she expressed with gratitude.

✧TRANSLATION: Accepting the rose, Himari offered a faint smile, finding solace in its sweet fragrance that provided relief from the sterile smell of the hospital room. "Tsukihiko-san, you truly are amazing. Thank you so much," she expressed with gratitude.

Tsukihiko positioned himself next to her, gently overlapping his hands with hers in a manner that conveyed both care and affection, causing her cheeks to flush. "Himari, it is evident that your living conditions have become perilous. Hence, I have been contemplating inviting you to reside with me."

"W-what? Tsukihiko-san, I— No, no, no, I cannot."

"How come?"

"I do not want to burden you with my presence."

"You are not a burden, Himari; on the contrary, you are a blessing."

Himari experienced a rush of emotions when Tsukihiko expressed his romantic feelings. She longed to embrace him and implore him to take her away, but the weight of her obligations and the impact on the people she cared for held her back. "Tsukihiko-san, while my heart along with every bone in my body wishes to live alongside you as your woman, as your wife, I cannot. My family needs me."

Even though my relationship with my stepmother and stepsisters is rough, it would not be right of me to leave. My departure will dampen everything. The flowers of the garden would wither and die, Fuwapo would never stop whining, Alde-san would be devastated, and Father-sama would be heartbroken.

"How admirable of you," Tsukihiko scoffed with a laugh. "I guess it cannot be helped."

At that moment, Himari caught a glimpse of an unfamiliar aspect of Tsukihiko. His contemptuous chuckle and malicious grin evoked memories of individuals like Soaku and Saori Katōwamuro, sending a wave of fear through her.


"I must take my leave," Tsukihiko said, tenderly touching the side of her face. "Focus on your recovery, little one. I have plans for you and I will need you of sound mind."

"Plans? For me?"

Rather than responding to Himari's inquiries, Tsukihiko bent down and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. The tender gesture reminded her of the way her father used to kiss her. "Take some rest now, Himari. We shall reunite in the near future."

"When will I see you again, Tsukihiko-san? What day and time should we meet, and where should the location be?"

"Eager, are we not?" Tsukihiko chuckled, amused. "It ultimately depends on when you will be released."

"I should be released the day after tomorrow hopefully."

"That is marvelous, but it would be more appropriate for us to meet sometime next week. Let us meet on Thursday, a week from now. I shall be waiting for you at our spot in the forest at our usual time, nine o'clock."

"I... look forward to it," Himari whispered, her eyes closed in peaceful content. She inhaled the scent of Tsukihiko deeply, and her keen olfactive senses could decipher the aromatic notes of him: a faint, woody mist of cedar wood, leather, and musk.

Thursday, nine o'clock, at our spot in the forest. Thursday, nine o'clock, at our spot in the forest. Thursday, nine o'clock, at our spot in the forest!

"Be certain to look nice for me, like you did last time," Tsukihiko muttered, his tongue lashing against the flesh in the crook of her neck. "You were utterly delectable… I would have devoured you whole if we were not in public."

Devour me…

Aroused, Himari turned her head to the side and arched her back to give Tsukihiko more access to her neck. The man's teeth grazed her jugular, and she would have let out a moan if someone did not knock on the door.

A middle-aged nurse with disheveled hair entered with an eyebrow raised high in curiosity. "Is everything all right, Miss Maeda-Katōwamuro?"

Himari hid herself underneath the blanket up to her neck quickly. "Y-yes, yes, yes, everything is fine, arigatō."

✧TRANSLATION: Himari hid herself underneath the blanket up to her neck quickly. "Y-yes, yes, yes, everything is fine, thank you."

"I hate to pry, but were you on the phone? I heard you speaking to someone."

"No, no, no, I was not on the phone. I was speaking with—" Himari looked over to Tsukihiko but the man was nowhere to be found. Her face reddened in embarrassment as she attempted to defend herself against accusations of insanity. "How did he— He was just right here— Never mind..."

Maybe I am losing it... But the rose he gave me is still here! Come to think of it, how did Tsukihiko-san know that I am in the hospital? How strange...

The nurse knitted her eyebrows in deep concern and shook her head until a younger nurse approached her. "How is the patient?" the younger nurse inquired, clutching her clipboard.

"The patient appears to be fine but jot down that she is hearing voices, the poor girl. We are keeping her under observation for a few more days, without a doubt."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-



One week later, Himari was discharged from the hospital. As she made her way towards the hospital entrance, she noticed Alde, the family chauffeur, patiently waiting for her. Alde, an elderly gentleman in his late fifties, had a dull white hair color and a thick, matching mustache that framed his face.

Upon catching sight of Himari descending the staircase, Alde swiftly approached and enveloped her in his arms. Initially caught off guard, Himari gradually surrendered to the comforting warmth of his hug. It had been quite some time since she had experienced such genuine elation from someone's presence. "Alde-san..."

"No one can understand how scared I was when I did not see you for so long!" Alde muttered in relief. "I had to eavesdrop on the Mistress' telephone conversation to discover that you were admitted to the hospital!"

"Oh, Alde-san…"

"Lady Himari, I want you to know that the blooms of yours out in the garden have been taken care of. I have been watering them in your absence."

"Arigatō, Alde-san! No words can describe how much I appreciate all that you have done for me."

✧TRANSLATION: "Thank you, Alde-san! No words can describe how much I appreciate all that you have done for me."

Alde bowed to show his respect and unyielding support. "Lady Himari, it makes me sick to my stomach knowing what those three have done to you since you were but a girl," the man said begrudgingly. "I feel that I am committing a great sin returning you to the manor."

In a display of reverence and unwavering loyalty, Alde lowered his head and reluctantly expressed, "Lady Himari, it deeply troubles me to acknowledge the torment inflicted upon you by those three individuals since your tender years. Returning you to the manor feels like a grave transgression on my part."

Shaking her head, Himari held Alde's hands and said, "No, no, no, Alde-san. You should not concern yourself with our family affairs, no matter how flagrant. Please, do not worry about me. I will be fine."

Wary, Alde gave a hesitant nod. "Lady Himari…"

Soon, they arrived at the Katōwamuro estate.

Alde dutifully held open the vehicle door for Himari, his expression blank and unemotional, his gloved hands tightly clasped in front of him. He exuded a militant aura, resembling the plastic soldiers strategically placed around a toy fortress. It was difficult to fathom that behind this façade, Alde possessed a lively and effervescent personality.

As she proceeded to walk the steps of the manor, Himari looked back at the kindhearted chauffeur and smiled.

Do not carry the burden of failing to protect me, Alde-san. That burden is only for my shoulders to bear. I should have been stronger.

Upon descending into the basem*nt, Himari was met with a devastating sight. The objects that once adorned her workstation, plants, books, medicines, and perfumes, were strewn about, bearing the marks of a furious, vengeful outburst.

But none of that mattered.

Himari assumed a kneeling position to tidy up the clutter, attentively collecting the sizable shards of shattered glass until her attention was drawn elsewhere. The window caught her eye, so she paused to look out of it. Her eyes were met with a pale, full moon steadily rising into view. The sight brought a small smile to her lips, even if for a moment.

How pretty.

The rise of the moon evoked a mental picture of a tall, mysterious man clad in elegant finery, his complexion resembling the moon's glow. Awaiting their moonlight tryst, Himari's heart danced with anticipation as she reminisced about their final conversation in the hospital.

Thursday, nine o'clock, at our spot in the forest. Once the clock strikes nine, I will be there waiting for you, Tsukihiko-san.

┍━ 【❀】 ━┑



Himari found herself beneath the tree, their secret spot shared with Tsukihiko. It had been two hours since nine o'clock, yet there was no sign of him. A mixture of fear and unease started to consume the young woman.

Where is Tsukihiko-san? It is long past nine. I hope he did not forget…

A frog sitting upon a lily pad let out a low, hoarse croak. It blinked at Himari with its huge, globular eyes, its throat swelling once more.

Oh, Tsukihiko-san, where are you?

Minutes passed by, amounting to yet another hour. When the air grew chilly and the stars had dimmed, Himari decided to leave the forest glade with great sorrow, but she still clung on to the hope in her heart; the hope that she would see Tsukihiko again.

I must leave now. I guess Tsukihiko-san forgot that we were supposed to meet tonight… That is okay! I hope all is well with him, and I look forward to us meeting tomorrow.

After departing from the forest clearing, Himari proceeded towards the street, following her familiar path back home. While walking, she noticed a cluster of men congregating beneath a dimly flickering streetlight.

Feeling a sense of unease, Himari huddled further into her oversized trench coat, casted her gaze downwards, and decided to cross the street to evade their presence. As she passed by, she unfortunately encountered a few derogatory remarks, taunts, and an unwelcome wolf whistle.

"Hey, miss! Where are you heading off to?"

"What a nice, skinny thing!"

"Look at those legs!"

"Want to give us some company tonight, baby?"

As the young woman picked up her pace, her feet began to throb due to her unfamiliarity with high-speed walking in heels. Startled by the sound of approaching footsteps, she turned her head and spotted a group of men trailing behind her.

They are… following me?

Himari experienced a surge of fight or flight instinct that overwhelmed her with panic and without fully comprehending what was happening, she found herself darting into a dimly lit alley, desperately trying to evade her pursuers. In the gloom, she strained her eyes to navigate, narrowly avoiding a stumble. Quickly regaining her composure, she steadied herself by leaning against the brick walls.

I must keep running!

"Hey, stop right there!" a man shouted.

"Get back here!"


Himari raced forward, only to collide with and bounce off an obstacle that felt like a firm, pudgy wall. A giant of a man loomed before her, wearing a gruesome, sinister grin and crossing his thick, burly arms, blocking the pathway. He had cunningly taken an alternate route to thwart her escape.

In a state of immense fear, Himari found herself with no place to hide or escape, causing her to tightly cross her arms around her body. "Oh, n-no, no, no..."

As the man, presumably the leader of the gang, walked towards the scared and fragile young woman, casually wiping his mouth with his sleeve. With a hint of a drawl in his voice, he asked, "Well, well, what do we have here?" After taking a gulp of his liquor, he shattered the bottle on the ground. When the man brushed away the hair from Himari's face to get a better look at her, he instinctively took a few steps back and exclaimed, "sh*t!"

Upon seeing Himari's scar, one of the men recoiled in discomfort. "Yaguchi-sama, she is super cute but that scar… It is kind of freaking me out."

"She reminds me of this urban legend," another interposed. "Ah, what was it called? Uh…. I know! Kuchisake!"

"Yeah, Kuchisake-onna!"

The group of men erupted into boisterous laughter and repeatedly called out 'Kuchisake!' as they taunted Himari for her unfortunate disfiguration. As they were invested in their laughter, Himari darted her eyes around to look for a way to escape.

I need to get out of here…

"Oi, what did you do to get a scar like that?" Yaguchi slurred, stopping Himari dead in her tracks. He gave Himari's arm a forceful yank and brought her towards him. "Oi, where do you think you are going? I asked you a question!"

Himari fought to escape his grasp, but he was far stronger than her. The liquor on his sour breath burned her nostrils and she could not stop screaming. "No, no, no, please! Please leave me alone! Help! Help me, please!"

"Hey, hey, hey, stop being so frigid! f*ck, someone shut her up!"

One of the men placed his hand over Himari's mouth to silence her, and she bit his hand like a rabid animal. "Bitch!" he bellowed before punching her in the face.

As the metallic flavor of blood permeated Himari's mouth, she sensed her limbs being seized, lifting her from the ground. Laughter echoed from the men as they ventured further into the dimly lit alley, to a place untouched by the lamppost's dim light. They toyed with Himari's body, mimicking the actions of a child with a doll, their amusem*nt evident in their cackles and guffaws.

"Hey, keep watch," Yaguchi ordered, nodding to the largest man. "Make sure nobody comes here."

The large man nodded before standing near the alleyway's entrance, acting as a lookout.

Smirking, Yaguchi returned his attention to Himari. He unbuckled his belt then pulled his pants down halfway between his legs, revealing his underwear. He laid on top of her and forced himself between her legs.

"No, no, no! Do not do this, please! Please, stop!"

"Do not do this, please!" Yaguchi whined in a high-pitched voice, ridiculing Himari's pleas. "Scream all you want but no one can hear you!"

"Do not do this to me, please! Someone, please! Help me!"

"Oh, shut the hell up!" Yaguchi shouted, grabbing her arms to stop her from moving. "You… You wanted this! You wanted this to happen. Out this late all by yourself, wearing such skimpy clothes like a high-class tramp! You were asking for it, practically begging for it!"

Himari tilted her head and shed tears as the pungent odor of Yaguchi's breath invaded her nostrils. She closed her eyes tightly, praying and hoping for solace, but they snapped open in surprise when she felt a hand underneath her short dress, nearing her privates. "Y-yamete. Yamete kudasai! Yamete!Yamete kudasai!"

✧TRANSLATION: Himari tilted her head and shed tears as the pungent odor of Yaguchi's breath invaded her nostrils. She closed her eyes tightly, praying and hoping for solace, but they snapped open in surprise when she felt a hand underneath her short dress, nearing her privates. "S-stop it. Stop it, please! Stop it!Stop it, please!"

Just as Yaguchi tugged at her panties to pull them down, Himari parted her full lips and unleashed the most shrill, piercing, and bloodcurdling scream that her lungs could possibly muster."YAMETE!"

✧TRANSLATION: Just as Yaguchi tugged at her panties to pull them down, Himari parted her full lips and unleashed the most shrill, piercing, and bloodcurdling scream that her lungs could possibly muster."STOP IT!"

Yaguchi's senses were altered by the banshee-like cry, causing him to shield his ears and grit his teeth. Consumed by anger, he impulsively hit Himari and bellowed, "What do you think you are doing, trying to rupture my f*cking eardrums?" In retaliation, he screamed into Himari's ears, but his outburst was feeble in contrast to the choked scream emitted by one of his subordinates.

"Holy sh*t, l-look over there!" one cried out.

"Christ, what was that thing?"

Himari looked over Yaguchi's shoulder to see one of the men staggering forward with a gaping hole in his stomach. Entrails were leaking out of his abdomen, and he tripped over them. He lay on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding him, lifeless.

Oh, m-my… Is that—

"What the f*ck? H-he is dead! Oh, f*ck! f*ck!"

"Yaguchi-sama, w-we need to get out of here!"

Yaguchi rolled his eyes and gave a sardonic laugh. "Heh, you assholes are terrible at jokes, but I will play along. Who is dead and wh—"

Suddenly, Yaguchi was struck in the face by a dark blur.

Despite being only inches away from Himari, she was unable to perceive the object that had struck Yaguchi, feeling only a rush of wind as it swiftly passed by.

S-so fast!

Yaguchi's back hit the wall and splattered it in blood before he slumped over, dead. The man was unidentifiable; his head was obliterated with blood leaking out of the cavern that was once his face, and his teeth were strewn about.

Without even thinking, Himari rushed to hide and crouched behind a dumpster. She tightly shut her eyes and whispered a silent prayer with her ears covered to mute the bloodcurdling wails of the men as they were slaughtered one by one. The remaining men let out horrified screams upon seeing the mangled corpses of their companions, but their screams were cut short when they met their end.

All was still and silent.

The air was thick, hazy, as it was impregnated with the pungent acidity of gore.

A while later, Himari willed herself to open her eyes. A scene of carnage lay before her: Clumps and gobbets of flesh, intestines, and brain matter covered the dark cobblestone of the alleyway. Shredded corpses and severed limbs lay littered like forgotten trash and scattered debris.

Himari opened her mouth to let out a horrified shriek, but no sound escaped past her lips. The desire to scream was overcome by the need to retch, so she spewed vomit.

There is so m-much blood… I cannot believe that this is happening!

A weak, raspy breath and the quiet sputtering of blood brought Himari's attention to one of the corpses. Through the mesh of gory decimation and death, one of the men was still alive.

Blood trickled from his eyes, nose, mouth, and egregious wounds steadily and profusely. Unable to move, he locked eyes with the shivering young woman and slowly moved his hands towards her, pleading for help.

Paralyzed by fear, Himari shook her head with tears flowing without cease from her terror-stricken eyes.

I want to help you. I really do, but I cannot! Forgive me, but I cannot move, I cannot speak! Gomen'nasai, gomen'nasai, g-gomen'nasai, gomen—

Suddenly, a black figure pounced upon the man's back and dove into his neck, tearing out his throat. The creature gorged on the man with a ravenous appetite, its chewing and squelching noises interrupting the absence of sound that usually cloaked the dark streets of Yaegashi.

Himari covered her mouth in horror when the creature slowly raised its head from the man's neck, revealing a mouthful of sharp, jagged fangs that were dripping with blood. Tendons and pieces of flesh were stuck in between them. Moonlight reflected on the gory extraction, causing the flake of muscled organ to twinkle and glisten.

The creature and the Himari locked eyes, with a pair of intimidating, yellow eyes peering back into her bronze-colored ones.

As the surroundings faded into obscurity, the entire world transformed into a hazy shadow. A cool breeze caressed her hair and brushed against her face followed.

Himari became conscious of her surroundings and realized she was sprinting blindly into the darkness of the night, with her heart thumping loudly in her ears. Her heels created a noisy clatter as she ran full-speed through the streets of Yaegashi. Despite the branches and twigs hitting her face and rocks scratching her legs while taking the shortcut through the forest, she did not feel the pain due to the adrenaline rush in her veins.

Once the Katōwamuro estate came into view, Himari pushed against the wrought iron gates forcefully and flew inside, slamming the gates closed behind her.

Mere moments passed and Himari found herself standing in front of the mirror in the basem*nt. There was blood splatter on her face and a piece of something fleshy was tangled in her hair.

Bath... I need a bath!

Horrific visions and images of the horrifying events that transpired flashed within Himari's mind as she bathed. She lathered chamomile and jasmine oil on her body, but the fragrant oils could not overpower the stench of blood and death that still lingered on her flesh even after scrubbing her skin so fervently.

Still in shock, Himari laid down upon her futon and faced the wooden coffered ceiling. The memory of the horrifying events flashed in her mind unremittingly.

It was a nightmare. It was a nightmare. None of that was real. None of that was real, it was a nightmare.

Restless, Himari kept repeating that mental mantra until sleep finally befell her.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The next morning, Himari worked tirelessly in the kitchen to keep her mind off the events of last night. She had prepared a traditional Japanese breakfast consisting of steamed rice, miso, tamagoyaki, grilled mackerel, natto, and blanched broccoli dressed is sesame and garlic oil. Like a mechanical maid, Himari cooked, cleaned, and served with a vacant, emotionless expression.

Soaku sipped green tea and ate breakfast as she looked through the mail. She gave an occasional smile as she read letters, but she smiled the hardest when her youngest daughter, Yui, came downstairs.

Yui, as always, resembled a genuine Lolita doll, gracefully moving in a delicate pale blue chiffon dress and adorable frilly Mary Janes shoes. Her luscious fuschia pigtails, adorned with bows and ribbons, added to her charm. With a cheerful demeanor, she took her place at the dining table and sat down. Fuwapo, her loyal companion, circled around her feet, eagerly anticipating a treat. "Good morning!" she greeted with a smile.

"Ohayō, Yui," Soaku said sweetly. "Where is Saori?"

✧TRANSLATION: "Good morning, Yui," Soaku said sweetly. "Where is Saori?"

"Saori is still in bed," Yui replied, dipping her broccoli in soy sauce. "She said she does not feel too well!"

"Oh, it appears that she is still not feeling well. I will make sure to check on her after breakfast. Yui, how are your classes going along?"

Yui expressed her delight while devouring grilled mackerel, saying, "Mother, my classes at Hanakotoba Academy are going incredibly well! It feels like a dream come true. I am excelling in my studies, and I have made numerous friends. I am proud to say that I am among the popular girls in school."

"Ah, that is my girl!"

The mention of Hanakotoba Academy evoked the repressed, painful memories of Himari's time there as a high schooler.


Himari experienced her inaugural day of attending in-person classes at Hanakotoba Academy, marking a significant transition from her previous homeschooling routine of almost three years in the Yaegashi district of Ni-Kunoe Prefecture. In the courtyard, Himari stood beside Saori near the pond, both donning the elegant burgundy and grey blazer and skirt uniforms that symbolized their affiliation with the esteemed academy.

With her textbooks pressed against her chest, Himari cast her gaze downward, consumed by a sense of shame and insecurity. Her heart-shaped face, adorned with silky, ebony tresses that cascaded past her tailbone, exuded an undeniable beauty. Yet, she remained oblivious to her own allure. "Oh, Saori-chan, I am very nervous," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I never anticipated joining school so late in the year. Everyone has already made friends… Oh, my, what if I do not fit in?"

"Do not be nervous," Saori reassured half-heartedly. "I am certain that my friends will take a liking to you."

Saori and Himari were approached by a charming bunch of young girls, dressed in plaid skirts and with smooth, shiny hair swaying in the wind. Every one of them emanated an aura of allure, self-assurance, intelligence, and femininity, as they approached with beaming smiles on their faces.

"Hi, ladies," Saori warmly greeted the group. "I would like to introduce a new student who has joined our school, Hanakotoba. Please welcome my stepsister, Himari. She will be joining the Marigold class since, unlike us Peonies, she did not perform as well on the entrance exam."

To Saori's dismay, the schoolgirls bypassed her and flocked to Himari, surrounding her like a swarm of bees. They showered Himari with admiration, expressing their awe and admiration for her beauty, as the air filled with sweet scents and a chorus of flattering compliments.

"Gosh, Himari, you are so pretty!"

"The boys must be all over you!"

"I wish I had hair half as long as yours!"

"You can copy my notes and homework anytime you would like, Himari!"

"Hey, we should hang out after school and get a bite to eat sometime!"

Himari found herself drowning in the accolades and adoration of Hanakotoba's most renowned clique of girls. Being the focal point of such positive attention was an entirely novel experience for her, and it felt delightfully dreamlike as it brought a sense of belonging she had never known. While Himari beamed with joy, she could not help but observe Saori's smile fade, replaced by an envious and resentful countenance.


As Kihaku entered the room, his presence immediately captivated everyone's gaze. With his dark-brown hair cascading over his face, his pale complexion was hardly visible. He greeted the room with a simple, "Good morning."

In the kitchen, Himari gazed at her father with a mixture of longing and hope, yearning for his acknowledgment. She believed that if he met her gaze and recognized the joyous smile on her face as a result of his arrival, she would finally become real.


Soaku stopped drinking her green tea and exclaimed in astonishment, "Ah! Kihaku, you have returned!"

"Father, we missed you!" Yui squealed dramatically. She got up from her chair and skipped towards Kihaku to greet him, jumping up and down.

Kihaku embraced Yui and kissed her upon her forehead, then said, "I have missed you all as well, Yui. Where is Saori?"

"Oh, Father, Saori is sick in her bedroom! She has not come down for breakfast."

"Kihaku, you returned from your business trip so early!" Soaku gasped at an obnoxious volume. "How was your flight?"

"It was fine, fine." Setting his luggage aside, Kihaku hurried towards Soaku and eagerly presented the newspaper to her. "Soaku, darling, take a look at the headline!"

Soaku's eyelids, tainted with a shade of blue, slowly lifted as she raised her voice to a crescendo while reading the headline aloud. "Five men found mauled to death in an alleyway in downtown Yaegashi!"

Upon hearing that, Himari halted pouring hot water into the teacups."Five men?"Soaku scowled disapprovingly at her, causing her to retreat deeper into the kitchen. "I apologize for my outburst, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama..."

"Himawari, go polish my fine china once you are done in there!" Soaku hollered.

"Yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama."

So, last night was not a nightmare; it was real! That creature… I cannot get the image of it out of my head! I cannot help but wonder why it did not kill me as well. Why did I survive?

"Can you believe something atrocious as this happened right here in Yaegashi?" Kihaku gasped.

"I do not believe it!" Soaku snatched the newspaper from Kihaku's hands and continued reading aloud. "It says here that the men were mauled by what experts claims to be a large beast that has yet to be identified."

Yui's chopsticks suddenly dropped a tamagoyaki roll. "A large beast, like a coyote?" she questioned, her mouth slightly ajar.

Kihaku responded in a casual manner, stating, "I suppose so. I fail to see any reason why it would not be possible."

Yui expressed deep concern and worry as she questioned her father with a whining tone, "Father, are there coyotes in New Japan?"

"You can find anything anywhere if you look hard enough," he replied.

Yui looked as if she was on the verge of passing over before she shoveled more food into her mouth. "Yummy!"

Himari's mind was filled with turmoil due to the distressing incidents that occurred the previous night. The memories haunted her relentlessly, causing her to vividly recall the forceful, aggressive touch of men, the lingering marks on her arms, and the lingering metallic odor of blood. A gentle contact on her shoulder startled Himari, and she looked towards her father, whose face displayed a visible expression of worry. "Father-sama," she whispered.

"Himari, are you all right?" Kihaku asked.

"Yes, Father-sama, I am fine. I was just spooked by the news headline, is all."

"How did that happen?" he asked, referring to her head wound.

"Oh, that? I walked into a door and bumped my head a little while ago," Himari fibbed, her nose unconsciously wiggling and twitching.

"Himari, you should be more careful about watching where you are walking," Kihaku chided, handing her a bottle of water. "I am sorry that I could not come see you in the hospital, but you should be more mindful of your water intake."

"What, Father-sama? I do not understand."

"Soaku told me that you fainted without warning and when they ran tests on you at the hospital, the results indicated that you were suffering from dehydration caused by an electrolyte imbalance."

"… Oh, yes, my electrolyte imbalance. Silly me! I have been consuming an adequate amount of water ever since my hospitalization." Himari opened the water bottle and took a delicate sip. "See, Father-sama? I am taking my health very seriously!"

Father-sama does not need to know the truth; it will only cause more problems. I am thankful that Lady Mistress Soaku-sama told him that.

Kihaku nodded and gave a weary smile as he said, "Good girl."

Upon hearing that, Himari nearly choked on water and burst into a coughing fit. "What did you just say, Father-sama?"

"Hm? I said, 'good girl.' Himari, you seem out of it. Remember to consume that water within the next hour."

Himari instinctively guzzled the entire glass of water in mere seconds. With her mouth full, she muffled a sound of approval, while inwardly feeling embarrassed and mortified by her lack of restraint. "Mhm!"

┍━ 【❀】 ━┑




After completing the task of washing the dishes, Himari proceeded to drain the dishwater and took a moment to appreciate her diligent work. The immaculate state of the kitchen filled her with a sense of accomplishment. She had dedicated her time and effort to scrubbing and polishing the hardwood floors, kitchen islands and counters, as well as the dinnerware.

It will bring Lady Mistress Soaku-sama great joy to see what I have done with the place!

After almost a week had elapsed since the event, Himari's recovery was gradual but steady. She discovered that engaging herself in activities like cooking, cleaning, and studying provided a distraction from dwelling on it. However, the thought of Tsukihiko Kobayashi lingered in her mind, causing restlessness day and night. Himari longed to be in his presence, yet the idea of approaching the site of that dreadful night was unfathomable to her.

I cannot walk those streets ever again. I do hope Tsukihiko understands and does not think I abandoned him… Perhaps he will come to see me here! No, no, no, he cannot. Someone may see him, and then we will never see each other again! Oh, my, love is so complex!

That was when Soaku entered through the front door with Alde trailing behind her. The compassionate chauffeur was burdened with numerous boxes and bags, signifying that Soaku had recently been on a shopping spree. "Alde, bring my possessions to my boudoir," she ordered.

"Yes, my lady."

With a warm and inviting smile, Himari observed her stepmother making her way towards the kitchen. "Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, are you pleased with how sparkly and clean the kitchen looks?"

Soaku scanned the kitchen area with her sharp, emerald-green eyes, searching for any imperfections, only to find none; the kitchen was impeccably clean. "Hmm... I suppose I am pleased," she reluctantly admitted. "It does seem quite... sparkly."

"I am honored to have your approval, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama!"

"Why does the kitchen not look like this every day?" Soaku remarked snidely. "Himawari, have you not been cleaning to the best of your ability?"

"No, no, no, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama. I used a new method to clean the kitchen counters involving lemon juice and baking soda."

"Fine. From now on, I expect the kitchen to always look like this. Good work."

Himari gave a small smile of gratitude and relief. "I will prepare some green tea for you, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama."

Breathing heavily from standing too long, Soaku took a seat at the kitchen island. She shed her coat and removed her hat, perspiration dribbling down her face. "Oh, it is hot in here! Put some ice cubes in that green tea, Himawari!"

"Yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama."

As Himari hurriedly arranged Soaku's hat and coat on the rack and prepared green tea, Soaku spoke. "For tomorrow's evening, I am extending an invitation to another guest for dinner," she managed to say amidst her heavy breaths. "I would appreciate it if you could prepare an exquisite meal. Maybe you could recreate the opera cake you made that one time!"

"Dinner and an opera cake… Yes, yes, yes, I can prepare all that tomorrow."

"Excellent, excellent! I will have you go out to the marketplace tonight to gather the ingredients."

That was when Himari refrained from pouring green tea. The memory of the man named Yaguchi's face pressed against Himari's during his attempt to force himself on her flashed, causing her hands to tremble. "… Tonight?"

"Hey, hey, hey, stop being so frigid! f*ck, someone shut her up!"

The noblewoman raised a questioning eyebrow. "Yes, of course, tonight."

"You… You wanted this! You wanted this to happen."

Himari's grasp around the teapot's handle tightened, the metal pressing against her hand. "C-could it wait until t-tomorrow, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama?"

"Himawari, you will be busy in the kitchen all day!" Soaku lambasted. "Do not forget you must complete your daily duties tomorrow in a timely manner. It makes more sense if you get whatever you need tonight. The marketplace is still open, so get to it!"

"Out this late all by yourself, wearing such skimpy clothes like a high-class tramp!"

"P-please, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama," Himari whimpered, shaking her head. "I cannot…"

"Are you being defiant, Himawari, you little wench?"

"You were asking for it, practically begging for it!"

Overwhelmed by fear, Himari dropped down, her knees hitting the ground as she desperately pleaded at her stepmother's feet. Tears streaming down her face, she implored, her voice choked with sobs, "Please, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama,I beg of you!Please do not have me go out tonight! I am so, so, so very afraid!"

Soaku, upon listening to her stepdaughter's desperate pleas filled with profound sadness and fear, adopted a more compassionate stance. With a gentle expression, she inquired, "Himawari, does the night, the ceaseless darkness that engulfs everything after sunset, cause you to feel afraid?"

"Y-yes… I was not afraid of it until recently."

"Why, did something bad happen to you, something traumatic?"

"Hey, keep watch. Make sure nobody comes here."

"Yes, something traumatic did happen to me, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama!" Himari wailed pitifully. "Something awful, terrible, horrible… I cannot get it out of my head!"

"Oh, you poor, poor, poor thing!" Soaku cooed in a voice that was sickly sweet, mawkishly so. The noblewoman looked at the young woman with great pity and compassion in her emerald-green eyes as she said, "Himawari, you do not have to leave the manor tonight; it can wait until tomorrow. I do not want you doing anything that makes you uncomfortable."

"Lady Mistress Soaku-sama!" Overwrought, Himari fell into her stepmother's arms and wept. The warm, velvety couture of being bundled in Soaku's embrace was foreign; Himari had never known neither the noblewoman's gentle touch, nor the softness of her corpulent form, nor the delicateness of the light, powdery scent of her perfume.

This is everything I have been missing, a mother's love. I still remember you, Okasan…

They both stayed in that position until the noblewoman's grasp suddenly became rigid and cold. "That is what I would say to you if I was a fool!"


Soaku cruelly pushed Himari out of her embrace. Her face twisted in repulsion from having touched Himari in a way without violence, as if touching her stepdaughter in an endearing fashion was the most putrid thing. "I am sick of your tricks, Himawari. You are not afraid; you are just a lazy pig who wants to lounge around!"

"No, no, no, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama! That is not true. Please listen to me!"

"Himawari, you seem to forget that because of your debt, you have to do as I say whenever I see fit!" Soaku interjected angrily. "You will head to that marketplace right this instant or else you will be disciplined!"

"I was cornered by a group of men when I was walking home!"

The noblewoman shook her head in both disgust and disbelief. "You are lying, Himawari."

"I am not, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama!" Himari wept, breathing raggedy as traumatic memories of her violent assault haunted her. "They cornered me, ridiculed me, grabbed me… They were going to take advantage of me!"

"Going? They weregoingto take advantage of you? What stopped them from doing so?"

Himari fidgeted in place anxiously, digging her nails into the skin of her arms. She was facing a dilemma because she was unable to think of a way to articulate the truth of what happened in a way that did not sound absurd. Time went by and with Soaku growing impatient, Himari felt that she had no choice other than to tell the truth. "… A monster," she whimpered softly.

It was a monster; I am sure of it! I saw it, I saw it with my own eyes! The way it looked at me…

Aggravated, Soaku rolled her eyes and groaned. "Oh, God, that is ludicrous! I cannot believe that I entertained your shenanigans and allowed you to waste my time! Devilish cretin! Himawari, you are the Daughter of Lies!"

"No, no, no! I am not lying to you, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama! I am not the Daughter of Lies! I know it may seem impossible to believe but that is the truth! A creature appeared and prevented the men from harming me any further!"

I wish I could tell Lady Mistress Soaku-sama that the men I am speaking of are the very same men who were found murdered by a beast, but I do not know what she would do with that information. She may believe that I have something to do with their deaths and will contact the authorities! I cannot risk that… because I cannot believe what happened myself!

"Himawari, this is the most ridiculous lie you have ever told!" Soaku chortled wickedly. "Have you no shame, you mendacious harlot?"

"I would never lie about something so serious! Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, a group of men did assault me!"

"What did the men look like?" Soaku asked, suspicious. "Height, build? What were they wearing? What were their names? Certainly, you remember something."

"I… I do not remember," Himari said quietly.

"What was that, Himawari? I did not hear you."

"I do not remember any of that, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama. Everything happened so fast…"

With a smug smile, Soaku gently remarked, "Your lack of recollection stems from your habitual deception, as always. Himawari, I once wondered about the origins of your defectiveness, your rebellious nature, and lack of refinement. However, I have come to understand that it is simply an inherent part of your being. It is rather unfortunate."

Filled with heartbreak, Himari hung her head in overwhelming shame, guilt, and sorrow. "I will leave for the marketplace now, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama…"

"Yes, you do just that. Now get out of my sight!"

Himari fought back her tears as she prepared to leave the Katōwamuro manor. Anxious about the potential dangers that awaited her in the night, she decided to arm herself with a kitchen knife for self-defense. Though her mind was filled with racing thoughts and internal panic, she managed to maintain a facade of composure and calmness as she gathered her belongings and put on her coat before stepping out.

While descending the porch stairs, thoughts of her stepmother's cruel denial of her experience consumed her mind.

I am so hurt by what happened between I and Lady Mistress Soaku-sama. How I wish that she would see me and treat me like a person. I love her so much, but she despises me, and I do not understand why… Why did I think that, even for a moment, anyone would believe me?

Please, God, keep me safe.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The streets of Yaegashi at night were no longer the same and had become even more frightening.

In the middle of the night, Himari began walking home from the marketplace, holding onto her groceries. The serene beauty of the crescent moon above went unnoticed by her, as her once vibrant joy had faded away, taking with it a part of her innocence. As she reached the street where it all occurred, a mixture of fear and sorrow overwhelmed her, yet she managed to keep her emotions in check. Her fingers brushed against the kitchen knife concealed in her pocket.

I am so very afraid, but I cannot show it. I cannot let myself be at the mercy of anyone like that ever again!

"Himari," a deep, alluring voice as smooth as velvet said.

Himari's attention was immediately captured by a voice she recognized, causing her to turn around. To her surprise, she saw a pale, handsome gentleman standing behind her, clutching a beautiful bouquet of pink and white flowers. "Tsukihiko-san, it is you…"

Tsukihiko gently toyed with a strand of Himari's hair before delicately tucking it behind her ear, a familiar gesture of affection. With a bouquet of flowers in hand, he extended it towards her and spoke, "These are for you. I discovered that in floriography, the language of flowers, blush-colored blossoms and lilies of the valley symbolize the deepest apologies and remorse."

Although Himari accepted the bouquet, she did not smile at all. She questioned, "How did you know I was here?"

"I have been coming here looking for you regularly, hoping I would see you again."

"Why did you not meet me at our spot in the forest last Thursday?"

"I apologize for my absence, Himari. I had pressing matters to attend to. I sincerely hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." Tsukihiko's smile vanished and he felt a twinge of annoyance as he noticed the bareness of her neck. "May I inquire about the necklace I gave you? Where is it? Why are you not wearing it?"

"I did not feel the need to put it on for a night errand, Tsukihiko-san. I would have if I knew that you were going to come…"

Tsukihiko attempted to kiss Himari, but she withdrew from his advance."Why are you behaving so coldly?" he questioned, irked. "I already explained why I could not be there."

"That is not enough," Himari retorted. "That is not enough because I waited for you and things happened to me when you were not there, Tsukihiko-san!"

"What kind of things?"

"Terrible, terrible things..." Himari's voice trailed off to a whisper as she rubbed her eyes, which were stinging with tears.

I will not cry! I will not cry in front of him again.

Tsukihiko's face softened as he took on a gentler approach. "What happened, Himari? You can tell me anything."

Himari's desperate grip on the bouquet caused blood to drip onto the pavement as she shouted,"Do not touch me!"

Alarmed, Tsukihiko stepped back a few paces.

"I waited for you!" Himari continued. "I waited for you at our spot for so long, Tsukihiko-san! And you never came, you never showed up! Now, you come back to me like nothing happened."


A gentle gust of wind brushed by, carrying with it a handful of autumn leaves.

"... I was so scared!" Himari exclaimed as she embraced Tsukihiko, seeking solace in his arms and hiding her face in his chest. "I believed that I would never lay eyes on you again, Tsukihiko-san!"

The man embraced her warmly, soothing her with gentle strokes on her back and through her hair. "No, that is nonsense, Himari. We will forever be with each other. Now, let me see your hand."

Himari presented her injured palm to Tsukihiko, who initiated his inspection by placing tender kisses on her wrist. Overwhelmed with joy, she shut her eyes momentarily, only to snap them open as she sensed his cool breath caressing her open wounds. "Oh?"

Their eyes met and time seemed to stop.

Tsukihiko shamelessly licked the blood off Himari's palm, while she could only observe, unable to utter a word of objection or distance herself. His light-red eyes displayed an unnatural hunger as he cleaned her rose-pricked wounds with his tongue, which both terrified and strangely aroused Himari.


As if nothing happened, Tsukihiko skillfully wrapped Himari's wounded hand with a handkerchief retrieved from his suit pocket. "It is imperative that we disinfect and dress this injury correctly. You will accompany me back to my place," he stated firmly.

"Your house? Right now? But I must take these groceries home!"

After planting a gentle kiss on Himari's forehead, Tsukihiko lifted his hand to hail a taxi. "The groceries can be attended to tomorrow."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Tsukihiko Kobayashi's residence could only be aptly characterized as 'grandiose.' He dwelled in a sophisticated mansion adorned with classical furnishings and décor, boasting a pristine marble floor that reflected one's image. Upon entering the arched double entry door, visitors were welcomed by a sparkling chandelier and a majestic staircase.

"Tsukihiko-san, your home is so, so, so wonderful!" Himari exclaimed, her voice echoing throughout.

Tsukihiko helped to remove Himari's coat and placed it on the coatrack, along with his own. "I appreciate your kind remarks, Himari. You are welcome to come here whenever you wish, though I must inform you that I am never here during the day. I am always away on business matters."

"Oh, okay, Tsukihiko-san."

Before leading Himari to the main living room, Tsukihiko collected medical supplies. Once they arrived, the two sat together on a loveseat in front of a roaring fireplace. Tsukihiko then proceeded to tend to Himari's injuries using cleansing gauze pads and bandages.

"This will hurt but only for a moment," Tsukihiko said before dabbing a cotton ball dipped in hydrogen peroxide on the open wounds.

He has such kind, soft hands and a gentle touch.

"Ouch," Himari exaggerated playfully. "Thank you for inviting me to your home, Tsukihiko-san… And I hope you can forgive me for how ill-mannered I was earlier, yelling at you and all."

"It is fine, there is no need to apologize. Besides, you were rather cute when you were angry earlier."

The rosy warmth of a blush crawling up from Himari's neck to her face made her cheeks tingle. "Cute? Well, I thought of myself as ferocious."

"Ferocious?" Tsukihiko chuckled, amused. "Watching you was like watching a frustrated little bird with an injured wing attempt to take flight. There, I have finished caring for your wounds."

After her wounds were tended to, Himari found solace by resting her head on Tsukihiko's chest. There, she could discern the rhythmic lull of his heart and the steadiness of his breath. "Tsukihiko-san, I am immensely grateful that you returned for me. I feared that loneliness would engulf me once more."

"Loneliness? While I will never leave you, how could you be lonely with a family as loving as yours?"

"Oh, Tsukihiko-san, if only you knew…"

"If only I knew what, Himari?"

Himari braced herself as she revealed the gravity of her family circ*mstances. "I must confess that I have not been entirely honest with you about my life. Please forgive me for keeping this from you, I deeply regret it. In truth, my stepmother and stepsisters harbor a strong dislike for me and often treat me cruelly. It is a daily occurrence for them to make it clear that I am unwanted. I long to leave, but I am bound to my stepmother by a debt."

"How does your father feel about all this?" Tsukihiko inquired. "Surely, he has an opinion on the matter."

"I… I do not have much of a relationship with my father, not anymore."

"How come?"

With a tinge of sorrow, Himari's eyes, once bronze-colored, seemed to darken, reflecting her deep sadness. She let out a long sigh, filled with longing and yearning. Her voice trembled under the weight of her emotions as she began to speak, "I watched grief devour a man alive, through and through. I would give anything to never witness such a thing ever again... My father, once strong, has been defeated by the loss of my mother. But we used to be so close, sharing happiness as a tight-knit pair. Nothing could separate us, until he remarried and we moved in with my stepmother. Now, I rarely see him, and when I do, his attention is solely devoted to my stepmother and stepsisters. This has been my reality for the past decade."

Until you came into my life, Tsukihiko-san.

"How do you feel about this, Himari?"

"I feel alone, empty. Everything is so, so hollow, and I find the will to go on fleeting… That is before I met you, Tsukihiko-san. Since we met, you have been my reason for continuing. In fact, on the very night we met, I was thinking about ending it all. It is strange how life works out, is it not?"

"Himari, is your family the reason why you felt that your life was not worth living?"

"… Yes. Yes, they are."

The only sound for a considerable amount of time was the crackling of the fireplace until Tsukihiko broke the silence. "Hate them."

Himari's body stiffened as she felt the abrupt chill in Tsukihiko's tone while he held her close. "Tsukihiko-san, what did you mean by that?" she whispered.

"You heard me well. I said, hate them. It is acceptable for you to hate your family, Himari."

Bewildered, Himari lifted her head off Tsukihiko's chest and looked up at him questionably. "Hate? But hate is such a strong word, Tsukihiko-san. I do not understand…"

"Hate is an emotion we all experience," Tsukihiko elucidated. "With how sorely your family treats you, it is only natural for you to loathe them. No one would blame you. Your family do not deserve your kindness. They are the ones at fault, not you."

"Hate is a feeling that resonates within all of us," Tsukihiko elucidated. "Given the way your family mistreats you, it is only natural for you to harbor strong disdain towards them. Nobody would hold it against you. Your family does not deserve your compassion. They are the ones at fault, not you."

Hate? Loathe? What is he saying?

"No, no, no, Tsukihiko-san, I do not hate my family," Himari said, shaking her head for emphasis. "I cannot bear the thought of hating another. It will only hurt my heart and make me sick. Hatred is like poison; it will pollute your soul, devour you from within, and split your heart in two!"

Tsukihiko looked as if he wanted to respond but refrained from doing so. "What did you mean when you said that you were indebted to your stepmother? Please, elaborate."

"I am indebted to my stepmother for 421,348,315 yen," Himari replied solemnly. "Well, 423,348,315 yen now. I cannot leave the Katōwamuro manor until it is paid in full."

Tsukihiko raised a questioning eyebrow as he asked, "Why is your debt so prohibitive?"

"Lady Mistress Soaku-sama said it is the expenses of taking me in to begin with combined with the cost of all my wrongdoings and misdeeds over the years. Fulfilling tasks and completing housework lowers my debt; that is why I take care of the manor, from top to bottom. Once I pay off my debt, then I will be free."

"You will be free to live your life once your debt is paid?"

"Yes, yes, yes, Tsukihiko-san."

"Let me handle your debt," Tsukihiko offered earnestly, placing his hand upon hers.

"No, no, no, Tsukihiko-san. I cannot ask you for something like that. Besides, the money must be from me. I have been giving money to my stepmother piece by piece from what I earn selling my medicines and perfumes for years now."

"You will be selling your wares for the next couple centuries to pay off such an extortionate debt," he chuckled.

Himari snuggled against Tsukihiko as she said, "Yes, yes, yes, I might be, but it will be worth it. I want to go to school, Tsukihiko-san, I really do! I would do anything to make that happen. My mother studied at a gorgeous university in France… I wish to go there, too."

"Himari, you can do anything you set your mind on doing. I will support you in all your endeavors."

"Oh, my! Arigatō, Tsukihiko-san!"

✧TRANSLATION: "Oh, my! Thank you, Tsukihiko-san!"

"Earlier, you mentioned that something terrible happened to you. Tell me, what was it?"

The young woman's joyous grin fell, and the gold of her bronze-colored eyes dimmed. "… Tsukihiko-san, have you heard about those five men that were murdered in Yaegashi?"

"No, I have not," he replied.

"Six nights ago, when we were supposed to meet, I encountered a group of men. There were five of them and each of them were under the influence… They cornered me and were set to do awful, terrible things to me but something— I mean, acreatureappeared."

"A creature, you say?"

"Yes, yes, yes, a creature! A news report said it was a beast but that cannot be."

"How so?"

"… Because I was there and I saw it all with my own eyes," Himari whispered. The expression upon her face indicated that she found it difficult to believe that she was present at such an event. "The eyes the creature had are unforgettable. I keep replaying everything in my head, Tsukihiko-san. It was so strange; it could have killed me, but it only stared at me, as if it was telling me to run away."

Tsukihiko brought Himari closer to him, and she rested against his form. "I am glad that you survived, little one. The creature you speak of must have known it was no match for a strong, capable young woman such as yourself."

Amused, Himari gave a short laugh. "Strong and capable? Oh, my, you flatter me, Tsukihiko-san…"

"Tell me, what was it about the creature that convinces you that it was not a beast?"

"Its eyes… Its eyes were different, I never seen anything like them. They appeared to glow, they were a bright yellow where it should be white, and I could never forget those pupils! It was dark so I could not see much of it except for its monstrous mouth… Oh, it was such a frightening sight, Tsukihiko-san!" Himari did not resist when Tsukihiko kissed her passionately; she merely wrapped her arms around him and welcomed him further into her mouth. They withdrew and gazed into each other's eyes, peering deep into each other's souls, with their foreheads touching.

"Stay the night," Tsukihiko beckoned her. "It is too late for you to return home. There is more than enough room for you here."

"Oh, I wish I could stay here with you, Tsukihiko-san, but I cannot," Himari groaned, shaking her head. "My family may notice that I did not come home and become worried. Plus, I have those groceries of mine."

"You are eighteen years old, an adult, are you not? You alone are more than capable of deciding if you will stay with me tonight."

"Yes, but… my father would disapprove. He is awake during this time, and he will not be pleased if I am not where I am supposed to be. He will surely notice my absence."

"Why do you care so much about the opinion of your father?"

Himari's eyebrows furrowed in slight aggravation. "Because no matter what happens between us, he is still my father and I love him dearly, Tsukihiko-san."

"The wellbeing and happiness of your father should not diminish yours."

Himari looked away in shame because she knew that Tsukihiko was right. For years, Himari devoted her life to pleasing others at the expense of her own joy, so much that she forgot what happiness felt like. "Yes, that is correct, Tsukihiko-san…"

Tsukihiko touched the side of Himari's face so that she was looking at him directly. "Then stay here with me," he whispered.

This kind, beautiful man wants me to stay with him, to live alongside him. I have never been desired before… Is this what being wanted and loved feels like? If so, I want more of it because I cannot get enough!

I do not want to leave Tsukihiko-san. I am only happy in his presence.

Oh, why am I so resistant to fighting for myself? My heart tells me to stay with Tsukihiko-san, but my mind keeps reminding me of what will happen if I do. I do not wish to be rebellious and ail my family with my impulsive actions.

Still, Himari rose from the loveseat and spoke in a voice of undoubted certainty as she said, "Forgive me, Tsukihiko-san, but I must leave. I have no say in the matter."

"Very well. The chauffeur will take you home." Tsukihiko kissed her forehead, then tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"I do not want to leave you, but I must, Tsukihiko-san," Himari whispered with tears spilling over. "Forgive me, but I cannot be caught disobeying curfew, or else I will never be able to see you again!"

I do not wish to risk what we have. A world where I do not see him again is a world where neither my heart will beat, nor will my lungs take in another breath.

"Enough of that," Tsukihiko wiped Himari's tears away and pulled her close in his embrace, kissing her forehead. "Himari, you are right; we should not imperil what we have. We shall continue meeting at our place at the same time as always."



Saori experienced a bout of queasiness and irritability early in the morning, rendering her unable to muster the motivation to step out of her bedroom. Over the past three days, she found it challenging to consume food, as nothing seemed appetizing and she struggled to digest and retain anything. She would spend hours in her room, sleeping, only to be awakened by gentle and hesitant knocks on her door during meal times. The familiar soft knocking belonged to her stepsister, Himari.

"Ohayō, Saori-chan," Himari said softly. "I have breakfast for you."

✧TRANSLATION: "Good morning, Saori-chan," Himari said softly. "I have breakfast for you."

Irritated, Saori called out from beneath her blanket, "If it is food, take it back. I have no appetite right now."

Himari knocked upon the door again.

"I am not hungry. Leave me alone."

Still, Himari knocked once more.

Saori moved the blanket off her head and shouted angrily, "I said, I am not hungry! Take it back!"

"But Saori-chan, you must eat!" Himari entreated. "It has been three days, and I am worried about you!"

With a roll of her eyes, Saori gave in to her stepsister's pleas and allowed her to enter. "Come in here, Himari."

The door slowly opened and Himari entered, appearing as modest and shy in her tattered pinafore. "Saori-chan," she greeted, bowing.

"Why do you keep bringing me things?" Saori asked her.

"I heard you were feeling sick and could not keep anything down, but you still need to eat something. That is why I brought you bone broth and tea..." Himari placed the tray on the nightstand before quickly leaving.

"Himari," Saori called out abruptly.

Himari stopped dead in her tracks with a foot raised, petrified.

"Come here."

Himari approached Saori's bedside timidly, visibly frightened. "Y-yes, Saori-chan?" she faltered.

"What is in this tea?"

Nervously, Himari shifted her position and spoke in a hushed tone. "It is a blend of lemon, red r-raspberry leaf, and peppermint leaf… for your nausea, of c-course…"

She knows.

"I take it that you are sentient enough to use deductive reasoning," Saori said. "Now that you know of the truth of my condition, what will you do? Will you seek vengeance? Retribution of some sort?"

Puzzled, Himari shook her head. "No, no, no, Saori-chan. I do not know what you mean."

"Stop pretending that you do not know what I am talking about! You were never a good liar. You may be an idiot, but you know a lot about plants, and I know that you gave me this tea for a reason!"

Frightened by the intensity of Saori's raised voice, Himari burst into tears and covered her face. "O-okay, I do know," she whimpered meekly. "I will not tell a soul, Saori-chan. I just want to tell you that you must not tell Yui-chan!"

"Why must I not tell my sister?"

"Because… Oh, my, I cannot say! Please do not make me tell you, Saori-chan! I do not wish to be disciplined!"

As Saori watched Himari shake and turn red, she almost felt pity for the frail, broken young woman. "You really are a hollow-headed idiot. I am not going to waste my time disciplining you. Anyway, here is a word of advice, Himari: never spare your enemies nor refuse to strike them when they are injured."

Himari's sobbing quieted down to soft whimpers. "Saori-chan… What if your enemy is also someone you love?"

"Do not be stupid; love has no place in war," Saori replied as she turned away and laid on her side. "Now, leave me and be certain to shut the door behind you."

With a silent nod, Himari turned and left the bedroom, leaving Saori with only her thoughts and the sweet morning birdsong of warblers and robins to accompany her.

I sense an internal conflict within me, as if I am battling against a formidable opponent who represents my mother's hopes and wishes. My mother's controlling nature gives the impression that she desires to live vicariously through me, leaving little room for my own peaceful existence. This situation feels unjust, denying me the right to simply be.

With Mother's threat looming over Ikuo's head, it is a good chance I will never see Ikuo again.


Closing Saori's door, Himari exhaled a sigh of relief for having left Saori's bedroom unscathed. Fuwapo circled around her feet, and she kneeled to pet it.

"Yip, yip, yip!"

Love? War? Enemy? Oh, what does Saori-chan mean? I do not understand…

"Himawari!" a shrill voice that belonged to none other than Soaku bellowed. "Himawari, get over here!"

"Yes, yes, yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama! I am coming!" Himari hurried down the stairs, and Fuwapo followed closely. She reached the kitchen and found her stepmother awaiting her presence.

Seated at the central table, the noblewoman delicately fanned herself. "Himawari, I require your culinary skills to prepare a dinner for two this evening," she said. "We have a distinguished visitor coming."

"Yes, yes, yes, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama. What should I cook?"

With closed eyes, Soaku delved into the recesses of her mind to make a choice. "… Chicken. The chicken dish should be incredibly tender, juicy, and bursting with flavor. Feel free to prepare it any way you like, as long as it is absolutely delicious."

"Okay. I will start dinner immediately." Himari bowed and turned to leave to prepare dinner, but Soaku stopped her.

"No, not yet. There is something I must show you. Follow me, girl."

Soaku led the way into the dish room, with Himari trailing behind. This room housed an array of exquisite dinnerware sets, consisting of fine china and delicate porcelain. The shelves displayed a remarkable assortment of dinnerware, meticulously arranged according to their color and style.

How pretty…

"Himawari, what do you see all around you?" Soaku asked abruptly.

Himari looked around at her surroundings, uncertain of how to respond. "Um… I see tableware, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama."

"Indeed, Himawari, tableware encompasses our surroundings, but these are no ordinary tableware items. These sets of dinnerware hold great significance as they have been cherished heirlooms within the Katōwamuro family for countless generations."

"They are very beautiful, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama," Himari complimented, beaming.

"That I know, that I know. Now come here and come close." Soaku dragged her finger along the porcelain platter's gold etchings, collecting a light streak of dust. She held her finger up to Himari and asked, "Himawari, what is this?"

"… Is that dust, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama?"

The noblewoman's harsh emerald-green eyes were immensely intimidating. "Yes, this is dust. Why? Why is there dust on any of these platters when I tell you to polish them nearly every day?"

The jarring severity of Soaku's raised voice frightened Himari because she knew how violent and volatile the noblewoman could be. "I… I do not know, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama," she stammered. "I—"

A loud crack was heard as Soaku gave Himari a harsh strike across her face, cutting off her words. Himari was knocked to the floor, writhing in pain.

"Miserable fool!" Soaku hissed like a venomous serpent. "Useless girl, leaving dirt and grime on our treasured valuables! For this, I will discipline you! For this, I am going to add two million more yen to your debt! You will spend the rest of the day cleaning in here! What a foolish, skinny twat you are!"

Now alone, Himari fell to the floor and wept, distraught.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The dining table was adorned with a delicious chicken entrée meal for two, accompanied by a bottle of red wine. Glancing from the kitchen, Himari caught a glimpse of the distinguished guest that Soaku had mentioned. The noblewoman sat opposite an elderly man, whom she vaguely remembered from a distant encounter in the past.

Upon recognizing him, Himari became fearful of what the older man's presence meant.


Soaku's father, an elderly man, bore a resemblance to Soaku, albeit with a more severe countenance. He had thick, weighty eyebrows and a sharply-defined nose. His hair boasted a light, glossy hue of fuchsia, while his eyes were a pale shade of green so faint that one could question his sight. Dressed in a meticulously crafted suit, he complemented his attire with a formal hat adorned with a decorative feather.

While Himari was busy washing dishes, she noticed a change in the tone and volume of their conversation, indicating that they were speaking in a hushed and secretive manner. Intrigued, she leaned in, hoping to catch snippets of their conversation.

I know it is wrong to eavesdrop, but I cannot help myself…

"… Yes, I will do anything you ask of me, Father," Soaku said, her voice muffled.

"Soaku, I need one of your girls to marry the son of an old friend of mine."

"Huh? One ofmygirls, Father?"

"Yes, indeed."

"Oh, I will be more than happy to assist you in your private dealings, Father!" Soaku exclaimed. "I know just the one who is perfect for this: My oldest daughter, Saori. She always knew of the possibly of an arranged marriage and is prepared."

"Wonderful, wonderful," the older man replied. "I knew I could count on you, Soaku. You were always my favorite daughter."

"Ba-haha!"Soaku chortled loudly. "Good one, Father! Do not tell Suyume you said that!"

While Soaku and her father shared a joyful meal, Himari found herself captivated by the news of Saori's impending marriage. It reminded her of the moment she had glimpsed Saori and a young man in her bedroom, witnessing the undeniable love between them. Despite the laughter and merriment around her, Himari could not shake the memory from her mind.


*ೃ༄OUTRO .ೃ࿐

𓆩 𓆪 HYDRA - MYTH & ROID 𓆩 𓆪

破滅さえ 厭わないで
ねえ まだこの手に残る欠片だって
何もかも 失くしても
捧げるものが 在るの
未来だって 命でさえ
焼け尽きた感情も 不毛な祈りも
縋る無様も 貢ぐ愚かも
病んだ声も 穢れた両手も

𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳

時間がまだ 在るのなら
無意味だって 無駄だっていい
積み上げた日々が 無残に散っても
想いが呪いに 変わったとしても
報いも無く 徒労に終わってもいい
暗く陰った この道の先では
どんな光も やがて潰えるでしょう
希望待つように 生きるより
尽くしきるの 今を
焼け尽きた感情も 不毛な祈りも
縋る無様も 貢ぐ愚かも
何もかもが どうなってもいい
全て貴方に 捧げよう

𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘧 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳

Chapter 3: Act III


ʚ♡ɞ Thank you for reading. Enjoy! ʚ♡ɞ

Chapter Text

It is the Kakusei era, year 3XXX.

The world has undergone a drastic change due to the series of global conflict, ecological disasters, and the advancement of technology. Modern civilization had long collapsed and the merging of countries, increase in oligarchs and totalitarian regimes, corruption, and warfare was rampant.

Left alone, uninterrupted without pause, was a world unbeknownst to those fortunate; a world filled with demons and those who slay them.

* "Dialogue."
*'Telepathic dialogue.'
*"Past conversation."

┍━ 【❀】 ━┑




Saori leaned against the toilet, overwhelmed by a wave of nausea that made her gag and retch. A frothy, mucus-filled vomit trickled out of her mouth and into the bowl. The overwhelming wave of nausea that made her clutch her stomach was a sensation she had grown accustomed to, as it had plagued her for several days.

God, what is this illness? I could not eat even if I wanted to!

Out of nowhere, a series of quick knocks echoed through the door. Soaku's voice filled with affection as she spoke, "Oh, my sweet Saori! Saori, are you almost prepared for the dinner with the Ootanis?"

Saori grabbed a tissue to cleanse her mouth. With a voice strained and her throat irritated by the stomach acid, she replied, "Certainly, Mother! I am almost ready!"

Soaku's hair bun, which was stylishly neat and tight, came undone as she crossed her arms and impatiently tapped her foot. "Saori, please open the door or come out!" She forcefully hit the bathroom door with her fist, but her annoyance dissipated as she heard the unpleasant sounds of retching from inside. "Oh, Saori, that stomach bug of yours has still not left?"

Saori gazed into the stained toilet bowl, feeling empty. Her head throbbed, and she experienced intense dizziness. "No, Mother. I am sorry, but I am still feeling unwell..."

Soaku whined with petulance, expressing her discontent. "God, this situation has already turned into a complete catastrophe! I had been eagerly anticipating an opportunity like this to bring us good fortune, but it has been utterly ruined, all ruined!"

"No, I am well enough to go, Mother!" Saori assured her with a gasp. "Do not worry, everything will be fine."

"Well, it better! Our reputation and livelihood depend on the success of this arrangement. Life as we know it hangs in the balance!"

An agreement was made between Soaku's father and the leader of the Ootani clan. According to the agreement, one of the Katōwamuro women would marry Kame, the youngest heir of the Ootanis. Soaku assured her father that her eldest daughter, Saori, would honor this commitment in order to gain his admiration.

I cannot allow myself to forego this opportunity!

Moments later, Saori exited the bathroom. She donned a formal kimono embroidered with the Katōwamuro family clan's wisteria emblem, and her dark fuchsia hair was braided into a high bun adorned with floral kanzashi. "Mother, how do I look?"

Saori emerged from the bathroom a few moments later. She was wearing a formal kimono embroidered with the wisteria emblem of the Katōwamuro family clan. Her dark fuchsia hair had been braided into a high bun, and she had decorated it with floral kanzashi. "Mother, how do I look?"

Soaku placed her hand over her mouth and held back tears of happiness. "Oh, my sweet Saori, you are such a stunning young lady; you resemble me so much when I was young. You and the Ootani boy will make a truly remarkable couple."

"Thank you for your compliments, Mother."

The noblewoman guided Saori to the mirror and stood behind her with her. Grinning ear to ear, Soaku's bejeweled hands gripped onto her daughter's shoulders as she spoke. "The Ootanis are such a highly respected family clan. I have taught you how to be a good wife, so you should succeed in pleasing your future husband!"

Soaku danced and frolicked in the room, her footsteps echoing on the creaking hardwood floor. "Once the wedding is over, all that remains is the birth of a child! It is crucial that you bear a son, who will become the rightful heir. I have heard that a charm from the Suitengu Shrine is highly effective in guaranteeing the conception of a male child. Oh, the anticipation is unbearable! I simply cannot wait!"

Saori held a hand over her chest as she winced at the reverberating twinge she felt in her heart. The young woman never cared for love or worried about the possibility of being married off to a stranger until she met Ikuo Watomi, the only man who would ever have her heart. It pained her to remain stoic and her feelings unheard as her love was trampled upon but there was nothing she could do. "Yes, Mother. I am happy long as you are happy."

Saori grimaced and placed her hand gently on her chest, feeling a sharp ache reverberate through her heart. The concept of love and the prospect of an arranged marriage had never concerned her until she crossed paths with Ikuo Watomi, the only man who would ever have her heart. It was agonizing for her to suppress her emotions and endure the pain of her love being disregarded, but she was powerless to change the situation. "Yes, Mother," she replied, concealing her true feelings. "My happiness lies in your happiness."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

At La Orangé, Saori and Soaku were seated opposite Kame Ootani's parents, Yonaka and Norio Ootani.

Yonaka Ootani, a charming woman with a short hairstyle, possessed small, crinkly eyes that radiated joy and contentment. In contrast, Norio, her husband, had a stern countenance that exuded perpetual disapproval, remaining devoid of any smiles or alterations.

While there were four people at the table, Yonaka and Soaku did most of the talking.

Yonaka would absentmindedly stab her vegetarian dish with her fork as she spoke. "Oh, and I wanted to let you two know that more than enough strings were pulled to ensure that Kame is to become the Prime Minister of New Japan in the next coming decades!"

"The Prime Minster?" Soaku gasped in amazement. "Yonaka, that is stupendous! How did you manage that?"

"Oh, it was easy! Norio just called in a few favors and bam, we got hit with the news! I am just so excited and proud of our little Kame!" Yonaka beamed as she looked to Saori and exclaimed, "You are a lucky young lady, daughter-in-law! We happily welcome you into our family clan!"

Yonaka took her cellular phone out of her purse to show Saori a picture of her son. "This is my little Kame! I am certain you have seen him before; he has been on television a couple of times, the little star!"

Saori looked at the attractive, brown-haired young man and instantly became lovesick because the color of Kame's hair reminded her of the young man she loved. "Yes, I have seen him before on television. I always thought he was handsome."

Kame is not nearly half as handsome as Ikuo.

Saori's eyes began to wander around the restaurant, and she thought she was imagining things when she spotted a familiar head of tousled, chestnut-brown hair a few tables away.

Oh, Ikuo... I miss you dearly. I am always thinking about you, and I see you in everything.

To Saori's dismay, her eyes did not deceive her: Ikuo and his family were dining at a nearby table. Saori knew that La Orangé was frequented by the wealthy, but it was an unfortunate coincidence that the Watomis were there at the same time as the Maeda-Katowamuros.

Oh my God, that is Ikuo! I cannot believe that this is happening!

The Ootanis and the Maeda-Katōwamuros rose from the table to say their goodbyes.

"Well, we should head off," Yonaka said, clinging to her husband's arm. "It was nice meeting you two. I and Norio look forward to referring to you both as our family. Right, Norio?"

Norio grunted in approval.

"Ta-ta! Until next time!"

"Until next time, Yonaka! And you as well, Norio!"

"Goodbye, Mother and Father-in-law!"

The two families went their separate ways.

Nervously glancing around at the seated guests, Saori decided to speak with her mother to get her mind off seeing the Watomis. "Mother, how do you think that went?"

"I believe it went quite well," Soaku mused. "I have a good feeling about this family. We will fit right in."

Exuberant, Soaku grabbed Saori's shoulders and spun her around. "Oh, my sweet Saori, we should celebrate! Let us go on a short vacation. We will return to the manor to pack."

"A vacation sounds splendid, Mother…"

"It does, yes? I was thinking we could go somewhere warm, somewhere closer to the equator. I have a few locations in mind… Oh and be certain to bring a few of those dresses your pesky aunt gifted you! Suyume may be a half-witted simpleton at times, but she has an eye for fashion. The woman will not stop calling and sending letters, asking for pictures of you and Yui wearing them!"

"All right, Mother. I will—"

Upon hearing the familiar chime of a text notification, Soaku pulled out her cellular phone. "Hold on. Oh, it looks like Alde is waiting for us at the other exit. Traffic is bothersome, so we should leave through the other side."

… But Ikuo and his family are seated on that side!

"All the way to the other s-side?" Saori stammered, disgruntled and flustered. "Mother, I think Alde could—"

Instead of listening to Saori, Soaku began walking in the other direction and left her daughter behind. "Come on, Saori, do not dawdle! We have packing to do, lots of it!"

Saori caught up with her mother with an expression of reluctance. Soaku began speaking and laughing obnoxiously on her cellular phone. They soon reached the area where the Watomis were dining and as they went past, Saori prayed that Ikuo would not notice her.

Please, do not look my way.

The sweet sillage of Saori's jasmine and honeysuckle perfume, courtesies of her stepsister, drew Ikuo to raise his head.

No, do not look my way!

Following the trail of the familiar perfume, Ikuo turned his head and caught sight of Saori.

That was when the two of them met eyes.

Everyone and everything moved in slow-motion.

Their surroundings faded into nothing until they could only see each other as if they were the only ones who existed.

Without a care for the opinion of anyone, including his own family, Ikuo rose from his seat and shouted, "Saori!"

It took every fiber of Saori's being to disregard Ikuo calling out her name. She continued walking alongside her mother with her head held high. Nothing could deter her elegant walk, which was placing one foot in front of the other in one graceful sweep.

Ikuo… Forgive me.


The larks, brambling, and starlings were singingly sweetly, perching and fluttering from branch to branch. A clear blue sky with not a cloud in sight was the constant image of late autumn, beautiful in its simplicity.

As Himari awakened to the soft rays of the morning sun, she came to the realization that today was a special day; it was her birthday.

Today, I am nineteen years old. I do not feel any different, but I am happy to be alive and well! To see the sunrise, to hear the song of the morning birds, and to be in good health is the greatest birthday gift of all. I am so, so, so thankful! God, arigatō!

With Kihaku away on his business trips and Soaku and her daughters on vacation, Himari had no one to spend her birthday alone, so she went about her day as usual. There were duties she had to fulfill, which consisted of scrubbing the hardwood floors, cleaning the rooms, and cooking.

As she dusted the furniture and décor, Himari looked out the window then gasped upon seeing a black luxury vehicle parked in the driveway. It was rare for Kihaku to be home so early in the day especially if Soaku and her daughters were not present.

Excited, Himari jumped up and down and covered her mouth to muffle a delighted squeal.

Oh my, it is Father-sama! He must have come home last night! I will go to see him once I am finished.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

As the evening approached, Himari finished her tasks, feeling the weariness in her hands, feet, and knees. She made her way to her father's home office, carefully balancing a tray containing his beloved meal, katsudon, along with a cup of sake.

Himari noticed that the door was slightly open, prompting her to take a peek before entering. Upon entering, she discovered her father sitting at his desk, engrossed in sorting through stacks of documents. Kihaku effortlessly conversed in a foreign language while balancing a phone against his ear and shoulder.

Himari waited for a long time for the telephone call to end before knocking on the door to get her father's attention. She called out, "Father-sama?"


"Father-sama, may I speak with you?"

Feeling irritated, Kihaku placed the phone firmly against his chest and gestured for his daughter to leave with a wave of his hand. "This is not the right time, Himari. I am dealing with something incredibly crucial. Please wait and return later."

The young woman took notice of a framed photograph, presumably a photo of her mother, lying face down upon a console table. "Okay, Father-sama. Forgive me for disturbing you."

Himari stepped out of the room, intentionally leaving the door slightly ajar so that she could peer through it. She observed her father for quite some time, eagerly anticipating his recognition of the dinner she had prepared for him.

Finally, Kihaku's attention was drawn to the hot bowl of katsudon. While engaged in a phone conversation, he grabbed a bite of the crispy pork cutlet using chopsticks. The moment the savory meat touched his taste buds, he experienced sheer bliss, causing his eyes to involuntarily close in delight. Without delay, he concluded the call and eagerly devoured his meal, emitting audible expressions of satisfaction with each mouthful.

Relishing his reaction, Himari covered her mouth and giggled softly.

I love you, Father-sama. I love you more than anyone could ever understand.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

By nine o'clock, Himari was at Tsukihiko's mansion. They were sitting together in the main living room with her head resting in his lap and with him stroking her hair. Himari was pouring herself out to Tsukihiko; telling him about all her troubles and woes.

"I do not want to think this way, but I think my father forgot my birthday," the young woman said sorrowfully. "It is like he has forgotten about me completely even though I am there in his view."

"That father of yours is very forgetful, I must say," Tsukihiko remarked.

"He overworks himself all the time and never has time for anyone, let alone me."

Tsukihiko lifted Himari's chin so that she was staring at him directly, and she made a sharp inward breath. "Your father does not deserve a daughter as exemplary as yourself," he told her.

"You… You think I am exemplary, Tsukihiko-san?"

"Yes, I do. At this very moment, I see an intelligent, lovely young woman who is a blessing to everyone she meets. If your father cannot see that, then he is a fool."

"A fool, huh?" Himari laughed softly. "He is a fool, now that I think about it… Tsukihiko-san, as much as it pains me to say this, I sometimes wonder what life would be like if he was the one who died instead of my mother."

What? Why did I say that? Oh, no, no, no!

Disgusted by the impetuousness of her comments, Himari covered her mouth in shame. "Oh, my, that was such a terrible thing to say! I did not mean it! May the Heavens forgive me!"

"No, that was not a terrible thing to say, Himari. It is simply how you feel. Life would be undoubtedly different if your mother was alive instead of the gutless man you call your father."

"No one can come close to understanding how much my mother meant to me. I miss her so, so, so much! I just realized something: Every night we are together, all our conversations revolve around me. Please forgive me, I do not mean to be so conceited! I want to know more about you, Tsukihiko-san."

Tsukihiko appeared to be having a hard time finding the words to say as if he had not given his origins much thought. "There is not much to my character," he began. "Life was fine; I never wanted for anything except for… a true connection. I was an only child, so my childhood was lonely. My father and I never saw eye to eye, so I left as soon as I became of age."

"Your mother, what about her?" Himari asked softly.

"Like yours, she passed away when I was young. I never knew her."

"I… I never knew that you were carrying such pain, Tsukihiko-san. I am happy to know that you trust me enough to speak from your heart." Himari was unable to prevent the onslaught of tears, so she began to cry freely.

"Tears? Why are you crying, Himari?"

"I am crying because… because I was just thinking about how lonely you must have been. I know how it feels to be forgotten and not have anyone to talk to. I would not wish loneliness on anyone! No one should ever feel that way."

Tsukihiko pulled her into his arms as he said, "Do not shed any tears on my behalf, little one. I am no longer lonely now that I have found you."

"Oh, Tsukihiko-san!" Himari wept, falling deeper into his embrace.

"Loneliness is not desirable but remember there is strength in being alone, Himari. Those two concepts are very different."

"Yes, yes, yes, Tsukihiko-san! May we be alone together?"

"Yes, we could," he laughed. "Come, I have a birthday present waiting for you upstairs."

"A birthday present?" Himari gasped, sniveling. "I… I have not had a birthday present in so long! I am so thankful, Tsukihiko-san! That is so sweet and kind of you, but you have already given me so much. Look at the beautiful, sparkling necklace you gave me! I do not need anything more from your generous heart! I—"

Tsukihiko laid a finger upon her lips to silence her. "Enough of that. Come with me."

As if she was under a spell, Himari followed Tsukihiko up two flights of stairs to the master bedroom. The master bedroom was grand with a bed fit for a king and a sitting area that was the size of the average living room, fireplace and all.

A black gift box was on the bed, waiting just for her.

"Open it," Tsukihiko beckoned.

Himari pulled the red ribbon and opened her birthday gift. Inside the satin-lined box was a lacy, black lingerie adorned with floral designs, ribbons, bows, and garter belts. The young woman let out a quiet gasp, for she had never seen nightwear so risqué and provocative. "Oh, my!"

"How do you like it?"

"I love it, Tsukihiko-san… It is so, so, so beautiful."

It is too beautiful for me to wear, just like the other clothes he gave me. I do not deserve to wear this.

Tsukihiko sat in the armchair near the crackling fireplace, resting his head against his fist. "Put it on."

"You… You want me to put this on? Okay…" Himari went behind the shoji screen and changed quickly, knowing that Tsukihiko could see her naked silhouette. When she stepped out from behind it, she immediately covered herself. The lingerie was unflattering and did not fit her; where it should have clung and enunciated her curves, it fell shapeless and loose.

"Do not hide yourself from me, Himari," Tsukihiko told her. "I like your body, every bit and inch. Now come here."

Himari approached him, growing even self-conscious and insecure about her thin, scrawny frame, the scars and bruises that marred her skin. "Yes, Tsukihiko-san?"

"Lay across my lap."

Himari obeyed and laid across his lap. The position was provocative, but nothing could prepare her for when Tsukihiko smacked her bottom with his open palm. "Ack!" she exclaimed. "Ouch, that hurt!"

"Silence yourself."

Himari obeyed and covered her mouth to suppress her sharp cries. The spanking hurt but she grew accustomed to the pain rather quickly. Silent tears fell with every assault to her backside.

After what felt like an eternity, Tsukihiko finished punishing her. "Himari?"

"… Y-yes?"

"You can stand up now."

Himari whimpered as she stood up slowly, rubbing her red, tender buttocks. It was painful to move, so she stood awkwardly still with her legs spaced apart to not irritate her buttocks further. "Ohhh…"

My bottom is so sore, and it stings! I am hurting so, so, so much so why do I kind of like it? All the abuse I endured in the Katōwamuro manor at the hands of my stepmother and stepsisters made me hate pain and everything that comes with it. Liking, craving, and desiring this feeling puts all that I went through to shame!

Yet I want to be punished again! Oh, there is something terribly wrong with me! Good is bad, love is hate, and pain is pleasure!

"You handled that very well, Himari, but you still have much to learn. Now turn on the radio on the dresser."

Himari obeyed and went to turn on the radio, sniffing as she walked to the dresser. Sultry, romantic Japanese love songs began to play as soon as she turned the radio on.

This music…

"Dance for me."

"W-what was that, Tsukihiko-san?"

"I said, dance for me, Himari."

He wants me to dance for him. Oh my, I have never danced before. I wonder what kind of dancing he would like to see.

Himari remembered when she and her parents saw a geisha performance at a festival in Kyoto. The geisha danced elegantly as a biwa and koto played, and she transfixed the audience and made everyone hold their breath from beginning to end.

I wish I could be half as elegant and graceful as the geisha from long ago… Still, I can try.

Himari closed her eyes and simply moved her body to the music, moving like a flower in the wind. She closed her eyes and danced sensually in front of the flames, touching herself like how a woman of sensuality would. As she danced, she felt that Tsukihiko was not looking at her body, but at her face.

I want to please you… so badly. So, so, so badly…

Himari's movements slowed when she felt arms around her waist. "Tsukihiko-san, I—"

"Do not speak." Tsukihiko began smothering her neck and shoulders in kisses. He fondled Himari all over, groping her small, perky breasts so much that they became red. As he explored her body with his ravenous mouth, his growls grew more guttural to the point he sounded like a raging beast. The man traveled from her neck to her left shoulder, licking and suckling her flesh along the way.

It was exhilarating.

All Himari could do was rub her scantily clad body against his clothed one, touch and grasp his wavy locks, and moan in utter bliss. "Oh, my! Yes, yes, yes… I love you, Tsukihiko-san!"

Unbeknownst to her, Tsukihiko's canines had extended. The man now bore long, sharp fangs that were right above the young woman's left shoulder, preparing to plunge into her unsuspecting flesh.


Excruciating, agonizing pain.

The sensation was akin to being stabbed by sharpened knives all at once in a localized area.

"KIYAHHH!" Himari turned and gaped at Tsukihiko, whose mouth was covered in blood. "Oh, my, Tsukihiko-san, y-you bit me! Why did you bite me like that? Is something wrong with you? Why, Tsukihiko-san? How could you?"

Disregarding Himari's horrified reaction and words, Tsukihiko moved towards to her wounded shoulder.

With an agonizing wail, Himari drew back and watched in sheer terror as the man drew close. "Tsukihiko-san, w-what is this? What are you doing? Stay back! Do not come any closer!"

All while maintaining eye contact with her, Tsukihiko leaned into Himari's wounded shoulder and kissed the puncture wounds. His slender fingers caressed the area of her bitten flesh before he began lapping up the blood that oozed like how a famished kitten would do to a saucer of milk.

Engrossed, Himari felt a mixture of fear, repulsion, and arousal as Tsukihiko feasted upon her blood. She was immobilized, frozen, until she regained her senses and began struggling within his grasp. "Ohhh, soreha yamete kudasai, Tsukihiko-san. Yamete!"

✧TRANSLATION: Engrossed, Himari felt a mixture of fear, repulsion, and arousal as Tsukihiko feasted upon her blood. She was immobilized, frozen, until she regained her senses and began struggling within his grasp. "Ohhh, please do not do that, Tsukihiko-san. Stop it!"

"Silence,"Tsukihiko resounded sternly, placing a finger upon her full lips. "You know that you are enjoying this."

A deep gulp of shame became lodged in Himari's throat as she held Tsukihiko's penetrating gaze and voiced feeble, quivering moans. Though she was in an immense amount of pain, she could not deny how good the entangling of pleasure and pain felt. The severity of the bite and the delicate kissing and licking that followed threatened to drive her mad.

There was love and beauty within the pain, and she liked it.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari's left shoulder throbbed from the bite, yet all became insignificant as she found solace in Tsukihiko's embrace, leaning against him. They clung onto one another, relishing in the delightful heat radiating from the crackling fire.

"How did you get that scar?" Tsukihiko asked abruptly. "The one across your cheek, how did you get it?"

Himari was taken aback by the man's sudden question and found that she could not answer. "I… I had an accident when I was young. I fell down the stairs."

"Lying is not your strong suit. Tell me of what truly happened, Himari."

Despite Himari's attempts to show no indication of emotion, silent tears began to drip down her face as all her traumatic memories came rushing back to her. "My s-stepsister… My stepsister, Saori-chan…"

"What about her?"

"… My stepsister, Saori-chan, is beautiful but she has a heart as black as ink," Himari began solemnly. "She has always been that way as long as I can remember, all mean-spirited and cruel, but she is so beautiful, Tsukihiko-san."

"You are beautiful as well, Himari."

"Yes, but I am not beautiful like her."

"I doubt that."

"Tsukihiko-san, I thank you for your kind, gracious words, but I insist that my stepsister is more beautiful than I. You should see her, then you will know what I mean. Saori-chan never liked me nor accepted me as her stepsister. She always made it clear that I would never belong in the Katōwamuro family clan, even if I bore the surname. When I was younger, I remember peeking into her bedroom and watching her every morning. Saori-chan would always put on her makeup in the morning, not that she needed any of it. I would stare at her reflection in the mirror and marvel at her beauty, astounded that I was in the presence of something so, so, so beautiful. I became obsessed. I would mimic her mannerisms, like how she tilted her head to the side when she brushed her hair, and how she covered her mouth whenever she laughed, which was often back then. I think… that she was my first love. Oh my, I know how weird this sounds! I do not deny that I am strange, maybe even mad, but I cannot help it; I am in love with watching the people I love! Tsukihiko-san, I would watch you if you were around more often."


Himari's first week at Hanakotoba was wonderful and exciting; she was one of the popular girls of the academy, she had great friends, and her grades were excellent. For the first time since her mother died, Himari was truly happy.

I can breathe again… Okasan, I am okay! I am doing well! God, Arigatō! Arigatō! Arigatō!

After school, Himari and her friends would hang out at a café where all the upperclass Yaegashi students would go frequently, including the boys from the all-boys academy.

There, Himari met a handsome boy named Yato who was two years older than her. He was kind to her and would always buy her a yuzu bar and a cup of chamomile tea. They would converse over desserts and tea, talking about practically anything and everything.

"Hey, Himari, it is getting late, and I must study for my exams," Yato said, gathering his backpack. "It was nice seeing you."

"Oh, okay. Sayonara, Yato-san!"

✧TRANSLATION: "Oh, okay. Goodbye, Yato-san!"

"Yeah. See you around, Himari."

Once Yato had left, all the girls surrounded Himari.

"Himari, do you know who that was?" one asked.

"Yes, he told me that his name is Yato," Himari replied.

"No, I mean, do you knowwhohe is?"

"… Yes? Well, no, not really."

"Excuse you, he is only Yato Chiba, the most popular, cutest, and hottest boy in all Yaegashi! Oh, I could just faint!"

"And drool!"

"He is also super rich!"

"Yeah, filthy rich!"

"You should have seen how he was staring at you, Himari. He likes you!"

"Yeah, he was all over you! He was clearly interested!"

"Well, I think he is a nice person," Himari said happily, taking a bite of the yuzu bar.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

In the dead of the night, Himari awakened to the sound of her bedroom door opening and closing. She uncovered the blanket from her head and saw her older stepsister standing by the side of her bed, staring at her with a chillingly cold stare. "Saori-chan, it is you."

"Is it true?" Saori asked abruptly.

Curious, Himari sat up in her bed. "Is what true, Saori-chan?"

"Is it true that you were speaking with Yato Chiba?"

"Yato-san? Yes, it is true. He is very nice, and we are good friends. Do you know him, Saori-chan?"

"Do I know him?" Saori asked in a rhetorical manner. "Yato Chiba… Do I know him? Do I know him? I wonder, do I know Yato Chiba? It is not like I was his girlfriend!"

"Girlfriend? Oh, Saori-chan, I did not know about you and Yato-chan. There is nothing happening between us, we are only friends!"

"You broke the unwritten rules between us women, you traitorous, backstabbing skan*. To think that I introduced you to my friends!"

"Saori-chan, I would never do something so horrible to anyone. Please believe me when I say there is nothing happening between I and Yato-san!"

"That is not what I have heard. You see, you may have charmed and have most of my friends under your spell, but a few of them are still loyal to me. They told me that you were practically throwing yourself at Yato, twirling your hair and batting your eyelashes like mad."

"No, no, no, Saori-chan, it was n-not like that at all! I did not—"

"Shut up, I had enough of your blabbering. Now it is time for the first part of your discipline: a trim." Saori smiled wickedly as she held up a pair of scissors, the silver gleaming in the warm lighting. Laughing manically, she pounced upon Himari and grabbed locks of her hair and cut them.

"No! No, no, no! Saori-chan, please do not do this! Saori-chan!Saori-chan!"

Saori placed her hand over Himari's mouth to muffle her protests and screams. Heaps of silken tresses piled on the floor as Himari's hair was cut haphazardly.

After losing the fifth lock of hair, Himari began to fight back. She grabbed Saori's scissor-wielding wrist and used her legs to push her away.

"Let go!" Saori screamed directly in Himari's ear. "Let go of my wrist, you slu*t!"

"Saori-chan, please stop this! Please, please, please!"

That was when the scissors went through the flesh of Himari's cheek like perfectly aligned paper, without a sound, notch, or resistance. Blood splattered all over the bed, onto the floor, and onto the faces of both young girls.


"I received stitches, but they only worsened the wound," Himari spoke softly with a false laugh. "That was a sad, pitiful story, was it not?"

Tsukihiko did not respond but continued threading his fingers through her hair, allowing Himari to fill the air with her words, her truth. She could hear his breathing and she fell in love with it.

"Forgive me, but I am not used to being this vulnerable, Tsukihiko-san. Gomen'nasai… I always wonder why I am treated this way. Why me? Sometimes I think that I was born just to be hurt."

✧TRANSLATION: "Forgive me, but I am not used to being this vulnerable, Tsukihiko-san. I am sorry… I always wonder why I am treated this way. Why me? Sometimes I think that I was born just to be hurt."

I hate everything about myself. I wish I was anyone or anything else!

"Not all of my blemishes are within view," Himari continued. "I have more to show you, if you have not noticed them already." The young woman opened her legs to reveal the innermost of her thighs. Cigarette burn marks were scattered around her flesh, like the last leaves of autumn, all burnt and discolored. "My stepmother… She did these where no one would see them. They will never go away, Tsukihiko-san."

There was a long period of nothing.

Oh no, no, no…

Himari thought she had unnerved Tsukihiko and made him think less of her until he lowered himself to her thighs and began to kiss the circular marks of scorched flesh. Instantaneously, she burst into tears and sobbed freely, saying, "You love me. You love me, Tsukihiko-san. You love me despite my imperfections and flaws! Arigatō! Arigatō! Arigatō!"

✧TRANSLATION: Himari thought she had unnerved Tsukihiko and made him think less of her until he lowered himself to her thighs and began to kiss the circular marks of scorched flesh. Instantaneously, she burst into tears and sobbed freely, saying, "You love me. You love me, Tsukihiko-san. You love me despite my imperfections and flaws! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"


Himari's dream began in a vast sea of sunflowers. Nostalgia washed over her like the foamy tides against a shore, and the grassy, earthy scent of the towering stalks were fragrant.

How pretty… I remember being here!

There, above the multitude of bright yellow petals, Himari saw her parents sitting atop a hill. They waved at her, beaming and grinning ear to ear.

Her mother's face, which looked very much like her own, was lit up with joy. "Hello, Himari!"


Kihaku was sitting beside her, smiling broadly. He appeared to be youthful and strong; he did not look pale and terribly skinny anymore. "Himari, come join us!"


Himari was so relieved to see her parents, tears of joy pricked her eyes. "Okasan, Father-sama! I am coming as fast as I can!"

Giggling, Himari ran through the sunflower field and pushed through them with all her might. The sunflowers grew even taller, their petals and leaves blocking the clear view she had of her parents.

When she pushed the sunflowers out of her way, she did not see either the hill or her parents. Only a quiet sea of sunflowers surrounded her.

"Father-sama? Okasan? Oh, where did you go?"

The valley of sunflowers perished as they wilted, and a garden of showy blooms replaced them. There were all kinds of flowers: orchids, peonies, marigolds, camellias, and most importantly, roses.

My garden. My very own garden!

Enthralled, Himari immersed herself in the colorful blooms, unaware of the darkening sky. If she closed her eyes and leaned in, she could hear soft whispering amongst the flowers.

"It is okay, my sweet, perfumed blooms. I hear each of you!" Himari reveled in the beauty of the flowers and listened to them speak until she felt something pierce her ankle. "Ouch!"

The young woman looked down at her leg to see a black snake coiled around it. The serpent plunged its fangs even deeper into her flesh, injecting her with its bitter venom.

"Ahhh!"Himari cried out in pain, panicking as she looked around for someone to help her. "Oh no, no, no! It hurts! Help me! Father-sama! Okasan! Someone, help me, please! Help me!"

The garden of flowers dissipated, and the world turned into a pitch-black, empty void. The snake coiled around Himari's leg had vanished along with the acute pain of its fangs and the poison it delivered.

Frightened, Himari looked around at her dark, nihilistic surroundings. "… K-Kon'nichiwa?" her voice echoed. "Is anyone there?"

✧TRANSLATION: Frightened, Himari looked around at her dark, nihilistic surroundings. "… H-hello?" her voice echoed. "Is anyone there?"

Suddenly, Himari remembered everything.

She remembered that her mother had died, that her father did not love her as much as he once did, and that her stepmother and stepsisters despised her.

Everyone Himari loved had left her, and she was alone in the darkness.

Himari cowered in fear and wept, rendered distraught and inconsolable.

I am afraid! I am afraid of the dark, being alone, and being forgotten! I cannot take this anymore!

Someone, please save me! Save me! Please save me! Please…


Himari awakened to slivers of sunlight pouring through the small window, blankly staring up at the ceiling. The basem*nt was filled with its warm, pleasant light, and the indoor flowers were thriving and soaking in the sunlight.

How pretty. It is a beautiful morning.

The young woman went to prepare herself for the day. She bathed briskly, lathered herself with one of her floral oil perfumes, then dressed herself in a ruffled pinafore dress.

Gazing into the mirror, Himari's eyes held a vacant expression. It seemed as though she could not remember the person staring back at her. It felt as though she was detached from her own body, merely an observer of its movements. The sensation was akin to an extended out-of-body experience, where her body moved without her conscious command. Himari was familiar with the bitter taste of control, but this was different. It was a longing for a temporary respite from being herself, a chance to finally exhale.

After my night with Tsukihiko-san, I do not feel like myself. I feel a sense of clarity I never knew, like the carpet has been pulled out from under my feet, like the veil has been lifted from my eyes, like I have died and have been reborn! Is this what Eve felt like when She partook of the forbidden fruit?

I am tired of being the victim. In my nightmare, I had no control over anything, and I was at the mercy of my surroundings. Even when I am awake, I go wherever the current takes me. I was weak; I let a snake enter my garden and that very serpent bit me! Every time a problem arises, I call for help but no one ever comes to my rescue. Not Father-sama, not Okasan, no one! I refuse to be a damsel in distress any longer. I will care for only myself, be cruel, and vain!

Only the man I love will see the core of my true vulnerable self. Only you, Tsukihiko-san, only you.

Staring at her reflection in the mirror, Himari lifted the hem of her dress and put on a lacy black thigh garter. She admired the length and structure of her legs but frowned at the bruises and scars that covered them.

I will not let these blemishes define me.

Himari winced as she rubbed the spot where Tsukihiko had bitten her, which was beginning to look like a rash.

This spot physically aches but it is insignificant to all the pain I feel emotionally. All the pain I felt, all the tears I shed… I cannot keep it in any longer. The terror and suffering I endure within the walls of this manor must end!


Saori, Yui, and Soaku all sat down at the kitchen dining table for breakfast. Kihaku was on yet another business trip, so he was absent. The three of them conversed happily as they were served breakfast.

"The dinner with the Ootanis was a success!" Soaku rejoiced triumphantly. "My sweet Saori, you have charmed the parents of Kame Ootani; they now know their son is in safe hands with a young lady as sophisticated as you.There will be a wedding!"

"Kame Ootani? The filthy rich Ootanis, those ones?" Yui inquired, her eyes brimming with curiosity.

Saori smiled smugly in between bites of salmon. "Yes, Yui. Those Ootanis."

"Ehhh?So, if you marry that guy, then are we like, doubly rich?"

"Yes, sure… Whatever that means."

Soaku reached across the table and placed her hand upon Saori's to get her attention. "Saori, your success is my success, for I am the one who birthed and reared you to be the stunning young woman you are today. Do not forget that when you make it to the peak."

"I know, Mother. I could never forget neither you nor Yui."

"But Mother, what about me?" Yui whined, puckering her glossy pink lips.

"Oh, what about you?" Soaku spit nastily. "What have you achieved lately?"

"Aw, Mother, I have not achieved much lately, but you always give all the love and attention to Saori! You never congratulated me for anything, not like that!"

Saori used her chopsticks to nip her younger sister's cheek playfully. "Jealous, are we not?"

"Owie! Mother, did you just see that? Saori practically stabbed me!"

The three of them erupted in thunderous, knee-slapping laughter.

"Oh, how I wish you would just die, Saori!" Yui exclaimed, laughing the hardest out of the three. There was a tincture of truth in her cutesy, high-pitched voice, but no one caught it amongst their mirth.

Their laughter fell silent when Himari pulled back the empty chair and sat down in it. She closed her eyes, brought her hands together, and bowed her head. "Itadakimasu."

✧TRANSLATION: Their laughter fell silent when Himari pulled back the empty chair and sat down in it. She closed her eyes, brought her hands together, and bowed her head. "I humbly receive."

There was a long, awkward silence as everyone watched Himari use chopsticks to fill her plate nonchalantly. From across the table, Himari looked at Yui and asked, "Yui-chan, could you pass me the plate of tamagoyaki, please?"

"M-me?" Yui asked, visibly stunned by what was happening. She was not the only one who was flabbergasted by the situation; Saori and Soaku's jaws were dropped to the floor.

"This has to be a joke!" Soaku spat, her face turning sour. "Dogs are not supposed to eat at the table," the noblewoman insulted.

"Yes, it is a good thing that Fuwapo is resting upstairs," Himari replied wittily. Still staring intently at Yui, she asked, "Yui-chan, would you please pass me the tamagoyaki?"

Soaku swore violently under her breath, her jowls reddening with anger. "That blasted girl…"

Himari kept her eyes on Yui and stared at her with enough intensity to make the young girl tremble in her seat slightly. "Yui-chan, pass me the plate of tamagoyaki…Please."

The platter of tamagoyaki was directly in front of Yui. Uncertain, the young girl extended her hand to reach for it, but her mother stopped her.

Soaku slammed her fists upon the table angrily. "Get up from that chair, Himawari!"

"Why?" Himari questioned. "I am enjoying a proper family breakfast with you all."

"Get up and leave this table at once!"

"I do not want to, Soaku."

The noblewoman reeled back in horror at the blatant, blasphemous disrespect that flowed effortlessly from her stepdaughter's mouth like water. "Soaku… Soaku? It is Lady Mistress Soaku-sama to you, Himawari. How dare you… How dare you speak to me like I am nothing more than a commoner?"

"Then you know how it feels to be called by something other than your name. My name is Himari, not Himawari! Addressing you as a lady is a disservice to all the true ladies of the world, Soaku. I do not see a lady speaking to me, I see more of a pig!"

"Himawari, if you do not get up from this table this instant, you will be disciplined severely!"


"No?"Soaku gasped, appalled by her stepdaughter's defiance. "What do you mean, no?"

"No, I will not leave this table and I will not be disciplined!" Himari screamed. "I refuse to be beaten any longer! Not anymore, not ever again! I see how things truly are now. You three… You three are sick! I know what all the things each of you have done to me for so long is called. It is called abuse, which makes each of you abusers!"

That was when the noblewoman got up and went to where Himari was sitting. In one fell swoop, she pushed all the plates in front of Himari on the floor, not caring about the delicacies nor the fine china that shattered.

Slowly, Himari rose from her chair and glared up at her stepmother. The young woman's gaze was frightening, as there was a smoldering vengeance in her bronze-colored eyes that were steadily turning them as black as ink. "You will regret that, Soaku," she vowed bitterly.

No one dared to say a word.

Soaku raised her hand to strike Himari for her insolence. To her surprise, Himari grabbed her wrist and stopped the oncoming blow. "How dare you hold my wrist, girl? Release my hand at once!"

Himari released Soaku's wrist from her grasp, her face twisted in repulsion as if touching her stepmother was the most putrid, revolting thing ever conceived. Before she left the table, she said, "From now on, no one will ever lay a harmful finger on me.No one."

As soon as Himari departed, the oppressively dark atmosphere that enveloped the manor dissipated.

"The nerve of that girl!" Soaku hollered once she was certain Himari was not within earshot. She threw a glass to the floor in a seething rage.

"Oh, Mother, Himari was so mean!" Yui whined. "She was so mean to you, and especially me!"

"Stop whining, Yui!" Saori spat. "If it was not for Mother, you would have fulfilled Himari's request like the scaredy cat you are!"

"What? I was not going to pass her the plate of tamagoyaki, honest! Himari called us sick abusers, which is just not true! If that was true, then why is she still here? Why did she not just leave a long time ago if she was being treated so badly?"

"Those are my sentiments exactly," Saori agreed. "Mother, what do you think is wrong with the girl? She ruined our peaceful, happy morning meal."

Soaku stared blankly at the place where her stepdaughter once stood, her left eye twitching in either irritation, fright, or both combined. "That, I do not know but it must be nipped in the bud immediately!"


Himari returned from the marketplace with more flora to add to her ever-growing collection and laboratory glassware such as flasks, pipettes, and beakers. She entered the basem*nt through the garden and spent time setting up a proper laboratory on her workstation.

After that, Himari went to harvest herbs in the Katōwamuro garden. She carried a basket as she walked through the garden with Fuwapo following her, plucking and harvesting herbs. The young woman's knowledge of botany and herbalism was impressive because she knew the genus, species, and purpose of each botanical specimen she laid eyes on.

Chrysanthemum parthenium, Feverfew. It is used for migraines, fevers, and chronic diseases like arthritis.

Primula vulgaris, Primrose. It is effective in treating headaches, gout, and rheumatism.

Achillea millefolium, Yarrow. It is used as a topical ointment for wounds and bruises.

Fuwapo circled around Himari's legs as she worked in her laboratory. "Yip, yip, yip!"

Himari used pestle and mortar to grind the aloe latex, cascara sagrada, frangula, rhubarb, and senna herbs. The dry herbal blend and a mixture of water was heated over a burner, and a liquid concoction with powerful cathartic properties was produced.

With a mischievous grin, Himari deftly poured the serum into a tiny perfume container, perfectly sized to be concealed within a sleeve.

It is your turn to suffer, Soaku.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The next morning, Himari served a bountiful Japanese breakfast to the Katōwamuros. The three of them ate breakfast as they clamored and gossiped over the news.

"So, I received a call from Yonaka Ootani earlier this morning and she wants to have lunch with me today!"

"Oh, Mother, that is wonderful!" Yui squealed in delight. "May I come along?"

"No, Yui, you may not come along this time. Yonaka empathized that me and her have a lot of important things to discuss."

Yui crossed her arms and stomped her feet, pouting dramatically. "But Mother, I did not come with you last time! You brought Saori, but you did not even offer to bring me! I am bored out of my mind in this place!"

"Stop it, Yui! Saori is not coming this time either, so you have her to keep you company."

In the kitchen, Himari began preparing cups of green tea. She was driven by an unknown force as she reached into her pocket for the vial and poured drops of the elixir into the noblewoman's tea discreetly.

Okay. Here goes nothing…

Stirring the tea, Himari approached Soaku and placed the tea in front of her. She returned to the kitchen and watched her stepmother from afar, a thrilled expectancy in her eyes. The noblewoman was invested in conversation and did not so much as glance at her teacup for a long time.

Ohhh, I cannot wait any longer! The suspense is killing me!

The noblewoman paused from conversing and noticed the cup of steaming green tea before her. She lifted the teacup by its handle and took a long, thoughtful sip of her tea, smiling at its rich, sweet taste.


┍━ 【❀】 ━┑



Soaku sat at a table for two at an upscale bistro, waiting for Yonaka Ootani to arrive. She suppressed her pained groans and felt uncomfortably malaise, but she could not bring herself to cancel their luncheon.

I do not feel quite like myself. Hopefully this lunch with Yonaka does not take too long...

"Soaku!" a voice called out. The voice belonged to the lovely Yonaka Ootani, who was dressed beautifully in fashionable celadon from head to toe.

"Ah, Yonaka!"

The two noblewomen embraced and kissed each other's cheeks.

"It is so good to see you, Soaku! There needs to be more time spent between us co-mother-in-laws."

"Yes, I agree!"

Soaku and Yonaka sat down in their seats, and a waiter arrived to take their orders promptly.

"I will have water with lime and the garden salad, no dressing, please," Yonaka said, her eyes skimming over the menu.

"And you, madam?"

Soaku skimmed through the menu, muttering internally. Truthfully, she was craving a large glass of red wine and a juicy pan-seared steak drenched in garlic butter, but she did not want to appear as a glutton in front of Yonaka. "I will have the… roasted squash and chicken salad! With a glass of water with lemon as well, aha!"

I regret not ordering that steak! Oh well, I can have that girl make it for me tonight.

Once the waiter let them be, Yonaka leaned in close with her elbows on the table. Her small, dark eyes shimmered with delight as she spoke. "So, what was your husband's reaction when he heard the news? I do wish he could have joined us for dinner last time."

In truth, Kihaku does not care for any of this.

"Oh, Kihaku is just thrilled!" Soaku fibbed. "He cannot wait for the wedding! He wishes that he was there to meet you and Norio too, but you know how prosperous men are with their prosperous careers."

Yonaka's face grew despondent; her smile fell, and the crinkled lines of laughter around her eyes began to sag and became heavy around her eyes which reflected great sorrow. "I am well acquainted with that feeling," she admitted. "Before Norio retired, we would go for weeks, and sometimes even months, without seeing each other. I do not miss that sense of disconnection. Marriage should be intimate and warm, not distant and frigid. Our relationship has truly suffered... To this day, I do not believe he loves me the same way anymore."

Surprised by Yonaka's unexpected admission, Soaku coughed nervously and wore a wry smile. "Yonaka, um... I am at a loss for words."

What a weak, pitiful woman. Maybe we are not so alike after all.

Yonaka's countenance transformed back to its customary state of jubilance, as if her previous melancholy never existed. "So, I am excited about having a winter wedding! I have found the perfect venue in Shibuya for it to be held. Gorgeous, stunning, dazzling! I was thinking of the wedding to be more western rather than Japanese, but I do not know! Saori looked gorgeous in that crested kimono! Ugh, choices, choices, choices!"

This woman is… odd. She talks a mile a minute and her mood changes like the weather!

While Yonaka continued to talk endlessly about the wedding, Soaku listened. However, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a loud rumbling sound. Feeling a sudden discomfort in her stomach, the noblewoman instinctively placed her hand on her abdomen, startled by the intense churning sensations she experienced.

Was that… me?

Yonaka stopped speaking and glanced at Soaku questionably. "Soaku, did you hear that?"

"Hear what, Yonaka?"

"I heard a strange, unearthly sound, kind of like a dog whining… Oh, I cannot explain it. Never mind me!"

"… Pardon me, Yonaka, but I am just famished!" Soaku laughed sheepishly. "I am dying to taste the salad I ordered!"

"I am excited about my order as well!" Yonaka peered over Soaku's shoulder and spotted the fine waiter from before approaching, carrying trays. "Oh, Soaku, I think our orders are just about to arrive!"

The waiter arrived and sat down the noblewomen's respective meals in front of them. "My noble ladies, it is my pleasure to serve you," he said, bowing. "Please, enjoy your meal."

Soaku stared in awe at the platter of savory roasted squash and chicken salad. Although it wasn't the dish she truly craved, it appeared enticing. However, for the very first time, she found herself unable to fathom the idea of consuming a meal.

I feel queasy just looking at this, and my stomach is cramping! What is wrong with me?

Yonaka ate her salad daintily, favoring pieces of lettuce and cucumbers over the tomatoes and carrots, and moving the croutons off to the side for further picking. "Mmm, this garden salad is utterly sublime! This is exactly why I suggested we go here, Soaku; the food here is impeccable! Ambrosian, delectable, divine!"

Soaku groaned in response, clutching her cramping stomach over the table. It felt like her intestines were being tangled together in knots and they were fighting all at once to exit through her rectum. "Ohhh…"

"Soaku, are you all right?" Yonaka commented, visibly concerned. "You look a little pale!"

"Pale, me? Oh, nonsense, Yonaka. I am as healthy as an ox!" As soon as Soaku finished her lies, her stomach made yet another painful, audible noise that could be heard on the other side of the restaurant. Her stomach continued rumbling loudly, causing a few curious and alarmed diners to look in their direction.

How nosy and intrusive! Do not look over here and mind your business!

"Oh, there is that sound again!" Yonaka cried out. "It really does sound like a pitiful whining dog! I wonder if that is truly what it is. Poor doggie, right, Soaku?"

"Excuse me, Yonaka, but I must go to the powder room, aha!" Soaku rose from her chair and squeezed her legs together tightly as she walked away, clenching her buttocks. When she was out of Yonaka's line of sight, she covered her buttocks and sprinted towards the ladies' room.

Heaving, Soaku plowed through multiple guests and waiters along the way without a care. "Do not just stand there, get out of my way! Move, move, move!"

Once inside the bathroom, Soaku was met with a woman applying her makeup in the mirror. The woman glanced at her out of the corner of her eye and said, "May I help you?"

Soaku leaned in close to the woman's ear and yelled,"GET OUT OF HERE, TRAMP!"

Terrified, the woman grabbed her purse and ran out of the bathroom with a face smeared with a wayward streak of red lipstick.

With a shrill battle cry, Soaku barged into a bathroom stall and plopped down on the toilet. The bathroom was instantly filled with a profoundly wretched stench that made the bouquet of flowers sitting upon the console table wilt.


Yui was in the middle of watching a popular soap opera on the television with Fuwapo in her lap. The revelation that one of the husbands had been having an affair with his wife's sister was seconds away from being revealed when Soaku burst through the front door.

"The luncheon with Yonaka was a disaster, an utter disaster!" Soaku cried, her arms flailing in the air. "It was a catastrophe!"

Yui sighed as she turned off the television, disappointed that the show was interrupted. Fuwapo, irritated that the television was turned off, yapped and growled angrily at Soaku before scampering away.

"Oh, what happened, Mother? Are you all right?"

"I have been better!" Soaku groaned, placing her purse in the counter. "It took a lot for me just to go up the front steps!"

Himari entered the main living room and began sweeping and dusting the area.

Suddenly, Soaku held a hand to her head as if she felt faint. "Oh dear, what is this feeling that is coming over me? Yui…" The noblewoman fell to her knees, grasping her abdomen and groaning loudly in pain.

"Mother!" Yui cried out as she rushed to her mother's aid. "Saori! Saori, we need you! Something is wrong with Mother!"

Saori came rushing down the stairs to the main living room and upon seeing her afflicted mother, she covered her mouth to muffle a pained sob. "Mother!"

"Girls!" Soaku gasped, her terrified eyes wide beyond belief. "Girls, I need you to call for an ambulance!"

Saori and Yui, both too distraught to even function, stood still until a voice said, "I will call for the ambulance."

Everyone turned to look in the direction of the voice and saw Himari. She was standing near the hallway, closest to the telephone. With a bow, she turned away and went to use the telephone.

All eyes shifted towards the direction of the voice, where they saw Himari standing by the hallway. She gracefully nodded and swiftly made her way towards the telephone.

Though no one else caught it because of how brief and spontaneous it was, Yui could have sworn that she saw Himari smirk.

... Huh?

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Yui solemnly watched as the paramedics, all six of them, lifted Soaku and laid her on a gurney. The noblewoman looked pitiful as they wheeled her away, refusing to wear an oxygen mask and being as hostile as possible through her pain.

"Whatever you do, Yui, do not come visit me!" Soaku cried out, groaning in pain. "I do not want anyone to see me in my dire moment of weakness! Know that I will return within a day!"

"Okay, Mother!"

"And if Yonaka calls, tells her that I am on vacation!"

"Okay, Mother!"

"In the Hamptons! Tell Yonaka that I am on vacation in the Hamptons! I have been planning to visit the states!"

"Okay, I will, Mother! I love you!"

"I love you, too, my sweet Saori! Oh, and Yui!"


The paramedics loaded Soaku inside the ambulance, then left the grounds of the Katōwamuro estate.

Moments later, Saori came out of the manor and stood beside Yui. She appeared to have composed herself, like she never was distraught or on the verge of tears to begin with. "I have been trying to contact Father, but he will not answer," she scoffed. "The world could end, and he would still manage to be the last to hear about it."

"Yeah, that sounds like Father," Yui sighed sadly. "I cannot believe that Mother has become so ill!"

"Yui, you should not let this get to you. Mother will be fine; a strong woman like her. Perhaps it was something she ate during her lunch with Lady Ootani."

Food poisoning was a viable option, but all Yui could think about was that glimpse of Himari's snide, untimely smirk. "Yeah, perhaps…"

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-



Laughter and excited barks resounded as Yui chased Fuwapo around the manor. The shih tzu's paws and the young girl's frilly blue and white dress were covered in soil from running through the garden. They ran through the halls and endless bedrooms, tracking dirt all over the hardwood floors without a care.

Yui paused to catch her breath, and Fuwapo sat at her feet and slobbered on her black Mary Janes. "Ewww, Fuwapo! Stick your tongue back in your mouth!"


That was when a grassy, earthy smell began wafting through the air. The scent was neither a pleasant nor unpleasant odor, but it was strong and smelled like something you would smell at a farm.

Panting, Fuwapo turned away and sniffed the air. Its tail wagged frantically as it barked, "Yip, yip!"

"Do you smell that, Fuwapo?" Yui asked in her childish, high-pitched voice. "It smells like a strong, stinky-winky fertilizer which is your favorite, right?"

"Yip, yip, yip!" Fuwapo barked with even more drool dripping from its tongue. It leapt and frolicked around Yui's feet before scurrying away, looking back to make sure she was following it.

The two arrived at the stairs leading to the basem*nt, where the earthy scent was at its strongest. "So, the smell is coming from down here," Yui said, curious. "I wonder what it is… Come on, Fuwapo!"


The young girl took the adorable shih tzu into her arms and walked downstairs to the basem*nt. Upon entering, she saw Himari working in a laboratory. Jars of various plants and florals lined the shelves, and beakers, tubes containing colored liquids were broiling above burners. From Yui's perspective, Himari might as well have been wearing a pointy black hat and brewing a bubbling potion in a cauldron.

Himari looked at Yui through the wisps of fumes and smoke emitted from the boiling liquids and smiled warmly. "Oh, it is you, Yui-chan! Kon'nichiwa!"

✧TRANSLATION: Himari looked at Yui through the wisps of fumes and smoke emitted from the boiling liquids and smiled warmly. "Oh, it is you, Yui-chan! Hello!"

Yui covered her mouth in horror and fright. "Oh my God… I thought Mother was being dramatic as usual, but she was right. You…You are a witch!"

"A witch, little old me?" Himari laughed. "You and your mother have such an overactive imagination, Yui-chan."

"Are you the reason why Mother has been so sick?"

Himari gave a cruel, knowing smirk and ran her fingers through her silken tresses. "What do you think?" she asked in a voice of pungent derision.

"I think your outburst at breakfast inclines me to believe that you did something to her food, and I am telling Mother when she gets home from the hospital!"

"I would not do that if I were you, Yui-chan..."

"Well, I am going to tell her!" Yui retorted. "I am going to tell everyone, and there is nothing you can do to stop me!"

That was when Himari gave Yui a dark glare that was exactly like how she looked at Soaku, petrifying the young girl and sending shivers down her spine. "Yui-chan, if I am a witch like you think I am, then perhaps you should tread lightly."

Horrified, Yui turned and ran out of the basem*nt in a blur of frothy silk chiffon. Her heart pounded in her ears as she rushed upstairs, holding Fuwapo close to her chest.

Mother was right about Himari all along! Himari is a witch! I know what I saw; she was cooking poisons and conjuring spells! I must tell Saori!

Yui flew inside of Saori's bedroom and closed the door behind her, pressing her back against the door. "Saori, you are not going to believe this!" she shouted.

Saori was sitting at her vanity dresser, applying makeup and styling her long, fuchsia hair. The young woman's head was tilted to the side as she brushed through her fuchsia tresses ever so tenderly. "Yui, before you speak another word, get that mutt out of my bedroom."

Yui set Fuwapo on the floor gently and opened the door for it. The shih tzu growled as it waddled out of the bedroom slowly. "Yip, yip!"

Looking at her younger sister through the mirror, Saori stopped brushing her hair and asked, "Now what is it that you must tell me, Yui?"

"You are not going to believe what I saw in the basem*nt!"

"I cannot be the judge of anything if you do not tell me what this is about."

"Oh! Yeah, I was getting to that! Have you noticed that Himari has been behaving strangely?"

"Strangely? I would not know; I do not concern myself with the help."

"Well, I saw her cooking a lot of plants in pots and pans in the basem*nt! There were weird mixtures, potions, and a bunch of other stuff!"

With a humorless scowl, Saori turned around in her stool to look at Yui directly. "She is a gardener and a perfumer, you know."

"Yeah, I know that, but I have a feeling that she is complicit in Mother's illness! Mother has never become so sick out of nowhere, not like this! She always had stellar health until Himari started behaving strangely!"

"You are mistaken, Yui. Himari has neither the courage nor the intelligence to do such a thing. You are giving her too much credit."

"Excuse me, Saori, but you were not there to see that look in her eyes. Himari's eyes are black now like she has been possessed! Possessed, I tell you, like she has been taken over by a demon!"

Saori groaned and shook her head in disapproval. "Oh, calm down, Yui. You are being dramatic."

"I also noticed that she would always leave the manor when it gets very dark outside," Yui continued anxiously. "One time, I went to her room in the basem*nt and looked through her things. I went through her dresser and saw a bunch of fancy clothes! I think she gets them from whoever she meets with every night, which means that she is in a relationship!"

Unamused, Saori crossed her arms and said, "It is doubtful that Himari has courted anyone; no man of high standing would want her. She must have bought the things you saw from the money she makes selling her products. None of that concerns me, anyway."

"But Saori, the clothes she has are very beautiful and expensive! They put even our wardrobe to shame!"

"Are you serious right now, Yui?" Saori said menacingly, frightening her younger sister. "I do not care if you compare yourself to the likes of garbage peasantry, but do not put my name in it! Now get out of my bedroom!"

"Oh, you are just so mean, Saori!" Yui whined as she left. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"

"I hate you too, you little brat!"

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Sometime past midnight, Yui was tossing and turning in her bed, restless. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw images of herself being tortured by her stepsister, like being boiled alive in a cauldron or turned into a frog.

Oh, I hate all things scary and supernatural! I especially hate witches; they freak me out!

"How pretty," a voice said.

Startled, Yui sat up and watched a figure emerge from the darkest corner in her room. It was her stepsister, Himari, holding a snow globe that came from Yui's dresser. The young woman wore a white nightgown that was so sheer, her nipples were almost visible. Her face depicted a blank, indescribable expression, and her eyes appeared to reflect a black emptiness.

"Oh, my gosh!" Yui shrieked. "Himari, you scared me! I thought you were a ghost! Do not sneak up on me like that!"

"I just adore your room, Yui-chan," Himari complimented monotonously. "May I join you on your bed?"


The two of them lay beside each other on the bed, facing opposite directions.

"Yui-chan, I am sorry about how I reacted earlier," Himari began. "I should not have spoken to you like that. We are sisters, after all."

"No problem, I have already forgotten… We arestepsisters,though," Yui clarified timidly.

"Extra words are just that: extra, unnecessary. We are sisters, Yui-chan. I regret never connecting with you like I should have. I am just so lonely, you know. It has always hurt me to see the four of you together, enjoying life. I wish I could be a part of that..."

There was a long, uncomfortable silence until Yui spoke. "Himari, may I ask where you go when you leave at night?"

"I go out to see the world," Himari answered. "The world is so beautiful at night, you know. Neon lights are my favorite thing to see."

"They are my favorite thing to see, too. When I, Saori, and Mother go out at night, I am amazed at all the pretty lights every time."

"Yui-chan, do you know the truth of Saori-chan's condition?" Himari asked abruptly.


"Your sister's predicament, do you know the truth of it?"

"I do not."

"Well, she is pregnant," Himari said straightforwardly.

Yui did not move a muscle, for she knew the truth about Saori all along. "… I suspected as such."

"A child born out of wedlock is an unforgivable sin, Yui-chan. I do not know how Soaku will cover this up. What a catastrophe. But this is what Soaku gets for neglecting you after all."

"Neglecting me? What do you mean, Himari?"

"Do you feel that your mother favors your sister over you?"

"... Yeah, that is exactly how I feel!" Yui exclaimed, sitting upright. "It is like you read my mind. How did you figure that out?"

"I watch and observe things all the time, so I see things others do not. I clearly see that you are a wonderful daughter, Yui-chan."

Himari's words were so unexpected and profound, Yui had to blink back tears. The only thing that would have made that moment better was if her mother had been the one saying those words to her. "T-thank you for the compliment, Himari! No one has ever told me that… Hey, since we are on good terms now, may I ask you something?"

"Yes, Yui-chan?"

"Are you... Are you in a relationship with a man?"

"Yes, Yui-chan," Himari replied sincerely. "I am in a relationship with a man. I love him and he loves me the same way. He takes me places and buys me things, like this necklace." Himari reached into the bosom of her nightgown and revealed a heart-shaped ruby necklace that glimmered even in the darkness of night.

Yui gasped and covered her mouth in pure awe. "Oh my God! That necklace is… It is just beautiful, Himari! I have never seen anything so gorgeous. It puts all my rings and even the pearls around my mother's neck to shame!"

"It is very beautiful, is it not? The man I am with is just perfect! We will become a married couple soon; I am certain of it. No man gives a woman a gift like this unless he is planning to marry her. I envision us becoming a married couple sometime in the winter, when the snow that covers the ground complements the whiteness of his skin… The wedding would be just beautiful with fragrant white flowers everywhere. I will be dressed in white and so will he. We will exchange vows, give each other the kiss of love everlasting, and spend the rest of our lives as husband and wife... Then I will be happy. For once, I will be happy, complete, and free. I will be free to love, free to hate, and free to just exist."

The bedroom grew eerily quiet for a long while, the only sounds heard were of Himari sobbing softly along with every breath. She was staring at the coffered ceiling, smiling with tears falling down the sides of her face as if she was bearing witness to the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

Intrigued, Yui drew closer to her stepsister because she was always curious of what it was like to be with a man. She once asked her sister what being with Ikuo felt like, but her questions were ignored, and asking her mother about love and things of that nature was out of the question. "The man you love, what does he look like?"

"Oh, my, he is beautiful, Yui-chan, a heartthrob! He has the kindest, most gentle eyes and he is pale with skin the color of moonlight."

"He sounds very handsome! May I ask how did you two came across each other? How did you two come to be? How and when did you know that he was the right man for you? Oh, come on, tell me everything, tell me everything!"

Instead of answering Yui's barrage of questions, Himari turned to her side and faced her. "Yui-chan, I must tell you something," she whispered in a hushed, urgent voice.

"What is it?"

"I can feel myself dying inside, rotting."

"Huh?" Yui gasped, visibly alarmed. "What do you mean by that?"

"I cannot eat or drink. My nights are sleepless but when I do sleep, my dreams are dark and horrifying. There is a constant heaviness in my chest, a premonition of some sort. The one time I felt something similar was when my mother died…" Himari shed silent tears and her voice cracked as she said, "I am scared, Yui-chan. I am so, so, so very frightened. Could you hold me?"

Hesitant, Yui gave in to Himari's demands and embraced her.

"I remember my Okasan holding me like this before she passed away," Himari whispered. "Faintly, I can recall her embrace."

At that moment, Yui saw Himari in a different light. The young girl saw her stepsister as a person instead of the unwanted, burdensome enigma she had been thought of as for years.

When was the last time Mother hugged me? She has been so invested with Saori. It is like I am invisible to her.

"I am quite bored, Yui-chan," Himari groaned. "Oh, I know what we could do! We should take a walk in the garden!"

"The garden? But it is cold outside, Himari."

"Please, Yui-chan. For me."

"Oki-dokie. Let's go."

The two of them tiptoed downstairs to not disturb anyone and left through the patio door to go to the garden.

An argent moon shined down upon the flowery garden. Himari and Yui held hands as they ran through the garden's maze, the crisp night air blowing through their tresses. The rambling roses, marigolds, petunias, snapdragons, and sunflowers were the most striking autumn blooms.

Himari gasped and pointed at the fountain. "Aha! Look, Yui-chan! I see a coin in the fountain, a shimmering gold one!"

"A coin?" Yui asked, giggling. "Where?"

"Over there in the fountain!"

Yui leaned further into the fountain, squinting her eyes. "I do not see anything, Himari!"

"Oh, but a coin is in there, Yui-chan. You are just not looking hard enough…"

"Aw, but Himari, I do not see—" Suddenly, Yui's face was submerged in the ice-cold water of the fountain. The young girl struggled and fought against the powerful force that continued pushing her head deeper underwater. She screamed and kicked her legs wildly, her vision clouded by air bubbles.

I cannot breathe. Someone, anyone, help me!

This went on for seconds that felt like an eternity.

Yui's eyes rolled up in her head in anguish and just when she was on the verge of losing consciousness, she was yanked out of the fountain by one of her pigtails. Gasping for air, she looked over her shoulder to see Himari staring at her coldly."What the f*ck was that for?"

"That was for you threatening to tell Soaku about what you saw," Himari responded in a chilling voice.

"H-huh? Is that w-what this is about?"

"Do you promise not to tell Soaku about what you saw?"

"Are you f*cking crazy?" Yui screamed.

Without any warning, Himari pushed Yui's head back into the water for yet another minute, then pulled her out. "Do you promise?" she reiterated.

"Yes, I promise!" Yui cried, hyperventilating as she heaved and coughed up water.

"Do you promise?"

"Yes, Himari, I promise!"

"I said, do you promise?"

The young girl began bawling like a child with mucus streaming from her nose. "YES, I PROMISE!" she wailed through her heavy snivels. "I PROMISE! HIMARI, I AM SO SORRY! PLEASE, DO NOT KILL ME! PLEASE LET ME GO!"

Himari held a finger to her lips and said, "Hush, Yui-chan. Keep your voice down, please. We would not want to disrupt anyone's slumber, now, would we?"

Whimpering, Yui nodded vehemently. "No, we would not want that! About what I saw, I— I was not going to tell her, honest!"

Himari's stony, frigid face shifted into her usual warm, pleasant expression. She looked soft and inviting once again with a face as pretty as a flower. "Oh, it is okay, Yui-chan," she cooed sweetly. "I know you would not have."

Yui was stunned when Himari embraced her and smothered her in kisses. "H-Himari…"

"I would not have drowned you. I could not live with myself if I had done such a thing; I would have just died! I could never take your life, Yui-chan. We are sisters, after all. Am I right, Yui-chan?"

Trembling in dire fear, a lump formed in Yui's throat as she returned the gesture hesitantly. "Y-yes, Himari… We are sisters."



Soaku returned from the hospital, feeling more weakened than ever. The only benefit of the entire ordeal was that she had lost over twenty pounds. The hospital wanted to keep her longer, but she signed out against medical advice because in her words, the food was not fit for a dog.

Soaku and plopped down in the nearest chair, collapsing. She closed her eyes and dozed off until she heard the throaty, enthusiastic growls of Fuwapo at play. The shih tzu was completely invested as it pawed at an object, bringing it closer to the noblewoman's feet.

The noblewoman looked down at the dog to see it pawing at a white object, completely invested. "Fuwapo, what are you messing with? What is that on the floor?"

The shih tzu nudged the object closer to Soaku with its nose. It looked at her and panted, its long, white hair styled in a tousled topknot with a sheet of hair falling over its eyes. "Yip, yip, yip!"

The noblewoman let her curiosity get the best of her and picked up the object. When she flipped the object on its other side, she realized that it was a shard belonging to chinoiserie plates. "Dear God… No, this cannot be!"

Soaku ran the fastest she ever ran into the dish room, and the sight she was met with was devastating; Fragments of china were strewn all over the floor, unfixable. There was not a single piece of pottery that was not destroyed.

Ceramic shards cracked and crinkled loudly beneath Soaku's feet as she entered, mortified. The noblewoman fell to her knees, dismissing the splinters that rasped at her knees, and opened her mouth wide to release a pained, echoing cry."MY PORCELAIN AND FINE CHINA!"

Soaku was on the verge of insanity and was reduced to a total wreck. "Ruined!" she bellowed, slamming her fist on the floor. "Ruined, ruined, ruined! Oh, everything is ruined, look at this mess!"

The noblewoman continued weeping until an unspeakable rage took hold of her. The rage was on account of her desire for justice, and she had her suspicions of who would do such a thing. As she marched to the dwellings of the suspected perpetrator, Fuwapo appeared on her warpath. "Move, you mutt!" she growled, shoving the shih tzu out of the way with her foot.

Where is she? Where is that cursed girl?

Soaku stomped her way to the basem*nt and was met with a cold, empty space. There was no futon in sight and the dressers were ransacked and barren.

It appears that the girl does not live down here anymore! I do hope that does not mean that she has moved herself upstairs around my daughters!

Soaku rushed to the stairway that led to where Saori and Yui's bedrooms were located. She would not dare climb the steps, so remained at the foot of the stairs and yelled, "Himawari!Himawari, come down here! I know you are up there!"

Moments later, Himari appeared. She was wearing a floral kimono robe and dark eye makeup that made her look more mature. "Soaku, I see you have returned from the hospital," she remarked with a sly smirk. "You look well. What is it that you want from me?"

"Did I not tell you to respect me and only address me as Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, girl?"

"You did, but I am not going to do that anymore."

"I wonder, who told you that you could move your scrawny ass back upstairs?"

"I did! I grew tired of the basem*nt, so I returned to my old bedroom. The nights in the basem*nt are cold, Soaku. Unfortunately, not everyone has mounds of blubber to keep themselves warm."

The noblewoman typically had the last word in all the arguments she engaged in but for the first time in a long while, she could not find the words to respond and felt powerless against Himari's wit. "Whatever, never mind that! Someone destroyed my fine china and porcelain collection!"

"Oh, my, that sounds terrible!" Himari gasped dramatically, a hand over her heart. "I wonder who would do such a thing!"

"Yes, it is terrible, indeed. So terrible, it would not be wrong to consider it a vengeful act of war."

"What a shame."

"Himawari, are you the one who committed such an atrocious act?"

"Oh, I would never! Perhaps it was Fuwapo. That little pup is always running around and getting into trouble…"

"Do not make a fool of me, girl. I know it was you. Only a devil-child could muster the gall to do something so nefarious!"

"How do you know it was me, Soaku? Have you come with any proof?"

"I do not need any proof, you smart-alecky whor*. This has your grubby hands and fingerprints all over it! Learn to address me as Lady Mistress Soaku-sama or I will rip out your tongue!"

"Be grateful that I address you at all, Soaku," Himari scoffed, twirling a lock of her hair apathetically. "Oh, and you are right. I did break everything in the dish room but even if I did not, you would not believe me. I knew how much it meant to you, so I destroyed it. The only thing I regret is not doing this a long time ago!"

Unable to take being disrespected any longer, Soaku's face turned red with a raw, intense anger and she balled her bejeweled fists. The caked makeup on her face became cracked, especially around her mouth from baring her teeth. "Come down here, Himawari," she commanded in a low, dark voice.


"I said, come down here. Come down here and let me inflict all the punishment you deserve."

"For what?"

"For all the egregious sins you have committed!" Soaku hissed through gritted teeth. "If you stop what you are doing and repent, I will make certain that your discipline will not be as severe."

"Repent?" Himari asked in a shocked, incredulous voice. "I will not beg forgiveness from the likes of you, never again! If you want to punish me, then you will have to come upstairs and get me."

"Oh, I do not have time for this!"

"Now that I realize it, you have not come up these stairs for years. Why? Does your back hurt just looking at it? I hope it does."

"Close your unholy mouth, Himawari!"

"I really wish you died that day, Soaku."

"I have had it! You ungrateful scoundrel! After all I have done for you, this is how you treat me? Cretin! Heathen! Harlot!"

Himari rolled her eyes and gave a displeased sigh. "Soaku, calm yourself. I am not the one you should be angry with. I know of your plan to marry Saori-chan off. I hear that the man in question comes from a well-respected family. Saori-chan is perfect for it; she was born and reared by you, after all. But what if all that glitters is not gold?"

"Oh, what do you know? What the hell do you think you are saying?"

"I am saying that the Ootanis want a virgin bride, and your daughter is not a virgin."

The noblewoman was unable to process the full extent of the words she had just heard, but immediately became defensive at the mention of her daughter. "Hold your tongue, you lying whor*! How dare you disparage my daughter? How dare you? When you speak ill of my daughters, you are speaking ill of me!"

Unabashed, Himari threw her head back and laughed uncontrollably and without cease. Her laughter was frightening because Soaku had never heard the young woman cackle so fiendishly. "Lying?Ha!It does not matter whether you believe me or not, Soaku. We will see the truth in a few months' time. I wonder, who will be the father to the bastard child? You?"

"Oh, you are just repulsive, a classless whor*! I knew we should have dropped you off on the doorstep of an orphanage when we had the chance!"

Himari laughed at Soaku's feeble insults as she returned to her bedroom.

Now alone, Soaku covered her mouth in horror and was reduced to a blithering, anxious mess. She leaned against the railing and hyperventilated. The frightening statement had shaken her to her very core, even though she had the same suspicions. With every fiber of her being, Soaku did not want to even consider the possibly that her oldest daughter had given herself to a man that was not of her choosing, let alone with child.

Oh, I do not want to believe this utter hogwash, not even for a second! My sweet Saori would never be so stupid and careless! … Except for that boy, that Watomi boy I forbade her from seeing ever again! Did they— No, that cannot be true! It cannot be true, Saori!


After the altercation with her stepmother, Himari felt a thrilling, intense rush. Like what happens after a flame is held to the fuse of a firecracker, the young woman was set off and she needed to ignite.

Himari watched herself in the mirror as she quickly undressed and began touching herself. With one hand, she pinched a taut, rosy-brown nipple and rubbed her privates with the other. Moaning, she bucked her hips and relished the feel of her fingers sloshing between the moist lips of her vulva.

Oh, what has come over me? I am so hot!

As Himari touched herself, she thought of Tsukihiko. She imagined him taking her forcefully, grabbing her by the waist and licking, sucking, and biting her all over.

I want him, I want him so bad… Oh my, I need him!

The young woman's movements accelerated until she org*smed. A clear liquid, her sweet nectar, dripped from between her fingers like the sand of an hourglass. She licked her hand and sucked her fingers dry, shivering in pleasure as she did so.

That was so, so, so good! I would do it again, but I must not waste any more time. I must meet Tsukihiko-san!

Himari dressed herself in one of her provocative outfits hurriedly, then went to apply makeup. She sat at her vanity dresser and gazed at her reflection in the mirror as she used eyeliner to give herself a smudged, smokey look that complemented her upturned, almond-shaped eyes. A soft pink blush was dabbed onto her checks, and concealer was patted on her slit-mouth scar to make it less noticeable.

I look very pretty, but I do not look perfect. There is something missing…

Himari crept down the hall to Saori's bedroom and pressed her ear against the door to listen for sounds. Hearing nothing, she went inside but froze when she heard soft breathing. She did not anticipate seeing Saori in her bed, fast asleep.

I must be quiet to not disturb her.

Himari tiptoed to the vanity dresser and rummaged through the drawers until she found what she was looking for; the perfect shade of red lipstick that was rightfully named 'Truest Red.'

Gazing at her reflection in the vanity mirror, Himari glided the crimson lipstick over the shape of her full, heart-shaped lips. She pouted and puckered her lips playfully, then leaned in slightly as if she was going to kiss her reflection.

Now, I look perfect.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Before the flames of the inferno in the fireplace, Himari undressed herself in a seductive and provocative manner. She slowly removed her short dress to reveal what was underneath: a gartered lingerie and knee-high stockings. She danced wildly, twisting her hips forward and backward, shaking her bottom, and touching herself enticingly.

Tsukihiko sat in a chair that was fit for a king as he watched the young woman's indecent, erotic dancing. "Come to me," he beckoned.

Himari crawled to Tsukihiko on all fours and shimmied down into his lap, facing him. Moving her body against his groin, Himari grabbed his tie and gave it a fierce yank. "Is there anything else you would like me to do, Mister Kobayashi-sama?" she asked innocently, batting her long eyelashes.

Tsukihiko chuckled darkly as he groped her bottom. "Tell me of what happened between you and your stepmother."

"Oh, my stepmother, the poor, wicked hag!" Himari giggled. "Well, one morning I made everyone a wonderful breakfast. While they were eating and enjoying it, I sat down to join them. Soaku did not want me to sit with them at the dining table, so I poisoned her."

"Poison? Mmm, how so?"

"I used some herbs from the garden to make an elixir, apurgativeelixir. The poor fool had to be admitted to the hospital because she was expelling her intestines! While she was away, I destroyed all the fine china she so dearly coveted. They were family heirlooms, after all. When she returned and confronted me about it, I told her that her daughter was pregnant! You should have seen her face, the fat hog!"

"Good girl. It is wonderful to see you standing up for yourself, Himari."

"It is all thanks to you, Tsukihiko-san. I never knew that all I had to do to receive respect was to demand it. Lately, I have felt completely different, like I have a voice and power! Oh, Tsukihiko-san, I do not want the love we have to end! There is no doubt that I am your woman, so why should we not take our relationship to the next level?"

"What do you suggest we do, Himari?"

"I suggest that we should get married!"

"Marriage? That sounds… riveting." Tsukihiko dove into the crook of the young woman's neck and kissed, chewed, and bit her flesh.

Giggling, Himari threw her head back to give Tsukihiko more access to the tenderest areas of her neck. She stroked through his curly, wavy locks and mewled, encouraging him to go as far as he wished. "I am yours, Tsukihiko-san, all yours. Love me, touch me, kiss me, taste me, caress me…"

Tsukihiko's long, slender hands slithered toward the young woman's breasts to fondle them until he paused abruptly. His hands withdrew as he said, "Himari, unfortunately we will not see each other for a short while; I have urgent matters to attend to."

"A short while? How long is that?"

"For no more than a month."

Upon hearing that, Himari covered her mouth to muffle a distraught sob. "A month? Oh, my! I lose my mind when I am away from you for even a day, so what will become of me if we do not see each other for a whole month, Tsukihiko-san?"

"There is nothing that you cannot endure, Himari. It is only for a month's time."

"Please do not leave me, not like this," she pleaded, her bronze-colored eyes welling with tears. "I am only happy when I am with you, Tsukihiko-san!"

Tsukihiko tucked a lock of Himari's hair behind her ear affectionately. "Do not fret, little one, I will return for you soon. In the meantime, continue giving your family hell. It is what they deserve. I am certain you will come up with more of your clever schemes, yes?"

"Yes, yes, yes, Tsukihiko-san!"

"Himari, I must say that you have blossomed profusely during our time together. You appear much livelier and more appealing to the eyes, beautiful even. You are utterly radiant, like your name suggests. Mark my words, Himari, you will become a strong, confident young woman who lets nothing stand in her way."

Overwrought with emotion, Himari nodded fervently as the torrents of joyful tears pouring from her eyes bathed her cheeks."Hai, hai, hai!"

✧TRANSLATION: Overwrought with emotion, Himari nodded fervently as the torrents of joyful tears pouring from her eyes bathed her cheeks."Yes, yes, yes!"


Soaku burst into her oldest daughter's bedroom, interrupting her slumber. "You are pregnant," she accused bitterly.

Saori, caught off guard by her mother's untimely accusation, scrambled out of her bed and nearly tripped over the many blankets, pillows, and sheets. "What? Mother, what are you—"

"Do not lie to me, Saori!" Soaku interjected. "I know that you are pregnant! The moodiness, the nausea, the vomiting… It all makes perfect sense! How long have you suspected you were with child?"

Reluctant to answer her mother's question, Saori covered her face and wept.

"I said, how long, girl? Lie to me and you will regret it, young lady!

"… For nearly a m-month now," Saori whispered, her voice quiet and faltering.

"A month?"Soaku screeched, the resonance of her voice sending tremors throughout the entire manor. "Oh, my God! Damn it all! It is too late to take care of the bastard! You have left me with no choice but to inform the Ootanis that the wedding is over!"

"Forgive me, Mother! I beg of you to forgive—"

"Shut your mouth and tell me who the father is!" Soaku roared. "Is it that Ikuo boy?"

"Yes, of course… Ikuo is the only man I have been intimate with!"

Soaku muttered violently under her breath as she paced around until her legs grew tired. "Hmph! Now I wonder if even that is true considering all the lies you have told me! Oh, you are disgraceful, Saori! I cannot believe that my favorite child would go so astray!"

Remorseful tears began to drip onto the hardwood floor as Saori kneeled before her mother's feet. "Forgive me, Mother," she sobbed, trembling ever so slightly. "I did not wish to disappoint you…"

"Well, you did disappoint me! To make matters even worse, I had to hear the truth from that blasted Himawari!"

Upon hearing that, Saori lifted her head in shock. "Himari?Himari is the one that told you?"

"Yes, Saori! So, do you understand how humiliating that was? I can only hope that unruly harlot did not blabber your predicament into anyone else's ear. God forbid, a scandal like this will tarnish the Katōwamuro family clan's name for sure! Oh, what am I supposed to do with you now, Saori? You are unfit to be wedded; no man wants a woman who is soiled goods! You allowed yourself to be stripped of your honor! All your dignity and self-worth have been poured down the drain! Where did I go wrong in rearing you?"

Where did I fail as a mother? Where did I fail so miserably that my daughter felt that it was appropriate to give her body to a man she was not destined to marry? God, why?

The sight of Saori's red, scrunched up face could make one shudder, as her puffy, swollen eyes were all weepy and bloodshot. "I am sorry, Mother!" she bawled, almost incoherently so. "I was not thinking about the consequences of my actions. I gave in to my desires and thought of only myself, but I will never do such a thing again! Please forgive me, Mother!"

The noblewoman looked down upon her oldest daughter with great disgust, her nose scrunched in repulsion. "Oh, shut it! Save your tears, Saori, the damage is done. I forbid you from leaving this bedroom! I do not want to see or hear you until I say otherwise!" With that, she stormed out of the bedroom and slammed the door behind her.

I cannot believe things took a turn for the worse! With Saori defiled and Yui too young to be wedded, I have no one to marry the Ootanis' heir after I vowed to give them one of my daughters' hand in marriage. If I tell the Ootanis about the current situation, my status and credibility will be ruined, not to mention disappointing my father! He will forbid me from visiting the Katōwamuro family cemetery, and I will feel tempestuous guilt and shame!

My God, if only there was a way out of this!

A wicked smile spread across Soaku's red, perspiring face as she came to a sudden realization.

Yui may be too young and Saori may be soiled but that Himawari may be of use…



Upon receiving an urgent call from Soaku, Kihaku took leave from work to deal with family issues and flew back to New Japan. Over the phone, Soaku had told him that his daughter had been behaving inappropriately: being disrespectful, causing mischief, destroying property, and disobeying curfew. It was unlike the Himari he knew, who once prayed to a maneki-neko at a shrine because she thought it was a living god.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Finally, Kihaku arrived at the wrought iron gates of the Katōwamuro estate. He dashed into the manor and found Soaku sitting in the main living room, smoking her pipe. Smoking was yet another one of the noblewoman's vices, but she rarely smoked and only did so when she was under immense stress.

"Darling, I came home as fast as I could!" Kihaku said, panting as he threw his luggage to the floor. "Where is Himari? I need to see her!"

Grey-colored wisps left through the sides of Soaku's mouth like a dragon. "The girl is not here," she replied bitterly. "She has not been here in the past two days. She returns on her own volition and every time she does, she comes in looking like a streetwalker. Ohhh, when I get my hands on her…"

Disregarding Soaku's threat, Kihaku cleared his throat and adjusted the collar of his shirt. "Everything has happened so suddenly… Soaku, what do you think has caused all of this? What has made Himari act the way she does?"

Soaku tapped her smoking pipe against the ashtray to dump out its tobacco contents. "The devil," she replied bluntly.


"I believe the devil has gotten into your daughter, Kihaku. I was always right about that girl; I knew there was something off about her, ominously so. She is a devil-child if I ever saw one."

"A devil-child? Soaku, please do not speak ill of her! She is not even here to defend herself!"

The noblewoman crossed her thick legs and gave her husband a blank, wide-eyed stare. "Kihaku, do you remember her first attempt to take my life?"

Kihaku shut his eyes tightly to block out the memory, but the memory was so vivid, he could almost hear the screams. "Soaku, you know that harming you was not her intention. It was an accident. She was but a young, inexperienced girl who made a mistake, and she never made such a mistake again. You must forgive her and move on!"

"Hmph! You always had a soft spot for the girl. You could never see the evil I and everyone else saw in her. If she continues with her delinquent sinfulness, she will certainly roast deep in the fiery pits of Hell!"

Kihaku opened his mouth to reprove Soaku for her choice of words, but he refrained from doing so. He hated how sorely Soaku spoke of his daughter, but he could not find the courage to oppose her. "… I wonder what it will take to steer Himari in the right direction," he spoke meekly.

"I know how we can handle her."

"What do you have in mind, honey?"

"We could marry her off and have another family take her under their wing," Soaku proposed. "In fact, she could marry the youngest son of the Ootanis, as they are in need of a young bride that carries the Katōwamuro surname."

"The Ootanis are in need of another Katōwamuro girl?" Kihaku asked. "I thought Saori was the one to be wedded to their youngest son!"

"Yes, Saori was the one selected but due to unforeseen circ*mstances, she cannot go through with it…" Soaku's voice trailed off, and she appeared to be nervous and uncomfortable.

"Should I ask why not?"

"No, Kihaku, you should not ask! Let me handle it."

"Have you at least contacted the Ootanis and told them about the change of plans?"

"No, I have not yet… I cannot face neither them nor my father, so do not judge me, Kihaku!

"I am not judging you, honey," Kihaku sighed, frustrated. "It is just that— Never mind, darling, it is late. We can talk about this tomorrow. You should head to bed."

"Husband, are you not exhausted from your journey? If that girl is what you are worried about, then you should know that it is not likely for her to return tonight. She vanishes for days on end. It would not be wise to wait for her."

"I see… You are right, I am tired. A little shuteye after such a long flight would not hurt." Before Kihaku could blink, he was dressed in nightwear and was lying beside Soaku. A thousand miles were in between them, and it was a wonder why they shared a bedroom at all, let alone married.

This room, this house, our relationship… Everything is so cold. I wish I could go back in time and make better decisions. How I wish things never changed…

There was no denying that Kihaku was suffering from jet lag, so he closed his eyes to rest.


Kihaku's dream began in a place that looked vaguely like a street in Yaegashi. He was walking through a crowd of faceless people with his daughter, Himari. As she walked alongside him, her face was obscured by her long, raven hair and only her lips were visible.

The faceless citizens turned and gawked at them as they walked past, making Kihaku grow nervous. Paranoid, he brought Himari closer to him and looked over his shoulder constantly.

These people are strange. I feel them staring at us even though they lack eyes!

They continued moving forward until they were standing before an otherworldly door. The door slowly opened with a soft creak, a thick mist emitting from whatever was on the other side.

"Father-sama, I must leave!" Himari said with great excitement. "Goodbye."

Just as she moved to go through the door, Kihaku grabbed her arm to stop her. "Himari, where are you going?"

"In there," she answered. "My friends are waiting for me."

Kihaku stared at the door, unnerved. "I have a bad feeling about what is on the other side of that door…"

"So? How you feel is none of my concern. Let go of my arm!"

Kihaku tightened his grip around his daughter's arm. "No, Himari! You are staying right here with me and that is final!"

"Go away, Father-sama!" Himari shouted, pulling away from him with all her might. "I do not want you here embarrassing me!"

"Embarrassing you? Young lady, who are you speaking to like that?"

Himari broke away from Kihaku's grasp and ran into the darkness. Kihaku ran after her until the area shifted into a strange, dark location suddenly.

Where… What is this place?

There, he saw Himari. The young woman was crawling around on all fours, wearing no more than a woman of ill repute. Confined in sexual bondage, a collar was around her neck and chains were wrapped around her body.

"Himari, what are you doing?" Kihaku cried out, appalled. "What are you wearing? Stop crawling around like that!"

A group of faceless male figures appeared and surrounded Himari. Eager, she brushed her salivating tongue against the shoes and pant legs of the faceless men.

"What? What is this? Stop behaving so shamelessly!"

The faceless men lifted Himari up and began to handle her roughly: they groped, squeezed, and slapped her buttocks. All their bodies entwined like a tangled mess, and their voices were sour and sharp as they jeered and spat at her.




Himari, reveling in the brutal treatment she was receiving, mewled and rubbed her body against the men. The young woman clearly took pleasure in disgracing herself, and in being objectified, used, and abused. "Yes, yes, yes! Please..."

Repulsed by the explicit spectacle, Kihaku averted his eyes immediately because it was unlike anything he had ever seen. Seeing his daughter reduced to a common harlot enraged him in ways no one could understand. He wanted to kill the men who were fondling and taking advantage of her, then choke her for disrespecting herself at the same time.

Himari, stop this right now! Get your hands off her! GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!

That was when Kihaku found that he could neither move nor speak. He opened his mouth to scream but his efforts were futile; no matter how loud he screamed, no sound would come out. He covered in mouth in shameful defeat.

I have no voice! I know that this is a dream, but this is no different than my reality. I have no voice when I am awake.

Kihaku pulled his hair out and expelled soundless, agonizing screams as he was forced to watch the sordid ravaging of his daughter.

Stop this! Stop this, I said! Let go of her! Himari, please… Do not do this to yourself!

Vivid memories of Himari as a young girl came to Kihaku's mind, particularly the memory of him lifting her upon his shoulders as they trekked through the sunflower field, along with his late wife. All three of them were as happy as they could be, all joyous and rapt.

I now know why I saw Himari like that; her giving away her honor and allowing herself to be treated badly by men is my greatest fear.

Himari is the sweetest, most innocent thing to ever exist. I am so proud to call her my daughter, to even have part in creating her! She is the light that shined just for me and gave me hope. Nothing can dim her light and pervert her purity... except me. I caused this. I am the cause of her defilement. I neglected and ignored her, which is why she is going out of her way to get my attention, even if she disgraces herself in the process…

I want to be with you, Himari. I want to be close to you and love you like I did before, but your stepmother is a domineering figure, frighteningly so! I do not want to disrupt the order of things in her home and jeopardize our future.

God, I am so weak! Forgive me, Himari! Forgive and do not hate your weak bastard of a father!

"Did you forget about me, Father-sama?" a small voice asked. The voice was delicate, soft, and as sweet as honeysuckle.


Kihaku turned to see a young, seven-year-old Himari standing behind him. "Why do you not love me anymore, Father-sama?" she questioned tearfully. "Is it something I did? I miss Okasan…"

Kihaku knelt to the young girl's level, the feeling of his heart being wrenched in his chest almost destroying him.

Oh, Himari, I will never forget about you! I love you more than anything, you know that! I miss your mother, too, all right! It is best if we allow her to rest and neither of us mention her again! I am sorry. I am so sorry!

Another version of Himari appeared behind him; a more resentful one. This version appeared to be eleven or twelve years old as she was wearing the burgundy and grey uniform of Hanakotoba Academy. "That sounds like you just wanted to ignore and get rid of me," she hissed spitefully, her face scrunched in repulsion. "You never loved nor protected me, Father-sama. You forgot about me and left me behind like yesterday's trash!"

Himari, you do not mean that! Look, I— Everything I have done is to protect you! Like you, I have a debt to bear as well! Soaku never wanted us to have a relationship. If I loved you overtly, Soaku would have torn us apart! Loving you from a distance is what has allowed you to stay with me. You must understand my reasoning, Himari!

"Father-sama, there are no words that can convey how much I hate you!"

No, Himari, you do not mean that. Do not speak to me that way! I am your father!

"Father? This is how a father acts? If you are what a father is, then we do not need you." With that, the two versions of Himari began walking away into the darkness, hand in hand.

Kihaku extended his arm and shouted for them to return, but no sound could be heard from him. At that very moment, he felt an intense wave of longing, loneliness, and heartbreak that still paled to the pain his daughter had felt for so long.

Himari, please come back here! I do not want to lose you, not again! Himari, are you listening to me? Himari? HIMARI!


"HIMARI!"Kihaku shouted as he awoken in a brisk sweat, hyperventilating.

That nightmare was the most intense, terrifying experience I ever had!

Kihaku immediately covered his mouth when he realized that he may have disrupted his wife's slumber. Thankfully, Soaku was still asleep and was snoring loudly like a wild boar.

If her own snores do not cause her to awaken, then no amount of screaming I do will…

Kihaku was drawn towards the staircase by the sound of the front door opening and closing. There, he caught sight of his daughter, Himari.

Himar's face was hidden behind her long, dark hair, which was casually brushed to one side. She wore a loose-fitting trench coat that dwarfed her petite frame, layered over a form-fitting, provocative dress. A slight smile graced her lips, painted in a vibrant shade of red.

At that moment, something inside Kihaku broke: it was his fatherly instincts that were awakened by his daughter's inappropriate attire. The nightmare he had just experienced was pushed aside as he approached her with anger, his bronze-colored eyes turning a darker shade. "Himari, we need to talk! Where have you been all this time, and what in the hell are you wearing? Where did you find such a revealing dress? And why are you wearing red lipstick?"

Unfazed by her father's relentless questioning, Himari paid no attention and carried on with her tasks. She casually removed her flat shoes, picked them up, and leisurely made her way upstairs, her hips gently swaying from left to right.

"Himari, come back here!" Kihaku roared. "We are not finished! Come back down here and answer me!Himari!"

Himari paused from ascending the steps and turned her head slowly, looking down upon him as if he was no more than a mere insect. "What?"

"Where were you?"

"I was out."

"Out doing what?"

"Having fun."

"Which is what exactly?"

Himari casually responded, stroking her lengthy, dark hair, "I went to a ladies' bar. I enjoyed a few drinks while dancing with some lovely ladies until the sun came up. It was a memorable night that I will never forget."

"How did you find out about such an indecent place?" Kihaku asked, unable to conceal his disgust.

"What does it matter to you?" Himari contested with vitriol.

"It matters to me because you are my daughter, that is why! I do not care if you are eighteen years old, you are still a child!"

"Nineteen," Himari corrected spitefully.


"Nineteen. My birthday was last week, remember?"

Dear God, her birthday was last week! I am ashamed to admit that it slipped my mind!

Kihaku stammered to come up with a proper response. "… I do not care if you are eighteen, nineteen, or thirty-nine, you are still my child!"

"Am I? Am I truly your daughter because you seem to forget about me every chance you get!"

"Do not try to deflect and pin this all on me, Himari! You have been behaving strangely: wreaking havoc, coming home at hours deep in the night, wearing makeup, and dressing in provocative clothing… It is like you are doing this on purpose."

"Doing what on purpose? Living my life and being happy for once?"

"No, you are not doing this for happiness; you are doing this to embarrass us!"

"So?" Himari asked in uncaring defiance, a hand upon her hip and her eyes narrowed in spite.

Kihaku shook his head and made an expression of disgust, revolted by what had become of his daughter. "Soaku was right; being married off will be the best thing for you… We will have you marry the young Kame Ootani in your older sister's place."

"What? No, that is not happening! I am not marrying anyone of your choosing, Father-sama!"

"Himari, you leave me no choice! What can I say when someone points out that my daughter has been running around in the streets, dressed like a lady of the night? What do I say to that, Himari?"

Kihaku awaited an answer from Himari angrily, his clenched fists and jaw trembling with rage. For a moment, Himari looked like a timid, frightened little girl he once knew. That alone dissipated his anger and caused him to lower his guard, for he was never truly frustrated with her but with the situation itself.

"What is this truly about, Himari?" Kihaku asked softly. "There is more to this than what meets the eye."

Himari walked down the steps and approached her father slowly, her bronze-colored eyes to the floor. "I am not sure, Father-sama…"

"There must be a reason as to why you are going to such lengths for attention, Himari. I know there is. You can talk to me about anything."

"I can talk to you… about anything?"

"Yes, anything. You can tell me anything and I will listen."

I need to know what is troubling her so.

The young woman appeared to be having internal conflict regarding how to respond. "Father-sama… I do not know of a better way to say this, but it is about you not being able to handle the truth."

"And what is the truth, Himari?"

"That you have not been a father to me ever since Okasan died!"

Upon hearing that, Kihaku's concerned expression was overtaken by an expression of shock, denial, and defensive anger. "What? I did not— What makes you say that, Himari?"

"Years ago, Saori told me that she overheard a conversation between you and Soaku," Himari continued. "She told me that Soaku was pressuring you into giving me up for adoption because she did not want to raise another woman's child; she thought it was unbecoming of her. Except that was not the worst of it. Saori also told me that you said you cannot stand looking at me because… I look too much like my mother."

Kihaku stood still, unable to formulate the words regarding how to respond to Himari's accusation, for there was truth present in her words.

"Well? Is that true, Father-sama? Is it true that you cannot stomach the sight of me, all because I resemble your dead wife?"

"Do not say that!" Kihaku snapped abrasively. "Do not speak of your mother in such a crude manner!"

What has gotten into her? This is not like her at all!

A pained, sharp breath became caught in Himari's throat as she leaned against the manor's walls. "It was so terrible; The doctors could not save her, and Okasan could not save herself. Not even God could save her, or perhaps God did not want to…"

"Himari, shut your mouth!"

Himari stomped her foot to emphasize her anger and frustration, her face turning red with rage. "Before I listen to a word you say, I would like for you to look me in the eyes, Father-sama… I want you to look at me. Look at me!" Himari pushed Kihaku into a corner and began digging her nails into his arms, almost frothing at the mouth. "LOOK AT ME!"

Without a second thought, Kihaku struck Himari across her face. When he saw the stunned, pained look his daughter gave him, his face became filled with immense regret. "God, I— I did not mean to do that, Himari!"

Himari held her reddening cheek, a pained expression of disbelief and heartbreak written all over her face. "Oh, m-my… I cannot believe you…"

"Himari, I did not mean to strike you. I am sorry! Look, let me see it. Why are you backing away from me? I told you that I am sorry!"

Before Himari ran upstairs to her bedroom, she tearfully said, "Within the walls of this manor, I have known physical pain for as long as I can remember but the last person that I thought would harm me physically was you, Father-sama…I wish you were the one who died instead of Okasan!"

Now alone, Kihaku kicked the nearby balustrade in pure frustration. The searing pain of his foot colliding with the upright piece of wood was suppressed by the multitude of emotions he was experiencing.

She said that she wishes that I was the one who died instead of her mother just like she did in the nightmare I just had! I did not have the slightest inkling that she despised me that much! What possessed her to say that to me? I should go up there and tell her how hurtful and cruel that was but what would that do? That will not make anything better.

Damn it. Damn it all! I should not have struck her. Himari needed to be embraced, not punished. Now she hates me even more! How can I fix this? How can I make this up to her?

Fuwapo scampered towards Kihaku, pushing its food bowl towards him. It panted loudly as its long tongue lazily slobbered on the floor. "Yip, yip, yip!"

"Fuwapo, not right now."

"Yip, yip, yip!"

"Look, you were fed not too long ago!"

"Yip, yip, yip!Yip!"

"All right, fine. One more bowl of kibble and nothing else until dinner."



With cautious steps, Soaku ascended the staircase towards her stepdaughter's bedroom. She opened the door gently and cast a curious gaze upon Himari, who was in the midst of changing.

Unaware of being observed, Himari lowered her lacy stockings and garter belts while standing before the mirror. As she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, revealing her face without any obstruction, Soaku began to perceive her in a different way.

It was no secret that Himari was beautiful.

Her beauty rivaled Saori; that is why Soaku abhorred her so. The enchanting coppery gold of her eyes, the alluring shape of her lips, and the melodic quality of her voice had the power to weaken even the strongest individuals. It infuriated Soaku to have such beauty residing in her home and encroaching upon her eldest daughter's territory.

If only her eyes were green, and her hair was fuchsia. Then, she would be perfect... She would look even better if she gained some weight, the twig.

Soaku burst through the door entered the room, her voice filled with melody as she exclaimed, "Ah, there you are, my favorite little whor*!"

Startled, Himari covered her small breasts and privates. "Eek! Learn how to knock, rude pervert! What do you want?"

"Himawari, it would be beneficial for you to consume a substantial portion of food to gain some meat on those bones; you look malnourished."

With a sneering smile, Himari remarked, "Why not show some generosity and share a portion of yours? After all, you have more than ample to spare."

Soaku's snide facial expression fell, and she rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Enough chitchat. I have a proposition for you, girl."


"I need you to be wedded to a young man from a very wealthy family."

"An arranged marriage?" Himari gasped, horrified. "No, no, no! I am not doing it."

"Hold on, Himawari, I am not finished! If you marry the young man, I will clear your debt. I will even reimburse you for all the hardships you have faced within this manor. You will be wealthy and a married woman. That sounds like a wonderful deal, no?"

Himari narrowed her eyes in immense suspicion. "Is the man in question the same man you wanted Saori-chan to marry?"

"Well, there is no point in lying to you. Yes, he is the young Kame Ootani." Soaku went to stand behind Himari and tucked a lock of hair behind the young woman's ear as she spoke. "As you know, my oldest daughter's legs are open wider than the seven seas but not you, Himawari. No, you are a virgin, as pure and saintly as a nun! You were reared to know just how crucial a woman's honor is to her very being. I hate to admit it, but that is something your father appeared to have instilled better than I did…"

"I willnotlose my virginity to any man of your choosing," Himari said adamantly, glaring at her stepmother through the mirror. "I am not your tool! I am a woman who is free to love, free to hate, and free to just exist!"

The noblewoman looked as if she was about to unleash a barrage of insults but pulled back with an expression of genuine shock. "… Now I see what this is all about; You are in love! That is why you have been getting all dolled up and running around in the streets!"

"That is none of your business, Soaku!"

Soaku scoffed and gave a long, mocking snort. "Oh, Himawari, as if I care about your pathetic love life! None of that has any importance since you did not allow him to partake in your virgin purity. I am not leaving it up to you to choose between a summer fling or the future Prime Minister of New Japan. Ba-haha! I will make the choice for you: You will marry the Ootani boy."

"No, no, no! I will not, Soaku!"

"Yes, indeed, you will comply, young lady! You shall abide by my instructions as long as you reside in my abode and bear the honor of my family's name!" Soaku forcefully seized Himari and pierced her delicate skin with her well-groomed, pointed nails, only to pause abruptly upon noticing an unsightly, crimson rash. "Hmm? What is this? Hives? It appears quite repugnant!"

The young lady let out piercing cries and snarled like a wild creature, retreating from her stepmother while tightly embracing her arms to conceal her rash. "No, no, no! Leave me alone!Get away from me!"

"You devilish whor*! Once that ring is on your finger, you will not be our burden anymore! Good riddance, I say!" Soaku left Himari's bedroom and slammed the door behind her.

That cursed girl! So uncivilized, so unruly, so brash! May God have mercy on her soul because I will not!



Saori stared at the wooden coffered ceiling and gave a depressed sigh. On a normal day, she would have been out spending the day with her friends and enjoying all life had to offer but now, she could not leave her bedroom, much less the manor. Alone with her thoughts, all Saori could think about was all the choices she made that ultimately lead to her plight.

I am twenty years old, unmarried, and pregnant. How did this happen? I am not referring to how Mother found out the truth but how I allowed everything to happen.

My mother is a strong woman who ingrained her principles in me the day I was born, so how did I fail and disgrace her so? I was more than happy to lay down with Ikuo. Where was my dignity, self-respect, and all the values I learned when I revealed my body to him?

As much as I want to say that Ikuo took it upon himself to satisfy his lust during my moment of emotional weakness, I cannot bring myself to lie. I was the one who initiated our first kiss and the union of our bare-naked bodies! It felt refreshing and I do not regret it!

I guess my mind and vision were clouded by... love.

Mother had always told me that there is no place for romantic love in the world and that women who fall for it are weak. She told me that if I was weak enough to love at all, then I was at least forbidden to love a man that was not of her choosing. I do whatever my mother asks of me with no delay, but I find it hard to obey her now.

Ikuo is not a man of my mother's choosing; in fact, she despises him. It was not a lie when I said that I wanted to be with Ikuo. I want to live alongside him as his woman because no matter what I do, my heart swings and reaches out to him. I cannot help it.

Oh, Ikuo... We will never be, will we?

Saori sat at her vanity dresser and opened the drawers to see her elaborate collection of maquillages. There was an abundance of eyeshadows, eyeliners, blushes, and lipsticks, many of which she had not touched. The young woman was a natural beauty who did not need makeup but liked to apply it in the morning, when the sunlight filled her bedroom just right.

Saori smiled as she looked through her cosmetics, reminiscing of the countless times she went out and stunned everyone with her beauty. As she looked at her lipstick collection, she noticed that her favorite lipstick was missing.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Saori stormed into her stepsister's bedroom with the fury of a bull.

Himari lay in bed, completely oblivious, wrapped in slumber. She was adorned in a snug black minidress, with remnants of makeup lingering on her face. The disarray of her hair and discarded pair of pumps hinted at a wild night of dancing and revelry.

Skimpy whor*!

Saori went through Himari's dresser and threw the clothes to the floor until she found what she was looking for. She held up a familiar lipstick and said, "Truest Red, huh? I knew that you were the one who stole it, you thief! Wake up!"

Himari awakened groggily with a groan and a yawn. She stared at Saori blankly until she asked boldly, "What is your business here?"

Saori shoved the lipstick in front of Himari's face. "You stole this from my bedroom!"

Himari rolled her eyes and gave a nonchalant sigh. "So, what if I took your lipstick? It is not like you were going to make use of it. Pregnant women are off the market, right?"

"Oh, shut up, you foul bitch! I will—" That was when Saori's emerald-green eyes fell to the heart-shaped ruby necklace around Himari's neck. Awestruck and bewitched by how the jewel shimmered and glistened in the candlelight, her eyes became even greener with envy. "That necklace... Where did you get such a thing?"

"That is none of your concern," Himari retorted, covering the jewel with her hand.

"A necklace as immaculate as that would suit me better than the likes of you." Saori held out her open palm and said, "Give it to me."

"Give it to you? As if!"

"Himari, I will beat you black and blue if you do not hand it to me right now," Saori threatened maliciously. "You know that I will take great pleasure in disciplining you like I always have. Do I need to find another hard object to strike you against the head with?"

"I would like to see you try, you pregnant slu*t!"

"How dare you dishonor me by calling me out of my name? I should kill you!"

Himari got up from her bed and took on a defensive stance, her disheveled hair covering most of her face. "You can try to harm me, even take my life, but do not think for a second that I will show you any mercy when it comes to defending myself and what is mine!"

Amused, Saori threw her head back and gave an arrogant laugh. "Mercy? Ha! I do not need any of your mercy. Pregnant or not, I can discipline you enough to make you wish you were never born like I have been doing for all these years. Now give me that necklace!"

"I would never give you this necklace, Saori, let alone allow you to touch it. Someone I love dearly with all my heart and soul gave this to me."

"So, it is true," Saori remarked.

"What is true?"

"It is true that you are in a relationship with a man. Let me guess, is he your danna, your sugar daddy? I bet he constantly whispers sweet nothings to you like, 'You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,' right? What a liar."

"Be quiet, Saori! You are just jealous! The man I am with is nothing like the men you came across; he is superior to all of them combined. You could not even begin to fathom just how wonderful the man I am with is!"

"Ha! He is playing you and only wants a piece! He thinks you are easy, but you are too dumb, desperate, and blind to see it."

Himari began to tremble where she stood, and her heart fluttered in consternation. "That isnottrue, Saori."

Ah, there it is. Her doubt, lack of confidence, and low self-esteem will always be her downfall. In the end, she is nothing more than a poor, scraggly maid who let temporary power get to her head.

Saori smirked maliciously as she sauntered closer to her. "Oh, but it is true, Himari. That is why you are shaking right as we speak, because you never believed that a man like that could love you as well. Long ago, did I not tell you that? No man in his right mind would ever glance at a floor scrubbing, mackerel-smelling housemaid like you."

"… Enough of this useless banter." Poised, Himari removed her necklace and let it swing in the air to tease her older stepsister. "Saori, I will give you this necklace on one condition:you have to catch me!"


Himari burst into a fit of giggles before she shoved Saori to the floor and bolted downstairs. "Come and get me, Saori!"

"You bitch!"Enraged, Saori got up and ran after her. They ran outside into the Katōwamuro garden, and Saori followed Himari's mirthful laughter deep into the maze. The thorns of the rose bushes swatted and cut Saori's face and limbs as she ran down the cobblestone path. "Himari, come back here! I will murder you, and I mean it this time!"

Soon, Saori reached the center of the garden where Himari's laughter was no longer heard. It was eerily quiet, excluding the sound of the water flowing and gurgling softly in fountain.

I do not hear her anymore. Where is she? She could not have gone too far…

Suddenly, Himari out from behind the fountain."Boo!"

Saori, startled by Himari's sudden appearance, lost her footing and fell to the ground. "Oh my God! You will regret this, Himari! I will make you bleed!"

Himari's body shook as she pointed at Saori and laughed hysterically. "Oh, it was just a joke, Saori! You should have seen the look on your face!"

"It is not funny, you bitch!" Saori screamed, her body aching.

Himari's boisterous laughter persisted, gradually fading into strained and stifled sounds. It seemed as though she was struggling to catch her breath, as if oxygen was escaping her grasp. Suddenly, without warning, she toppled over and crumbled to the floor.


Saori gazed at her stepsister lying on the ground, showing no concern for the young woman's lack of response and the evident signs of distress. She experienced no guilt or worry; in fact, she harbored a strong desire for her stepsister's demise. "Serves you right."

That was when Kihaku emerged from the garden, making his way down the cobblestone path with a visible expression of irritation. "Ladies, I was in the middle of an important phone call when I heard so much yelling and running in the manor! What is going on?"


Kihaku's anger simmered as he awaited a response, only to be quickly replaced by distress as he discovered his daughter lying motionless on the floor. "Himari!" He cradled her in his arms, desperately trying to rouse her by shaking her gently. "Himari, wake up! Please! Please, you must wake up! Saori, why the hell are you just standing there? Call for an ambulance!"

"But, Father, she—"

"Do whatever the hell I say, Saori!"

Saori hurriedly made her way into the manor, her racing heart matching the rhythm of her heavy breaths. Despite rarely shedding tears, she could feel the warmth of them welling up in her eyes as Kihaku's uncharacteristically harsh words pierced her. In that moment, it felt as though she had been transported to a parallel universe where she, not Himari, was the despised and mistreated outcast.


┍━ 【❀】 ━┑




It had been over two weeks since Himari was admitted into the hospital, receiving top of the line care. She was in a deep state of unconsciousness and had yet to awaken.

For the first time in his career, Kihaku took an indefinite leave of absence from work so that he would never leave his daughter's bedside. The man spent his time either flipping through television channels anxiously, obsessing over every aspect of his daughter and their surroundings as she laid unresponsive, or berating the hospital staff. The hospital staff were too afraid to enter the hospital wing, let alone the room.

Each morning, Kihaku would lovingly brush his daughter's hair, gently tuck a strand behind her ear, and plant a tender kiss on her forehead, hoping that this sequence of affectionate gestures would rouse her from slumber.


A woman in a white coat knocked on the door politely and motioned Kihaku to step outside with her.

Eager, Kihaku jumped up and approached the woman. "Doctor Hasume, I have been expecting your arrival! I wanted to ask you, why is Himari is not getting better?"

"Well, she remains severely anemic even after the several blood transfusions we conducted."

"Then allow me to donate more of my blood!"

"Mister Maeda-Katōwamuro, like we have told you many, many times before, it is not advised for us to take any more of your blood unless you want to lie in a hospital bed beside your daughter! The blood transfusions have not been successful. Since we do not know the nature nor the etiology of her illness, she is receiving palliative treatment."

"Are you saying that you do not know what is wrong with her?" Kihaku asked straightforwardly.

"There is an abnormal biological molecule in her blood… We have never seen anything like it. It may be a rare, unknown blood disorder, so we would like to run more tests with your permission, of course."

"Will that cure her?"

"Unfortunately, we cannot say… Himari's illness is a rapidly progressive one, Mister Maeda-Katōwamuro. It is causing sepsis, and her organs are shutting down as we speak. As much as it pains me to say it, there is nothing more that we can do for her." Sympathetic, the doctor rested a hand upon Kihaku's shoulder and said, "But if you grant us permission to run more tests, we can further research her illness and prevent this from happening ever again."

After the doctor confessed that there was nothing more they could do, Kihaku drowned her out. The only thing he could do was look through the glass and concentrate on the frail, withering young woman in the hospital bed, hooked to wires and tubes.

It is this place. It is this place that is making her sick! Who could recover in a strange, colorless dome filled with soulless people like this?

"… She will come home," Kihaku said abruptly in a strong, adamant voice.

The doctor gave Kihaku a wary, perplexed stare. "I am sorry, Mister Maeda-Katōwamuro?"

"I said, she will come home."

"Mister Maeda-Katōwamuro, your daughter leaving the hospital is not recommended," the doctor advised. "Her condition will certainly worsen."

Kihaku shot the woman a fearsomely dark glare and glowered at her. "If you just told me there is nothing more you can do for her, then why must she stay here?"

The doctor had no rebuttal.

"Prepare the documents I need to sign because my daughter and I are leaving this hospital today. Send us a nurse as well."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari was transported upstairs into her bedroom, and all the medical equipment she needed was set up. She was still in a deep slumber, still connected to machines and breathing irregularly.

Himari's bedroom looked the same as she left it years ago when she was a child and her stepmother moved her into the basem*nt. The bedroom was frozen in time and child-like with pale pinks, frilly white duvet comforters, and toys and dolls. A collection of waving maneki-nekos on a shelf greeted anyone who entered.

The bedroom smelled floral, like her.

This is nostalgic.

Kihaku relished his surroundings, enthralled yet overwhelmed by the undeniable physical manifestation of his daughter as a person. The dust and cobwebs from years of neglect stung his eyes as he ran his hands along the shelves of literature she loved.

I will clean this bedroom myself.

A framed photograph of a lovely woman who resembled Himari greatly was on a nightstand. The woman was wearing a sunhat and a floral sundress, smiling over a garden bed of herbs as she posed for the picture.

Kihaku touched the woman's face in deep, heart wrenching yearning. It pained Kihaku to recall memories of his late wife, so he and Himari would mention her sparingly. Over the years, she became less of a person and more of an idea, myth, and legend. The permanent crease on his left ring finger reminded him of their union, and that she was real once.

I miss you. It hurts too much to even look at your face, but our daughter looks exactly like you. That is why I cannot look at her directly. I am a weak lesser man.

The next thing Kihaku did was look through Himari's wardrobe. Some clothes she had were from when she was a young girl but a lot of them were clothes he had never seen before. The new clothes were fashionable and expensive as they had the tags of luxury designer clothing brands.

These clothes…

Kihaku looked through her dresser and underneath the mounds of lavish clothes, there was a jewelry box. Curious, he opened the jewelry box and saw a heart-shaped ruby necklace.

What a beautiful jewel! I know it is real just by looking at how it sparkles! Where did she get this from?

Kihaku leaned over Himari to place the necklace around her neck. The necklace looked beautiful around her neck as if it was crafted specifically for her. He admired the soft, demure beauty of his daughter until he noticed a patch of red skin surrounding an adhesive bandage on her shoulder. Curious, he removed the bandage and covered his mouth in horror, gagging.

There was a repulsive rash on Himari's shoulder that appeared to be infected and spreading; it was terribly inflamed, oozing with pus, and had rotting, blackened skin that reeked.

Horrified, Kihaku reapplied the bandage quickly.

Dear God, what kind of infection is that? Do not worry, Himari. I will have the home nurse care for this rash-like wound.

The sight of Himari lying in bed in such a terrible condition was more than Kihaku could take. He knelt and bowed his head to pray, not knowing where to begin because he had not prayed in years. "Dear God, please allow my child to recover from this rare disease! I know I have not treated her well like a father should but please do not take her away from me, too!"



Yui anxiously stood in front of her stepsister's bedroom as she debated if she should even enter. She was carrying a bouquet of flowers from the garden as a get-well-soon gift. Yui felt compelled to visit Himari and was worried about her health, which was baffling considering their last violent interaction. For the first time in her life, Yui felt remorseful about her actions and wanted to make amends.

No one besides Kihaku had seen Himari since she was admitted to the hospital; Saori did not care for Himari and would wish for her to die aloud, and Soaku was convinced that Himari's illness was brought upon by her worshipping the devil and practicing in witchcraft, so she did not dare to enter the bedroom.

I should not be scared. It just Himari, my stepsister who is not a witch, definitely not… And if she was a witch, then she is sick, and witches cannot cast spells when they are sick! Hi-hi-hi, I am so smart! I feel much better now.

Taking a deep breath, Yui finally gathered the courage to open the door and stepped into a bedroom of soft classical music.

The bedroom reeked of death, if the cessation of life even carried a scent at all.

There, Himari was lying in bed underneath layers of heavy blankets. Her appearance was ghastly and almost painful to bear witness to; her emaciated body looked almost skeletal, her tan, sun-kissed skin was replaced with a pale, faded grey, and her eyes and cheeks were hollowed and sunken in.

Frightened, Yui tightened her grip around the bouquet's stems. "Eek! I mean, hello, Himari! You look… never mind."

"Yui-chan," Himari croaked weakly, struggling to sit upright. "It is nice to see you… Thank you… for coming to see me."

Yui smiled broadly as she held out a bouquet of various flowers wrapped in newspaper. "I bought you flowers, ta-da!"

"How… pretty…"

"Yes, they are so pretty, right? I got them from the garden! Oops, I was not supposed to tell you that…"

Himari gave a weak smile as she rasped, "I am happy to know… that the… flowers… are doing well…"

"Himari, I want to talk to you about something," Yui began, twiddling her thumbs. "I am sorry about everything! I am sorry about all the things I have done to you over the years. I never understood why Mother and Saori despised you, but I went along with it. It was very wrong of me, and I am sorry… Please do not die, Himari, because I do not want you haunting us! Another reason why I do not want you to die is because for once, we were growing close. Even after what happened in the garden, I felt more love and attention from you than what my actual sister ever gave me… including my mother."

Himari looked as if she was about to respond but she erupted into a violent coughing fit. She wheezed and struggled to catch her breath, bloody sputum dribbling down her chin.


The home nurse entered, wheeling a food tray with a bowl of broth. As she wiped Himari's face clean with a napkin, she said, "Lady Yui, my apologies but Lady Himari needs time to finish her meal with no distractions."

"Oki-dokie… Goodbye, Himari."



Nearly three weeks had passed, and Himari's condition was worsening day by day. Unable to eat or drink and vomiting constantly, she was in a deteriorative state and weighed less than forty kilograms. She was barely lucid and would cry out for her mother and shed tears in her slumber. The young woman was dying and there was nothing anyone could do about it. The only things the Maeda-Katōwamuros could do was hold their breaths and wait.

Refusing to leave his daughter's bedside, Kihaku had not eaten properly since she was afflicted with her rare, unknown illness. He spent his days either pacing the room, staring out the window blankly, or kneeling and sitting beside Himari's bed.

Kihaku had not taken a liking to the assistance the hospital sent. He wished to have her replaced but he did not want his actions to prevent Himari's health from improving.

The home nurse caring for Himari was an elderly woman who looked as if she was close to being bedridden herself with her spindly, wrinkled hands and dark liver spots. She was acclaimed as one of the best nurses for the job because of her background in hospice care.

Hiring a former hospice nurse implies that Himari is dying. Himari is not dying; she is just sick, and sickness is temporary. Instead of sending an undertaker, why did they not send us a competent doctor?

The nurse smiled warmly and rubbed Kihaku's back as she said, "Sir, I need you to leave your post and take some time to refresh yourself."

"Excuse me?"

"Sir, how can you care for another when you do not care for yourself?"

"That is the point of sacrifices!" Kihaku spat bitterly. "Have you ever heard of it?"

Knowing that the man was under an immense amount of stress, the home nurse remained kind and understanding of his predicament. "Do not worry, Sir. I will keep an eye on your child. You must eat something. Would you like me to prepare something for you?"

"No, I am fine. I can cook for myself."

Once in the kitchen, Kihaku opened the fridge to see nothing inside of it. Like for every chore of the Katōwamuro manor, Himari was the one who would go grocery shopping and prepare meals. The young woman would always make bento boxes of everyone's favorite meals and fill them with cat-shaped onigiri, her trademark.

Ever since she was young, she would dip the cats in soy sauce to make them look like the fur patterns of calicos. It seems like it was just yesterday she was just running around the manor… Soaku and the girls have barely been home, vacationing and dining at restaurants all while Himari fights for her life.

Kihaku toasted a slice of bread and lathered it in butter and sweet bean paste. He went to freshen up in the shower before returning to Himari's bedside.

Upon entering the bedroom, Kihaku saw the nurse brushing the dying young woman's hair tenderly, humming a sweet melody. "What a beautiful girl you are," she sang softly. "There, there. Rest now."

"What are you doing?" Kihaku asked, growing hostile.

"I have just finished giving 'Mari a bath," the nurse answered sweetly. "I changed her dressings and used an aloe vera ointment on that stubborn, nasty rash of hers."

'Mari... I used to call her that.

"Oh… That is good to hear." Kihaku returned to his chair and stared at his daughter, anxiety and grief settling in.

Suddenly, Himari began turning her head side to side with her eyes tightly shut as if she was having a nightmare. "Tsu… ki…" she muttered. "Tsu… ko…"

Perplexed, Kihaku leaned in close to hear her incoherent muttering. "What was that? Himari, what are you saying?"

The young woman's unseeing eyes fluttered open and rolled up in her head. Her mouth moved slowly yet there was no sound. "Tsu… ki… hi… ko…"

"Tsukihiko? Who is that?"

"Poor thing," the nurse cooed. "She is undergoing a state of delirium. I am afraid it will not be too long now, Sir. Please, stay by her side."

"I am not going anywhere!" Kihaku choked out. "I have neglected her for so long but never again. Never again am I leaving her!"


A short while later, Himari regained consciousness. She opened her eyes completely and looked around at her bright surroundings. The sunlight stung her eyes, so she tightly closed them once more. "… Father-sama?"

"Himari? Yes, Himari, I am here!"

Wheezing and rasping in between breaths, Himari convened the remainder of her strength to speak. "Once I am well, could we go… visit… that sunflower field? I would like… for us to… sit atop the hill… like we did… once before… with… Okasan."

"Yes, Himari!" Kihaku replied in between hardened, distraught sobs. "Once you recover and regain your strength, we will go to that very same sunflower field and sit atop the hill. We will even have a picnic! I promise you that, Himari, I promise!"

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The wake was held on the following Sunday at the darkest part of twilight.

The chapel was filled to the brim with the fuchsia haired, green-eyed Katōwamuros that were holding rosaries. A few colleagues and fellow business associates wandered aimlessly, looking out of place as they mingled. There were no blood relatives of the Maedas because Kihaku had cut ties with his family long ago.

The guests walked within the frame lit candles with a fog of incense hovering above the chapel's floor like a falling mist. The monks chanting sutras at the shrine was drowned out by conversation, particularly the spoken words and phrases aimed to succor the distraught, grieving father who had just lost his child.

"Okuyami moushiagemasu."

✧TRANSLATION: "My sincerest condolences."

"We are sorry for your loss."

"My condolences."

"Aitō no makoto o sasagemasu."

✧TRANSLATION: "I wish to express my heartfelt condolences."

"I am certain these times must be difficult for you."

"You and your family are in my prayers!"

Peering at the crowd, Kihaku spotted a woman leaning over Himari's casket, sobbing. The woman wore a large, ornate dress that looked more like a ball gown complete with a mourning veil. The veil obscured her face and her identity, but Kihaku knew who the woman was when he noticed her red, overdrawn lips.

The woman was Soaku's sister, Suyume.

Suyume was a tall, skinny woman with pale olive skin and light fuchsia hair. She was an attractive woman, but her unique taste for thick make-up and slathered-on lipstick called her beauty into question. A well-known lover of art, opera, and theatre, she carried and flaunted a dramatic, theatrical air everywhere she went.

Suyume turned to Kihaku whilst shaking her rosaries and blowing her nose loudly, sounding like a trumpet. "Oh, Kihaku, my condolences for the loss of your dear girl! She was so very young and pulchritudinous; a flower that was just beginning to bloom!" Suyume raised her hands high in the air as she recited her monologue at an even higher volume, gathering the attention of everyone within the vicinity. "What a tragedy, oh, what a tragedy! This is an injustice, a crime the Heavens have committed, if I do say so myself! If God would lend me His ear, I would ask Him why this poor girl was taken from the Earth so soon! I would beg Him to take me in Hirari's— I mean, Himari's place! Yes, I volunteer, oh Lord, I volunteer as your strongest warrior—"

"Suyume," Kihaku interrupted coldly, unmoved by her melodramatic monologue. "Enough."

Suyume lowered her hands and returned to an earthlier, functioning consciousness, black waterfalls of grief and mucus flowing down her face. "Egads, I have outdone myself yet again… Some things are better left unsaid, right, Kihaku?"

"Yes, that is true."

"It has been a long time, Kihaku," Suyume continued, fanning herself. "It is nice to see that you are still very handsome. I must telephone or send a letter to my sister Soaku to thank her for keeping you dashing and trim for me."

Wincing, Kihaku muttered, "No, that will not be necessary, Suyume…"

I am not fond of Suyume but she is the only one I feel comfortable speaking to right now. She is someone who does not know much of the truth yet is close enough for me to trust, strangely.

"How are you holding up, Kihaku?"

"I do not have the answer to that, Suyume. I do not know… how I feel now. Even if I did, I would fail to articulate it."

Suyume used a mourning handkerchief to dab her face clean of mucus and runny mascara, sniffling. "I could not imagine losing a child. Kihaku, you are brave for even being here today, standing on your legs."

Brave? No, I am a coward. I am the coward who offered his daughter to the wolves, and she paid the ultimate price for it.

"Great God, I never knew Soaku had a stepdaughter!" Suyume wept nasally. "If I had known, I would have sent her dresses and chocolates like I did for her Saori and Yui! Soaku mentioned another young woman living under her roof but told me that she was a live-in housemaid. Oh, Kihaku, why did Soaku lie to me? Why did she not just tell me the truth?"

A live-in housemaid? Soaku never thought of Himari as her stepdaughter after all.

"I do not know why your sister lied to you, Suyume. I wish I knew why she lied to me as well." Kihaku became frozen when he caught sight of his deceased daughter.

Himari rested inside the casket placed upon the shrine, clad in a white funeral kimono adorned with blooming flowers. The rosiness of her cheeks and the radiance of her tanned complexion was long gone. Her countenance appeared serene, resembling someone peacefully lost in a profound slumber, perhaps even dreaming of delightful moments.

I cannot force myself to look at her. Not like this, not in this state.

"Excuse me, Suyume," Kihaku said briskly as he left Suyume alone at the shrine.

"What? Kihaku? Kihaku!"

Kihaku left the chapel and went outside to smoke, a vice he kicked when he first met the love of his life. Stressed, his hands trembled as he lit a cigarette.

What was I thinking? I looked like such a fool in front of Suyume. What the hell was I thinking? Damn it, I cannot go back in there. I do not want the sight of Himari's corpse etched into my mind! Why? Why did things have to end this way? I was… I was trying to be a good father to her for once in my life, and she was taken away from me…

"Kihaku," a man dressed in black said. The man was Jiro Adachi, the wealthy investor who was invited to the Katōwamuro manor for diner.

"I extend my deepest condolences to you and your family during this difficult time," Jiro expressed wholeheartedly as he sat beside Kihaku. "I did not know that the young girl who waited on us at dinner was your daughter. If I had known, I would have introduced myself to her personally."

"Yes… Thank you, Jiro."

"How are Soaku and her daughters taking it?"

"Soaku and the girls are beside themselves; they could not make it."

I would not be surprised if those three were celebrating, dancing and popping corks.

Jiro sat down beside Kihaku on the bench, thinking of what to say to a parent who had just lost their child. "I was thinking we should make a nonprofit foundation in the name of your daughter. I would happily partner and invest in it. What should it be named? I see the girl had a love for sunflowers, so why not call it the Sunflower Foundation? Kihaku, what do you think?"

Kihaku sat in silence until the crippling guilt became too apparent and unbearable to conceal, and he dissolved in tears. "... I killed her, you know."

"What was that, Kihaku?"

"I said, I killed my daughter. I killed Himari."

"What? Poor little Himari died of an illness which was out of anyone's control. Do not blame yourself, Kihaku."

Kihaku took a long, pensive drag of his cigar and he exhaled billows of smoke before he continued his lamentations. "You do not understand, Jiro. I killed my daughter. I murdered her in cold blood, not with my hands but through my words and actions. Soaku and her two daughters abused Himari. They treated her like a housemaid, a slave. To make matters even worse, I knew about it. I knew that they were cruel towards her and beat her senselessly daily, but I did nothing. I pretended not to know of it. That scar on the side of her mouth that the mortuary cosmetologist hid skillfully was caused by her stepsister when they were younger. Himari thought of herself as ugly and repulsive, and she was being bullied viciously in school. She would come home with more bruises than the day before… Before Himari fell ill and died, she asked me if the reason I could not look her in the eye is because she looked just like her late mother. Instead of answering her question, I slapped her. My first instinct was to use physical violence against my child because I could not handle the truth. Pain. All she knew was pain. I failed her. Himari was robbed of love, happiness, and a proper life. After the wake, her body will be cremated, and she will be reduced to dust and ash. Her ashes will be placed in an urn that will be locked away behind a wall of glass like standard decor. It will be like she never was anything real at all."

*ೃ༄OUTRO .ೃ࿐

𓆩♡𓆪 HYDRA - MYTH & ROID 𓆩♡𓆪

破滅さえ 厭わないで
ねえ まだこの手に残る欠片だって
何もかも 失くしても
捧げるものが 在るの
未来だって 命でさえ
焼け尽きた感情も 不毛な祈りも
縋る無様も 貢ぐ愚かも
病んだ声も 穢れた両手も

𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳

時間がまだ 在るのなら
無意味だって 無駄だっていい
積み上げた日々が 無残に散っても
想いが呪いに 変わったとしても
報いも無く 徒労に終わってもいい
暗く陰った この道の先では
どんな光も やがて潰えるでしょう
希望待つように 生きるより
尽くしきるの 今を
焼け尽きた感情も 不毛な祈りも
縋る無様も 貢ぐ愚かも
何もかもが どうなってもいい
全て貴方に 捧げよう

𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘧 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳

Chapter 4: Act IV


Hello, thank you for reading my work! All comments and criticisms are greatly appreciated. 🥰

I am not sure when the next update will be but I will keep you guys updated. Once again, thank you for reading🕷️💕 Happy Halloween 🎃

Chapter Text


Hey, everyone! Thank you for reading my work! It means a lot to me. I'm trying to be more active with my readers, so please, feel free to leave a review! Give me criticism and tell me what you think of my story. I promise I do not bite... (:

It is the Kakusei era, year 3XXX.

The world has undergone a drastic change due to the series of global conflict, ecological disasters, and the advancement of technology. Modern civilization had long collapsed and the merging of countries, increase in oligarchs and totalitarian regimes, corruption, and warfare was rampant.

Left alone, uninterrupted without pause, was a world unbeknownst to those fortunate; a world filled with demons and those who slay them.

* "Dialogue."
*'Telepathic dialogue.'
*"Past conversation."

┍━ 【❀】 ━┑


Yaegashi was blanketed underneath in a sky of darkness and the night was still.

Darkness appeared to extend into eternity with nothing to penetrate it save for the lampposts and lanterns. An eerie, oppressive stillness loomed over the area. The affluent municipality descended further into silence, the only sound being the soft whisper of the wind as it rustled through the trees, until mischief arose in upper-class Yaegashi's chapel and crematorium.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Upper-class Yaegashi's chapel and crematorium was a somber and respectful place of worship and remembrance. A crematorium and a columbarium were attached to the chapel to tend to the dead.

Candles flickered in the windows of the chapel, casting light across the sacred grounds. Through the windows, one could see a shrine-like altar centered in the main area, with white stone sculptures of a Buddha and the Bodhisattva.

It was in the dead of night when shadows crept into the chapel. The shadows concealed two humanoid figures that slithered into the crematorium.

There, the furnace's flames were licking and consuming the corpse within it, vaporizing and reducing the body to ash. The air was thick with a smoky smell, as if the fire was trying to burn away the memories of the deceased individual.

The figures scoured the area until they found what they were looking for: a particular corpse lying on a metal slab, wrapped in a white sheet.

The figures picked up the corpse tenderly and left the crematorium as quickly as they came, leaving nothing but darkness and flickering candlelight in their wake.

Then, the night was still again.


The Maeda-Katōwamuros sat at the main dining table in an awkward, deafening silence.

Kihaku stared ahead blankly, a faraway look in his eyes. He looked unkept with his messy hair that shadowed his pale, gaunt face, and he was wearing nightclothes in the middle of the day. Slowly, he hunched over the table and sat motionless with his head hung low.

Father-sama looks so sick... I just want to hug him!

Soaku was taking too many sips of white wine and was tapping her finely manicured nails against the dining table.

Saori had yet to arrive at the dining table even though she was told to come down at the same time as everyone else.

Surprisingly, Fuwapo was not at the dining table either; the shih tzu appeared to be saddened by the recent events and would lay around in the places Himari's once dwelled as if it was grieving.

The sound of Yui's stomach growling interrupted the uncomfortable silence. "Something smells good... When will our dinner arrive, Mother?" she asked.

Soaku paused from taking another sip of wine, her red lipstick staining the rim of the glass. "When it arrives, Yui."

The footsteps were heard as Saori, with her dark fuchsia hair and emerald, green eyes, descended gracefully down the stairs.

"Saori, you are late," Soaku groaned.

"Fashionably so," Saori replied, taking a seat across from Yui.

Everyone turned to the entryway of the kitchen when two strangers presented themselves: one was a stern-faced, middle-aged woman and the other was a wide-eyed, blonde-haired young woman with bright blue eyes. They both wore traditional maid attire consisting of a ruffled, black-and-white maid dress and a white mobcap.

Soaku tapped a spoon upon her glass to gather everyone's attention. "The dreariness of this place is utterly revolting, so I took it upon myself to liven the Katōwamuro manor once again. Everyone, I introduce you to our new live-in maids: Moe and her apprentice, Emiso!"

The two maids bowed in perfect unison. "I, Moe, and Emiso thank each member of the Maeda-Katōwamuro family for giving us the pleasure of living under your roof and serving you," the middle-aged maid stated.

"Oui!" the blonde-haired maid chimed.

✧TRANSLATION: "Yes!" the blonde-haired maid chimed.

The two maids went into the kitchen and returned pushing serving carts. The meal was a golden roasted chicken that was basted with a blend of herbs and spices, paired with various steamed and chopped vegetables.

The Katōwamuros were served promptly.

"We do hope you enjoy," Moe, the middle-aged maid, said.

"Yes, we will certainly enjoy this blessed feast!" Soaku said happily, speaking for everyone. "Moe and Emiso, we thank you for this meal! It looks delicious!"

That was when Kihaku lowered his head and began to weep at the dining table. He whined through his distraught sobs, causing everyone to look at him with expressions of either shock, concern, or disgust, the latter being the expression of his own wife.

"Father?" Yui asked softly, her pink, glossy lips quivering. "Father, please…"

Soaku slammed her hand upon the dining table, forcing all the attention on her. "Kihaku, honey, please leave us and go take a breather!"

Kihaku got up from the table and downed his cup of wine before leaving the dining room.

The noblewoman turned to the two astounded maids with an awkward smile that was smeared with red lipstick. "Do not mind my husband, he is a sensitive man. You see, his daughter died recently."

The maids bowed to give their respects and condolences.

Yui found herself unable to pick up her fork, let alone move. She just sat there and stared at her plate with eyes that were glassy from oncoming tears. The mention of the Himari and how her death affected everything was more than enough to force Yui to hold back tears.

When Soaku heard a soft sniffle, she turned to Yui and asked, "Yui, are those tears I see? Are you crying?"

"No, Mother... It is just that these onions are very strong! I am not hungry anymore!"

"Mother, has my punishment been lifted?" Saori asked abruptly. "I miss my friends and the fresh air of the outside world. I cannot do much grieving while trapped in this house, you know."

"I suppose so, Saori… for alimitedtime that is."

In a fit of rage, Saori slammed her fork on the table. "But Mother, why—"

"Saori, before you say another word, ponder upon why I said that. I chose my words carefully. Please, think long and hard!"

Saori rolled her emerald-green eyes as she conceded to her mother's request. "Certainly, Mother," she said before rising from the dining table and making her way upstairs.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

With dinner cut short, Yui returned to her bedroom. She threw herself upon her bed and grabbed a plush rabbit from her mountain of toys, stroking its floppy ears. She laid on her back and raised the stuffed animal high in the air as she said, "Mister Hops, do you not feel it? Do you not feel the spooky atmosphere of this manor as if something awful is going to happen?"

I cannot shake this sick, dark feeling.

Yui heaved an exasperated sigh and threw Mister Hops on the floor. She closed her eyes and when she opened them again, she saw the beautiful face of her older sister.

"Yui, wake up!"

"Saori? Hey, what is it?"

"Come with me. There is something I wish to show you."

The sisters went downstairs into the basem*nt and what Yui saw nearly took her breath away.

The basem*nt was a complete mess: Broken glass, scattered botanical specimens, and overturned jars of oils and perfumes were spilled across the floor. All the books that lined the shelves were either thrown on the floor or were piled in a wheelbarrow, and jars, vials, bottles, and laboratory equipment were in the wheelbarrow as well. The air was thick with the sweet scent of floral perfumes. Glass would crunch, and liquid would slosh with every step.

Yui was taken aback by the scene of mass destruction and was at a loss for words. "Saori…"

All of Himari's belongings and work…

"Hey, help me put these things in the wheelbarrow," Saori asked, gathering a few books and throwing them into the wheelbarrow.

"Oh, I have such a terrible feeling about this, Saori! We should not do this! Have we not done enough to her when she was alive?"

"What? Calm down and get a grip, Yui. All we are doing is giving her a proper send-off. Are you going to help me?"

Reluctant, Yui assisted her older sister in throwing the rest of the books in the wheelbarrow. They pushed the wheelbarrow outside into the garden in an area away from the greenery so nothing would catch fire.

Saori poured gasoline all over the wheelbarrow's contents, humming as she did so. When the gas can was emptied, she offered Yui a matchbox. "I will let you do the honors."

"W-what? Me?"

"Yes, you. What, are you scared?"

"I am not scared!"

"Then do it, Yui."

Yui unwillingly took out a match and struck it against the side of the matchbox. A spark ignited the match to life, and a small, dancing flame was born. It was close to twilight, so the young girl's face was illuminated by a bright orange light. She looked to her older sister to see her smiling deviously and beckoning her to continue. With Saori's original punching bag gone, Yui knew that it would not be wise to disobey her.

I hope that I am forgiven…

Yui tightly shut her eyes and threw the lit match into the wheelbarrow.

A fire engulfed all the contents in the wheelbarrow in a matter of seconds. The extreme heat caused the vials of perfume to burst, releasing a powerfully acrid scent of scorched florals bathed in sorrow.

Yui stood beside her older sister as they both watched the violent embers of the blazing fire. Saori laughed gleefully, the flames reflecting in her emerald-green eyes.

The flames devoured everything, burning the pages of the books away and turning them into soot. Not an item was spared, along with the memory of the one who possessed them.

I am sorry. I am sorry, Himari!

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

On a dark, foggy morning, Yui stood in front of two graves, holding two bouquets of white flowers. She looked like a lovely porcelain doll in her dark, gothic petticoat dress.

Himari's grave was placed right beside her mother's grave in the upper-class Yaegashi cemetery.

Yui crouched to rest the bouquets of white flowers upon the two graves. Tears pricked her eyes and smudged her dark mascara.

Life at the manor is horrible! Nothing is the same anymore! Why did you have to die after I begged you not to? Why did you have to go as soon as we began to like each other? I never felt a feeling of despair as intense as this before, and it is all your fault, Himari!

… How can I blame you? You are dead. You are dead and I am not.

A gentle touch upon Yui's shoulder drew her attention, and she turned to see the white-haired chauffeur of the Katōwamuro manor, Alde.

"Are you having trouble, Lady Yui?"

"Trouble? Oh, I do not know what to call it!"

"Pardon me, but I was a little surprised when you asked me to drive you here, Lady Yui. I was under the impression that you were not close to the dearly missed Lady Himari!"

"We were not that close but we kind of were at the same time. It is complicated or should I say that it was…" Yui's voice trailed off into nothing because she was not certain what she meant any more than Alde did.

The white-haired chauffeur handed the young, sniffling girl a handkerchief. "Losing the people we love is always challenging and difficult," he said.

"Yes, I know! It feels even worse because I was just talking with her, and now she is gone! I cannot believe how fast everything happened…"

"Yes, it happened very fast, indeed. We must remember that we are all here for but a moment."


"Yes, Lady Yui?"

"Do you believe in people coming back from the dead?"

Alde was visibly taken aback by Yui's question, appearing to be shocked and disturbed by it. "What? Lady Yui…"

"I once heard that dead people who are unable to move on from things that happened to them in life come back. They cannot let go of the past, so they come back and take vengeance on the living. Do you believe that, Alde?"

"Do I believe in the dead returning? Well, I cannot say much about the afterlife considering I am, gratefully, still part of the land of the living but what I can say is this: people have their own superstitions, ideas, and beliefs, but I believe that whatever happens, happens."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that we must be prepared for everypossibleoutcome life throws at us. While it is impossible for people to return from the dead, old memories and sentiments from the past can resurface and prevent us from enjoying the present. Time moves for us because we are alive and able embrace the future, but time freezes for those who dwell in what has already happened, so they are left behind. In a way, we are all haunted by the past."

The older gentleman's words appeared to soothe Yui for even a moment, which she was grateful for, but there was nothing that could alleviate the immense amount of guilt she felt. "… I know what you think of me, Alde," she whispered in a solemn tone. "I know that you think I am a spoiled girl and I do not blame you one bit. We did horrible things to her, I regret everything! I thank the Heavens that I got the opportunity to apologize to her before she… before she...before she died!"

Unable to hold herself together any longer, Yui threw herself against Alde's chest and cried. Her shoulders shook with every sob that left her lips, for the aura of despair had overtaken her.

"Lady Yui, I no longer believe that you are a horrible, spoiled girl!" Alde shouted, embracing her. "Being able to admit your mistakes and wrongdoings proves that you have matured well and shows your humility!"

"No, you are wrong, Alde! I am a terrible, awful girl who is a follower, not a leader! I treated Himari terribly simply because my mother and sister did! Himari did not do anything to deserve even a smidgen of everything she went through! She died horribly, Alde! I saw her lying in her bed, dying and spitting up blood! No one deserves to die like that, especially not her! She was a good person unlike me and everyone else!"

"We can only hope that she has been reincarnated to live a happier life, Lady Yui!"

"Reincarnated? As what, another person?"

"Perhaps. Some people believe that departed souls can even be reincarnated as animals."

"Animals? Well, Himari did love cats…"

That was when a black kitten with large, pitiful blue eyes appeared. The kitten walked over the two graves and stretched as it gave a wide yawn. "Mew, mew!"

"Ehhh?It is a cute little kitty-cat!" Yui squealed. She stroked the kitten's fur and rubbed its head, eliciting loud purrs of satisfaction.

"Mew, mew!"

"Lady Yui, that could be Lady Himari's reincarnated form!" Alde exclaimed with soft, light-hearted laughter.

"Yes, Alde. It may just be her reincarnated form! That makes me feel so much better about everything!"

At that moment, a sense of maturity and acceptance came over Yui. She found that she could finally rid herself of the tremendous weight of all the guilt she felt.

For the first time since Himari passed, Yui was able to take solace in her death and place her in the back of her mind, which evolved Himari from being a figure in Yui's nightmares to a bittersweet memory.

Himari, my former stepsister, I hope you are at peace wherever you are.


Soaku stood in front of Kihaku's study, daring herself to enter. The almost tangible aura of sadness and despair that emanated from the room was powerful enough to seep underneath the door and through the floorboards.

The noblewoman braced herself before she knocked upon the door of Kihaku's study. "Kihaku!" she called out. "I must speak with you!"


The door was unlocked, so Soaku shakily turned its knob and opened it. As she stepped inside, her heart sank, and her eyes widened in shock at the sight before her.

The study, engulfed in a cloud of melancholy, was in complete disarray with papers and documents strewn everywhere. The musky smell of rotting food permeated the stale atmosphere, as plates of forgotten meals were part of the clutter. The once pristine room was now filled with easels and paints, the desk pushed against the wall to make room for them.

There, in a corner, she saw Kihaku, or what was left of him.

A pale, lithe specter of a man was craned over a canvas, his pale face lined with grief and disease, terribly so. As he made delicate strokes with his paintbrush against the canvas, his eyes were glazed over and had a distant, foggy look to them. The man was in a state of insanity and lost in a world of grief, and his only way of coping was through painting.

"Kihaku, what are you up to in here? It is not right of you to lock yourself in your study!"

The man did not respond and continued his work, muttering to himself. He was now a mere shadow of his former self.

This man is clearly not in the right state of mind!

Soaku glanced around at the multitude of paintings and noticed that they were of the same sweet, heart-shaped face in sceneries of flowers. "That face… That is the girl, is it not?"

For a moment, Kihaku stopped painting and looked at Soaku directly, appearing to see right through her. "I cannot stop thinking about her. She haunts me."

"Oh, God!" Soaku groaned with a roll of her viridescent eyes. "When will the madness end? There is no haunting, Kihaku. The girl is gone and that is all there is to it!"

"I do not know how you do it, Soaku."

"How I do what?"

"Carry on as if nothing happened, like there is not a void present within the walls of this cursed manor. I envy you and your resilience… I keep having dreams about her, nightmares. In one reoccurring dream, I see her in a coffin deep underground. She is alive and is trying to find a way out because she is cold and afraid of the dark, but she cannot free herself, no matter how hard she tries."

"Get a hold of yourself, Kihaku. You are not making any sense! Quiet your delusional rantings or else I will have no choice but to have you committed!"

"At night, I wonder if she was cold and alone in that casket all by herself!" Overcome with grief, Kihaku crumbled to the floor and wept. He curled into a fetal position and his body shook as he cried.

Look at him, the epitome of pathetic. Is this truly the man I married?


Soaku was attending a wealthy dinner party in Yaegashi. The dinner party was filled with that was filled with prominent elites from all over New Japan. The clinking of glasses, light chattering of conversations, and the soft tones of jazz music from the live band filled the air. Waiters shuffled about, serving the guests wine and gourmet cuisines.

As the guests conversed, danced, and dined, Soaku and her sister, Suyume, stood on the sidelines. They spent their time people-watching, which was the equivalent of birdwatching. The sisters had something to say about everyone they laid eyes upon whether it was about their fashion sense or rumors. Right now, the topic was to find a man suitable for Soaku to marry.

Suyume scanned through the crowd with her keen emerald-green eyes. She pointed at an attractive man dressed in a tailored suit, sipping a glass of red wine as he spoke to another businessman. "That man over there is Kihaku Maeda. He is a popular corporate financial advisor, so you know that his pockets are deep!"

Soaku frowned as she said, "Kihaku? I do not like the similarity between our names..."

"What, do you not like it? I think of it as a sign that you two were destined to be together, as ordained by fate!"

"Fate this, fate that. You still believe in that gobbledygook, Suyume? Grow up."

"Soaku, you have never been proficient in making a man want to be with you. You are always so sly and conniving, like a mix between a fox and a snake! In love, there is nothing to gain from tricks like that. I would know, for I am cupid!"

"I do not need your help finding a man, Suyume! Go matchmake with someone else!"

"Look, Soaku, we need to find you the perfect husband here at the party tonight!"

Kihaku finished his conversation with the businessman and as he walked away, he made brief eye contact with Soaku from afar.

Soaku noticed the sets of four freckles upon Kihaku's cheeks. "Freckles," she scoffed. "How childish."

"Soaku, are you blind? That man is very handsome! He looks better than all our past lovers. Either you court him, or I will... Oh, he is coming this way!"

Kihaku excused himself as he moved through the crowd. He approached Soaku and Suyume and bowed in respect. "Good evening, my dear ladies," he said, taking both of their hands and kissing them. "It is a great evening we are—"

Suddenly, a businessman who had too much to drink shimmied against Suyume inadvertently. The man was going to apologize but when she shimmied back against him, he took her arm and guided her to the dance floor.

"Soaku, I will come back for you later!" Suyume shouted through her fierce giggles and hiccups. "Oh, you are a wiggly one, are you not?"

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Seeking solace from the bustling surroundings, Soaku and Kihaku ventured to a serene and secluded spot outdoors. Taking a seat on a bench beneath a blooming sakura tree, their cheeks were flushed with a gentle rosy hue, a result of their relaxed state induced by the mild intoxication of alcohol.

"Ah, so you are the one everyone is raving about," Soaku said, lighting a cigarette. "The great and crafty financial advisor, Kihaku Maeda."

"In the flesh," Kihaku said with a slight smile.

"So, Kihaku, do you truly believe that you have what it takes to work with my father?"

"Excuse me, Lady Soaku? What do you mean?"

"Well, you do wish to own Katōwamuro Enterprises, my father's first company, right? That is why you are here at this party and why you approached me, after all."

Kihaku opened his mouth to contend Soaku's accusation but refrained from doing so because she was right; meeting one of the Katōwamuro daughters was his goal for the night. "How did you know?"

"I know because I know everything," she laughed, amused by his naïveté. It did not help that the man looked like a deer in headlights with his wide, bronze-colored eyes.

"Hm... Yes, you are correct. I do wish to own Katōwamuro Enterprises, having been a loyal benefactor and stockholder for years. I heard along the grapevine that your father is searching for someone not related to him to inherit his enterprise. I approached you in the hopes that you could arrange a meeting between us so I could meet the man and make a great impression. Please, do not view this calculated encounter as an insult to you."

"I do not think of this as insulting. Normally, I would take great offense, but this could be beneficial for me as well."

"How so?"

"Before we get into that, I want you to tell me of your plans for the family business."

For nearly an hour, Soaku listened to Kihaku intently as he presented his case of why he was the rightful candidate to inherit her father's business. The man revealed his plans and ideas for the business and the advantages of partnering with him, and as he spoke, Soaku thought of her future.

He could be the one. He could be my next husband!

Kihaku finished when his throat became too raw and dry to continue. Clearing his throat, he asked, "What do you think of that, Lady Soaku?"

"I agree with you," Soaku replied sincerely.

"Excuse me?"

"I agree with all your business propositions, Kihaku."


"Yes, I think you are the perfect one for the job. You are exactly the kind of man my father is searching for."

"Am I really? That is most astounding! Lady Soaku, your opinion and approval means so much to me!"

"My father values my word above all his other children. Anyone with my signature of approval is bound to succeed. I will happily vouch for you as a candidate, but on one condition..."

"Yes, of course, Lady Soaku! I will do anything! What is your condition?"

"We must be married."

"Marriage?" Kihaku gasped, taken by surprise at the randomness and abruptness of the noblewoman's suggestion.

"Yes, marriage. Marriage would help the both of us. There is nothing my father values more than family. If any unmarried person comes up to him to do business, he will laugh and slam the door in their face! You need a wife, Kihaku, and there is no better woman than I on the market! What, why are you looking at me like that? You are not married, are you?"

"I am a widower, a recent one," Kihaku said sorrowfully. "My wife died months ago."

"Oh, really? I am sorry to hear that… My condolences."

The bitch could not have died at a more perfect time.

"Yes, it has been quite difficult, but the world goes on, right? I have been trying to go on. That is why I am here in Yaegashi."

"If it makes you feel any better, I was divorced a few months ago."

"I am sorry to hear that, Soaku."

"No, do not be sorry. My ex-husband was a spineless, shallow sop of a man. I do not know why I did not divorce him sooner, but it happens to the best of us, does it not?"

"Yes, it does." Kihaku sat in silence for a long while until he said, "Soaku, I should tell you that my late wife was my one and only true love. I am not capable of loving ever again."

"And I am not capable of loving to begin with!" Soaku exclaimed, laughing. "That works rather well, does it not? Let us wed, Kihaku, without any sentimentality or ties. Think of it as I scratch your back, you scratch mine."

"I do not know, Lady Soaku…"

"The manor I have inherited is like a castle. Is that enough to sweeten the deal for you?"

"Marriage is supposed to be sacred and here we are, gambling and using it as leverage," Kihaku laughed softly, uncertain of himself. "I did just lose my wife, Lady Soaku. This is happening too fast. I do not know how my daughter will process this."

"Daughter?" Soaku asked, her eyes growing wide. "You… You have a daughter?"

"Yes, I do. Her name is Himari, and she is almost nine years old. Do you have any children, Lady Soaku?"

If I marry this man, I will become a mother to another woman's child, a child that is not mine!

"Yes, I do have children," she answered. "I have two daughters, Saori and Yui. Saori is ten and Yui is seven."

"Two daughters that are close in age? Wow, that is very fortunate! Himari always longed to have siblings. She would certainly thrive in such a great environment."

"Does your daughter have any relatives she can live with?" Soaku blurted out.

"Why are you asking me that, Lady Soaku? Why would she not stay with me?"

"I am not fond of the idea of rearing the child of another woman..."

"Why is that?"

"Must I say it aloud? Caring for another woman's child is utterly humiliating! And she will look out of place when she is around my daughters. Tell me, does the girl have fuchsia hair and green eyes?"

"No, she does not but that should not matter. Where is all this coming from?"

"Kihaku, are there any relatives for her to stay with or what?"

"There are no relatives of mine to take her in because I am estranged from my family. Himari will stay with me, and that decision is final. That ismyone condition if we are to marry."

"Oh, fine!" Soaku fumed." The girl can stay but do not expect me to swaddle and cuddle her!"


Soaku looked down upon Kihaku in great disgust and felt nothing but a deep revulsion towards him.

I never loved this pathetic man or any man for that matter. Love is a fool's pastime.

Kihaku leaned on an easel to stand to his feet, shooting daggers at her. "I will never forgive you for what you did, Soaku!" he shouted. "You abused Himari, and you trained your daughters to do the same to her like a pack of dogs."

"All with your blessing!" Soaku retorted.

"What? What the hell do you mean by that?"

"Kihaku, you can blame and point the finger at me as much as you want, but you are just as much at fault, if not more so! You kept the girl around for your own selfish desires. I told you to get rid of her, but you could not let her go!"

"Why the hell would I ever get rid of my own daughter?"

"The same reason why you remarried before your wife's body was cold! You wished to move on and forget about the past after she died; that is why you came to Yaegashi and sought me out! That is what you told me every night we spent together. Every time you brought it up, you mentioned that the girl brought back horrible memories for you!"

Kihaku seethed as he listened to Soaku speak. His hands shook as he clenched them into fists, trying to contain the rage that threatened to burst forth. He could feel the tightness in his chest, the pain of her words. The man stood still for a long while until he spoke. ”I do not know how I managed to lay beside you all these years,” Kihaku spit, his voice filled with spite. “You are indelicate and coarse, not like how a woman should be.”

"Oh, really? I may be 'indelicate and coarse,' but you, Kihaku, are softer than your own limp, flaccid dick! You are a such weak, pitiful man. It is a wonder you have a scrotum at all! I do not know why I ever proposed to you. It was a moment of weakness, perhaps. Whatever, never mind that. Stay in here where you are not an utter embarrassment!"

Before Kihaku could say a word, Soaku stormed out of the study and slammed the door behind her. At that moment, she felt nothing but contempt for Kihaku and kicked the wall in anger, which caused an ornamental flower vase to topple over and break.

Stupid Kihaku, too busy dwelling in the past and crying like a little girl! Crying, whining, and rolling around on the floor like an infant in a soiled diaper. Despicable!

┍━ 【❀】 ━┑



"NO!"Yui screamed as she was jolted awake, her heart pounding in her chest. She was surrounded by darkness, but a sliver of moonlight shone through her curtains, illuminating the room just enough for her to make out the familiar shapes around her. Her breathing was uneven, and her nightgown was damp with sweat.

It was just another crazy dream...

Yui held onto a stuffed animal to help her relax but she screamed even louder when she noticed Saori standing by the side of her bed. "EEK! Saori, do not sneak up on me like that!"

"You should put yourself in my shoes when I heard you screaming in the middle of the night!" Saori chastised. "Were you having the same dream again?"

Yui gave a sorrowful nod.

For the past days, Yui was having the same reoccurring nightmare of Himari returning from the dead. The nightmares only worsened after the news of Himari's body being missing.

"I remember what I and Alde talked about before. We talked about superstitious beliefs, and he emphasized that I must be prepared for anything possible! Saori, it is possible for people to return from the dead! I have been researching!"

The young girl went to her bookcase and grabbed a book about Japanese mythology. She flipped its pages until she stopped on a page titled 'Yūrei.' "Take a look at this!"

Saori raised a questionable eyebrow. "... Yūrei?"

Yui flipped the book's pages once more and stopped at a page titled 'Oni.' "And look at this! I learned that onis are an evil, carnivorous species! They are like vampires because they devour humans and cannot be in the sunlight." She slammed the book closed and gasped, "Oh my God, what if Himari turns into Kuchisake-onna?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Because you cut her right across her cheek, did you not? That would make anyone angry…"

"Shut up, Yui!" Saori shouted, enraged. "No wonder you are unable to sleep and are having such frightening dreams; you have been reading a book like this before your bedtime, like an imbecile!"

"I do not care what you say, Saori! Everything in this book is real."

The rage in Saori bubbled to its highest peak because deep down, she was frightened as well. She drew her hand back and slapped her younger sister before grabbing the young girl by the shoulders and shaking her. "There is no such thing of anything in that f*cking book of yours, and this is the last we will speak about it! I will talk to Mother in the morning about getting this manor cleansed and after that, I better not hear a peep from you!"

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The next morning, a revered group of priests were summoned to the Katōwamuro manor.

The priests had finished praying, chanting, lighting incense, and placing the last of the sutras and charms around the manor. They approached the Katōwamuro women and bowed before them.

"Madam, the manor has been cleansed and purified," the lead priest stated. "No specters, spirits, or demons would dare step foot on these blessed grounds."

Another priest placed a comforting hand upon Yui and gave her an Omamori charm. "Take this, my child, and be protected from all evils, even the darkness from thine own heart, which is present in all men."

Yui accepted the Omamori charm and stared at it in awe. "Thank you…"

"We will be on our way then." Once the priest and his apprentice left, the Katōwamuro women resigned from their kind, gracious demeanors and reverted to normal.

"There! Does that satisfy you, Yui?" Soaku snapped.

"Yes, it does, Mother!"

"Then I better not hear any more of this dead returning for vengeance!"

"And I better not hear anymore screaming in the middle of the night!" Saori added.

"Yes, of course!" Yui sobbed, crying tears of joy. "Neither of you will hear any more of it, I promise!"

Satisfied, Soaku began to walk away until she paused and let out an obnoxious groan. "Oh, damn it all! I wish I told them about that depressed waif of a man hiding in his study."



After a long while, Kihaku emerged from his study. He went to the kitchen in an almost sleep-like daze, a taste for cold water on his lips. There, he saw the young blonde-haired maid, Emiso.

"Monsieur!" Emiso bowed in respect and stayed in that position for a long while. She picked up the kettle that was filled with hot water and asked, "Thé?"

✧TRANSLATION: "Sir!" Emiso bowed in respect and stayed in that position for a long while. She picked up the kettle that was filled with hot water and asked, "Tea?"

"Non, merci," Kihaku declined. "Je vais bien."

✧TRANSLATION: "No, thank you," Kihaku declined. "I am fine."

Kihaku got a glass from the cupboard and was filling it with cold water when he heard a familiar voice ask, "Is there anything else I could do for you, Father-sama?"


To his horror, Kihaku turned around to see his daughter standing behind him.

'Himari' wore a provocative version of traditional maid attire, complete with fishnet stockings, garter belts, high heels. She looked at her father with a mischievous smile and took a few steps closer, swaying her hips.

Kihaku gawked at his daughter in disbelief; he knew this could not be real, but he could not deny what he was seeing. He wanted to scream at the corrupted apparition to command it to leave, but he settled to keep his composure and not alert anyone else in the manor. He stood in silence for a few moments before finally finding his voice. "... Is that you, Himari? What are you doing here?"

"I am here because you called for me," she answered with her arms outstretched. "I miss you, Father-sama, I really do."

"No, this cannot be happening. You cannot be here. You... You are dead!"

Himari leaned against the counter, caressing her silken raven tresses and twirling locks of her hair. "Dead? No, no, no, Father-sama, I am more alive than I have ever been."

Kihaku gritted his teeth at the sight of his daughter; the way she was standing there, posing in a seductive manner and biting her lips, enraged him. "You were not supposed to be this way," he spat in a voice filled with bitter venom.

"I was not supposed to be what way, Father-sama?"

"Like a...Like a whor*!You were supposed to remain pure."

"A whor*? Oh, you silly little man! Is that really something you should call your own daughter?"

That was when Kihaku grabbed Himari by her shoulders and slammed her against the wall. "You are provoking me," he growled.

"Oh, you are getting rough with me now? Do you want to hit me? Then strike me, Father-sama. Do it! You know how much you have always wanted to hurt me just like everyone else! I hate you so much!"

"That is a lie, and you know it, Himari! I never wanted to hurt you, but you have been out of control! Why could you not remain pure? Why did you have to disgrace yourself? If I ever raise a hand to strike you, it is that you may return to your rightful state of honor!"

"Kihaku,STOP!" a shrill voice commanded.

Kihaku turned his head to see Soaku standing in the entryway, her hands covering her mouth in horror. When he redirected his attention to his daughter, he saw that the young woman he was holding against the wall was the young blonde-haired maid, Emiso.

Emiso was frightened beyond comprehension. She could only stare up at Kihaku with her large, terror-stricken eyes and beg to not be harmed any further. "S-s-s'il vous plaît!" she pleaded in her mother tongue, stammering. "S'il v-vous plaît, Monsieur!"

✧TRANSLATION: Emiso was frightened beyond comprehension. She could only stare up at Kihaku with her large, terror-stricken eyes and beg to not be harmed any further. "P-p-please!" she pleaded in her mother tongue, stammering. "Please, Sir!"

"You... You are not her?" Kihaku released the young maid from his fierce grip, unable to comprehend all that had just happened. "I saw h-her... I know what I saw!"

Emiso fell to the floor and backed herself against the wall in fear, shaking."Vous êtes malade, Monsieur!"she sobbed, running out of the kitchen.

✧TRANSLATION: Emiso fell to the floor and backed herself against the wall in fear, shaking."You are unwell, Sir!"she sobbed, running out of the kitchen.

Now alone, Soaku stomped towards Kihaku and shoved him angrily. "What the hell was that, Kihaku? Why on earth were you terrorizing that poor girl like a pervert?"

"I thought she was her!" Kihaku cried out as his body shook with fright.

"Who? Oh, do not tell me…"

"Yes! It was her, Soaku! It was Himari! I saw her with my very own eyes! You must believe me!"

I could not have been imagining things. It was all so very real, impossibly so.

"Kihaku, you need to wake up and move on! I cannot have you acting like a brain damaged simpleton, not with my family's reputation on the line! The girl is dead and has been burned to a crisp by now!"

"Do not speak of her like that!"Kihaku roared without thinking beforehand.

"I never allowed a man speak to me like that ever in my life, and I will not start today!" Soaku turned away to leave but Kihaku held onto her arm.

"No, Soaku, do not leave me," he pleaded. "Stay! Stay with me, please!"

"Stay? Why should I?"

"Because...Because I need you!" Kihaku slowly sank to his knees and wrapped his arms around Soaku's legs, resting his head against her. "I feel like I am losing my f*cking mind!" he wept, tears streaming down his face.

The noblewoman looked down at Kihaku, her expression one of disgust and disdain. Unmoved by his pleas, she pried his hands off her legs and stepped away from him. "Get off me, Kihaku! Let go of me! I do not know what the hell is going on with you, but all of it must end!"

That was when the world around Kihaku faded away. He found himself in an infinite black void, with one word echoing in his ears, striking a chord in him.

End? End…

I must end this. There is one thing I can do... to end all this pain and suffering.

The man turned away from Soaku and walked away, his bronze-colored eyes darkening to inky black pools that reflected a broken soul devoid of hope, love, and joy. "I must leave, Soaku," he spoke monotonously. "There are some things I must do."

Soaku erupted in wicked laughter as she watched her husband walk away from her, feeling a rush of power from having won the argument. "Oh, you are leaving so soon? Fine! Fine, Kihaku! Go! Run! Running away from all your problems is the only thing you are truly good at anyway!"


Soaku sat in the main living room near the fireplace, angrily bouncing her leg. She felt a mix of disbelief, anger, fury, humiliation, and wrath.

Kihaku, the foolish idiot! I am so sick of that man! How dare he? Hiding in his study for days on end, seeing things that are not there, and bumbling around like a complete imbecile! I will divorce him soon. He has brought nothing but chaos and misfortune to this manor.

The noblewoman continued inwardly cursing her husband until the older maid, Moe, approached her.


"What do you want?"

Moe held out a document to her handed and said, "MyformerMistress, I regret to inform you that we, I and Emiso, are leaving. Please take a minute to sign this contract."

The noblewoman gawked at Moe in disbelief, her eyes widening as she read the contract. "What? Why?"

"The contract has been breached."

"Breached? How so?"

"A line in the contract states that if we feel that we are in an abusive, unsafe environment, we may break the contract and leave the premises."

"An abusive, unsafe environment? How?"

"Your husband has become a danger to himself and others," Moe explained. "He cornered Emiso in the kitchen, shouted nonsensical things at her, and attacked her! You were present, I heard, so you certainly saw it."

"Oh, Kihaku is as skinny as a twig; he would not hurt a fly!"

"The man needs help, Lady Soaku!"

I cannot have Kihaku committed. Our reputation would be sullied if word got out that a Katōwamuro was strapped up in a psyche ward, taking antipsychotics and antidepressants! If Moe and Emiso leave, they will surely let all that happened in this manor be known...

"Moe, I refuse your resignation," Soaku said, balling up the contract.

"What? You refuse? You cannot do that. It does not matter if you accept our resignation or not, we will still leave the premises."

That was when Soaku rose from the sofa and stepped closer to Moe. Swallowing her pride with a quiet sigh, she fell to her knees and put her palms together in front of her to plead. It was humiliating for a woman of Soaku's stature to be so low to the floor, but it was the only thing she could think of doing to persuade the stern-faced woman. "Moe, I beg you to hear my plea. I beg you to stay! I have never begged anyone for anything, not even once, but I am begging you to stay right now. The work you and the young Emiso have done is greatly appreciated, furthermore it is the best service we have ever had! I will handle Kihaku and see to it that he receives the help he needs. I sincerely apologize for what happened. May we let bygones be bygones and start our relationship anew?"

Moe looked down at Soaku for a long while, her expression unreadable. After a moment, she sighed and gave her answer. "No," she said curtly.


"No."Moe clenched her fists and said, "Madam, groveling does not work on me! Stand up, please! It is most unbecoming…"

Soaku's knees ached as she leaned on the sofa for support to stand to her feet. "Ah… Then I will double your pay."

"No, Madam! We will not be bought! We refuse to work in an unpredictable, unsafe environment where—"


Upon hearing that, Moe bowed her head and gave a curtsy. "I will leave to tend to the garden, My Mistress."

Now alone, Soaku smirked in triumph as she quickly rose to her feet.

Ba-haha! What a complete simpleton. No matter how much pride someone has, money talks. It is a good thing I have more than enough of it! No one will ever refuse to give me whatever I desire.


Kihaku returned from his workplace after announcing his retirement. His superiors were saddened to lose such an asset but accepted his resignation. In his honor, a plaque engraved with his name was commemorated on the walls of the building' exterior.

I should have resigned a long time ago. My career was all-consuming. It distracted me from reality and what truly mattered: Himari, my daughter.

"Hello, Sir," Alde greeted kindly. "Please, let me park your vehicle in the garage for you."

"No, thank you, Alde. I can take it from here. In fact, you should take the rest of the day off."

"... Sir?"

"Go ahead and enjoy the rest of your day, Alde. Soaku and the girls are not going anywhere today, so there is no reason for you to be standing out here. You will be paid fully."

"Oh? Well, thank you for your kindness, Sir. I am very grateful! I will leave the premises shortly." Alde removed his hat and held it over his heart solemnly as he said, "Also, I give you my condolences for the loss of your dear girl, Sir. Your daughter, Lady Himari, was a soul too pure for this world."

"Yes, she was. Good night, Alde."

"Good night, Sir."

Kihaku drove to the garage area and backed his vehicle inside of it. He parked and turned off the engine and watched as the garage door closed slowly as if sealing his fate.

I am tired of everything.

The man stepped out of the vehicle to gather his supplies. He grabbed a garden hose and connected it to the vehicle's tailpipe, then used his suit jacket to stuff the crack of the window the hose was running through. Once that was complete, Kihaku sat down inside the vehicle, closed the door, and turned the engine on.

A flash of his daughter's smiling face appeared in his mind.

Kihaku laid back in the driver's seat and closed his eyes that were forming rivers of tears.


Kihaku burst through the hospital doors, his face indicating a sense of urgency and trepidation. He asked a nurse where his wife was located, then hurried down to the maternity ward to see her.

Upon entering the room, Kihaku apologized profusely for being late. He had missed the birth of his daughter and felt guilty for not being there to witness the momentous occasion.

"Shush," Kihaku's wife said, a finger to her lips. "Please come and meet your daughter, Anata."

Slowly, Kihaku approached his wife's bedside, and when his eyes landed on the bundle in her arms, he immediately became transfixed.

The man scooped the newborn up gently and cradled her in his arms, moving the swaddle away from her face to look at her. A tiny baby girl stared up at him, and he was struck by her innocence and beauty. The newborn had rosy cheeks, and red, puckered lips fixed into a permanent pout. A tuft of dark hair peeked out from underneath her pink cap.

Kihaku was taken aback by her tiny hands, so delicate and perfect, and was overcome with love and admiration for her.

I am a father! No words can explain how joyous this day is.

"How beautiful is she!" Kihaku gushed, rocking his daughter in his arms. "What is she to be called?"

"Her name is Himari, meaning sunflower."

"Himari. Himari Maeda... What a beautiful name! There is no other name more perfect for her."


Carbon monoxide began to fill the vehicle.

The toxic exhaust fumes caused Kihaku's head to spin and his vision to blur. He gripped tightly onto the steering until he grew so weak, he lay slumped over in his seat.

I do not wish to live in this cruel world for another moment without both of you. I want to be reunited with you two again.

Soaku, Saori, and Yui's faces appeared in Kihaku's mind, and he imagined them discovering his asphyxiated corpse in a vehicle of poisonous, invisible smoke. There was no doubt that each of them would be traumatized but the man had already made up his mind.

Everyone, I hope you can forgive me, but I must leave you now.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Less than an hour later, Kihaku tumbled out of his car. He wheezed and gasped for air on the ground, his eyes all red and bloodshot. His throat was burned raw from the toxins and his vision was still blurred.

How am I still alive? Why did I not die already? God, I cannot do anything right even when it comes to killing myself! I cannot face them. If anyone finds out, I will forever be known as the coward who could not even kill himself correctly!

Nauseous, Kihaku struggled to stand to his feet. He leaned against the walls and staggered towards the garage door to open it before lurching into the manor. He went to stumble into his bedroom but paused when he heard voices coming from the main living room.

There, he saw Soaku speaking to a man in uniform.

A constable? Why would a constable be here?

Kihaku composed himself as he crept into the main living room, straightening his hair and tie. "Hello, everyone. May I ask what this is about?"

The constable turned to Kihaku and asked, "Sir, are you Kihaku Maeda-Katōwamuro?"

"Yes, that is correct."

"It is most appropriate for you to be present, as this concerns you greatly."

Kihaku sat beside Soaku on the sofa, placing his hand upon hers. "Yes, of course, constable. What seems to be the issue?"

Just as the constable opened his mouth to respond, Soaku interjected and said, "Apologies for my interruption, constable, but may we please have a moment? I must speak with my husband."

"Of course, my good lady."

Soaku motioned for Kihaku to follow her, and they retreated into a corner in the hallway. "Kihaku?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Why do you look like death and smell like exhaust fumes?" she asked in a low, almost inaudible whisper.

Kihaku leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "Like with whatever happened with Saori, I implore you not to ask."

For the first time in her life, Soaku accepted her husband's response with a tight lip and did not argue. "Will do."

The couple returned to the main living room and sat beside each other on a sofa closely. Their hands were placed a hand upon each like how any picture-perfect husband and wife would do while receiving less than unpleasant news. "So, what is all this about, constable?"

The constable cleared his throat before he began. "A few days ago, there was a breaking and entering at the upper-class Yaegashi chapel and crematorium."

"A breaking and entering at the chapel?" Soaku gasped, resting a hand upon her plentiful chest. "Oh dear, was anyone harmed? Was anything vandalized?"

"No, my good lady. No one was harmed and there was no vandalization, but I regret to inform you that one thing was unaccounted for: a corpse."

"A corpse, you say?"

Kihaku moved close to the edge of the sofa, rising to his feet. "What? What are you saying, constable? Why would you tell us about that?"

The constable removed his hat solemnly and said, "My good sir, I regret to inform you that the body of your recently deceased daughter, Himari Maeda-Katōwamuro, is missing."

Upon hearing that, the shock of the news hit Kihaku like a physical blow. He stumbled back, his legs giving way beneath him. "H-Himari…Himari's body is missing?How can this be? How could this happen? I need answers!"

Soaku, bewildered and flabbergasted, was taken aback by the unexpected news and could not give an adequate reaction. Her mouth was wide open, but no sound was coming out. "I..."

Unbeknownst to all, Yui was crouching on the stairs, eavesdropping on the conversation. The young girl covered her mouth in horror, weeping silent tears and grasping her pounding heart. "I knew it… I knew it…I knew it!"

┍━ 【❀】 ━┑






Everything yet nothing.

Himari's entire body was semitransparent like the gossamer that is spun by spiders in the early mornings of autumn. She was white in a sea of black, the lower half of her body wispy like curls of rising steam.

Where am I?

I do not know but this feels nice.

I kind of like it here because it is very peaceful.

I wish to stay but something is pulling me back…

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari found herself in a familiar garden of flowers and a cobblestone path. She looked down at her hands and saw that she was not pellucid like before and that she had legs. She was barefoot and dressed in nothing but a pale nightgown.

I am at the manor…

She wandered aimlessly through the Katōwamuro garden until she heard, or felt, something calling for her. It was not in the form of an audible voice but as a gut feeling, like how one would feel when they are met with a forked road.

Like a moth fluttering towards a beacon of light, Himari wandered towards the source of her deep yearning. She arrived at the center of the garden where the stone cherubs were pouring vases of water into the mouths of large fish.

There, she saw Tsukihiko waiting for her at the water fountain in the garden.

When Tsukihiko turned towards her and looked at her directly, Himari saw that he looked like a dream, a vision of beauty clad in a finely tailored suit. The moonlight cascading down upon his skin like a soft blanket of silver, almost fading into him, and lent an ethereal beauty to his handsome features. His captivating, light-red eyes had a striking contrast against the milky whiteness of his visage, and his curly, wavy black hair framed the sides of his face perfectly.

"Tsukihiko-san!" Himari exclaimed. "Tsukihiko-san, you are here! You came for me!"

"Yes, of course. I would never leave you, Himari."

"Will we always be together?"


"Take me," Himari whispered, her voice climbing to an adamant shout. "Take me away from this horrible place!"

With that, Tsukihiko took Himari's hand, and they began to soar through the air, feeling free and weightless like birds. The Katōwamuro manor grew further and further away until it was unable to be seen.

"Oh, my, this is astounding, Tsukihiko-san!"

Soon, the two of them landed in a vibrant sea carmine, scarlet, coral-red. They stood in an endless field of red flowers underneath void that appeared as a sunless sky, if it was even a sky at all.

The red blossoms were crushed underneath Himari's feet as she waded through them to pick up a lone flower that seemed to glow. She held the flower by its stem to examine it, noticing the umbels of curled, reflexed tepals, and long, exserted stamens resembling a spider's leg around the bulb.

Red spider lilies, Lycoris radiata.

"I need more from you, Himari."

"More from me? More of what, Tsukihiko-san?"

Tsukihiko did not respond but drew close to Himari before he dove into the crook of her neck.

Himari experienced a sharp, intense pain just like before when he bit her left shoulder. Grimacing in pain, she could feel blood pouring down her skin and bloodying her nightgown. "Tsukihiko-san!"

"Quiet yourself," Tsukihiko demanded, his teeth sinking even deeper into her flesh. "Learn to bear the pain and take great pleasure in it. You are the woman for me."

Instead of attempting to flee, Himari moved her head to give Tsukihiko more access to her neck and held onto him tightly.

There was love and beauty within the pain, and she liked it.


Himari slowly opened her eyes to see a familiar pale, white face above her. "Tsukihiko-san, it is you," she whispered breathily, her chest rising and falling in tune with every word. "Kon'nichiwa…"

✧TRANSLATION: Himari slowly opened her eyes to see a familiar pale, white face above her. "Tsukihiko-san, it is you," she whispered breathily, her chest rising and falling in tune with every word. "Hello…"

"Kon'nichiwa," Tsukihiko greeted warmly. "It is wonderful to see that you have awakened, Himari. I have a bowl of bone broth for you."

✧TRANSLATION: "Hello," Tsukihiko greeted warmly. "It is wonderful to see that you have awakened, Himari. I have a bowl of bone broth for you."

"Tsukihiko-san, you are too kind," Himari said weakly. "Arigatō…"

✧TRANSLATION: "Tsukihiko-san, you are too kind," Himari said weakly. "Thank you…"

Disconcerted, Himari looked down at the intravenous catheters inserted into her arms. "I feel so drained and fatigued, Tsukihiko-san," she groaned. "How did this happen?"

"You feel fatigued because you fell ill suddenly."

"I fell ill?"

"Yes, Himari. It was an acute febrile illness; you were hot to the touch and severely dehydrated. Luckily, I have a background in medicine. Things would have certainly taken a turn for the worse if you did not come to me in time."

"How did I get here?"

"Ah, so you do not remember a thing," Tsukihiko remarked sorrowfully. "Partial amnesia is to be expected from such a high fever. Himari, you came here after a terrible argument you had with your family. You were devastated after receiving the news that your father disowned you."

Upon hearing that, Himari forced herself to sit up. "Father-sama disowned me?"

"Yes, he did. That is what you told me when you first arrived. You were very inconsolable and distraught. You told me of how your father and your stepmother were forcing you into an arranged marriage. You refused, which enraged your father, so he disowned you, legally and emotionally. The man stripped you of your surname, Maeda-Katōwamuro. He chose your abusive stepmother and stepsisters over you like he has done countless times before."

Himari burst into tears and cried profusely, her frail body shaking and wracked with sobs. "No! No, no, no! Oh, my, that cannot be right! Father-sama would never do such a thing to me, he would not! Tsukihiko-san, may I speak with my father?"

"No, I am afraid not, Himari. You must rest." Tsukihiko held a spoonful of bone broth to Himari's lips and said, "Here, allow me to feed you. Take a little and you will feel much better."

"Please, Tsukihiko-san, I beg you to let me speak with him!" Himari threw the blanket off her and attempted to get out of the bed, but her legs would not move. Her legs remained limp and unresponsive, and felt like they weighed heavier than a ton.

What? I am paralyzed! My legs will not listen to me!

Slightly vexed, Tsukihiko picked the blanket up from the floor and tucked Himari back into it. "I do not think it would be wise to stress you further in your condition of ill health, Himari. It would be more appropriate if you spoke with your father once you regain your strength."

"But I must speak with him now, Tsukihiko-san! I am so, so, so frightened and confused because I do not remember a thing! I cannot believe that we would ever have such an argument so terrible! Why will you not allow me to speak with him?"

"Himari, you must have some understanding as to why I do not want you contacting them ever again. I do not want you to get hurt. The ones you call your family are vile and are unworthy of your love. Let us focus on your full recovery."

"Could you bring a telephone to me, please? The call will not take too long, Tsukihiko-san! I just want to make sure my father is all right. He is a busy, overworked man who forgets to eat, and I was the main one taking care of him! I just need to speak—"

"Silence,"Tsukihiko interjected angrily, completely out of character.

The young woman was taken aback by the pure hostility in Tsukihiko's deep, resonant voice. She began to tremble, and a new wave of tears welled up in her eyes. "T-Tsukihiko-san…"

I never thought he would yell at me like how my stepmother yelled at me!

Tsukihiko rubbed his temples in frustration, attempting to soothe his nerves. Once he regained his calm disposition, he placed his hand upon Himari's and spoke in a softer tone. "Forgive me for my outburst, Himari. It was rude of me and uncalled for. Are you able to forgive me?"

"Yes, I forgive you, Tsukihiko-san…"

"I appreciate your forgiveness, but I must ask why are you being so resistant to my instruction? It is like you are trying your hardest to get away from me and return to your abusive family. Are you not content being here with me, Himari?"

"Of course, I am content being with you, Tsukihiko-san! Seeing your face when I first awoke is the closest thing to a glimpse of Heaven."

"So why are you so persistent to speak with your old, wretched family? You have suffered more than enough under their callous cruelty. They do not deserve an ounce of your concern."

"That may be true but no matter how cruel, callous, or wretched they may be, they are still my family, Tsukihiko-san!"

"I thought I was your family."

"You… You thought of yourself as my family?" Himari asked, her heart fluttering in her chest. "Do you really mean that, Tsukihiko-san?"

"Yes, I do mean that. We have become extremely close, so close that I cannot envision a world without you. I assumed you felt the same… My apologies. How foolish I was to believe that I meant anything to you."

"What? No, no, no, I do feel the same, Tsukihiko-san! I love you, I love you more than anything! You are my world, the universe, and everything else in between!"

"Then do not concern yourself with the ones you once loved dearly," Tsukihiko said to her, running his fingers through her hair before tucking a lock of it behind her ear. "Do not turn away to look at your past, for I am your future. I will protect and never harm you. I am all you need."

"Okay, Tsukihiko-san. I will not speak of my family anymore. You are right; they are memories of the past, and a life with you is my future. My only wish is to live alongside you as your wife."

Then I will give myself to you completely, Tsukihiko-san.

Tsukihiko kissed Himari upon her forehead and whispered, "Good girl."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-



The days flew by rapidly and soon, fourteen days had passed. The cold breeze rustled the late autumn leaves, and the air was scented sweet because of the fragrant flowers from nearby.

Himari sat in the balcony area of her bedroom, reading a book and enjoying the view from above. She missed her family dearly and wanted to contact them, but she promised Tsukihiko that she would not concern herself with them.

Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, Saori-chan, Yui-chan, Alde-san, Fuwapo, and Father-sama… I miss them all so, so, so much! I wish that I could see them one last time… I wonder what it would be like if Tsukihiko met my father!

A vision of Kihaku glaring at Tsukihiko from across the table after they announced their engagement at dinner came to mind, making her giggle.

It is not wrong to assume that Father-sama would not be as thrilled, but I am certain he would accept it and give us his blessing!

Himari would sleep during the day and when she awoke in the dead of night, Tsukihiko would be there. The man would feed her, bathe her, clothe her, and even read to her until she fell asleep. With his medical expertise, the young woman's condition was improving day by day, so much that she could walk on her own again.

Tsukihiko Kobayashi exuded an enigmatic aura of nobility and distinction, apparent in his entrance to any room and the confident grace of his stride. This rendered the label 'boyfriend' inadequate and lacking sophistication in Himari's perception, causing her to regard him as her 'lover.'

Over time, Tsukihiko began to feel like less like a romantic partner and, strangely, more like a father. This notion seemed taboo and sinfully immoral, akin to the act of self-gratification, but it could not be deterred. Himari feared that her unresolved paternal issues were causing her to project them onto Tsukihiko, thus damaging and ruining their relationship akin to aphids infesting a delicate flower's stem.

I do not like where our relationship is going. I feel so small and feeble around him, like I am a little girl! I am not a child; I am a woman. If I am to be Tsukihiko's wife, then he must think of me as his equal. I must make him see that I am his woman the only way possible…

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Around ten o'clock, which was Tsukihiko's usual arrival time, Himari made her way to the master bedroom to eagerly await him. Clad and swathed in a delicate floral negligée, she embraced her nudity and let her lustrous, ebony locks flow down to her waist. Filled with anticipation, she nervously bit on her red lips while fixating her gaze upon the door.

Please come to me, Tsukihiko-san, come to me. I am upstairs waiting for you in your bedroom. I want you to see me for all I am…

Shortly after, the doorknob turned, and the door opened. Tsukihiko walked in, holding several gift bags. "Himari, I have returned. How are you—" The man's words trailed off as he caught sight of the young woman standing near the bed, wearing nothing but a diaphanous gown. "... Himari."

"Tsukihiko-san." Himari approached him with a deliberate and enticing stride, her negligée falling to the floor, unveiling her every contour.

Tsukihiko's gaze remained fixated on Himari as he inquired, "Himari... What is this? What exactly are you up to?"

"I am showing my love for you in the deepest way, Tsukihiko-san."

"Why are you doing this?"

"I am doing this because I wish to thank you."

"For what?"

"For saving me from the dreadfulness of my life! I was destined to either marry a stranger or remain a housemaid for my cruel family, but you opened your home to me and took me in! Tsukihiko-san, you have done nothing but shown me kindness, so I am eternally grateful."

"That is hardly worth anything to be thanked for," Tsukihiko replied somberly. "I was only doing what I thought was right. Himari, I am saddened you felt that you needed to throw yourself to me to show appreciation. Forgive me for pressuring you into this course of action."

"No, no, no, Tsukihiko-san, you have not done anything wrong. I was not pressured into doing this! I am doing this of my own accord because I want us to become closer, like a real couple…" Himari touched the side of Tsukihiko's face tenderly as her small, perky breasts pressed against his suit, producing a pleasurable friction. "I wished to await marriage, but I do not want to wait; I want it now! It is undeniable that you and I will become a married couple, so why must we wait any longer? I want everything and all of you because I have come to the realization that I love you, Mister Tsukihiko Kobayashi-san."

I want you, Tsukihiko-san, and I know you want me, too…

To Himari's surprise, Tsukihiko rejected her touch by moving her hand off his face and pushing her away from him. "Tsukihiko-san, why?" Himari gasped. "I thought you wanted me!"

No, this cannot be! I thought he loved and wanted me!

Suddenly, Tsukihiko pushed Himari against the wall with great force, stealing her breath away. "Oh, my!"

The man tasted her chest and neck region with great restraint as if he could barely contain himself. His cool breath caressed her skin, sending ripples of delight, as he hovered over the crook of her neck. "I have yearned for this, Himari. I have so longed for the day you revealed yourself to me."

"Take me, Tsukihiko-san," Himari pleaded, whimpering in a flurry of sexual excitement."Just take me!"

Tsukihiko wrapped his hands around the young woman's waist, picked her up, then laid her upon the regal bed. His light-red eyes scoured Himari's splayed physique and soaked in all her features: the rosiness of her flushed skin, the firmness of her taut nipples, and the triangular patch of hair that crowned her privates. "Wonderful, wonderful… Himari, my dear girl, are you certain you want this?"

"Yes, Tsukihiko-san. I am certain I want this. I am ready to give myself to you."

Without wasting another moment, Tsukihiko mounted her and pinned her hands over her head. He took a small breast into his mouth whilst fondling the other. He targeted the tumescent, rosy-brown nipple and mercilessly bit, chewed, and sucked the tiny bead of flesh.

Himari moaned and mewled as her breasts were assaulted by Tsukihiko's voracious mouth. His other hand ventured further down her body, brushing past her mons veneris. "Oh, my!"

Tsukihiko resigned from mauling Himari's breasts and gave her a deep, meaningful kiss. He lowered himself to her privates, biting her flesh along the way.

"Where are you going, Tsukihiko-san? Tsukihiko-san?"

Tsukihiko flashed a devious grin as his head vanished in between her legs. The feeling of his cool breath near such a lewd, sensitive region caused Himari to release shaky, shuddering breaths. Shivering, she opened her trembling legs and rested them upon his shoulders.


Biting her finger, Himari's vagin*l walls clenched as she spread her legs wide. The anticipation of Tsukihiko being so close to her hot, drooling sex was enough to liquify her.

"Himari, what do you wish for me to do to you?" Tsukihiko asked, his cold breath conflicting against the warmth emanating from her privates.

"W-what, Tsukihiko-san? What do you mean?"

"I am asking you for instructions."


Tsukihiko raised his head from in between Himari's thighs and said,"Himari, I came home to find you naked and waiting for me. You initiated this, so you must lead the way. Direct and instruct me on what to do."

"You... You are supposed to— Oh, I do not know what to say, Tsukihiko-san!"

"And I do not know what to do," Tsukihiko chuckled, amused by the young woman's pitiful whining. "I do not know what you want from me."

"Oh, just stop it, Tsukihiko-san!" Himari cried out, squirming all over the bed. "You know what I want! You know that I want you to lick me and touch me all over! Oh, my body is so, so, so hot!"

"Then beg for me, little one. I want to hear you beg."

"Please make love to me, Tsukihiko-san! I want you to love me, touch me, kiss me, taste me, caress me... Only you, only you, only you!"

"That is a good girl. I will give you what you desire." Tsukihiko's touch was incredibly gentle as he ran his hands from in between the tightness of her thighs to her drenched, throbbing core.

Himari could not help but cry out when she felt his fingers brush against her vulva. Tsukihiko's fingers traced the seam of her swollen sex, its puckered lips and labia curled outward like an erotic flower. He stroked her gushing slit before plunging a long finger into her.

"Eyah!" Himari screamed, arching her back high and buckling within Tsukihiko's hand. A deep moan was torn from her raw throat and full lips. Her vagin*l walls clenched in surprise, and it responded by pulling his finger further into her.

I am almost— I am there! I am g-going to… I am going to COME!

The man's skilled movements brought Himari to the pinnacle of trembling, mind-numbing org*smic pleasure. Writhing upon the satin bedsheets, she would squeal and buck her hips in midair. The delightful, light-headed feeling of an impending org*sm was just about to take her to the Heavens until, suddenly, everything came to a halt. At that moment, her org*smic euphoria was dropped, and the sense of painful frustration caused her to become enraged.

"What? Why? Why would you stop when I— Why would you stop when I was so close?"

"Did I? I did not notice..."


Smirking deviously, Tsukihiko plunged two digits into the young woman. His fingers penetrated her deeply at an accelerated pace along with Himari arching her back in tune with his movements, enraptured in blindingly white pleasure.

This, too, continued until he stopped just as she was on the verge of climax once again.

Thrashing around in the satin bedsheets like a child having a temper tantrum, Himari screamed,"You are a cruel bastard, Tsukihiko-san!"

Tsukihiko laughed heartily as if that was the greatest compliment he had ever received, which enraged her further. "Bastard? I never heard you speak in such an obscene way, Himari. That said, I do not deny being one."

"Please, oh, please, Tsukihiko-san! Just let m-me— Just let me release, please!"

"What is it that you want?" Tsukihiko's fingers slowly spread Himari's engorged vagin*l lips and to make matters worse, he hellishly teased the orifice by blowing cool air against it. "What do you want from me, little one?"

Himari wriggled around on the satin bedspread, allowing the smooth, glossy fabric to caress her bare skin. Closing her eyes, she began to move her body in an undulating manner with gyrating hips and stretched out arms. "Tsukihiko-san... I want... I want you... I want you to—Nghhh!"

Raising her leg high to give her foot a playful bite, Tsukihiko said, "I cannot give you the pleasure you seek if you do not tell me exactly what you desire, my sweet."

"Oh, I cannot put what I want into words! Just look at me! Look at me and know all that I wish, all that I desire, all that I need! God, do not forsake me, not like this...Hyaaa!"Himari covered her mouth to muffle scream when she felt Tsukihiko's tongue squirming between her legs, tasting her vagin*l lips. Her toes curled as she gripped onto the bed sheets, enraptured by the skillfulness of his oral techniques.

The taste of the young woman's nectar was sweet with a savory, tangy edge Tsukihiko enjoyed, so he went even deeper. He sucked her glistening folds into his mouth and gently chewed them, driving her mad in the process.

Upon feeling something long, warm, wet, and flexible enter her, Himari threw her head back and screamed in immense pleasure. The long muscle flailed around as if tasting her insides. As a result, she pressed Tsukihiko's head further between her legs and pleaded for his oral assault to deepen.

His t-tongue feels so long, like a snake! I cannot think of another thought, I am losing my mind! All that matters is moving my hips against his face!

Driven only by the movements of Tsukihiko's tongue and her own indescribable lust, Himari bucked her hips against his face. She moaned with shimmering tears in her eyes, grabbing the back of his suit vest with clenched fists as if she was holding on for dear life. "Tsukihiko-sama, yes! Tsukihiko-sama, yes, yes, yes!Tsukihiko-sama!"

Tsukihiko withdrew his serpent-like tongue from Himari's vagin* and returned to tending to her vulva. He targeted her cl*tor*s with his tongue flicking its fleshy hood until the tiny bud of flesh could not stop twitching. He caught her cl*tor*s in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it in cruel, slow circles. The divine moans that left the young woman's lips signified that she was soon to climax and this time, he would allow her to.

An angelic choir sang in rejoice as Himari org*smed violently, her eyes twitching and rolling to the back of her head. Spasming, she arched her body high in the air and made an impressively long, shuddering moan as she released.

Tsukihiko emerged from between her legs and pressed his mouth against hers. Through the pleasurable haze, Himari could taste herself upon his lips and tongue.

Yes, y-yes, yes… More, more, more… Tsukihiko-san, give me more, more, more! I want to do this forever with you, nothing would make me happier!

Tsukihiko pulled away from her lips, disrupting the wet, erotic kiss. His light-red eyes seemed to grow darker with passion as he spoke. "Himari, I assume you are naïve of the more carnal matters, yes?"

Himari nodded, breathless.

"Then I shall teach you. I shall teach you how to give and receive pleasure, and what it means to belong to me. Are you ready?"

"Yes, yes, yes, Tsukihiko-san. I am ready."

With that, Tsukihiko went to the foot of the bed and began undressing himself. He unbuttoned his vest and the cufflinks of his shirt to reveal his chest, then neatly folded and placed his clothes on the chair next to the bed. His bare chest and toned, well-defined flesh was unveiled for her, only her, to see.

Himari was unable to refrain from staring, her bronze-colored eyes widening at the sight of Tsukihiko's powerful figure, a white physique reminiscent of the marble statues of gods. The man was a sight to behold with his milky, alabaster skin, broad shoulders, and chiseled abdominals. A scintilla of lecherous desire seeped into her pure, maidenly heart, thus infecting it with an intemperance for sex.

Sugoi! I did not know that Tsukihiko-san was so muscular. He looks so strong, like he can do anything and nothing can stand in his way!

Finally, Tsukihiko unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. He pulled them down and stepped out of them, then folded and placed them on the chair as well. The man turned to her slowly, stroking his flaccid yet gradually hardening member.

Himari's eyes widened tremendously at the sight; the sexual organ was pale like the rest of him with prominent veins lining the shaft and a bulbous, dark purplish-red head. It erected with every twitch, growing a few inches right before her eyes. "W-what?No, no, no, Tsukihiko-san, I do not think that will fit inside of me!"

"I can assure you not to worry, little one. It will fit just fine." Kneeling between Himari's legs, Tsukihiko rubbed his member against her labia to coat himself in her nectar and saliva for lubrication. Thoroughly lubed, he positioned himself at the young woman's entrance, then slid inside. His member went past her folds and filled her to the brim, which elicited a soft, startled moan from her.

Oh my! I feel so, so, so full… Tsukihiko-san is in the deepest part of me! I can feel him pulsing!

The foreign discomfort gradually intensified to the point of Himari feeling a sharp twinge of pain reverberate in her lower abdomen."Aie!"she cried out.

Visibly concerned, Tsukihiko refrained from deepening any further and withdrew. "Am I causing you any pain?"

Tears began to prick Himari's eyes, making them appear glossy. "No, no, n-no… I am fine, Tsukihiko-san," she whimpered, her nose twitching. "Please, keep g-going! Khieee…"

With that, Tsukihiko reentered her slowly until he reached her cervix. Nestled deeply inside of her, he said, "There we are, Himari. That was not too hard, was it? We are finally one, and you are officially a woman now."

Once her inner walls adjusted to the size of Tsukihiko's member, Himari relaxed and felt at ease. The feeling of losing her maidenhead by being filled with him pulsating deep inside her was indescribable. "I am a woman now," she whispered with a face flushed with arousal. "I am so, so, so happy…"

I am no longer a virgin. The man I gave myself to is the man I will take as my husband.

The man lowered himself and rested on top of Himari, and she instinctively wrapped her arms around him. He began by moving his body in long, slow strokes, then he gradually picked up the pace. He thrusted into her with passion, causing her a searing pain accompanied by blood streaming down her thigh.

Tsukihiko-san, it hurts! It hurts but I do not want this to end. I want this to continue forever because in this way, I am close to you. Is that pathetic of me, putting your pleasure above my own pain?

Tsukihiko's thrusting movements slowed to a halt. "Himari, you are bleeding. I have torn you. Why did you not tell me that you are in pain?"

"I— I am okay, Tsukihiko-san… I will be strong for both of us. Please, do not stop!"

Tsukihiko began kissing all over Himari's chest and shoulder area ever so tenderly, soothing her instantly. He moved close to her ear and whispered, "Kore wa ima dewa f*ckai kamo shiremasenga, watashi wa subete ga sugu ni tanoshī mono ni naru koto o yakusoku shimasu."

✧TRANSLATION: Tsukihiko began kissing all over Himari's chest and shoulder area ever so tenderly, soothing her instantly. He moved close to her ear and whispered, "This may be uncomfortable now, but I promise all will soon become pleasurable."

"Yes, yes, yes…Ohhh!"

Still nestled deeply inside of her, Tsukihiko crawled on top and hovered above her. Their noses touched, and his curtain of black, wavy hair veiled them from the rest of the world.

I want to see only him forever.

Himari surrendered to him completely, enveloping him with her arms around his neck. Tsukihiko began thrusting into Himari in slow, sensual motions. He grunted softly under his breath, and looked at her with the same kind, gentle light-red eyes he looked at her with when they first met.

He is taking me like he loves me very much. If this continues, I could become pregnant! I am happy with the idea of carrying Tsukihiko-san's baby.

The young woman winced and screamed when Tsukihiko began thrusting into her more passionately. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she became intoxicated with a rhapsodic happiness that she never knew existed. The ravenous kiss that followed was full of hunger and need.

Himari and Tsukihiko moved into another position with him lying on his back while she straddled him. The young woman felt incredibly nervous because she could feel every inch of him throbbing inside of her, and she knew that she was the one who would have to take the lead.

"Tsukihiko-san, this position…"

"Just rest your hands upon my chest for support and move your hips, Himari."

Himari tightly shut her eyes as she balanced herself upon Tsukihiko's member. Guided by pure instinct, she moaned in utter bliss as she rocked and bucked her hips against him at a steady pace.

"Good girl."

I am tingling all over like I am on fire!

"Enough of that." Tsukihiko grabbed Himari's hips and repeatedly lifted her up and down upon his member. Sweet nectar gushed from her slit and dripped down his shaft, providing more than enough lubrication.

Like the tides of an angry, roaring sea, pleasure washed over Himari when she began to ride Tsukihiko at a faster pace. What escaped her lips was first a barely audible whimper that rose into a soft mewl, then a loud, howling moan. Himari shivered with each descent, with her back arched and her head thrown back."Tsukihiko-sama!"she wailed, her entire body set aflame with a pleasurable hellfire. "Tsukihiko-sama, your dick is so good! I have n-never felt anything like t-this before! It feels otherworldly, unbelievably good! S-so deep… You are so deep inside me, so d-deep inside m-my womb! It is so good!"

He is so, so, so strong; I feel his strength with every thrust!

"Yes, continue with extolls of my greatness, my power. Give yourself to me and allow my rod to grant you salvation!" Tsukihiko gripped Himari's hips even tighter and slammed her up and down upon him to help her along the road to climax.

"So good!" Himari wept, her hard nipples pulsing with a tingling sensation and becoming coated in drops of perspiration. Before she could catch her breath, Tsukihiko grabbed her hips, lifted her high, then slammed her down with great force. His member pushed through her cervix, entered her womb, and filled her with his hot, creamy seed. "Fuehhh!"

At that moment, Himari's body began convulsing from pleasure, and she became pleasantly lightheaded and faint. Her vision was beclouded by a euphoric white fog filled with twinkling stars, and her back arched unconsciously at the pleasure shuddering through her. The control she once had over herself was dwindling; her body trembled and jerked as her inner walls clenched erratically until everything, including time itself, paused.

A euphoric, blissful sensation that told of oncoming org*smic pleasure enveloped Himari entirely, making her full lips part in a wondrous awe. She swore she could hear wind chimes, angels, and birds singing.

This feeling… This must be it! I would go through all the pain I ever endured again just to feel this! Ohhh, I am going… I am g-going to—

"COME! Tsukihiko-sama, I— I am going to—EYAHHH!" Himari threw her head back and howled in pure, unadulterated carnal pleasure. Her face contorted in a lewd, unholy expression that not only made her look unrecognizable, but made it clear that the pure young woman she was before remained no longer.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari laid wrapped in Tsukihiko's arms with her head resting upon his chest. She snuggled against him with the smile of a happily inebriated person, her skin glowing with a rosy, flushed tint. They were both nude and still entwined, inhaling the lingering, relentless perfume of sex.

I am not a virgin any longer. I love Tsukihiko-san so much. No one else will ever take his place, no one.

"How was it, your first time?" Tsukihiko inquired, his voice a low purr that could be felt upon his chest.

"Oh my, I cannot find the words to describe how wonderful it was, Tsukihiko-san! I loved every moment."

"I am pleased to hear that you enjoyed it. Do you still wish to speak with your father?"

"No, no, no, I do not wish to speak with him. I only wish to stay here with you, Tsukihiko-san. I want to stay in this mansion and live alongside you forever."

"Good girl. Now, come here."

Himari rested her head against Tsukihiko's pale, broad chest and snuggled against him. "Tsukihiko-san, will you leave before I wake?"

"Yes, unfortunately… I have no choice."

"Oh… That is most unfortunate."

"It is."

"… Tsukihiko-san?"


"It is unbecoming for a woman to give herself to man she has no intentions to marrying. I have already given myself to you, so…"

"Himari, I will marry you in due course. I would be foolish to not claim an attractive young woman like yourself as mine but first, I have a proposition for you."

"A proposition? What kind of proposition, Tsukihiko-san?"

"The task is not difficult; I would like for you to cook my favorite meal, kakuni, to the utmost level of perfection. Only then will I know that you are the right woman for me. I will wed you swiftly."

Himari gazed up at Tsukihiko, the man she was certain that she would call her husband, with a smile full of confidence and determination. "I accept this challenge!"

"Splendid. Now, there is a wonderful marketplace and shopping center in Osungi, just outside of Ni-Kunoe. A chauffeur will drive you there whenever you please."

"A chauffeur? I appreciate that, Tsukihiko-san, but I prefer to ride the bus. I miss walking to enjoy nature and clear my mind!"

"No, nonsense. You will be escorted. A woman of mine will know only luxury. Also, I do not want you to speak to anyone casually while you are out. Keep all conversations to a minimum, especially when speaking to other men. You must dress appropriately as well. Do not gather any attention, I do not want anyone leering at you."

Oh my, he is so protective of me!

"So many rules…" Himari whispered. She made a sharp inward breath as Tsukihiko lifted her chin so that she was staring at him directly.

The man's expression was gravely serious as he said, "Himari, I will fulfill all your desires if you do as I say and never cross me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes, yes, Tsukihiko-san. I understand."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The following morning, Himari awoke with a pleasant ache in all the appropriate spots. As she gazed at the intricately designed ceiling, she could not help but smile and reminisce about the sensual, passionate night she had shared with Tsukihiko. To her dismay, the side where the man once laid was empty, as he had left long before daybreak, but his woody, amber fragrance still lingered and clung to the bedding as if he had attempted to prolong his stay.


Himari approached the mirror and admired the tender love marks delicately scattered across her body, particularly on her neck and shoulders. These mementos were lightly tinged with red and gradually mending.

Last night, I and Tsukihiko-san became united in the most sacred of ways, and we become one just as he said! How romantic is that? I must devote my life to becoming the best woman for him!

To become Tsukihiko's wife, I must make kakuni, braised pork belly perfectly… Oh, my, I do not believe I have cooked that before, but I am good at cooking! I will go to the marketplace and find a recipe today. I do hope that Tsukihiko-san will be delighted!

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Arriving in the marketplace in Osungi, Himari exited the luxury vehicle and gazed at the marketplace in wonder. "Sugoi…"

✧TRANSLATION: Arriving in the marketplace in Osungi, Himari exited the luxury vehicle and gazed at the marketplace in wonder. "Wow…"

Osungi's marketplace was a vibrant hub for the wealthy elite, who filled it with the sounds of chatter and the scents of street food. The area was illuminated by colorful lights and filled with locals dressed in traditional Japanese clothing. Himari, however, stood out in her conservative attire: a bowknot lapel princess coat, gloves, ankle boots, and a cloche hat adorned with a large flower.

Tsukihiko-san gave me strict instructions to not gather any attention but how can I not when I am the only one who is not wearing a kimono? I guess this is what he meant when he told me to dress appropriately!

Himari wandered through the marketplace, trying to make herself invisible within the crowd. There were a few questionable glances, but the people of Osungi were generally too polite to stare.

A flyer regarding a parade made Himari pause to read it.

The Sunshine Parade? That sounds so fun! I will tell Tsukihiko-san about it tonight over dinner!

The young woman continued shopping and went on to purchase all that she needed. A short while later, she collected all the ingredients except for one: pork belly, the main entrée. She quickly found a butchery where an elderly woman was sitting on a stool, reading a newspaper.

Himari approached and stared at the menu for a long while with a finger to her lips.

Pork belly…

"Hey, miss, are you lost?" a male voice called out. The voice belonged to a young, attractive man with long, chestnut-colored hair tied up in a tall ponytail. His bright eyes and a dimple in his smile gave his countenance an air of either charm or provocation.

"Lost, me? No, no, no, I am right where I need to be. I was lost when I was looking at your menu, though. So many choices…"

The young man gave a hearty laugh. "You really are a cute, funny woman! I like that… What are you planning to cook?"


"How many people are you serving?"


"Two? As in you are cooking for another person?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Himari exclaimed. "I am cooking a romantic dinner for I and my…husband!"

Oh, do not like to fib, but I cannot help myself! Tsukihiko-san and I are getting married soon, so in a sense, we are already husband and wife!

"You are married? Lucky guy… You will need no more than half a pound."

"All right. I would like half a pound of pork belly, please."

"Yes, ma'am. It will not take too long to prepare your cut."

Himari affirmed with a nod and then, unexpectedly, she felt a fierce clench and a tug at her heart, an intense urge to reach out to her family. Despite knowing that it might not be prudent to do so after her discussion with Tsukihiko, her heart remained undeterred. "May I use your telephone in the meantime?" she blurted out. "There is a call I would like to make."

Tsukihiko-san advised against this, but I just want to know if everyone is alright…

"Sure, go ahead. Be certain to leave your number on a napkin as well… Just kidding!" The young man went to cut the pork belly, winking at Himari as he twirled the cleaver in his hand skillfully.

"Oh, my…"

The elderly woman sitting on a stool turned to Himari and said, "Do not mind him, young lady. He is always flirting with every pretty girl he sees."

Himari gave a soft laugh, then walked over to the telephone. Looking over her shoulder, she dialed the number of the Katōwamuro estate. The young woman held it close to her ear, praying that her father would answer.

Father-sama, please be the one to pick up the phone. I want to know how you are doing. I miss your voice.

The call was answered almost instantaneously. "Thank you for calling the Katōwamuro residence!" an unfamiliar female voice on the other end of the line greeted. "May I ask for the name of who is calling?"


"Hello, this is the Katōwamuro residence! Who is this?"


"Hello, is anyone there?"

Himari opened her mouth to respond but froze when she recalled Tsukihiko's words.

"Himari, you must have some understanding as to why I do not want you contacting them ever again. I do not want you to get hurt. The ones you call your family are vile and are unworthy of your love."

"So why are you so persistent to speak with your old, wretched family? You have suffered more than enough under their callous cruelty. They do not deserve an ounce of your love."

"Then do not concern yourself with the ones you once loved dearly. Do not turn away to look at your past, for I am your future. I will protect and never harm you. I am all you need."

"Hello? Is anyone there—"

Before the unknown woman could finish, Himari hung up the phone. She felt a twinge of sorrow within her heart but knew that it was wise to hang up.

"Is there anything else I could do for you?" the young butcher asked.

"No, no, no, not at all. You have done more than enough for me, letting me use your telephone. How much do I owe you?"

"That cut of yours was seven thousand yen, but I will give you a discount simply because you are cute, even if you do have a guy waiting for you at home. Four thousand yen it is."

A simmering blush burned Himari's cheeks. "Arigatō…"

✧TRANSLATION: A simmering blush burned Himari's cheeks. "Thank you…"

Himari delved into her coin purse to fetch the coins to hand to the young butcher. As the exchange took place, their hands brushed against each other, making slight contact.


✧TRANSLATION: "Thank you!"

"See you next time!"

Himari gave the young butcher and the elderly woman a smile before she turned away, holding her coin purse and groceries close to her chest. As she returned to the chauffeur, she thought of her family.

I miss them but perhaps it is better this way.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

It was a little past ten o'clock when Tsukihiko returned from a long day of work. As usual, he placed his fedora and overcoat on the coatrack and asked, "How are you doing, beautiful?"

With excitement, Himari rushed to welcome him, gracefully bowing. She was dressed in a pale yellow kimono accentuated by an apron, and her hair was elegantly styled in an upswept bun, reminiscent of a traditional Japanese housewife. "I am doing well, Tsukihiko-san. How was your day at work?"

"It was tedious and tiresome, but I am more than satisfied just by seeing you."

Oh, Tsukihiko-san makes me swoon with every word he says to me.

Flattered, Himari bashfully looked away from him and covered her rouge cheeks. "I have made dinner, and I made your favorite: braised pork belly over a bed of rice!"

"That sounds delightful."

Himari turned to guide Tsukihiko to the dining room but was interrupted by him taking her hand and bringing her back towards him. "Yes, Tsukihiko-san?"

"How was your time in Osungi?" Tsukihiko asked.

"Oh, Osungi was delightful, just as you said! It is even better than the marketplace in Yaegashi!"

"That is wonderful to hear. Now, Himari, did you do as I asked of you?"

"Did I do what you asked of me? What was that, Tsukihiko-san?"

"The instructions I gave you," Tsukihiko answered with a strange, growing smile that appeared to be insincere. "The ones about dressing appropriately and keeping to yourself."

"Oh, those instructions. I dressed very nicely in my princess coat, boots, and hat! You should have seen my face when I saw that everyone was dressed in kimonos!"

"Did you speak to anyone?"

"Yes, yes, yes. Well, not really…"


"No, no, no, Tsukihiko-san. I did speak to others but only to shopkeepers and merchants!"

Tsukihiko maintained his grasp on Himari's hand, his hold tightening as his expression turned cold and menacing. "Himari," he uttered with anger searing his voice.

Himari looked up at Tsukihiko with her bronze-colored eyes that were shimmering with tears and cried out, "What is it, Tsukihiko-san? Why are you looking at me like you are angry with me? Did I do something to upset you? Y-yes, I did speak to others. I had to speak to people to get the ingredients I needed... I do not want to us to argue, Tsukihiko-san!"

Tsukihiko's light-red eyes, filled with anger, calmed like settling dust after a fierce breeze. Gently, he reached out to tuck a lock of Himari's hair behind her ear and drew her close, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. "Very well. Let us proceed," he said softly.

As per his routine, Tsukihiko made his way into the dining room and took a seat at the distant end of the table, anticipating his dinner.

Himari entered the kitchen to retrieve Tsukihiko's dinner and placed the bowl braised pork belly on the table in front of him. As she poured him a cup of sake, she said, "Earlier, when I was in Osungi, I saw a flyer for a parade in two days. I was wondering if we could go together, if that is all right."

"What time will the parade be held?"

"It starts early in the day and ends before nightfall!" she replied cheerfully.

Tsukihiko furrowed his brows and shook his head. "Ah, I am afraid not. You know how hectic my work schedule is."

"Are you certain you could not take the day off? You work so, so, so much, Tsukihiko-san!" Himari rocked her hips seductively as she said, "I will even wear that pretty kimono you brought me. You know, the one with the doves…"

Still, Tsukihiko was not dissuaded. "Himari, I am certain I cannot."

"Oh… Well, perhaps another time."

"Yes, perhaps another time."

When Himari sat across from Tsukihiko, she became alarmed when she noticed that he was staring down at his untouched plate with an unreadable expression. "Tsukihiko-san, are you not hungry?"

"Come again?"

"You have not taken a bite of your dinner…"

"Ah." Tsukihiko frowned as he stabbed at the pieces of pork with chopsticks, unimpressed.

"Oh, my, is something the matter with your dinner, Tsukihiko-san?" Himari asked.

The man heaved a quiet, disappointed sigh and shook his head. "No, I do not wish to be impolite."

"Oh, please tell me, Tsukihiko-san."

"Darling, forgive me but this meal is not of my preferred standards. It is rather… dry."

"It is dry, Tsukihiko-san? Oh, my! Forgive me for not noticing that before I served you. There is no excuse for my mistake, but this is my first time cooking this meal. Gomen'nasai!"

✧TRANSLATION: "It is dry, Tsukihiko-san? Oh, my! Forgive me for not noticing that before I served you. There is no excuse for my mistake, but this is my first time cooking this meal. I am sorry!"

"Unfortunately, you have not earned the engagement ring today but the best thing about our little challenge is that you can try as many times as you wish."

"I will use your criticism to improve and serve you the greatest kakuni dish ever made, Tsukihiko-san!"

"I look forward to it, Himari."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-



Quietly, Himari observed as Tsukihiko carefully inspected and deconstructed the kakuni dish, while she silently prayed. This was her second attempt at cooking kakuni, and she had full confidence that this particular dish would capture his heart.

Please enjoy it, please enjoy it! Please find no flaws!

With a long sigh, Tsukihiko grasped the square-cut pork belly with his chopsticks, applying pressure to demonstrate its rigidity. "Himari," he said, “This meat is so resilient that even a fork would struggle to pierce it. Unfortunately, this dish fails to meet the expected standards. It is just not up to par.”

I marinated the pork belly for hours to ensure it would not be tough! It appears tender enough to melt in one's mouth, but I value and trust Tsukihiko's judgement. Could it be that I let it simmer for too long at a high temperature? That might be the reason for my failure...

"Oh, my, I am a failure!" Himari cried out in frustration. "It will take so much longer for us to get married, and it is all my fault!"

When Tsukihiko sensed Himari's impending tears, he cradled her in his arms and gently kissed her forehead. "Ah, do not worry about that, Himari. You will try this again another time, yes?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I will never give up! This is very disheartening because I do not like to disappoint people, especially the ones I love. I only wish to make you happy, Tsukihiko-san!"

Tsukihiko ran his fingers through Himari's hair and tucked a lock of it behind her ear affectionately. "In time, you will certainly learn how to make me happy, Himari. You are young with a mind that is very pliable. There is no doubt that under my tutelage, you will become a marvelous housewife."

Himari did not resist when Tsukihiko leaned in and caught her lips with his. His mouth completely covered hers and his tongue slipped inside. The young woman was limp in his grasp, completely at his mercy.

Enveloped in the all-consuming kiss, Himari made pleasurable, muffled moans. The friction of her nipples chaffing against the buttons of Tsukihiko's suit made her mewl like a kitten. The man squeezed and fondled her buttocks like his livelihood depended on it.

Himari gasped upon feeling something sharp and claw-like digging into her bottom as she was groped. She also felt Tsukihiko's prominent erection pressing against her thighs.

"Right h-here, at the dining table?"

"Yes, right here."

Tsukihiko helped Himari off his lap, then stood up in front of her. "Get on your knees," he commanded.

Himari obeyed and kneeled before him. She became wet and blushed in expectancy and desire, for she had a brief understanding of what was about to happen: fellati*, the oral stimulation of a man's genitals. Just as Tsukihiko had done when his head was submerged between her legs, it was her turn to taste him.

I… I want to do more dirty things with Tsukihiko-san. I want to give pleasure and be pleasured at the same time. I will do whatever it takes to succeed in that!

As soon as Tsukihiko undid his belt and unzipped his pants, his penis leapt out to greet her. The sexual organ was inches away from her face. The frenulum brushed across her full lips for a moment, the scent of male arousal it carried intoxicating.

"Go on, Himari. Do not just stare at it, touch it."

Nervous, Himari wrapped her hand around his length and stroked it timidly. "L-like this?"

"Yes, you are doing it correctly," he assured her. "Continue."

Himari continued stroking Tsukihiko's member, her face reddening from sheer arousal. She stroked his length at a faster pace until he slid inside her mouth abruptly. The salty, musky taste of a man's genitals overwhelmed all her senses.

Oh, m-my, Tsukihiko-san's dick is in my mouth! I cannot help but love it…

Struggling to consume more of his length, Himari moved her tongue all over the throbbing sexual organ to compensate. Her tongue ran across the protruding veins and the glans in circles, enjoying the feeling of his length erecting fully within her mouth. Pulling away, the young woman blushed as she engulfed the drooling head of his slick hardness into her mouth once more and suckled.

"Are you tired of using your jaw already? Look up at me and hold it firmly in your mouth."

Himari obeyed; she clenched her jaw and stared up at Tsukihiko with her teary, bronze-colored eyes, begging for his approval.

I only wish to please you, Tsukihiko-san…

Tsukihiko leaned his head back and fisted his hands in Himari's hair. He made a low noise of satisfaction that was something between a growl or a purr, as the feeling of her tongue curling around the most sensitive part of him was divine. "That is right, Himari. You are doing well, very, very well. What a good girl you are."

Yes, yes, yes, Tsukihiko-san, I am a good girl!

The pleasurable rush of accomplishment ended when Tsukihiko grabbed the back of Himari's head and thrusted his entire length down her throat abruptly. He moved his pelvis back and forth, his member hitting the back of her throat constantly.

Himari made gurgled, muffled cries of shock. Thick, wavy pubic hair tickled her face as she struggled to adjust to the oral assault. Her throat felt incredibly raw and burned due to the friction.

I cannot breathe! My throat hurts! Please, not like this…

Finally, Himari's head was yanked back and Tsukihiko's member left her throat. A string of thick saliva connected her lips to his pulsating length, and her eyes watered as she gasped for air.

Tsukihiko helped Himari to her feet before his hands went under her dress and removed her undergarments. A pair of white, lacy panties fell to the floor as Himari was picked up as if she weighed no more than a feather. The young woman wrapped her arms around the back of her lover's neck and her legs around his body while he held onto her waist.

Without any warning, Tsukihiko entered Himari and began thrusting into her with great force. The ordeal felt agonizing and incredibly rough, but Himari refused to give any indication that she was in pain.

It hurts, but I do not want to spoil Tsukihiko-san's pleasure...

After what felt like an eternity of Tsukihiko plowing into her at maximum speed, he withdrew himself from her wounded orifice and placed her down.

Himari leaned on the dining table for support, struggling to catch her breath. "Oh, m-my, that was very intense, Tsukihiko-san…" Just as her body fully relaxed, her head was pushed onto the dining table with her bottom propped up. "W-what?"

More? Already?

Tsukihiko entered her from behind with a low, guttural grunt. Himari was unable to refrain from crying out in pain. The coitus proceeded with Tsukihiko slamming, thrusting, and ramming into her. Himari clenched her teeth and wept silently as she was rammed into from behind with no mercy.

Oh, this hurts so, so, so much! I do not know how much more of this I can take!

The man began slapping Himari's buttocks, belaboring her bottom with his open palm. He hunched over her figure, growling gutturally and moving without pause.

Tsukihiko-san! Tsukihiko-san, please! See me. See my face to know how painful this is for me!

Minutes later, Himari laid like a broken doll on the floor. The back of her thighs and her buttocks were an angry shade of red decorated with scratches and scattered hand imprints. A pink, creamy liquid composed of male ejacul*tion and blood oozed out of her.

Tsukihiko stood above Himari, grunting as he stroked his stiff, erect member. He spewed ropes of his liquid essence onto her abused body, his seed pelting her like rain. Satisfied, he went to a mirror to straighten his hair and attire. Before he left, he said, "I will be absent for a few days. Clean the dining room and yourself well."

Now alone, Himari found that she did not have the strength to move. A series of sharp, intense stabbing pains reverberated in her abdomen, and her body was unbelievably sore.

It hurts… It hurts so much. I am hurting all over, but it brings me pleasure to know that I satisfied him. That means I am enough, at least in his eyes. For once, I am a good girl.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-



Himari was kneeling on the floor and panting as she scrubbed the marble flooring of the foyer. There were dark circles underneath her eyes, and stray hairs coming out of her bun. She had been cleaning for hours since Tsukihiko came home because the manor was not up to his standards.

"I have finished, Anata!" Himari called out, her hands and knees feeling sore.

"Is the floor spotless?" Tsukihiko asked from the main living room, where he sat near the fireplace.

"Yes, yes, yes, Anata! The floor is clean enough to eat off!"

Tsukihiko entered the foyer, inspecting the marble flooring with his keen eyes. "That is good to hear," he said, satisfied. "You must maintain this level of cleanliness without me having to ask, Himari."

"Yes, yes, yes, Anata."

The man continued inspecting the area until he approached a vase upon a pedestal. Upon touching the vase with a finger, his face contorted into a displeased scowl."Himari,"he said with a sharp, abrupt snap of his fingers. "Himari, darling, do come take a look at this."

The young woman rose to her feet, her hands gripping her scarred, sore knees for support. She was exhausted, so her movements were slow and lethargic. "Y-yes, Anata?"

Tsukihiko held his finger to her face and asked, "What is this?"

Himari lowered her head in sorrow, feeling nothing but shame. "It is dust."

"Correct, it is dust. Tell me, what are you doing all throughout the day?"

"Well, I went grocery shopping, I went for a walk, I tended to the shrubs outside, I scrubbed the bathrooms, then I—"

"Himari, for this arrangement to work, we both need to be pulling our weight. Do I not work all throughout the day to provide?"

"Yes, yes, yes, you do, Tsukihiko-san."

"Do I treat you fairly?"

"Yes, yes, yes, you do, Tsukihiko-san."

"Do I not deserve to come home to a clean house?"

"Yes, yes— I mean, no, no, no, you—"

"This mansion should be spotless," Tsukihiko interrupted, his voice carrying an edge of anger. "I assumed that you knew what you were doing, regarding your past, but I see that you do not have even the slightest idea nor inkling of how to maintain a home. I cannot teach you how to be a woman, a wife, or a servant, but everything must be perfect, Himari. It must beperfect.Do you understand?"

Humiliated, Himari nodded in shame and bowed. She felt like a child being scolded by an adult, and the venom in Tsukihiko's voice during his harsh reprimand made her feel stinging pricks all over. "I understand."

"Now, is dinner prepared?"

"Y-yes, yes, yes, Anata. It is ready for you."

Tsukihiko went to sit in his usual dining chair, and Himari served him a bowl of kakuni paired with a cup of sake.

"Tsukihiko-san, I do hope you enjoy your meal," she said. "I want nothing more than to please you."

Visibly unimpressed, Tsukihiko stared down at his plate for a long while and examined it. "It is rather burnt, Himari," he said, pointing at the crisp edges of the square-cut pork belly.

Remorseful, Himari bowed repeatedly for forgiveness. "Gomen'nasai, gomen'nasai, gomen'nasai! Please, do forgive me, Tsuki—"

✧TRANSLATION: Remorseful, Himari bowed repeatedly for forgiveness. "I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry! Please, do forgive me, Tsuki—"

"Silence!"Tsukihiko interrupted sharply with a hand raised. "There will be no more of that grating, pitiful whining of yours. Have you looked at yourself in a mirror? You appear so… disheveled and unkept. Is this your way of retaliating against me?"

"No, no, no, it is not, Tsukihiko-san. Forgive me, I have not been sleeping too well…"

"That is unacceptable. The least I ask of you is to look presentable for me. Why are you constantly failing to meet my expectations, Himari? I thought you wanted to be my wife."

"I do, Tsukihiko-san, I really do! I love you! I want nothing more than to be your wife!"

"Then why are you disappointing me so?"

Unable to find the words for an answer, Himari prostrated herself before Tsukihiko's feet. "Tsukihiko-san, please give me another chance to prove to you that I am the right woman for you!"

"I will give you another opportunity to prove yourself but be warned, Himari: Chances are what you are running out of…"

"Arigatō gozaimasu! I will not disappoint you, Anata!"

✧TRANSLATION: "Thank you very much! I will not disappoint you, Anata!"

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

At a park in Osungi, Himari sat on a bench and enjoyed the sunshine. She watched people as they went past, imaging what their life may be like. What caught her attention was a young couple with a baby in a stroller. The young family all looked so beautiful, perfect, and happy together.

The way the woman and man gazed at each other made Himari's heart swoon, and the child, the physical manifestation of their love that carried the likeness of both, made her heart flutter. Himari watched the young family in deep yearning, almost envy, until she came to a sudden realization.

A baby. A baby will mend my relationship with Tsukihiko-san! A child would not only repair I and Tsukihiko's love, but it would also repair... me.

There is nothing purer than the love of a child. Babies love their parents unconditionally. I have been neglected on all fronts for so long, so I long for the taste of love!

Starting that day, Himari took on a diet of foods that boosts the fertility of women such as eggs, berries, walnuts, and salmon. She prostrated herself as she prayed to conceive and for a happy, wonderful future with Tsukihiko.

Every night Tsukihiko came home, Himari made certain that they would make love. The young woman would writhe underneath his muscular form as he took her, weeping tears of joy as their love was expressed to the deepest. It became rough at times, involving nails that felt like piercing needles and teeth that felt like a mouthful of fangs, but it was pleasurable, nonetheless. The man, showing no reluctance, granted her requests and was pleased to be with a young woman that matched his carnality and high libido.

Fill me, fill me, fill me with your seed so that my body may carry your child. Our child, our sweet little baby… I must become pregnant, then you will love me once again.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-



Nearly a month had passed since Himari began her journey to become a mother. Her efforts to conceive were not ignored because now it was her time of the month, but there was no menstrual cycle in sight. It was not like the times when she became so underweight, she did not menstruate because now, she was at a healthy weight; the glow of her sun-kissed skin and the rosiness of her cheeks attested to that.

Oh, my God… I may be pregnant! Oh, I cannot wait to tell Tsukihiko-san! He will be so happy; he may do away with the kakuni dish competition and marry me swiftly! Oh, my, I cannot wait!

All throughout the day, Himari daydreamed about her promising future. She daydreamed of what her life would be like as a wife and mother, and what her and Tsukihiko's children would look like. Miniature versions of her and Tsukihiko running around the mansion came to mind.

Awww, how cute is that? Kawaii!

Watching herself in her bedroom floor-length mirror, Himari placed a hand upon her stomach and caressed it lovingly.

I will become a mother soon. I am so, so, so happy!

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Around ten o'clock, Tsukihiko returned from a long day of work. The man removed his fedora and overcoat and hanged them on the coatrack.

Himari rushed to welcome him, exclaiming, "Tsukihiko-san, you have returned!"

Tsukihiko brought the young woman close and kissed her upon the forehead. "Hello, Himari. I have longed to see you. How are you, beautiful?"

"I am doing well, Tsukihiko-san, now that you are here. I missed you so, so, so very much! I did not know that you were coming home. Would you like to have kakuni for dinner? It is late but I can make it in a timely manner. I have marinated the pork belly for a few days, so it should be scrumptious! I figured out how to improve my cooking technique!"

"No, thank you," he declined. "I have already eaten. Perhaps you can cook for me another day."

"Yes, Anata." Himari gracefully took a step backward and pirouetted before Tsukihiko, then asked, "Have you noticed anything different regarding my appearance?"

Tsukihiko looked the young woman up and down. "I see nothing different; you look beautiful, as always."

"Oh, you can try a little harder than that, Tsukihiko-san!" Himari giggled. "Guess again, please!"

"Well, you do look much livelier, brighter, and healthier. Courtesies of my handiwork, yes?" he chuckled, stroking her bottom.

"Yes, yes, yes, but that is not entirely it," Himari spoke softly, blushing with arousal. "Tsukihiko-san, I do not know for certain, but there is a chance I may be… pregnant!"

Upon hearing that, Tsukihiko's smile fell, and he stared at her in disbelief. "Pregnant?"

"Yes, Tsukihiko-san. I might be pregnant!"

"No, that is nonsense."

Himari was stupefied by Tsukihiko's response because she had anticipated that he would be thrilled to hear the possibility of him becoming a father. "But w-we… But we did it, Tsukihiko-san!"

"What did we do, Himari?"

"We… We did thething."

Tsukihiko raised his eyebrows in pure befuddlement.

"Pardon me, but we had s-e-x!" Himari spelled out bashfully. "We made love so many times, and my period has not come on! This is my usual time of the month…"


"Which means that there is a possibility that I am carrying your child, Tsukihiko-san!" Himari took his hand and brought it close to her stomach as she pleaded to him, saying, "Tsukihiko-san, please touch my stomach, then maybe you will feel the life we created inside of me."

Irate, Tsukihiko yanked his hand away from her with a face twisted in repulsion. "Do not be so desperate to embarrass yourself in such a crude manner. You are not pregnant."


"Himari, I refuse to indulge this charade any longer," he interjected harshly. "Now run along and do something useful, like cleaning or cooking."

"Tsukihiko-san, why can you not believe that I may be carrying your child?" Himari asked tearfully, heartbroken. "Our sweet, little baby…"

The door of Tsukihiko's study was closed on Himari's face, leaving her with an aching in her heart.

Does Tsukihiko-san not want children? That is very disheartening because we are to become husband and wife! What if he does want to start a family but he does not want to start one… with me?

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The next morning, Himari awakened to a nauseous, queasy feeling accompanied by a discomforting moistness between her legs. She rose from the bed and looked in her panties to see a familiar streak of red staining the whiteness of them.

So, it is true… I am not pregnant!

Distraught, Himari covered her mouth in shock, then crumbled to the floor and wept.


Kihaku was slumped over in a chair in his study. His eyes were closed, and he was snoring gently when loud knocking on the door startled him awake. He shot up in shock and looked around at his messy surroundings, forgetting all that ever happened for just a few moments.

"Sir, it is I, Moe!" a voice called out.

"What do you want?"

"I must clean your study, Sir."

"No, thank you. I decline."

"Please, Sir. A stench fills the hallway and will soon reach the main area if it is not handled."

"I said, leave me be, Moe!"

"Sir, please."


Moe began rapping upon the door with a tight fist. "Sir! Oh, Sir! Sir! Sir!"

"Fine, you may come in!" Kihaku sighed, too lethargic to argue but not before cursing at the maid. "Damn you!"

The door opened and Moe crept inside, holding a bucket of cleaning supplies. Upon smelling the stench of rotting food, she held her nose and grimaced in repulsion. "Sir, please allow me to clean your quarters."

"I already told that you none of that is necessary."

"I implore you, Sir! Allow me to do what I have been hired to do."

"… Go ahead."

With that, Moe began to clean. She gathered the plates of rotten food, scraped the rotten food into a trash bag, and stacked the plates. She removed all the documents from the desk, wiped it clean, then organized the documents in the filing cabinets.

"There needs to be some light in here." Moe opened the curtains, and sunlight filled the study.

Kihaku moved swiftly to a dimly lit corner of the study, seeking refuge from the intrusive light. He shielded his eyes as he shouted, "Close them! Close the damn curtains, Moe!"

"This is for your own good, Sir. Darkness will only worsen your depression… The Mistress told me of your affliction."

"Soaku told you? She had no right to do that… There is nothing wrong with me, I am fine."

"No, you are not the slightest bit of fine, Sir. I know it all too well… Long ago, I lost a child, too. A young girl just like your girl."

"What happened to her if you do not mind me asking?"

"My daughter got tangled up in a web of disgusting men and died at the hands of one of them. I thought of myself as a good mother until I was tested by my daughter's emerging sense of individualism. You see, she was nineteen and wanted to leave me to live on her own with the man she was certain she would marry. He was no good for her, having a criminal record and a terrible reputation. I tried to show her reason and pleaded with her to stay with me but not hard enough, clearly… I could have done more for her. After she died, I was angry at God and the world for a very long time."

Christ, the way I have been treating this woman… She has been living with this pain longer than I!

"My condolences," Kihaku said somberly. "I… I did not know."

"You could not have."

"I am at a loss, Moe. Time is at a standstill for me, like I am bound in chains without any chance of being freed. I see her in everything, and I lose sight of reality. Hell, I was aggressive towards Emiso because I hallucinated that she was my daughter. I cannot eat, sleep, or bathe myself! How pathetic is that? Moe, I cannot find the will to continue living this way…"

"You have no choice but to continue; your wife and daughters need you."

"It feels like they would be better off without me."

"That is not true, Sir. You are a good man who is immensely talented."

"Oh, you are just saying that."

"No, Sir, it is true. Your stepdaughters, the girls you helped rear, are angelic delights!"

If only she knew.

Shifting the conversation, Kihaku asked, "How did you find yourself again after the loss of your daughter?"

"Pardon me, Sir?"

"Moe, you appear so confident and self-assured, no one would guess that you have lost a part of you, a child. What is your secret? How do you move on from something like that?"

Moe removed a bouquet of withered white roses from the vase and threw them in the trash. "You do not," she replied bluntly. "There is no moving on. There is no cessation of grief for us in this life. It just becomes a part of us, deep inside."


Himari paused from scrubbing the marble floors to look out the window. Her eyes were met with a sky, her very own sky, that she watched every day. The sight of a dreary grey, cloudless sky brought a small smile to her lips, even if for a moment.

How pretty.

Life for Himari was beginning to be just like her life at the Katōwamuro manor, the only difference being that the floors were marble instead of hardwood. She could see her sad, pitiful, and broken reflection upon the marble flooring.

The young woman turned her head and saw a memory of herself kneeling on the floor and pushing a sponge back and forth, wearing seedy, torn pinafores.

I was so, so, so unhappy there. How did I allow myself to feel that way again?

At that very moment, Himari felt an overwhelming, all-consuming desire to change her fate.

Once I create the most delicious kakuni dish that was ever conceived, Tsukihiko-san will take my hand in marriage and then, finally, we will be happy!

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari walked around the marketplace in Osungi. She finished gathering the ingredients for braised pork belly and was on her way to the chauffeur until she spotted a small, obscure boutique squished in between two larger buildings. The sign on its window stated that cosmetics and other beauty essentials were sold there.

I need to hurry and marinate this pork belly, but there is some time I can spare…

Himari carefully stepped into the obscure makeup boutique, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the vast array of products. She slowly made her way around the shop and inspected various items until her gaze finally settled on an ink pot of eyeliner. She picked it up, turning it around in her hands and admiring the intricate design.

Suddenly, an elderly woman, presumably the shopkeeper, appeared beside Himari. She had a warm smile on her face and was wearing a colorful head scarf. "That is a special gel-based eyeliner. It has been enchanted with love and luck. It also smudges very well!"

"Love and luck? I need as much of that as I can get!"

"How may I assist you?"

"I was wondering if there were any lipsticks."

"Yes, right over there. Come with me." The elderly woman guided Himari to the lipstick section and showed her all the different shades of her collection.

Curious, Himari picked out a light pink shade. "How about this one?"

"No, no, that shade is too peachy. I know a shade that will suit you much better!" The shopkeeper picked up an elegant, deep red shade.

Himari hesitated before taking the lipstick and examining it. She read the golden label aloud and said, "Truest Red?"

"Yes, it is the most pigmented red I ever came across. A rare treasure, it is indeed. Try it on."

Himari carefully opened the lipstick and looked at her reflection in the mirror as she tried it on. She pursed her lips together and delicately traced the outline of her lips with the lipstick, taking care not to go outside the edges. When she was finished, she was amazed at how beautifully the deep red shade highlighted her cupid's bow. It made her look more mature in an alluring, sultry way. "Oh, my..."

"Do you see what I mean?"

"Yes, I see exactly what you mean. It suits me very well... I will take it!"

Grinning, the elderly woman opened a case of various jewelry and kanzashi, each of them sparkling beautifully in the light. "So, we have chosen eyeliner and lipstick. Now what a young lady needs to complete her is a jewel that shines brighter than the sun itself!"

A sunflower hair ornament with dangling chains of pearlescent petals caught Himari's attention. "I would like the sunflower hair ornament, the one at the top left."

"Good choice, good choice."

"How much is it worth?"

"Not a thing, it is yours."

"Oh? Arigatō, Obaachan!" Himari purchased the eyeliner ink pot and lipstick and headed out of the boutique.

✧TRANSLATION: "Oh? Thank you, Grandmother!" Himari purchased the eyeliner ink pot and lipstick and headed out of the boutique.

"Come again!" the shopkeeper called out, waving.

Himari was one step away from exiting the boutique until she paused. "Obaachan, would you have any recipes you would like to share with me? I am a newly wedded woman and I wish to please my husband's finicky palate and appetite."

"Recipes? Ah, where should I begin? I have a lot of recipes deep in this old head of mine, eh?"

"How about a recipe for kakuni, braised pork belly?"

"Kakuni? I may know a thing or two... The fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach! First, you find the most succulent, exquisite cut of pork belly… Hey, are you writing this down, young lady?"

Himari nodded fervently, holding a pen and a notepad. "Hai, hai, hai!"

✧TRANSLATION: Himari nodded fervently, holding a pen and a notepad. "Yes, yes, yes!"

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

At ten o'clock, Himari stood by the majestic entrance of the mansion, patiently awaiting Tsukihiko's arrival. Her attire exuded elegance; she adorned one of the numerous silk kimonos thoughtfully bestowed upon her by him, and her eyes were highlighted by meticulous strokes of black eyeliner. Her lips were adorned with a vibrant shade of red that perfectly resembled the deepest hue of blood. Furthermore, her hair was elegantly styled into a voluminous side bun, exquisitely decorated with a sunflower hair ornament for an enchanting touch of romance.

The front door unlocked and Tsukihiko entered. As usual, he removed his fedora and overcoat and hanged them on the coatrack.

"Welcome home, Anata," Himari greeted with a bow. "I have longed to see you."

Tsukihiko approached her slowly, visibly pleased and in awe of her beauty. "Himari, how beautiful you are when you care for yourself. Now I can recall the lovely, supple vixen that first caught my eye."

The man drew her near to his chest and leaned in for an intense kiss. While they were engaged in the kiss, Himari detected a distinct flavor resembling that of blood on his tongue.

This taste…

Tsukihiko pulled away from Himari's lips, his light-red eyes lingering over her sweet face and petite physique. "This is how you should always appear before me, Himari. Remember that."

Himari simply gazed up at him and replied, "Anata, your dinner is ready."

"Splendid." Tsukihiko followed her into the dining room and sat at the table.

"I do hope you enjoy this blessed meal, Anata," Himari said, placing a bowl of braised pork belly in front of him.

The dish was perfect.

The pork belly had been marinated overnight in a sake, mirin, ginger broth, braised for over five hours, then roasted. A crispy, golden brown outer layer cradled the tender, moist meat within. The caramelized sauce that was drizzled over the square-cut pieces of pork was made from soy sauce, brown sugar, and vanilla bean. Scallions and aonori rested upon a bed of fluffy rice. Finally, the dish was garnished with soft-boiled egg yolks, garlic, and sprigs of rosemary and thyme.

Himari sat across from Tsukihiko, never taking her eyes off him. She was certain that the dish was sublime and had no flaws.

I followed Obaachan's recipe to a T. She assured me that this dish is so deliciously ambrosial, even Buddha would be jealous. Tsukihiko-san will take a bite from my dish and enjoy it.

He must.

Tsukihiko sat in silence as he used chopsticks to inspect the dish throughly. He poked and squeezed the square-cut pieces of pork belly to observe the juiciness and tenderness, stirred and sifted through the fluffiness of the rice, and examined the steamed vegetables for even the slightest hint of overcooking, which he failed to find.

Tsukihiko-san has not found any errors in the dish and is about to take a bite!

The man stared at the dish for a long, long, long while until he stood up from the table. "I am not hungry. I will be in my study. Do not disturb me."

Himari watched as Tsukihiko left the dining room, her side bun unraveling in worry. "Wait, what? Tsukihiko-san, you are not going to try it, not even a bite?"

"No, I am not, Himari."

"Why? It was perfect! At least tell me what I did wrong! Wait! Please, Tsukihiko-san, wait! Come back, Anata!" Distraught, Himari took the dish and followed him. "Please, just try it! I made this for you with all my heart and soul! I have cooked this dish with love, gave it my all, poured my soul into—"

Suddenly, Himari tripped over her own feet and fell to the floor. The dish flew out of her hands, causing the ceramic bowl to shatter everywhere. The meal splattered all over the walls and the marble floor, and some of it got onto Tsukihiko's shoes.

Tsukihiko loomed above Himari, glaring at her in disgust and disbelief. His expensive loafers were covered in kakuni.

Shaking, Himari struggled to pick up pieces of the shattered dish and stand to her feet. "Oh, my! Anata, please forgive me. I did not mean to make such a mess! Oh no, some of it is on your shoes! Please stay put, I will get a paper towel to clean it off! Tsukihiko-san, I did not— Gomen'nasai! Gomen'nasai! Gomen'nasai! Gomen'nasai!"

✧TRANSLATION: Shaking, Himari struggled to pick up pieces of the shattered dish and stand to her feet. "Oh, my! Anata, please forgive me. I did not mean to make such a mess! Oh no, some of it is on your shoes! Please stay put, I will get a paper towel to clean it off! Tsukihiko-san, I did not— I am sorry! I am sorry! I am sorry! I am sorry!"

"I will be absent for a while," Tsukihiko said coldly. Before he went into his study, he went close to her ear and whispered, "You have disappointed me, Himari."

Heartbroken, Himari's knees buckled, and she collapsed to the floor. She lay in a crumbled mess and wept over the pieces of shattered ceramic and mounds of rice.

I tried so hard to please him, but I failed! This is so disheartening. It feels like I will never be good enough!

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-



Himari was sitting in a corner in the main living room, hugging her knees to her chest. She had been in a deep depressive state ever since Tsukihiko had left.

It was like a drug-addled individual going through withdrawal: she would cry constantly, shake, and could not stomach water or food. There were self-inflicted scratches on her arms and legs, and her mind was riddled with thoughts of taking her own life. The young woman wished for a swift, sweet death but before she would do anything drastic, she wanted to see him.

Tsukihiko-san, please come back to me. Return to me, please. I miss you so, so, so much! I need you, I need you here with me! God, bring him back to me, please! I cannot go on without him.

I want to see him. I want to see him again, just one more time before I die. Please…

Suddenly, Himari heard the front door unlock. She was instantly pulled out of her depressive stupor, and her heart fluttered in joy, excitement, relief, and anxiety all at once.

Could that be him?

That was when Tsukihiko entered, his face donning a gravely morose expression unlike anything Himari had ever seen. He appeared to be irritated as if returning to the mansion was a great inconvenience.

"Anata!"Himari cried out, weeping tears of joy as she rushed to embrace him. "Tsukihiko-san, you have returned to me! I have not seen you in so long! I am so happy that you came back to me! I was so, so, so lonely without you, waiting for you all alone in this mansion!"

Unmoved, Tsukihiko pushed Himari off him and moved past her. He removed his fedora and overcoat and hanged them on the coatrack, ignoring her presence as he walked to his study.

Still, Himari followed him. She ran her fingers through her hair in an attempt to straighten her tangled, unkempt locks. "Anata, would you like it if I make you something to eat, or pour you a cup of sake?"


"Tsukihiko-san? Tsukihiko-san, may we talk? I have so much to speak with you about. How was your business trip? Where did you go?"

That was when Tsukihiko stopped walking and turned to her, the veins upon his face protruding and throbbing in anger. "Since when do I answer to you?" he snarled. "Are you not living freely under my roof, enjoying the luxurious life I provide for you? Know your place!"

Frightened by the intensity and volume of his voice, Himari took a few steps back. "Why are you speaking to me this way, Tsukihiko-san? I only wanted to know if you were alright. I was so very worried… While you were gone, I was very saddened. I almost lost my mind, but I am so glad that you are here with me now. I love you, Tsukihiko-san. I love you more than anything!"

The man stared at Himari with an almost palpable animosity.

"Tsukihiko-san, I think w-we should talk," Himari said softly, trembling. "I can see that something is bothering you…"

"Himari, you are persistent, pestering me like a nagging housewife!" Tsukihiko hissed sharply. "Have you no restraint nor intellect in that thick skull of yours?"

Upon hearing that, Himari was faced with a wave of painful memories of her older stepsister, Saori. Saori would not only physically abuse her but would verbally abuse her as well; she always made Himari feel worthless, insignificant, and ugly. Tears welled up in Himari's eyes as all the memories flooded back, and she began to scratch and rub her raw, scarred arms to soothe her pain. Her fingernails scratched harder and harder until they broke through her fragile, welted flesh and blood began to trickle down her arms.

"Himari, you stupid, hollow-headed fool! You embarrassed me in front of someone of high status! Why can you not learn to knock like a normal person or is that too much for a pig like you?"

"I am prettier than you. That is true despite what was once said, so get that through your thick, hollow skull."

"No, no, no, please do not say that, Tsukihiko-san!" Himari cried out through her sobs. "I am not a fool, stupid, or hollow-headed! I am so worried about you, Tsukihiko-san! You have changed; you do not look at me with the same kind, loving eyes you used to!"

"I changed? Look at yourself. You have become an utter eyesore! Not even your body is appealing to me; touching you is like grasping a bag of bones!"

Himari covered her thin, bloodied arms with the sleeves of her sheer floral robe, saddened by Tsukihiko's remarks. "F-forgive me, Tsukihiko-san. I have not had much of an appetite since you left…"

"It is always something with you, is it not?"

"What happened between us? What happened to our love, Tsukihiko-san? All I ever wanted was to be loved by you and everyone else… I just want you to love me and see me for who I am like you did before. I cut for you, I bleed for you, I cry for you. I suffer so that you do not have to. That is what love is, Tsukihiko-san, a sacrificial love. I give that to you, so why do you not give any of that to me?"

"Because you are not worth the effort."

"No, no, no, you do not mean that! You love me, Tsukihiko-san! You and I love each other, and we are to be married! All the things that happened between us, all the secrets we shared… I showed you things I have never shown to anyone, not even my own father."

Nothing can compare to how vulnerable I felt when I revealed the burns my stepmother gave me to Tsukihiko-san. I never told anyone about that, not a soul… Oh, my heart is breaking in my chest!

"Himari, return to your bedroom chambers," Tsukihiko demanded. "I do not need your input nor that body of yours yet."

Appalled by his crudeness, Himari covered her mouth and gasped. "What, Tsukihiko-san? You do not need my body yet, is that what you said? Tsukihiko-san, I cannot believe—"

The door was slammed in Himari's face, interrupting her words. She could not prevent herself from bursting into tears as she walked to her bedroom with only one thing on her mind:leaving.

Tsukihiko-san is not the man I thought him to be at all! He has been so cruel to me. The way he slammed the door in my face makes me feel so insignificant to him. It is like he does not love me anymore…

Unbidden memories of Himari and Tsukihiko's night at the annual Tsukimi festival came to mind.

That night, underneath that golden full moon, I was so sure that he loved me, but it was all a lie. He seems to have gotten what he wanted from the beginning: my body. It is my mistake for believing his words and falling in love with him!

Himari ran into her bedroom, screaming through her cries. She opened the wardrobe and dressers and threw all the luxurious clothes onto the floor, not caring where they landed.

Once there were no more clothes for her to throw around, Himari rushed to the bedroom's balcony. She leaned over the railing and stared down at the pavement below, contemplating suicide.

I could end it all right here! I am afraid of heights but by the time I feel myself falling and want to scream, it will be over, and I will be gone. I will feel no more pain ever again.

Is this what I want? Is that what I truly wish for, to die? No…

Death? Suicide? What was I thinking? I do not want to die at all! Whatever is happening between I and Tsukihiko-san is painful, but I can get through this. I will love again. There is much more to life than just this.

With that, Himari picked up the clothes from the floor and folded them in the dressers neatly. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Tsukihiko standing in the doorway, watching her.

The man scowled at her with sharp, narrowed eyes. "What are you doing?"

"I am cleaning the mess I made before I leave," Himari sniffled, wiping her teary eyes as she continued folding the clothes in the dresser.


"Yes, leaving. I am leaving, Tsukihiko-san."

"I see."

Once she finished tidying the bedroom, Himari went to leave but was blocked by Tsukihiko standing in the doorway like an immovable fortress. The man towered over her with ease, and she could not remember him ever being that tall. "Tsukihiko-san, could you please step out of the way?"


"Excuse me, Tsukihiko-san?"

"You are not leaving, Himari."

"Yes, I am! I cannot stand you treating me like this any longer, Tsukihiko-san! What is the point of me staying here if you do not love me anymore?"

Tsukihiko bent his head closer to her level so that she could see how gravelly serious he was. "Did you not hear what I just said?" he questioned menacingly. The deep, resonant voice that was once like velvet, all warm and inviting, was now frightening and cold.

It is like Tsukihiko has become an entirely different person, a cold-hearted one at that. This is not the man I fell in love with! Something is warning me to leave right now! I am so afraid, but I cannot let him know it. I must not back down!

Himari regained her composure and put on a false front of confidence. "Tsukihiko-san, I thank you for all you have done for me, especially when you cared for me when I was sick, bought me gifts, and allowed me to reside in your home. The months I have spent with you have been the most exciting, wondrous months of my life. Being with you was a beautiful thing but it was meant to last for but a moment… To put it simply, I am breaking up with you."

Tsukihiko smiled in amusem*nt, appearing as if he was receiving his fill of entertainment. "Is that so?"

"Yes, it is, Tsukihiko-san."

"Have you already forgotten, Himari? There is nowhere for you to go. Your family stripped you of your surname and disowned you, so you are entitled to no property or riches. There is no one for you to confide in; you have no social life because you locked yourself away from the world for years. You are alone and have nothing, which gives you no choice but to stay with me."

"You are wrong, Tsukihiko-san! Choices are what I have an abundance of! I will speak with my father and if he denies me, I will still be fine! I will go where I am wanted and loved."

I have come to realize that I am, for a fact, beautiful even with all my flaws! I can court a nobleman and have him fall for me with ease, then I may start a life anew. For me, this world is full of possibilities.

My memories… They are starting to come back to me. Yes, I understand it all now! I do not need any influence. I can be selfish, cruel, and vain all on my own!

"Why do you want me so badly? You have shown nothing but contempt for me, so why? Why does it matter to you if I leave or not?"

Tsukihiko did not answer.

For the first time in their relationship, Himari felt that she had power over Tsukihiko. She laughed and smiled in overwhelming confidence as she said, "Ha! There is something wrong with men like you, the ones who believe the only way to be with a woman is to break her soul."

"There is something wrong with me, you say? That is grand coming from the one who stalked her own stepsister like a pervert and mimicked her, even going as far as proclaiming that she was your first love. Anyone can see how deranged that behavior is."

He is twisting the words of everything I told him and is using it against me. How cruel!

"No, no, no! I did not mean it like that, and you know it, Tsukihiko-san! I cannot believe you would imply something so… so… so—"

"You cannot believe that I would imply something so what?" Tsukihiko laughed with a snide smirk. "Immoral? Licentious?"

"Tsukihiko-san, you are repulsive! How did I not see this before? I thought you were kind but now I see that you are a cruel, manipulative person! Only a weak, desperate man would go through such lengths of deception. I am enraged, heartbroken, and disgusted all at once! To think that I wanted to live alongside you as your wife!"

Tsukihiko's smug smirk fell, and his sharp eyes widened gradually, frightening her. "What did you just say?"

"That I am enraged, heartbroken, and—"

"No, what was it that you said before that?"

"Before that? I said, only a weak—" In that instant, Himari felt a bone-shattering pain against the left side of her face. A ringing in her ears was present as she fell to the floor in slow motion, incapable of understanding what was happening.

Did something just hit me? I cannot hear anything…

As Himari gradually returned to her senses, she felt herself being pulled off the floor by her hair. The grip on her hair was unnaturally tight as if threatening to scalp her. She began to struggle and fight, screaming, "Yamete kudasai! Yamete kudasai, you are hurting me! Tsukihiko-san, you are hurting me! Let go, let go, let go of me!"

✧TRANSLATION: As Himari gradually returned to her senses, she felt herself being pulled off the floor by her hair. The grip on her hair was unnaturally tight as if threatening to scalp her. She began to struggle and fight, screaming, "Please, stop it! Please, stop it, you are hurting me! Tsukihiko-san, you are hurting me! Let go, let go, let go of me!"

Tsukihiko pulled hard on Himari's hair and yanked her head back, smiling deviously. "Foolish woman, why would I let go of you? I thought you liked pain."

Not this kind of pain! There is no love and beauty in it, this pain is just cruel!

Tsukihiko's grip on Himari's hair remained unwaveringly strong as he shook her head from side to side. "After all I have invested in you, why would I let you leave so easily? Besides, there is nowhere else for you to go."

"Oh, just stop it, Tsukihiko-san! That is not true! I will return to my family and beg for their forgiveness! They will take me back, they must!"

"If you return to your family, then you will be wedded swiftly to a stranger. Is that what you truly want?"

"Perhaps being married to a stranger would not be so bad compared to being with you!" Himari screamed, sobbing. "I do not want to be anywhere near you, Tsukihiko-san, not anymore!"

"You are not going anywhere, you insolent harlot," Tsukihiko spat. "You are not stepping foot outside this mansion."

"I do not care about the cruel words you say, Tsukihiko-san! I am leaving! I will return to my father! I do not want to be anywhere near you! Let go of me!"

"Return to your father? What, is he your salvation? The very same man who placed your stepmother and stepsisters on a pedestal, and neglected you? I did him a favor by taking you in. After all, you are a constant reminder of all he lost. I am the only one who is willing to be near you, let alone bear the sight of you, Himari."

"You are going too far, Tsukihiko-san, speaking on things you know nothing about! You are wrong because my father loves me!"

Deep down, my father loves me. I know he does. It may be hard for us to meet eyes but…

"Oh, really, Himari? Is that why you were crying about how selfish and unfair he was to you? Did you not once tell me that you wished thathewas the one who perished in lieu of your mother? Do not pretend to be an innocent, unwilling participant in all this when you are guilty as sin, Himari. I know of all your darkest thoughts and foulest secrets… You told me them, after all."

"What do you want from me?" Himari whispered, tears streaming down her face.

"I covet your total submission, compliance, and loyalty."

"What? I do not know what any of that means…"

"It means that I want you to become mine; mind, body, and soul. You shall live alongside me as my kept girl, a pet of some sorts."

"Kept girl? Pet? No, no, no! I do not want that! I will never be yours!"

"It does not matter what you want, Himari. Nothing you say or do holds any value. You will serve me however I see fit."

"I will serve you?"

"Yes, you will serve me."

"H-how will I do that?"

"Like so." Tsukihiko leaned forward and covered Himari's mouth with his, incapacitating her. The young woman could do nothing as the man's tongue invaded her mouth, slithering over her tongue, behind her molars, and on her palates. The man was pleased by her acquiescence; all the feelings he harbored deep inside his black, wicked heart were now lethally tangible, and he had someone to share them with. He wanted to inflict pain, give and receive pleasure, and make all his dark, venereal fantasies come true, no matter how bestial, with her.

The taste of blood on Tsukihiko's tongue awakened Himari and broke her out of her haze. She pushed him away, disrupting the untamed movements of his tongue. "No!"

Enraged, Tsukihiko drew his hand back and struck her across her face once more. He grabbed her viciously, his nails rasping her skin. "How dare you deny me, wench? Do what you are good for."

The young woman screamed in terror and pain, struggling desperately. As his nails dug further into her skin, she could feel the warmth of her own blood oozing out of the cuts. "No, no, no! Get away from me! Get away! EYAHHH!"

Himari managed to break free from his unyielding grasp, but Tsukihiko lunged at her and grabbed ahold of her leg. Crying out in pain, Himari yanked her leg away from him with all her might. The man lost his grip, but not before he left a deep scratch on her leg.

Tsukihiko-san… How could this happen?

Limping, Himari ran downstairs to the grand front doors of the mansion. To her horror, a strange, fleshy matter covered it, rendering it unusable.

Oh my, what is that? It looks disgusting! I must find another way out of here!

"Himari?" Tsukihiko's resonant voice carried into the foyer with ease, indicating that he was near.

He is close! I must hide!

The young woman ran down many hallways until she found what one would presume to be the basem*nt. Upon entering, she was greeted with a foul, putrid odor and dangerously dim lighting.

Oh my, something smells terrible!

Straining her eyes to see in the dark, Himari moved cautiously in her dimly lit surroundings. She glanced around and discovered portraits of a noble family scattered on the floor.

Most of the portraits depicted a middle-aged man with glasses and middle-aged woman with a dragonfly hair pin in her neatly styled hair. A few of the portraits depicted a pale, mysterious young boy with shiny, slicked hair.

The young boy looked familiar, eerily so.

… Is that Tsukihiko-san?

The revolting stench intensified to the point it was unbearable, and it all seemed to emanate from the wine cellar.

Curious, Himari covered her nose and trembled as she went to open the wine cellar's door. A pitch darkness welcomed her but when her eyes adjusted to the dark, she was met with an abhorrently gruesome sight.

A huddle of decomposing corpses filled the space, all of them showing clear signs of violence. Remnants of rotting flesh wedged between pieces of exposed bones elicited an unfathomable stench. Some of the corpses were dressed in either noble or servant livery but one of the corpses had the same dragonfly hair pin as the middle-aged woman in the portraits.

"KIYAHHH!"Horrified, Himari turned to run away but froze when she saw a pair of red, menacing eyes cutting through the darkness.


"I did not anticipate you stumbling across this."

"T-these poor people… Are y-you the one who killed them?"

"What if I am?"

Fear overwhelmed Himari as she stumbled backward, whimpering. Before she could take another step, Tsukihiko grabbed her and slung her over his shoulder. He ascended the stairs to the master bedroom with the young woman kicking and screaming the entire way.

"You murderer! Murderer! Help me! Someone help me, please!HELP ME!"

Once they reached the master bedroom, Tsukihiko threw the young woman on the floor. Himari crawled into a corner and hugged her knees, crying and praying for rescue.

God, please help me! Help me, I beg you! I just want to go home to Father-sama!

"Finally, I do not have to keep up this charade any longer…" Tsukihiko hunched over the dresser, and his pale, white flesh began to swell and bubble like a boiling liquid. His squirming, contorting muscles burst through his attire as they shifted to form a defined, powerful physique.

N-no, no, no… What is happening?

Once the transformation was complete, Tsukihiko turned to Himari with a face that looked like a frightening version of the man she once knew, as if she was seeing him in a true light. The man now had more angular features, a ghastly, pallid complexion, and sharp eyes that were a deep plum red color with vertical slit pupils, like a feline or reptile.

I do not b-believe what I am s-seeing... This cannot be happening!

Petrified, Himari watched Tsukihiko's nails lengthen and transform into sharp, blue-stained claws right before her eyes.

Tsukihiko walked to Himari in long, slow strides and kneeled to her level. He threaded his long, slender fingers through her raven hair and tucked a lock of it behind her ear.

A tangible sense of terror and dread saturated the air, affecting Himari to the point she was quivering without her knowledge. The heaviness in her chest continued to intensify and threatened to crush her into a fine powder like pestle and mortar. "What are you?" she whispered, frightened out of her wits.

"What do you think I am?"

"I do not know… I do not know w-what to think!"

Tsukihiko touched the trail of blood from Himari's full lips, then licked his bloodied finger clean. His plum red eyes were mocking her, ridiculing her for her obliviousness to what he truly was all along. "I am a demon," he answered.

Upon hearing that, Himari became hollowed. The gold of her bronze-colored eyes lost their light and dimmed into a somber, completely black hue. She donned a dismal, soul-crushed expression as if her soul had frozen over.

Tsukihiko-san is… an oni? I cannot bring myself to believe it. Come to think of it, I never saw him in the day… I never saw him in the day! I do not know how to process this...

The beautiful man Himari fell in love with did not exist; Tsukihiko's charming façade and mask had fallen off, and what was underneath was both terrifying and repugnant. The mere thought of the man she allowed to deflower her being such a foul creature made her want to tear off her flesh.

The creature I saw murder those five men must have been a demon, too...

Memories of all the pleasant times Himari and Tsukihiko shared came to mind, such as when he first came to her aid when she was alone in the streets of Yaegashi, when he took her to that secluded spot on their first night together, and their night at the annual Tsukimi festival. The unwarranted recollection of their intimate moments flashed before Himari's eyes, besetting her with the throes of heartbreak. The vulnerable, arousing images of herself and Tsukihiko entwined in erotic positions caused her to remember his grasping touch, the whispering caress of his cold breath, and the firmness of his muscles against the softness of her skin.

I do not want to believe this. I do not want to believe any of this! No, no, no! I cannot let myself even think—

"It was you," Himari whispered, her eyes widening as she recalled one of her nightmares from the nights before. "You were the black snake that bit me!"

"I was a serpent that bit you? I did no such thing."

"No, no, no, not literally. Many nights ago, I dreamt that I was in my very own garden. It was a beautiful dream until a snake bit my leg. I thought the serpent symbolized my family intruding on my happiness but now I realize that it was you! My dream was warning me about you!"

"Well, you did not heed your dream." Noticing how much she was trembling, Tsukihiko narrowed his eyes and asked, "Himari, are you afraid of me?"

"N-no, I am not…"

"How come?"

"I am not afraid of demons; humans are far more frightening."

"Is that why you are trembling?"

Inconsolable, Himari shook her head and reeled back and forth in denial as she wept. "You are not the reason why I am trembling. I am trembling in anger, not fear, because I allowed myself to be fooled by you! I fell in love with a version of you that I made up in my head! I thought you were beautiful, something else! Traitor!"

I thought he loved me.

The flames of the fireplace licked the logs within it, crackling and emanating a golden-orange glow.

Once Himari's bawling fell to a whimper, she gathered the courage to speak. "I am beginning to think that the w-way we first met was not a coincidence… So, why did you choose me?"

Tsukihiko gave Himari a blank, vacant stare. "Do you truly wish to know the answer to that question?"

"Yes, I do..."

"I approached you because I was intrigued, nothing more," he responded. "I thought you were suitable to become either a meal or my personal 'pet,' but I soon realized there was more to you than just that. Your knowledge of medicine and botany is essential, and you will soon play a vital role in helping me fulfill my dream. Now let me see your leg injuries."

Reluctant, Himari revealed the scratches on her leg that he caused to him.

"They are not too deep. Is it painful for you to move your leg?"

"No… It is not."

Tsukihiko turned and walked away to gather supplies to treat her wounds.

As Himari watched him, she realized that even though it pained her to admit it, she still loved him and found him to be beautiful. It was too difficult for her to separate Tsukihiko, the lie, with the true demon in front of her and it did not help that his hands were too soft and gentle to be the same hands that slaughtered people with ease.

It does not matter if his hands are soft or if his face is beautiful, he is still a foul beast that murders people! A demon, an oni! I need to find a way to get out of here!

Himari glanced around the bedroom for a way to escape. Her eyes landed on a nearby end table with a lamp on it.

Yatta! I could use that lamp as a weapon to buy myself enough time to escape. Now I just need to keep him distracted…

Women are weaker than men. That is our unfortunate reality. Since the beginning of time, women have been the weaker helpmates of our stronger male counterparts, but everything changed for the better when we learned to use our beauty to our advantage. Our innate softness draws everything to us, and the ones who swear to hate us desire us the most.

In a sense, the way of being a woman is to look as beautiful and innocent as a flower but to be the serpent underneath it.

Himari held her breath as she moved closer to the end table. She crept to the end table without so much as a sound but stopped when Tsukihiko turned around.

Tsukihiko kneeled in front of her and began caring for her superficial wounds. He dabbed a cotton-ball dipped in antiseptic over her cuts and scrapes.

Himari tightly shut her eyes and turned her head the other way, wincing at the stinging sensation. "T-thank you for this…"


The young woman took a deep breath, gathering enough courage to attempt to make conversation once more. "What is y-your dream, Tsukihiko-san?" she inquired in an unsteady, wavering voice.

"It is none of your concern yet," Tsukihiko replied with a tincture of sharpness edging his voice.

"Oh… Tsukihiko-san, I want to talk about the reason why you hit me. I thought you vowed to protect and never hurt me, is that not what you promised?"

"I am not fond of hitting the women I am attracted to, but you were being difficult and unruly."

"Is that all you have to say? That does not sound like an apology."

"Why should I apologize to you?"

"Seriously, Tsukihiko-san? You hit me and now think you have nothing to apologize for? I did not expect you to be anything like this. How disappointing…"

Tsukihiko's face revealed the slightest bit of aggravation and gave Himari the impression that he took offense to what she said. "I admit that I should not have raised my hand to you. That is all."

"Fine, I accept your so-called 'apology'," Himari sulked, pouting. She observed Tsukihiko quietly for a brief moment as he adeptly wrapped a bandage around her injured leg. "I cannot help but wonder, Tsukihiko-san, did you ever have genuine feelings for me?"

"My perception of love is vastly different from yours," Tsukihiko answered with no tone to decipher how he truly felt.

"Just how different?"


"I ask because I want to know if there is still a chance for us to be together," Himari whispered. Her nose did not wiggle or twitch because deep down, there was still a part of her that wanted to be with him, even if he was a malevolent beast that harmed her physically and emotionally.

His abuse is no different than what my family have already done to me.

"I still want to be your wife, Tsukihiko-san."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yes, yes, yes! You are the man I allowed to deflower me, so we must wed. There is nothing a young woman like me wants more than a husband even if he is not human."

Tsukihiko made an amused chuckle as he finished tending to her leg. "There we are."

Himari raised and flexed her injured leg, ensuring that it did not cause her too much pain to move. "Oh my! Arigatō!"

✧TRANSLATION: Himari raised and flexed her injured leg, ensuring that it did not cause her too much pain to move. "Oh my! Thank you!"

Tsukihiko did not respond and only stared at Himari blankly in a cold, inexplainable manner. It frightened her because the man's gaze was reminiscent of how a predator stares down at its prey before it strikes.

I am not prey.

At that moment, Himari experienced a newfound, unprecedented surge of aggression; an intense urge to engage in combat and fight for her own survival. Her heart raced with an unwavering desire to inflict harm upon the very man who had betrayed her heart and shattered her trust. Concealed by her raven hair, an ugly, sinister grin formed upon her lips as she softly cooed, "Oh, by the way, Tsukihiko-san?"

"Yes, Himari?"

"There is one thing that I have been wanting to tell you."

"What is it?"

"The thing that I have been wanting to tell you is…Eat sh*t!" Himari did not hesitate for a second as she took hold of the table lamp and struck Tsukihiko across the face. Ignoring the aching, excruciating pain that shot through her body, she quickly got up from the floor and made a dash for the door, her raven hair and tulle dress trailing behind her.

Almost there! I am close! I can make it!

Himari was just about to descend the staircase when the sleeve of her robe became caught on the doorknob in the middle of her sprint. The sheer fabric ripped as Himari was jerked back, causing her to lose her footing and miss a single step. "Oh, no, no, no!Oh my God!"


A loud thud that shook the entire manor was heard, accompanied by a shrill howl of pain.

"HIMAWARI!" a thunderous voice bellowed. "Himawari, you putrid little bitch! Come here right this instant!"

Himari stopped polishing the fine china and ran to the main staircase area where the voice was heard. There, she saw her father helping a groaning, disheveled Soaku up from the floor. She covered her mouth in immense shock, feeling that everything was her fault.

Soaku was pointing at Himari, all red in the face. "Himawari, you caused this!" she scolded. "You did not clean the staircase properly and left a puddle behind on purpose!"

"A puddle? Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, I—"

"Himari, is that true?" Kihaku interrupted. "Were you the one who cleaned the staircase?"

"Yes, yes, yes, it is true, Father-sama... Gomen'nasai!" Himari bowed deeply to beg for forgiveness, tears welling in her eyes.

✧TRANSLATION: "Yes, yes, yes, it is true, Father-sama... I am sorry!" Himari bowed deeply to beg for forgiveness, tears welling in her eyes.

Kihaku heaved an exasperated sigh and gave his daughter a look of sheer disappointment that made her feel burdensome. For a long while, he avoided Himari's gaze and did not look her way, which made Himari feel even worse.

These feelings were foreign to the young Himari because no one had ever treated her that way but ever since her mother died, nothing made sense. Something told Himari that this was the beginning of her new life in the Katōwamuro manor, and this situation was a preview of how things would be for her.

Oh no, no, no...

"See, Kihaku? I told you that girl had it in for me! I told you she despised me, the devil-spawn! Evil little runt!"

"Now Soaku, you know that is not true. She just made a mistake."

"A mistake? You call this a mistake? Kihaku, I cannot feel my legs or the rest of my body! That blasted, devilish girl tried to kill me!"

"She is not too experienced in cleaning!"

"Is she experienced in anything other than destroying everything?"

"Do not worry, darling, the ambulance is on their way. Hold tight."

"That thing needs to earn her keep if she is to remain under this roof! Kihaku, either you teach her to obey and respect authority or else I will leave her on the steps of an orphanage myself!"

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The next four days were torturous for Himari.

Saori and Yui constantly told Himari that it was her fault that their mother was in the hospital 'fighting for her life' and made certain she would never forget it whether it was by spitting in Himari's food, throwing dirt on her bedsheets, or hitting her.

Himari would rush to tell her father all the awful things that were being done to her, but Kihaku would not listen and would disregard her claims. It was clear that he did not want to spend any time with her, as he would take Saori and Yui out to the movies or the park and they would return with new gifts.

Three days later, Soaku returned from the hospital. Kihaku went away on a business trip, so Himari was left alone with the Katōwamuros.

Sometime during the afternoon, Soaku called Himari into the kitchen.

Himari timidly entered the kitchen and was startled by the sight of her stepmother.

The noblewoman was wearing a metal back brace, so it was difficult for her move. In her hands was a silver flask she once carried around discreetly, now overtly, to down opioid pills whenever she felt the slightest bit of discomfort.

Soaku's face was a pale, drawn mask of hatred: Her stained lips were pressed tightly together in a thin line, and the foundation piled upon her face was caked and full of creases. As she spoke, Himari could smell liquor on her breath. "You think I do not know of your intentions to destroy and besmirch this household? You tried to kill me and now I am in this metal prison all because of you. Like Hell am I going to let you get away with that! It is up to I to discipline you."

Soaku turned on the faucet and let it run until steam appeared, proving the water to be scalding. "Now hold out your arm," she commanded.

Himari obeyed and held out her arm. Soaku took it and forced it underneath the water.

Upon feeling the high temperature, Himari yanked her hand back and screamed.

"No, keep your arm under there!" Soaku yelled.

"But Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, I c-cannot! I cannot do it again!"

"Then let me do it. Give me your arm! Give me your arm, Himawari!"

The noblewoman's rings pressed into Himari's flesh as she grabbed the young girl's arm and held it under the water.


Sheer, agonizing pain.

The young girl screamed in agony as Soaku counted down slowly, cruelly taking her time.

"One… Two… Three... Four…Five!"

As soon as Himari's arm was released, she fell to the floor and curled into a ball. She bawled loudly because it felt as if her hand was still under the faucet. Red, angry marks and blisters began to form all over her hand.

"Do you know why I am doing this?" Soaku's voice resonated from above.

The pain was so unbearably great, Himari could not move her lips to answer and could only whimper.

"Answer me, girl!"

Himari shook her head, sobbing. "No, no, no, I do not know why!"

"I am doing this because there is an evil in you that must be purified and cleansed."

The young girl stared at her stepmother with teary eyes, her young mind unable to comprehend what any of that meant. "An evil in me? I do not understand, stepmother!"

"Do not refer to me as your stepmother, girl. It is Lady Mistress Soaku-sama to you! As if I would allow myself to be a mother to another woman's child, nonsense! I will never be a mother to the likes of you! You are a bad seed, Himawari, I just know it! Underneath that prepossessing exterior, you are evil! Bad girl! Bad girl! Bad girl!"


The way down the stairs was a long, painful ride.

Himari's body slammed against the walls and steps as she hurtled downward, the force of each moment of impact sending a shock of pain. Her neck rolled against the end of every step and her limbs were lacerated and scraped.

A sickening crack resounded through the mansion as soon as her body met with the edge of the stair's landing.

A few moments passed until Himari slowly opened her eyes, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. She intuitively glared down at her leg and gaped at the sight; her leg was twisted in an awkward manner with bone protruding through her skin. The young woman gawked at her leg in a state of nauseous disbelief, the pain suppressed by shock and adrenaline rush.

My... My leg is broken, I can see the bone coming out of it! I do not feel anything even though I know I should! How c-can this be happening?

The slight movement caused Himari to roll off the edge of the stair's landing, sending her tumbling down yet another flight of stairs.

Please, no, no, no!

The pain of this fall was far greater than the last. Himari continued her descent until she landed smack on the unforgiving marble floor, the shattering impact reverberating in her bones.

There, Himari lay motionless in a broken, crumbled heap. Blood pooled around her head like a halo, stark against the white marble flooring. Pain radiated and coursed all throughout her frail, twisted body, and the only sounds present were of her own labored breaths.

I cannot move.

I cannot speak.

What is this liquid warmth I am feeling? Is it blood, my blood?

Himari could feel her vitality drifting and ebbing away.

Am I… Am I going to die here?

I do not want to die. I know I have thought of taking my own life many, many times, but it was just a fleeting thought due to all the pain I have experienced. Prospects change when you are staring death in the eye!

There is so, so, so much I want to do. I want to study at a university in France and become a pharmaceutical botanist just like my mother. I want to concoct cures for the most baffling diseases and win awards for my efforts. I want to fall in love with a man who loves me just as I love him, marry him, then start a family. I want us to watch our children grow up as we grow old until we lay buried beside each other. That is a simple life. I do not even have to have a prosperous career, a husband, or children; I just want to live! Is that too much to ask?

God, Buddha, whoever is in control of all things, I beg of you to please have mercy on me and let me live. I will never consider ending my life prematurely ever again.

Just let me live!

It was not long until Himari heard Tsukihiko's footsteps. Unable to move her twisted neck, she could only move her eyes to look at him as he approached. An unimaginable sense of dread filled Himari to the brim as the man neared.


Tsukihiko looked down upon Himari with great pity and shook his head, expressing nothing but immense disappointment. He appeared unscathed by the lamp being thrown directly at his face mere minutes before. "Now, why did you go and do that? You have broken nearly every bone in your body."

Himari sputtered blood in response.

Ha… It looks like I am dying… It is so very cold.

I am going to die here on this marble floor with only him to witness it.

I was unable to have anything I ever wanted in this life. How sad is that?

I have… so… many… regrets…

"It will not be long before you perish, so here." Tsukihiko knelt down next to the broken young woman who was on the brink of death. Then, he pricked his finger using a sharp, blue-stained claw.

A droplet of blood appeared upon his finger.

Tsukihiko held his finger to Himari's lips, the coldness of his frighteningly inhuman eyes beguiling her to proceed.

Bewildered by the man's actions, Himari stared back at her terrified, distraught reflection within the crimson pearl.

Why would he offer his blood to me? Has he not yet had enough of torturing me?

Before Himari could think another thought, Tsukihiko shoved his finger in her mouth. The metallic, coppery taste of blood overwhelmed all her senses in a split-second.

Suddenly, Himari's body was infused with a surge of vitality akin to a potent narcotic injected directly into her jugular. Her vocal cords that were once silent and welded shut in preparation for eternal slumber were widened, torn, allowing her to unleash an abrupt scream of sheer terror.



Pure, indescribable pain.

The previous moments of a descent into the peaceful nothingness known as death were obliterated by acute, excruciating contractions that racked Himari's broken body."ARGHHH!"

What is this sensation? It feels like I am being ripped in two! W-what is h-happening to me? I do not understand!

Foaming at the mouth, Himari began to spasm and convulse violently. Her broken limbs thrashed and flailed erratically, and she arched her back and folded in on herself like how one would crumble a piece of paper into a ball. Her face was contorted in agony with her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps.

I have never experienced an intense, agonizing anguish like this ever before! It is a kind of pain that I would not wish on anyone!

As Himari endured brutal paroxysms and relentless convulsions, she saw Tsukihiko watching her. The man donned a delicate yet revealing grin, as though he found her suffering entertaining.

Amused at her pain.

Amused at her terror.

Amused at her torment.

Tsukihiko-san, how could you? Save me… Someone, p-please save me. God, Buddha, save me! Please, s-someone, anyone… HELP ME!

As Himari's strength waned, a cloak of enervation blanketed her. Her breaths became shallow, and her pulse gradually faded away into nothing. The last thing she saw was Tsukihiko's pale, white face before it vanished into the void, consumed by an impenetrable darkness.

*ೃ༄OUTRO .ೃ࿐

𓆩♡𓆪 HYDRA - MYTH & ROID 𓆩♡𓆪

破滅さえ 厭わないで
ねえ まだこの手に残る欠片だって
何もかも 失くしても
捧げるものが 在るの
未来だって 命でさえ
焼け尽きた感情も 不毛な祈りも
縋る無様も 貢ぐ愚かも
病んだ声も 穢れた両手も

𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳

時間がまだ 在るのなら
無意味だって 無駄だっていい
積み上げた日々が 無残に散っても
想いが呪いに 変わったとしても
報いも無く 徒労に終わってもいい
暗く陰った この道の先では
どんな光も やがて潰えるでしょう
希望待つように 生きるより
尽くしきるの 今を
焼け尽きた感情も 不毛な祈りも
縋る無様も 貢ぐ愚かも
何もかもが どうなってもいい
全て貴方に 捧げよう

𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘧 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳

Chapter 5: Act V

Chapter Text


🌻 Hello, everyone! Long time, no see! 🌻

Before we get into it, I’d like to give a special shout out to one of my most loyal fans since I started writing in 2020: Creative! It’s his birthday today, November 22! 🥳 🎉 Have a great birthday and a happy Thanksgiving, Creative! 🦃🍽

━━・❪ ・━━

Now, let’s talk. I feel extremely vocal. It seems like every (FanFiction) writer has this cringe Author’s Notes thing every once in a while, so here’s mine:

We did it. We have made it to the fifth installment, and we only have two more installments left… YAY!

Tensions are rising, hearts are breaking, eyes are stinging with tears. Our little protagonist will soon meet her end, for better or for worse? Stay tuned…

1. QUESTION: When is the next update?

ANSWER: In a perfect world, I would say in December because I enjoy updating monthly but in all honesty, the prospects of a December release is looking super low… Eh, early January. I’ll probably write something pertaining to my progress on Wattpad.

2. QUESTION: How do you have the time to write this much in so little time? (Assuming that 30k+ words in just over a month is a lot, of course.)

ANSWER: I don’t! That is why I’m typing this up at 2AM, surviving on the 4 hours of sleep I managed the night before. I live on Monster’s Java Mean Bean and Loca Moca. Sleep deprivation has its perks; I don’t have to apply mascara to get the ‘smokey bedroom eyes’ look. Take that!

3. QUESTION: Will the original ELR be reuploaded?

ANSWER: Yeah, about that… You see, I was having a huge breakdown about not having the original files of my older more-sh*ttier work until I saw that AO3 sends a downloadable file of your story to your email when you delete them! Hurray! That said, I will probably post them on AO3 in one huge story, turn off comments, and leave a cutesy note at the bottom that says something along the lines of, “As a writer, you have to start from somewhere.”

4. QUESTION: p*rn? Ships? Smuts?

ANSWER: Yes! No? Yes! After finishing Volume One, I plan to make reader requested one-shots! I have never done the whole ‘Y/N’ thing but I’ll definitely need a break after this. As for the p*rn, I’ll happily write girl-on-girl/three-girls-one-guy types of things. (Side note: I can’t write p*rn for things I myself am I not attracted to, so I can’t suffice every kink. I love women, take from that what you will ❤️)

━━・❪ ・━━

Anyway, enjoy the fifth installment of ELR! Please feel free to give me commentary, criticism, and suggestions.

🌸 As always, thank you for reading! 🌸

It is the Kakusei era, year 3XXX.

The world has undergone a drastic change due to the series of global conflict, ecological disasters, and the advancement of technology. Modern civilization had long collapsed and the merging of countries, increase in oligarchs and totalitarian regimes, corruption, and warfare was rampant.

Left alone, uninterrupted, without pause, was a world unbeknownst to those fortunate; a world filled with demons and those who slay them.

* "Dialogue."
*'Telepathic dialogue.'
*"Past conversation."

┍━ 【❀】 ━┑




Emiso Aveline, a nineteen-year-old woman of French and Japanese descent, faced adversity from a young age. With her father’s passing and her mother’s chronic illness, she became the family’s primary breadwinner. Since the age of fifteen, she worked as a maid, striving to earn enough to cover her mother's medical expenses and ensure the woman received the care she needed.

One day, Emiso secured a position at a small maid service company that had contracts of different durations to cater to wealthy clients. The head of the service company, Moe Akasofu, was an austere woman with a sharp visage to match.

Moe supervised all the maids of the company and was strict, but once one got to know her, she was very kind. Over time, she developed a fondness for Emiso and appointed her as her assistant, which entailed accompanying her on contracted services.

Emiso shadowed Moe and gradually mastered the art of being an exceptional maid as the two worked harmoniously together. To Emiso, Moe became the mother she had always longed for, and she held dear and carried with her the words of wisdom Moe had once shared with her.

“Emiso, pay attention and listen closely,” Moe exhorted on the day she appointed Emiso as her assistant. “There have been instances of maids suffering abuse, assault, rape, and even murder while on duty. It is a shame, a complete disgrace! This world is unfriendly to women, especially ones like us, so life will undoubtedly be tough. However, I have vowed to myself that no girl under my care will suffer such atrocities. Stay by my side, follow my lead, and you will be safe.”

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

It had been a few days since Moe and Emiso arrived at the Katōwamuro manor. The two maids resided in the elegantly renovated basem*nt, which was the most luxurious living space Emiso, a girl of modest means, had ever encountered.

The Katōwamuro family represented the typical affluent household in the upper-class Yaegashi district of Ni-Kunoe.

Soaku, the matriarch of the household, was a stout woman who always sported a smug expression, except when she was displeased. Though she initially appeared brusque, Emiso soon discovered her kindness. Whenever Soaku sent Emiso to the marketplace, the noblewoman ensured that she was chauffeured there by the family’s driver, Alde, and provided Emiso with ample money to purchase everything on the list and whatever the young maid desired for herself.

Saori, the oldest daughter, was a sight to behold. She was among the most stunning young women Emiso had ever encountered. Saori seldom ventured beyond her bedroom, but Emiso caught a fleeting glimpse of her expectant belly showing through her dress once.

Yui, the youngest daughter, was a beautiful young girl who resembled a delicate porcelain doll displayed on a shelf. She always styled her vibrant fuchsia hair in tall, curly pigtails and adorned herself in the most feminine dresses of the latest Lolita fashion. She had a playful nature, often interrupting Emiso’s work to entice her into playing games. Together, they enjoyed games such as tic-tac-toe, rock-paper-scissors, and simply frolicking around the garden.

Emiso had become familiar with Fuwapo, a charming and energetic dog adorned in pink attire. Wherever she went, the dog would faithfully trail behind her, eagerly seeking food in the kitchen by whimpering and nudging her feet with its paws.

Throughout the day, Emiso diligently completed her assigned tasks with cheer, but her true joy lay in caring for the Katōwamuro garden. The garden, boasting rows of flowers and herbs, and a central stone fountain depicting cherubs pouring water into the mouths of koi fish, exuded exquisite beauty.

One day, Emiso was tasked with tidying up the primary study, where Kihaku Maeda-Katōwamuro dwelled. Since the man had not emerged from the room since being excused from the dining table nights before, no one had seen him, leaving Emiso unsure of what to anticipate.

Armed with a broom, sponge, and a bucket brimming with warm, soapy water, Emiso summoned the courage to knock on Kihaku’s door. The door was ajar, so it swung wide when she knocked.

Upon entering his study, she was met with a pungent smell from the plates of spoiled food and the lingering scent of acrylic paints. Kihaku was absent from his study, leaving Emiso to confront the subject of his fixation and obsession.

The study was filled with exquisite paintings created by a talented hand, the furniture pushed against the walls to create space. Intrigued, Emiso approached one of the easels to examine the artwork more closely.

Each painting featured a captivating young woman as its focal point, her beauty accentuated by long, dark hair and luminous coppery eyes. Whether depicted in a state of undress or elegantly clothed, the young woman exuded an alluring presence in every scene amidst a backdrop of flowers.

Très jolie!

When Emiso turned around, she saw Kihaku standing in the doorway, watching her. She could not find the words to say and stood there, shaking like a leaf in the wind, until he spoke.

Upon turning around, Emiso caught sight of Kihaku standing in the doorway, observing her. She struggled to articulate a response and remained frozen in place, trembling like a leaf in the wind, until he broke the silence.

“Parles-tu français?” Kihaku asked.

✧TRANSLATION: “Do you speak French?” Kihaku asked.

“Oui!” Emiso answered with a fervent nod.

✧TRANSLATION: “Yes!” Emiso answered with a fervent nod.

“Voici Himari, ma fille,” Kihaku clarified, his voice trailing. “Elle avait ton âge quand elle... quand elle...”

✧TRANSLATION: “This is Himari, my daughter,” Kihaku clarified, his voice trailing. “She was your age when she... when she...”

With a heavy heart and eyes filled with a deep shade of sorrowful bronze, the man came to a stop. His gaze met Emiso’s, and in that moment, without uttering a single word, he conveyed the devastating news of his daughter’s death.

The weight of his loss was palpable in the air.

“Je suis désolé pour votre perte, Monsieur... Je peux revenir plus tard.”

✧TRANSLATION: “I am sorry for your loss, Sir... I can return later.

“Non, reste,” Kihaku insisted. “Restez ici et continuez votre travail. Je ne vais pas te déranger.”

✧TRANSLATION: “No, stay,” Kihaku insisted. “Stay here and continue your work. I will not disturb you.”

“D’accord.” Emiso initiated her cleaning routine by first focusing on the desk, removing the books and documents from it.

✧TRANSLATION: “Okay.” Emiso initiated her cleaning routine by first focusing on the desk, removing the books and documents from it.

Kihaku proceeded to take a seat at his desk, silently observing Emiso as she went about her cleaning tasks.


Soaku sat on a stool at the kitchen island, enjoying her morning tea while perusing the newspaper. Emiso flitted around, attending to the manor as she hummed to herself, while Moe was out running errands.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Soaku glanced up from her newspaper, wondering who could be at the door at this early hour.

I do not recall inviting anyone...

Emiso paused her dusting of the cabinets and hurried to open the door, bowing respectfully when she saw the visitor. “Bonjour! A visitor, Ma Maîtresse!”

✧TRANSLATION: Emiso paused her dusting of the cabinets and hurried to open the door, bowing respectfully when she saw the visitor. “Hello! A visitor, My Mistress!”

The visitor who arrived was none other than the elegant Yonaka Ootani, who was dressed in a stunning and fashionable lilac blazer dress. “Soaku!” she exclaimed, approaching Soaku and spreading her arms wide as she drew Soaku into a warm hug. “It has been ages!”

“Yes, it has been too long, Yonaka!”

Norio, Yonaka’s husband, followed closely behind her and exchanged a nod with Soaku by way of greeting.

“We apologize for not staying in contact for the last few months!”

“Ah, there is no need to worry, Yonaka! Everyone has their own things to deal with in their lives. Please, take a seat. Our sweet maid, Emiso, is already preparing some tea for us.”

Soaku sat with the Ootanis in the main living room, where they were served black tea without delay. While enjoying their hot beverages, Yonaka could not help but fixate on the grand painting displayed above the fireplace. The painting was one of Kihaku’s works and was a painting of his late daughter, Himari. Soaku objected and expressed her disapproval of having such artwork displayed in the main living room, but Kihaku refused to budge.

“Oh, I just love what you have done with the place!” Yonaka exclaimed. “That painting is just lovely. Wondrous, breathtaking, delightful!”

“Thank you, Yonaka. My husband, Kihaku, painted it. A man of many talents, he is.”

Ba-ha! The only thing Kihaku is talented at is being absolutely worthless!

As Yonaka began to ramble on about random topics in an attempt to initiate a conversation, Soaku could not help but feel anxious and disheartened as she listened to her speak.

Damn it all... I must inform the Ootanis that Saori is unable to wed their youngest son due to her pregnancy.

Unable to endure it any longer, Soaku took a deep breath, knowing she had no alternative but to reveal the truth to Yonaka. “Yonaka, there is something I must confess,” she began, her voice catching in her throat. “There has—”

“Please, refrain from continuing, Soaku!” Yonaka interjected, jumping up from the sofa. “Before you continue, there is something I and Norio must get off our chests! As much as we want our little Kame to marry your darling Saori, I am afraid the wedding must be called off!”

Upon hearing that, Soaku’s eyes bulged out of their sockets as she exclaimed, “EHHH?”

“Yes, it is horrible, I know!” Yonaka sobbed with tears in her dark, beady eyes. “How unfortunately awful! Devastating, traumatic, catastrophic!”

Soaku wore a mask of feigned surprise and concern, but inwardly, she felt a wave of relief and jubilation. “Oh, my goodness! That is awful, Yonaka! May I ask what caused this to happen?” she asked, her voice carrying a hint of relief.

The wedding has been canceled! I do not need to confess anything! It seems like luck is still on my side!

“Well, upon learning of the sudden passing of your beloved stepdaughter, we understood the need to carefully consider the situation. Knowing the close bond between Saori and her, we can only imagine the immense grief Saori must be experiencing! It is clear to us that Saori is still in mourning, and therefore, we believe that proceeding with the wedding would not be appropriate at this time. We sincerely hope that you understand.”

Soaku sensed that Yonaka’s explanation was illogical and felt that something was amiss, but she chose not to press it any further as the result was in her favor. “Oh, my goodness! Yes, unfortunately, Saori is still mourning her stepsister. We appreciate your understanding of Saori's situation—”

The folds on Norio’s aging face creased and contorted with anger as he exclaimed abruptly, “What a nonsensical lie! Kame fooled around and impregnated a girl, a disadvantaged girl, no less. Now an illegitimate child will lay claim to our riches. That is the real reason we cancelled the wedding.”


Yonaka angrily stomped her heels on the polished hardwood floor, fuming. “Norio, I thought we agreed not to speak the truth!”

Instead of responding to his wife, Nori got up from the chair and left the manor without a word.

Yonaka turned and looked at Soaku sorrowfully, visibly embarrassed. “Pardon me, but it is late. We must get going now.”

“It is getting rather late, I suppose,” Soaku said, her the mask of her face feigning sincerity and hiding her inward sneer. “I thank you for coming by.”

“Soaku, I would like to express my apologies for Norio’s conduct. This is not typical of him, and I am sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused...”

“Oh, there is no need to apologize, Yonaka! You and I know how our men are.”

“Soaku,” Yonaka said softly, drawing closer to her. “I was wondering if you could keep what happened here a secret?”

“Of course, Yonaka. We are close friends, are we not? Friends keep each other’s secrets.”

“We will be in touch.” With that, Yonaka, feeling defeated and embarrassed, left the Katōwamuro manor. The chauffeur courteously opened the door of the lavish vehicle, allowing her to step inside before it swiftly departed.

After the Ootanis departed from the estate, Soaku could not contain her excitement and let out a delighted squeal. She joyfully danced around, thrilled that the wedding was going to be called off. Immersed in her eagerness, she rushed into her husband’s study and entered without bothering to knock. “Kihaku, you are not going to believe what just happened with the Ootanis!”

Kihaku sat at his desk, his head resting on the table. His eyes, completely glazed over, appeared vacant and unfocused, while a plate of stale toast was placed beside him, covered in mold.

“Kihaku, did you hear what I said?” Soaku inquired angrily.

Kihaku made a quiet mumbling noise in response.

“The Ootanis cancelled the wedding because their son fooled around and got a girl pregnant,” Soaku divulged with much less enthusiasm. “Kihaku, if you had not pieced the puzzle together, Saori is pregnant. I dreaded to break the news to the Ootanis, but fortunately, they are currently dealing with their own family issues.”


"I suppose it is time for me to leave..." Soaku felt nothing but pity for her husband as she turned and left, leaving him isolated in his study. As she made her way down the hallway, an idea struck her.

I know how to cheer him up!

The noblewoman hurried to the telephone and dialed her father’s number. Her call was answered promptly.

“Ah, if it is not my darling daughter, Soaku!” the older man greeted. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Hello, Father. I am calling not only because I missed your voice but because I need you to do me a favor...”


Saori sat in a chair near her window, gazing at the sky. The sun had just set, painting the sky with a breathtaking orange and pink hue. However, despite the beauty of the sky, her heart still ached with longing.

I had no interest in nature until Ikuo took me to witness the sunset. That moment we shared changed me, and I will never forget it.

Oh, Ikuo, how I wish you were here with me, yet you must stay far away from here. I do not know how much I can protect you...

Suddenly, Saori caught sight and heard an object hit the window.

What was that?

Curious, she decided to unlatch the window and cast her gaze downward, only to witness Ikuo scaling the lattice entwined with vines, making his way towards her balcony.

“Saori!” Ikuo shouted. “Hurry, Saori! Help me up!”

Saori swiftly unlatched the window and leaned over the balcony with an extended hand to help Ikuo ascend the rest of the way. The young man skillfully scaled the remaining distance and maneuvered himself onto her balcony.

Ikuo entered Saori’s bedroom, showering her with kisses. “Hey, what has been going on with you, Saori? I tried calling a few times, but no one ever picked up! And I saw you at that restaurant a while back. What happened? I know you heard me call your name.”

Holding back tears, Saori averted her gaze from his perplexed face. After taking a deep breath, she mustered the courage to say, “Ikuo, we cannot do this anymore.”

Ikuo gaped at her in astonishment and moved closer, displaying clear befuddlement. “Saori, what are you saying? What do you mean we cannot do this anymore?”

“I mean that we cannot see each other any longer.”


“Ikuo, my mother has discovered our relationship. She now knows about us.”

“What? How did she find out?”

“It does not matter. My mother forbade me from ever seeing you again.”

And she vowed to take your life.

To Saori’s dismay, Ikuo responded by throwing his head back and bursting into laughter. He casually sat down on her bed, putting his feet on her blankets, and nonchalantly remarked, “So, what is the big deal? Am I supposed to be scared or something?”

“You should be!” Saori warned earnestly. “My mother... My mother is connected to a lot of people, violent ones.”

“Well, I am not scared in the slightest because my parents are connected to a lot of violent people as well!”

“You are not taking this seriously, Ikuo, and I do not like it...”

“Relax, Saori!” Ikuo said. “f*ck your mother and what she thinks! We knew something like this would happen, which is why we planned our escape in advance.”

Saori turned away from him, unable to meet his gaze. “Ikuo, I do not want to leave.”

“Huh? But we must leave, Saori. If we cannot be together here in Yaegashi, then that leaves us no choice but to leave. We must—”

“Yes, I know we planned to leave if something like this ever happened, but I am not interested in doing that anymore. There is too much at stake.”

"I am aware that we had previously agreed to depart if something like this ever happened, but I refuse to follow through with it. There is too much at stake if I leave.”

“Is this about your mother?” Ikuo questioned.

“No, why would it be? Why would you say such a thing? Do not criticize me for choosing the best outcome for myself, Ikuo!”

“Why do you care so much about what your mother thinks?” 

“Because I love my mother!” Saori retorted, her voice raising as she lied to Ikuo. “I owe everything to my mother because she is the reason behind who I am today. I am eternally grateful to her!”

“Really? Is that what you think, Saori? You sound crazy!”

I know I sound crazy.

Saori’s voice trembled with anguish as she softly uttered, "Ikuo, I implore you to depart."

“Leave? Are you seriously kicking me out, Saori?”

Saori emphatically confirmed her stance, stating, “Yes, I am. Get out, Ikuo. Get out of my bedroom and do not come back!” In an act of frustration, Saori threw a pillow towards Ikuo while simultaneously striking his robust chest. However, he swiftly intervened, gripping her shoulders to halt her actions.

Ikuo held the young woman tightly, brushing his lips against hers and cherishing the sensation. He then questioned her, “What has gotten into you, Saori?”

I am trying to save you. I am trying to save your life, but you are making this harder than it needs to be, Ikuo.

“Ikuo…” Saori said breathily, turning her face away from his. “Stop this. Our relationship cannot continue.”

“Saori, are you breaking up with me?”

“I do not know, Ikuo. I have a lot going on right now…”

Ikuo stepped back, wearing a pained expression. “Well, I do not want to be with a woman who is uncertain if she wants to be with me!” he shouted.

“Then go! Just go!”

Saori’s mind was filled with a plethora of thoughts about what she should say. She longed to express that the unkind words she had spoken were not what she truly felt, that she still loved him and desired nothing more than to be with him, and that she was carrying their child, prompting her to propose that they elope together.

“Ikuo!” Saori cried out.

Ikuo turned to look back at her, his gaze lingering on her sorrowful yet beautiful face.

“I am— Never mind.”

“Goodbye, Saori.”

“… Goodbye, Ikuo.”

With a broken heart, Ikuo turned and left Saori’s bedroom through her balcony window, leaving the young woman to confront her thoughts in solitude.

As Saori gazed out of the window, she observed Ikuo descending the vine-covered lattice steadily, with the sky growing dimmer as the sun vanished. A profound sorrow engulfed her heart as she realized that she would never lay eyes on her beloved again.

I will love you forever, Ikuo Watomi.


Kihaku and Soaku were seated opposite Soaku’s father at the dining table of his luxurious estate. They sipped on wine as they anticipated the serving of their meal, which featured roasted duck as the entrée. The rich, savory aroma of the roasted duck drifted from the kitchen and wafted around the dining room, making Soaku’s stomach growl in anticipation.

Soaku’s father, a man of few words, finally broke the silence with a toast. He raised his glass of wine and said, “To Kihaku, my dear son-in-law! I thank you for coming at such a short notice.”

As the glasses clinked together, Kihaku mustered a hesitant smile. A feeling of unease washed over him, leaving him uncertain about the true purpose behind their spontaneous dinner.

“Apologies, Otousan-sama, but may I inquire about the underlying purpose of this dinner?” Kihaku inquired. “I highly doubt that you invited Soaku and I to engage in casual conversation and discuss the weather.”

“Oh, Kihaku!” Soaku groaned in exasperation.

Soaku’s father motioned for her to calm down with a raised hand. “Now, now, Soaku, relax. Kihaku, you are correct; I did not summon both of you just for a casual visit. I brought you here for a proposition.”

“A proposition?”

“Kio!” Soaku’s father called out.

That was when a maid entered the dining room and placed some documents in front of Kihaku before promptly departing.

“Young man, take a look at those papers.”

As Kihau skimmed and glanced over the papers, his eyes widened in realization of their significance. “Are these the official documents for the ownership of Katōwamuro Enterprises?”

“Yes, they are,” Soaku’s father confirmed, nodding.

“Why? Why have you shown them to me?”

“I think it is time for the Katōwamuro clan's primary business to be led by someone new, and that someone is you. Thus, I give the responsibility of running the family business to you, Kihaku.”

The words that Kihaku had yearned to hear for more than a decade were finally spoken, but they seemed surreal. Kihaku was left in a state of shock, unsure of how to reply or react. He remained seated, resembling a deer caught in the glare of headlights. “Uh...”

Soaku’s father retrieved a pen from his breast pocket and passed it to Kihaku. Pointing at the line for the signature, he said, “Katōwamuro Enterprises will be yours once you sign right here. So, what is your response? Are you up to the task, my son?”

“Of course, Father, Kihaku is more than capable!” Soaku chuckled, discreetly patting Kihaku’s leg beneath the table. “My husband is skilled enough to handle any challenge. He can handle anything.”

The dining room was filled with an uncomfortable silence until the arrival of the maid carrying a tray of dinner plates. She placed the plates in front of the master of the house and the two guests before quietly exiting the room.

Yet the silence ensued.

After a considerable amount of time enduring an uncomfortable silence, Kihaku provided his response. “I do not want it,” he stated.

Soaku’s father arched his thick brows with a befuddled expression on his aged, wrinkly face. “Young man, I beg your pardon?”

Soaku’s face turned crimson with a mixture of shock and embarrassment, as her mind raced to find a solution to rectify her husband’s actions and prevent a potential disaster. “Father, please disregard his words!” she interjected, laughing sheepishly. “What Kihaku is actually trying to say is—”

Kihaku sharply retorted, “I am capable of speaking on my own, Soaku!”

In a low and strained voice, Soaku growled, “Kihaku.” The noblewoman spoke through clenched teeth, her tone dropping to its lowest possible level. “You are ruining things.”

“Kihaku, is my business not what you wanted since the very beginning?” Soaku’s father inquired.

“Indeed, it was, greedily so,” Kihaku admitted, his voice wavering with every word. “I allowed my avarice and desire for power to consume me, distracting my attention from the one thing that held true importance...”

Soaku slammed her hands on the dining table and shouted, “Kihaku, I implore you to refrain from uttering another word!”

“Shut the hell up, woman!” Kihaku bellowed at his wife with an unprecedented intensity. “Forgive my tone but this is not about you! This is my cross to bear, I and I alone!”

Frazzled, Soaku was shocked by Kihaku’s outburst and instinctively covered her open mouth in embarrassment. She glanced at her father, but the older man’s pale green eyes were solely fixed on Kihaku.

“Otousan-sama, I must tell you the truth,” Kihaku continued at a reasonable volume, meeting his father-in-law’s gaze. “I neglected my own daughter, Himari, and she paid the ultimate price. This alone shows that I am unfit to inherit your business, and I refuse to do so. I am tired of the relentless pursuit of wealth. I have decided to move on from my career because I believe there is more to life than just money. I never wanted to be a corporate financial advisor; painting has always been my true passion!”


With that, Kihaku grabbed a fork and voraciously consumed his meal, tearing apart the succulent, juicy meat and crispy skin of the roasted duck.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Soaku sat upright on the bed, arms crossed, patiently waiting for Kihaku to return to the bedroom. After a few minutes, Kihaku emerged from the bath and joined Soaku in bed, resting beside her.

“I am not happy,” Soaku said abruptly, hoping to capture her husband’s attention.

Kihaku offered no response, simply switched off his bedside lamp, and rolled onto his side to drift off to sleep.

Soaku scowled as she reached over Kihaku and switched on his bedside lamp. “I am not happy with you, Kihaku.”

“When are you ever happy?” Kihaku mumbled, his face pressed against the pillows.

“I want a divorce!”

“Were we ever truly married, anyway? Turn off your lamp, Soaku.”

“You can turn it off yourself because I am not sleeping beside you anymore. I will be in my boudoir until you leave the manor.”

“You wish for me to leave the manor? Are you joking?”

Fuming, Soaku rose from the bed and walked to the door. Pausing in the doorway before slamming it closed, she declared, “I am serious, Kihaku. Our relationship is finished!”



The next morning, Kihaku woke up when it was still rather dark outside. He showered and dressed himself quietly to not disturb anyone, then packed a few suitcases. He went to the garage and placed them in the trunk of his vehicle, then drove out to leave.

To his surprise and despite his efforts of discreetness, Soaku was standing at the front steps of the manor in a nightgown and slippers. She signaled for Kihaku to roll down his window and asked, “Where are you going this early?”

“I thought you wanted me to leave,” Kihaku responded.

“I did want you to leave, but not in this manner!” Soaku groaned. “How can I possibly find the words to explain your absence to the girls? I was extremely upset and crossed with you after last night. Remember that you intentionally humiliated me in front of my father, Kihaku!”

“I am going to stay in a hotel in Asakusa to clear my mind,” Kihaku confessed.

“How long will you be gone?”

“Not for too long, just a couple days.”

“Okay,” Soaku said, stepping away from the vehicle. “I will be here waiting for you... I love you.”

Upon hearing those words, Kihaku was struck motionless. It was not fear or confusion that immobilized him, but sheer disbelief.

Neither he nor Soaku had ever expressed their love for one another. Their union was not built on love, but on a shared desire for material gain. They existed as parasitic leeches, moving through life together, unfulfilled by the privileges and prestige they enjoyed. Their selfishness consumed them, even if it meant their own destruction. Yet, through all their flaws, Kihaku and Soaku managed to learn to ‘love’ each other, allowing their marriage to endure all these years.

Without the ability to find the appropriate words to reply, Kihaku departed hastily and drove off.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Prior to driving to Asakusa, Kihaku contacted his friend Jiro Adachi to arrange a meeting, and they agreed to meet at a bar. They settled on a cozy izakaya tucked away in a narrow alley of Yaegashi, where they could catch up over food and beverages.

Kihaku and Jiro were seated at a low table on tatami mats, engrossed in conversation. Attractive waitresses served them multiple rounds of sake and delectable platters of yakitori. The two men conversed about a range of topics including the weather, politics, sports, and business until Kihaku broached his real concern.

Being a lightweight and having no interest in alcohol, Kihaku was still sipping his first cup of sake and remained sober. “Jiro, I need your advice on something,” he mentioned.

After consuming an excessive amount of sake, Jiro could not control his hiccups. “Of course, Kihaku!” he exclaimed. “Ask away!”

“My wife, Soaku... She told me that she loved me.”

Eh? Is that it?”


“And you have a problem with that?”

“Yes, I do have a problem with that. That is why I decided that we should meet. That woman is not capable of loving anyone other than herself!”

Jiro released a soft laugh before swiftly downing another cup of sake.

“What? What is so funny?”

“I think you are going too hard on your wife, Kihaku.”

“You think that I am going too hard on my wife? Jiro, you have met the woman, right? Soaku was being docile and submissive the night you visited!”

“So, what if she is a little rough around the edges? She is only a product of her environment.”

“A product of her environment? What do you mean, Jiro?”

Jiro gazed at Kihaku with a serious expression and remarked, “Unlike us, women are adaptable creatures. They effortlessly move with the flow of water and blend in with their surroundings. Think of it like moving at the rate of traffic. Women also possess a sixth sense, foreseeing storms and tsunamis before they strike.”

Jiro is not making any sense. Perhaps he has drank too much rice wine!

“So, how does all of that relate to the idea that Soaku is a product of her environment?”

“Kihaku, do you recall what I said about women moving at the rate of traffic?”

“Yes, Jiro.”

“Do you know who made that road?”

Kihaku took a moment to pause before giving his answer. “... Blue-collar workers?”

“No! Well, yes, but what I was hoping to hear you say is that we, men, are the ones who built that road.”

“Oh? All right...”

“Women in charge is something unnatural,” Jiro continued, his cheeks tinged red with inebriation. “You know what my father used to say to me? He said, ‘Jiro, do not trust a creature that can bleed for seven days straight and does not die.’ Anyway, Soaku’s behavior is not a result of her lack of understanding of femininity, but rather a reflection of your inability to embody true masculinity.”

“… What?”

“I am suggesting that you, Kihaku, are not behaving like a man, so your woman is doing so in your place! Why are you escaping from your own home to stay in a hotel and survive on packaged ramen? This is the reason for your current predicament! Kihaku, it is imperative that you return to the manor and assert your dominance over that woman!”

“How do you expect me to do that, Jiro? Soaku does not respect me in the slightest, and it does not help that I am afraid of her!”

After releasing a lengthy belch that caused the table to tremble, Jiro forcefully pounded his fist on the surface. “You admit that you are afraid of Soaku, your own wife?” he exclaimed. “Hold on!”

Jiro glanced around the room until he noticed an attractive waitress wearing a tight-fitting uniform shirt that accentuated her figure and displayed an abundance of cleavage. “Hey, sweetheart, would you come here for a second?”

With a skip in her step, the waitress approached the table where Jiro and Kihaku were seated and bowed. “Mhm?”

“Sweetheart, this skinny man right here is afraid of his own wife! Can you believe it?”

The waitress shook her head, giggling behind her hand.

“Now be honest, what would you say to this guy? Speak freely, too!”

The waitress bowed as she said, “I do not mean to be unkind, but I would say to him that we are always hiring. Our uniforms come in pink, pink, and... pink!

Jiro’s laughter erupted like cracking thunder, causing his sake cup to overflow onto the table. “BAH-HAH-HAH-HAH! YOU ARE A FUNNY ONE, THAT YOU ARE!”

As the waitress tidied up after Jiro, he slipped several banknotes deep into her cleavage. “Arigatō, Mister Adachi-sama!”

✧TRANSLATION: As the waitress tidied up after Jiro and poured him more sake, he slipped several banknotes deep into her cleavage. “Thank you, Mister Adachi-sama!”

Jiro smackedher on the bottom as she walked away, her hips swaying from side to side. “You see, Kihaku? Women like it when we are rough with them. Anyway, let us get back to the topic of your wife. It would not hurt to show her what you mean in a different way... When is the last time you two had sex?”

Kihaku thought intensely of the last time he and Soaku engaged in sex, which was a long time ago. The noblewoman was much thinner before and sex was difficult then, so it was nearly impossible for him to imagine how they would have sex now.“We did it a long time ago...”

“Well, you should head home and attempt to have sex with her now! That will certainly put her in her place if you do it right!”

“Jiro, I do not believe that will be possible. Soaku is furious with me, and I highly doubt she has any desire to lay eyes on me, let aloneallow me to touch her...”

“Kihaku, how can you know if you do not try?”

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Kihaku pulled into the Katōwamuro estate’s driveway, parking his vehicle in the garage before rushing into the estate. His face radiated with excitement and joy as he ran to go into his bedroom and find Soaku.After his conversation with Jiro, he was highly enthusiastic and eager to put the man’s advice to the test.

Jiro was right, I must tell Soaku who is in charge!

Upon hearing a disturbance from their bedroom, Kihaku presumed it to be Soaku’s presence.

There she is.

With confidence, Kihaku smoothed back his dark brown hair and stepped into the room, only to come to an abrupt halt at the sight of Soaku.

However, Soaku was not alone; she lay on the bed in the company of someone else.

Soaku was completely naked and spread out on the bed. A man was on top of her, his thick hands squeezing her plentiful breasts as he rammed into her. He emitted rhythmic grunts as glistening sweat covered his skin.The king size bed creaked and rocked due to their wild movements during their carnal frenzy.

Kihaku watched in silence as his wife was taken by another man, remaining unnoticed by them. Although he could not see the man’s face, he recognized him by his curly hair as one of his business associates he once invited over dinner. The gold in Kihaku’s bronze-colored eyes faded to a pitch-black hue, mirroring his internal emptiness.




“Oh, yeah!” Soaku moaned as her nails, painted in a delicate salmon hue, scraped and pierced into the flesh of the man’s back. “Oh, yeah! f*ck, yeah! Keep going! Yeah, right there! Right there! Right there, baby!”

“S-So-Soa— SOAKU!” The man began murmuring Soaku’s name repeatedly, his voice growing hoarse and ragged as he neared climax. Finally, he org*smed, emitting a loud, grating howl that had the potential to shatter mirrors. The man collapsed upon Soaku’s overabundant mounds of flesh with a wet smack.

“Oh, are you tired now?” Soaku cooed. “I thought you would have more strength in you... How disappointing.”

“I do have more strength, My Mistress!” the man cried out pitifully. “I have much more strength left within me! I will make you cum this time, My Mistress, I promise!”

With that, Soaku gestured for the man to lower himself to her intimate area. The man obliged willingly, rushing to be between her legs, immersed in her core, as she opened her legs wide for him. Wet, ravenous licking sounds filled the room and soon, so did Soaku’s moans. “Good boy!”

┍━ 【❀】 ━┑




Himari's dream began in an unfamiliar forest, a place she had never been before. She roamed about until she came across a woman standing among a row of trees. The woman was kneeling in a patch of poppies, her back turned towards Himari.

“Kon’nichiwa,” Himari asked as she cautiously advanced, her words hanging in the air. “Miss, do you know where we are?”

✧TRANSLATION: “Hello,” Himari asked as she cautiously advanced, her words hanging in the air. “Miss, do you know where we are?”

The woman persisted in gathering the crimson poppies, carefully picking them at the stem and placing them in her basket.

“… Miss? Miss? Could you help me, please?”

The woman ceased plucking the poppies and gradually shifted her gaze towards Himari, leaving her utterly astonished.

… !

The woman bore a striking resemblance to Himari, yet differed in her steely, dark blue eyes and the beauty mark below her left eye. Her hair was a neatly trimmed bob of jet-black hair that fell just below her shoulders and was tucked behind her ear, perfectly accentuating her beautiful features.

Himari’s eyes grew wide as she remembered the woman’s identity, her heart beating rapidly.

Is that... Is that my mother? It is. It is my mother!

“Okasan!” Himari cried out as she hurried towards her.

The woman rose from the cluster of poppies, appearing visibly perplexed. Shielding her eyes with one hand, she inquired, “Pardon me?”

“I said, Okasan. You… You are my mother!”

“I am not your mother.”

“I am your daughter!”

“Then what is your name?”

The question caught Himari by surprise, and she found that it was difficult for her to remember her own name. “My name? Oh, my…”

What is my name? I seem to have forgotten!

“What is your name, girl?” the woman asked, followed by a pitiful sigh. “How can I assist you when you do not know your own name?”

“... I remember my name now. It is Himari!”

“Himari? Your name is Himari?”

“Yes, yes, yes!”

“And what does it stand for?”


With a sudden burst of intensity and passion, the woman sharply exclaimed, “The kanji! What is the meaning of the kanji?”

The kanji… The kanji for ‘Himari’ is 向日葵, meaning ‘sunflower.’

“Oh! The kanji stands for sunflower!”

The woman seemed to be pleased by Himari’s answer and said, “Do not forget that. A name is something that cannot be taken away from you.”

I know, Okasan. I know that now. Arigatō.

Suddenly, Himari experienced a sudden sensation of her throat constricting, leaving her unable to draw a breath. Panicking, she desperately and frantically clutched at her throat whilst gasping for air, but instead, she found herself plunging into an abyss of complete darkness.


With a sharp intake of breath, Himari abruptly regained consciousness and awareness, finding herself lying on a frigid hardwood surface.

I love you, Okasan... I miss you.

Upon feeling the sensation of the air on her bare skin, Himari quickly sat up and covered her small breasts and intimate area. Her gaze took in the unfamiliar environment surrounding her. Despite the darkness, she could perceive her surroundings with exceptional clarity. A display of alluring kimonos and a vanity adorned with cosmetics indicated that she found herself within a boudoir.

It seems that I am in someone’s bedroom... How did I get here?

Himari’s countenance depicted a state of extreme horror as all her memories came rushing back to her.

I remember now! I and Tsukihiko-san had an argument, he began to discipline me, I fell down the stairs, and the last thing I remember is—

That was when a voice emerged from the dark corners and depths of the boudoir. “Himari,” a deep voice, as smooth and enticing as velvet, remarked. “You have arisen.”

… Tsukihiko-san.

The rich, velveteen timbre of his voice made Himari’s skin crawl, startling her. She turned to see Tsukihiko seated on a nearby bench, positioned next to an open window. His appearance was striking, with a black fedora perched atop his head and dressed in a pristine white suit and cloak. The chilling gaze fixed upon Himari was the same as what she saw before; the deep plum red shade of his eyes piercing through the darkness like a serrated blade.

Himari quickly stood up from the floor, instinctively using her hands to cover her chest and intimate area even tighter. “It is you…”

Tsukihiko’s smile took on an unsettling appearance, one filled with malevolence. With a knowing tone, he remarked, “There is no need to conceal yourself, Himari. I have seen it all before.”

The young woman was engulfed by anxiety, feeling trapped like a prisoner in shackles, as she grappled with her fear of being alone with Tsukihiko in an unfamiliar location. The sounds of people downstairs, their conversations, laughter, and revelry, only heightened her unease. A sense of disquiet and doubt consumed her as she softly whispered, “Where are we?”

“We are in a brothel of higher caste,” Tsukihiko responded in a monotone voice. “This bedroom belongs to a prostitute.”

“Oh…” Himari gently touched her aching, throbbing head as she spoke in a soft tone, “Tsukihiko-san, I feel so strange. Why do I—”

“I am no Tsukihiko,” the man intervened with a resonant, commanding tone, causing a noticeable drop in temperature within the surroundings and leaving an icy chill in its wake.

“Oh? If your name is not Tsukihiko-san, then what may I call you?”

“You may refer to me only as Master Muzan-sama.

"… Master Muzan-sama?" Himari whispered softly, struggling to comprehend the power that title carried. "Oh, my..."

At that moment, Himari experienced an unexpected surge of memories that were not her own. These memories seemed to have been transferred to her at a deep cellular level, resurfacing in her recollection. A torrent of information about the history and existence of demons overwhelmed her thoughts, leaving her pale and shaken as she finally grasped the true nature of the entity standing before her.

Himari’s jaw fell open in a chilling mixture of horror, fear, and revulsion. “You… Y-you… You are the Progenitor of Demons!

I cannot believe it! He was a monster all this time, right in front of me! I may be the unluckiest woman alive because, of course, the first man I am intimate with is a monster! The only thing I can think about is all the unchaste things we did… How sinful, impure, and ungodly! My body feels so, so, so disgusting all over after knowing who he truly is!

Muzan’s crimson eyes narrowed with anger, displaying a countenance that seemed to convey a sense of discomfort as well. “Himari, I must apprise you that due to our connection, I am aware of all your thoughts. I know what you are thinking, and I can read your thoughts like the back of my hand.”

“Connection? W-what do you mean? How is that possible? What exactly did you do to me?”

“I converted you,” he replied nonchalantly. “I preferred to wait, but your injuries were severe.”

“You… You did what to me?”

The Demon Lord gestured towards the vanity dresser’s hand mirror as he said, “Why not go see for yourself?”

Breathing heavily, Himari hurriedly made her way towards the vanity dresser and picked up the handheld mirror. The reflection she saw left her utterly astounded, to the point where she felt herself on the brink of fainting.

Himari’s eyes exhibited an inhumanely striking shade of amber-gold, accentuated by the slit pupils of either a serpent or a feline. The color of her hair shifted from a deep ebony to a silvery ombré at the tips. Furthermore, her previously sun-kissed complexion had faded away, leaving her with a pallid appearance that resembled the absence of vitality and life within her.

Quivering, Himari placed a trembling hand over her mouth to suppress a sob. “Oh, m-my goodness. I am... I am… I am... I AM AN ONI!

“Calm yourself,” Muzan commanded with a tincture of irritation in his voice.

“I will calm myself when you change me back!”

“Come again?”

Himari’s head turned with a loud crack, almost breaking her neck, as she looked at him. With clenched fangs, she slowly enunciated each syllable, “Change me back.”

The Demon Lord gave a cruel, derisive laugh that made Himari’s skin crawl. “It still has not dawned on you, has it? Conversion is irreversible. You will remain a demon until your demise.”

“No, that cannot be true!”

“It is the truth.”

Overwhelmed, Himari impulsively threw the handheld mirror across the boudoir, shattering it. She began pacing the room, hyperventilating, and shaking her head as if she was on the verge of insanity. “ NO! No, that cannot be! I will not accept that! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no—”


✧TRANSLATION: ‘Shut up.’

Was that him? I swear it sounded like his voice was inside my head!

Suddenly, an immense power forcefully compelled Himari to bow deeply in prostration, causing the solid hardwood floor beneath her to crack and splinter. The sheer strength of this force was astonishing and left a lasting impression on the floorboards.

Muzan stood up from the bench and approached Himari, who was in a prostrated position. He gently caressed her, starting from the top of her head and continuing down to her exposed lower body, while speaking. “I fail to comprehend your objections, Pet. It is an indisputable reality that we, as demons, possess superiority over humans. While humans inevitably experience physical decline and weakness, demons remain unaltered. Our immortality counters the effects of senescence while continuously progressing and evolving. You should feel overjoyed at the prospect of everlasting life and maintaining a youthful appearance. Rather than behaving impudently, it would be more appropriate for you to express your utmost gratitude.”

Does he think that I should be overjoyed? He must be joking!

The conceited smirk of the Demon Lord disappeared, and he adopted a resentful expression. The immense force pressing down on Himari intensified, posing a danger of her being sent crashing to the ground beneath the brothel. “Pet, I am not joking. Please, would you care to explain yourself? Elaborate.

With her nose to the floor, Himari questioned in a tone of deep offense, “Do you genuinely think I care about preserving my youth when my humanity has been stripped away? Being human is one of the most wonderful, remarkable treasures in life! While it is true that our mortality makes us aware of the brevity of life, it also fuels our desire to fully embrace and appreciate every moment. You, Master Muzan-sama, deprived and robbed me of that opportunity, and I cannot find it in my heart to ever forgive you!”

I was not given a choice, and he did not bother to consult me. He stole my autonomy and my sense of self from me! I wish he would leave me alone; he has already taken so much! I do not want to even look at his face. I want nothing to do with him!

“You want nothing to do with me?” Muzan inquired bitterly. “Where shall you venture? What endeavors will you pursue? How will you fare in the world without my guidance and instruction, Himari?”

“I will be fine without you. I do not need you in my life at all!”

“Himari, my dear girl, the sun’s rays will relentlessly pursue you for the remainder of your existence, and your sustenance relies upon the flesh and blood of humans. The prospect of reintegrating into human society seems highly unlikely for you. Your previous familiarity with the past cannot be restored.”

“No, no, no, I beg to differ; I can reintegrate into human society, and I am determined to do so!” Himari countered assertively. “Should my inability to tolerate sunlight persist, I shall stay indoors. Rest assured that I will never cause harm to anyone, no matter how ravenous I may become!”

The sanctity of human life holds great importance to me. I would never consider the selfish act of taking someone’s life to sustain my own cursed and corrupted body!

“How foolishly unrealistic. It is unwise to believe that you can maintain purity while desiring blood, just like I do. It would be beneficial for you to admit that you require my presence in your life. Acknowledge that you need me in your life.”

“No, I do not need you in my life!” With those decisive words, Himari experienced a sudden liberation as the colossal weight on her shoulders lifted.

The Demon Lord took Himari’s arm and guided her to a corner of the moonlit boudoir where a grand floor-length mirror stood, out of her view. He positioned himself behind her and firmly turned her head so that she would be forced to look at her full reflection. “Pet, take a look at yourself once more.”

Himari tightly shut her eyes in defiance but opened them when his grasp became painful. She unwillingly gazed upon her reflection in the mirror and was visibly taken aback by what she saw.Her petite, naked form was ensconced between the breadth of Muzan’s broad shoulders. There was not a single trace of imperfection; no mark, scar, or blemish could be found upon her flawless skin. The bite marks on her left shoulder had vanished, and in its place was a beautiful crest of double-flowered blooms.

I cannot believe what I am seeing! There are no lasting scars, bruises, or even welts on my body! Even the scar on my cheek is gone! Oh, how did I not notice when I first looked in the mirror? Oh, my, this floral tattoo on my shoulder is gorgeous!

I… I am very beautiful!

“Himari, this is the impression you have always left upon me,” Muzan said. “Your beauty was undeniable even in your human form, and it only increased after your transformation.”

“Oh, my…” Himari looked up at Muzan, captivated by his presence, and felt herself drawn towards him as she stared into the intense, bloody pools of his eyes. In that moment, she could not help but see ‘Tsukihiko’ instead of Muzan, but soon reality settled in. To counter that notion, she averted her gaze and tensed up, hoping to shrink away in his hold.

Even if the desire between my legs spills out and my heart bursts, I will not allow myself to be deceived and betrayed ever again.

The hands of the Demon Lord, long and slender, explored every inch of her body and gently caressed Himari’s hair. The female demon grimaced in pure spite and revulsion. “Despite your clear evident disdain and animosity towards me, I sense a lingering desire.”

“A lingering desire... for what?”

“For me,” he whispered.

Himari’s words dripped with venom as she retorted, “Do not get too pleased with yourself, you abominable being! Our past is history, and there is no longer an ounce of love left in my heart for you! The love I held was reserved solely for Tsukihiko-san, and he was not real, was he?”

Chuckling to himself, Muzan began fondling Himari’s perky breasts and groping her bottom. “Although it may seem like you are currently constrained, I assure you that the sentiment is fleeting. Very soon, you will experience the absolute joy and pleasure of belonging to me.”

Himari gasped when she felt something rigid stiffening against her thigh. Repulsed, she recoiled from Muzan’s touch and hissed, “Get away from me!”

“Be mindful of your words and how you speak to me, Pet.”

“Or what? What are you going to do, kill me? Well, you cannot because you claimed me! The markings on my shoulder mean a lot to you, does it not?”

The Demon Lord gripped Himari's hand in his palm, gently caressing it before forcefully twisting her wrist. Her agonizing screams were stifled by the grip of his hand over her mouth. "You are correct; ending your life is not an option for me as I have declared you as my property," he murmured softly in her pointed ear, lightly nibbling its tip. "However, this does not exempt you from consequences. I possess the capability to subject you to various forms of infliction. Know that there are fates that surpass mere death."

The excruciating pulsation in Himari’s twisted wrist caused severe agony. Her efforts to free herself from his grip and escape were in vain as she found herself immobilized. “You are incredibly wicked and cruel!” she managed to utter, albeit trembling.

Muzan displayed a malicious, fanged grin, almost as if he had received a compliment. “Pet, it is important for you to acknowledge that your purpose revolves around serving me. Once you grasp this concept, all will be well. Do you understand?”


“Yes, what?”

“Yes… Master Muzan-sama.”

“Good girl.”


The Demon Lord forcefully pinched Himari’s rosy-brown nipple, causing her to cry out in anguish. “AIE!”

Smirking at Himari’s pained reaction, Muzan presented her with a sophisticated, blossom-adorned white kimono, accompanied by a set of white tabi socks and zori. “Wear this. There is somewhere I wish to take you.”

Himari winced as she accepted the clothing from him and proceeded to put it on. The white kimono fit her like a glove, its long sleeves flowing past her knees. The sight of her pallid skin and the purity of her clothes was unnerving yet beautiful, reminding one of a ghostly figure, a shade.

“Now, come here.”

The female demon obeyed and stood in front of him, apprehensive about his next actions.

Muzan leaned in close to Himari, his eyes fixated on the lower part of her face. Contrary to her expectations of a kiss, he pulled out a lipstick called ‘Truest Red’ from his breast pocket. He smoothly applied the crimson pigment onto her heart-shaped lips, its shade resembling the color of freshly spilled blood.

Completing the transformation, Muzan gently brushed Himari’s hair, allowing it to cascade over her shoulders and frame her face. “How beautiful,” he complimented.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The serene beauty of a crescent moon was momentarily veiled by delicate wisps of clouds in the starless sky of winter. The ground beneath Himari and Muzan’s feet was blanketed in glistening snow, while an unforgiving chill lingered in the brisk, frigid wind. As they ventured through the wintry forest, each step echoed with the crisp crackling of icy snow underfoot.

It is winter now. I wish I was wearing something warmer…

“Anata wa samuidesu ka?” Muzan inquired.

✧TRANSLATION: “Are you cold?” Muzan inquired.

Himari, harboring great resentment, chose not to respond and continued gazing straight ahead.

I do not want anything from him!

Soon, the area became eerily familiar, and they stood before the wrought iron gates of the Katōwamuro manor.

The Katōwamuro manor… Why has he taken me here?

In a state of shivering, Himari embraced her arms and expressed, “The gate will not open. It is locked, and I do not have the key.”

With a mere gesture of the Demon Lord’s hand, the lock was dislodged, and the wrought iron gates swung wide open.

Himari gazed up at him, a combination of astonishment and dread evident on her face, rendering her momentarily unable to speak.

So powerful! He did not even touch it! What am I dealing with, truly?

A subtle smirk came upon Muzan’s pale face as he stepped onto the estate grounds. “Come.”

Upon passing through the gates and approaching the doorstep, Himari inquired, “Why have you brought me here?”

The Demon Lord's response came without delay. "I brought you here with the intention of reuniting you with your loved ones. It occurred to me that they would be filled with immense joy upon witnessing that you are alive and in good health, even if they chose to disown and disinherit you."

Himari expressed her disbelief by giving him a stern glare and suspiciously narrowing her eyes. She confronted him, shouting, “Oh, I just know that you are planning something foul! What are you up to?”

“Cast your aspersions elsewhere, wench. I am merely showing sympathy towards you and your family. I understand that they must be deeply affected by all that transpired, which is why I thought it would be appropriate to pay them a visit. Kindly proceed to knock on the door.”

Himari approached the door with a sense of reluctance, her dissatisfaction evident through the slight scoff that escaped her lips as she knocked upon it.

What a saint you are.

“Save your wisecracks!” Muzan snapped, making her flinch. “It appears that I have indulged you, as you seem to lack any sense of gratitude. I am under no obligation to grant you access to your family or permit you to engage in any activities whatsoever. Are you not interested in reuniting with your family, Himari? We could simply leave if that is the case.”

“No, no, no, that is not what I meant. I do wish to see my family! Please, I beg of you not to do anything that may—” Himari ceased speaking and silently gasped upon realizing that Muzan had vanished from her sight.

He is gone…

The female demon looked back at the snow-covered landscape and narrowed her amber-gold eyes, seeing nothing but a white blanket of snow. Though she saw no trace of him, a shiver that ran along her pale flesh told her he was still there, lurking and camouflaged in the whiteness of the snow and the blackness of night.

Why am I here? Why am I truly here?

Shortly after, a maid answered the door. She was an attractive young woman with sparkling blue eyes and blonde hair that was styled in a fishtail braid that draped over her shoulder.

Initially prepared to offer a warm welcome, the maid’s countenance suddenly paled, causing her to inadvertently release the tea tray she was holding, resulting in a loud and disruptive noise. The young maid stood motionless, rooted to the solid hardwood floor, her trembling hands unable to find calm. Her parted lips were accompanied by a deafening scream, reminiscent of the bloodcurdling cry of a banshee.

The maid pointed at Himari and screamed, “UNE FANTÔME!”

✧TRANSLATION: The maid pointed at Himari and screamed, “A GHOST!”

As a result of her father’s adeptness in multiple languages, Himari possessed some knowledge of the French language. “Excusez-moi,” Himari inquired with a sense of confusion, “Pardonnez-moi, mais y a-t-il quelqu’un d’autre ici? J’aimerais voir mon père.”

✧TRANSLATION: As a result of her father’s adeptness in multiple languages, Himari possessed some knowledge of the French language. “Excuse me,” Himari inquired with a sense of confusion, “Pardon me, but is anyone else here? I would like to see my father.”

“UNE FANTÔME!” the maid screamed once more.

✧TRANSLATION: “A GHOST!” the maid screamed once more.

“Oh, Emiso, what is the matter?” a woman chuckled from within the manor, approaching the front door. “I could hear you all the way from the cellar. You were screaming as if you had seen a ghost! Is it a spider again, like last time?”



A dark-haired, middle-aged woman dressed in similar maid attire, filled with laughter, came to the front door with a warm smile on her face. It appeared she was preparing to offer a heartfelt welcome, but suddenly, she paused and exclaimed, “OH, MY SWEET HEAVENS!”



Why are they so terrified of me? Even though I may be a demon, as far as I know, my appearance is still very human!

“Oh, my goodness!” the dark-haired maid exclaimed, her voice trembling with fear. “Sir! My Mistress! Please hurry! Please come quickly!”

Just as Himari was about to introduce herself, the chilling screams of the two maids abruptly interrupted her, overpowering her voice. The maids fled and ran away in panic, leaving Himari to enter the manor on her own accord.

Oh, my! I wonder what caused them to act that way...

Himari stepped inside the manor, observing that not much had changed except for the presence of vases filled with white flowers adorning every available surface. However, it was the expansive painting hanging above the fireplace in the main living room that captivated her attention entirely.

The painting portrayed a graceful young lady seated in a sophisticated stance, with her hands folded gently on her lap, maintaining an upright posture, and proudly raising her chin. Her eyes were a captivating shade of deep bronze, while her lustrous, dark hair elegantly framed her heart-shaped face, flowing down like a waterfall of ebony.

This painting… This is a painting of me!

Disregarding the heat of the fireplace’s flames licking at her ankles, Himari slowly approached the painting and touched it tenderly. She caressed its surface as her gaze fell to the kanji characters inscribed in the bottom corner, representing her father’s name.


“There she is, My Mistress!”

“This is preposterous!” a voice that was familiar bellowed, expressing immense disbelief.

Startled, Himari turned around to see her stepmother standing in the entryway of the main living room with the two maids cowering behind her.

The noblewoman, adorned in a lavender nightgown, had her fuchsia hair meticulously styled in pin curls. Her thin lips were bare, without their usual vermillion hue, and her skin glistened, covered in a cream that promised youthfulness. With an air of authority, she demanded, “Identify yourself! By what audacity do you intrude upon the sacred property of the Katōwamuro estate?”

Himari stood still, silent.

My stepmother, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama...

“What, did you think I would believe that you were my deceased stepdaughter? Well, you are mistaken! You may bear a striking resemblance to her, but it is common knowledge that she is deceased. And wait a minute, where did you find that funeral kimono? That is the exact one I had specially made for her!”

“Funeral… kimono?” Himari observed the chest area of her kimono and noticed that the right side of the robe was crossed over the left, a manner typically associated with dressing deceased individuals.

It is a funeral kimono! How did I not notice this before?

“Yes, funeral kimono! That is what I said! Where did you get it?”

At that moment, Himari gazed straight at Soaku with the urge to confide in her. She desired to disclose to her stepmother that she had encountered and developed feelings for a seemingly flawless man. However, unbeknownst to her, he was a malevolent demon who not only manipulated and abused her but also isolated her from everything she held dear.

Uttering the words to begin was a challenge for Himari, particularly due to her own lack of personal conviction. “I… I do not know,” she whispered softly.

Ehhh? What do you mean, you do not know? Young lady, where on earth did you get the kimono from?”


“Oh, never mind that! Your name, girl, what is your name?”

With a sense of fear creeping in, Himari took a deep breath and lowered her head to show respect before stating her name. “My name is Himari...”

The noblewoman muttered a curse under her breath and angrily stomped her foot. “Girl, cease engaging in these mind games with me, or I will contact the authorities!”

“I am not engaging in any mind games, Lady Mistress Soaku-sama! My name is Himari!”

The noblewoman let out a soft gasp as memories of the one person who referred to her as ‘Lady Mistress Soaku-sama’ flooded back, but she remained resolute in her denial. “Cease your falsehoods and identify your true identity, girl!”

Desperate for her stepmother’s belief, Himari extended her arms and pleadingly and tearfully exclaimed, “Stepmother, please recognize me! I am Himari Maeda, your stepdaughter. I beg you to believe me!”

“That is impossible!” Soaku shouted, heaving. “Himari Maeda passed away months ago from a rare illness, and we even held a funeral. You are just one of those fraudulent individuals who impersonate for extortion! Shame on you!”

A rare illness? A funeral? Oh, I do not understand what is happening!

“I died from a rare disease? Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, I do not understand! I have no memory of being sick or dying!”

The dark-haired maid gasped with her hand on her forehead and exclaimed, “She has no recollection of her death! May God help us all!”

“Young lady, I shall contact the authorities if you do not leave the premises right away!”

Himari was consumed by immense fear and anguish; all she desired was to return to what was familiar and to find solace in her family’s presence. “Please, stepmother, I beg you to believe me for once!” she pleaded desperately, her voice choked with tears as she fell to her knees. “I am so, so, so very frightened. I want things to go back to the way they were! I want to come back home! I want to come back home and stay with you, Saori-chan, Yui-chan, Fuwapo, and Father-sama!

Soaku gazed intently at the weeping young woman, her emerald-green eyes growing wider with each passing moment. She could not help but notice the striking familiarity of the young woman’s appearance and her sorrowful sobs. This realization alone confirmed the validity of all her fears and suspicions. “Inconceivable! How could this be? Though I find it difficult to accept, I cannot deny the undeniable truth unfolding before my very eyes…”

“What do you mean, My Mistress? Is that…”

“Indeed, that is the girl,” Soaku confirmed with great reluctance, a lump lodged deep in her throat as she spoke. “That is Himari, my recently deceased stepdaughter!”

The blonde-haired maid let out a piercing squeal of fright, tears streaming down her face as she sobbed hysterically. “Oh, mon Dieu!”

✧TRANSLATION: The blonde-haired maid let out a piercing squeal of fright, tears streaming down her face as she sobbed hysterically. “Oh, my God!”

Moe took a step back and appeared as though she might collapse but managed to steady herself before hitting the ground. “My God… Is she a spirit, My Mistress?”

“Yes, a Yūrei, perhaps,” Soaku answered, backing away as well in fright. “No, she is worse… She is… She is an Onryō!

“An Onryō?”

“Yes, an Onryō! They are malevolent and vengeful apparitions of the dead who were unable to transition to the afterlife due to unresolved and unholy resentments. Their demise was accompanied by intense anger, causing them to manifest in our realm to cause chaos and claim the souls of the living!”

“Resentments?” Himari cried out in a voice laced with desperation. “Lady Mistress Soaku-sama, I hold no resentments, none towards anyone! I just want to come home!”

“Forgive me, but there is no place for you among the living, my dear child,” the compassionate dark-haired maid said, placing a hand over her heart. She held the blonde-haired maid close to her bosom, who wept and sobbed in fear against her. “Please, you must proceed to the afterlife. Release your pain and sorrows so that you may find peace, Lady Himari!”

No, no, no... I have not died, nor have I ever died. Why is it so difficult for anyone to see that?

Himari continued sobbing loudly until she looked at the entryway of the main living room and saw her father.

Kihaku, standing by the entrance, was dressed in disheveled nightclothes and presented himself as a feeble, sickly version of his former self. The silver strands in his hair seemed more prominent than ever, and lines of wrinkles etched around his eyes and mouth. His hands appeared twisted and gnarled, his cheeks hollowed, and his complexion sickly pale, indicating further weight loss. It was evident that he had aged significantly since their last encounter, as grief had once again consumed him entirely.

Oh, Father-sama... Not again, Father-sama! No one has been taking care of him since I left! This is my responsibility, but I was not there to help him! What kind of daughter am I?

Kihaku appeared to be revitalized as tired eyes grew wide and regained life as he cried out, “ Himari!”

“Father-sama!” Himari exclaimed, her bright amber-gold eyes misting with tears.

Just as the two were on the verge of running towards each other for a reunion, Soaku’s commanding voice interrupted the heartfelt moment. “Kihaku, stop right where you are! That thing is not your daughter!”

“But that is Himari, Soaku!” Kihaku replied. “Do you not see her? It is Himari in the flesh!”

“Himari died, Kihaku! What is in front of us is not what you think it is, believe me!”

“All those prayers,” Kihaku muttered. “Oh, she has returned! My daughter has returned to me! The Gods brought her back to me! I am overwhelmed with gratitude as all my prayers have been answered!”

“Fool! Pay heed to those strange, unnatural eyes and the pallid cast of her skin! She is even clad in the very same kimono that adorned her during her wake!”

Ignoring his wife’s protests and objections, Kihaku advanced along the path toward his daughter as if under a spell. Everything around him seemed to fade away, leaving him solely focused on her presence.

Soaku cried out, “Kihaku, please do not go over there! Listen to me, Kihaku! Stop, I say! I implore you to stop!”

The dark-haired maid wept profusely while tearfully pleading, “Sir, heed your wife’s words! Please refrain from approaching her! Sir! Sir! Sir!

“UNE FANTÔME!” the blonde-haired maid wailed.

✧TRANSLATION: “A GHOST!” the blonde-haired maid wailed.

“Shut up, Emiso!” Soaku commanded, scowling. “Moe, go call for a priest!”

“Yes, My Mistress!” Moe said before dashing into the hallway.

Kihaku touched the sides of Himari’s face and exclaimed in relief, “So, you are not an apparition! It is not my mind playing tricks on me again! You are real, you are not a figment of my imagination!”

“Yes, Father-sama. I am not an apparition nor a figment of your imagination. I am real, and I am so, so, so happy that you finally see me.”

“You are beautiful,” he rasped. “I… I thought I lost you forever!” Kihaku pulled Himari into a deep, loving embrace.

The endearing gesture was unexpected and surrounded Himari with a comforting warmness that warded the bite of winter away. Slowly, she returned the gesture and nuzzled against his chest. “Oh, Father-sama…”

This feels nice. I did not know how much I missed this.

A trembling, distraught Moe peeked out from the hallway and shouted, “My Mistress, the telephone is not working!”

With a frustrated look, Soaku shifted her gaze towards Moe. “What, the telephone is not working? The snow must be heavy out there.”

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The unabating winter storm continued to envelop all Yaegashi, showing no signs of relenting. The howling winds whipped through the streets, piling snow high against the buildings and making travel nearly impossible.

The inhabitants of the Katōwamuro estate remained still, mirroring the immobility of the outside world. The comforting warmth of the hearth would have been a source of delight under different circ*mstances. Despite the screams and cries echoing through the main living room, Soaku’s daughters, Saori and Yui, remained in deep slumber.

Soaku and the two maids, Moe and Emiso, stood eerily motionless, their unwavering gaze fixed on the unexpected visitor who had returned from the dead. Kihaku, equally bewildered and scared, continued to hold his daughter tightly in his embrace.

“Could you tell me everything that happened, Father-sama?”

“I do not know where to begin… Himari, I was there when you passed away. I even saw your body in the casket during the wake. I am gladdened that I am able to hold you in my arms once again but how have you returned?”

“I… I do not know,” Himari whispered, uncertain. “How exactly did I die, Father-sama?”

“You died of a rare blood disorder that baffled even the most experienced of doctors! It was a terrible thing to see you like that, wilting and withering away like a dying flower.”

A rare blood disorder?

At that moment, Himari’s eyes were opened to the truth and severity of the situation.

It became clear that all that had transpired had been orchestrated according to a sick plan, and she realized that she was like a fly ensnared in the intricate web weaved by Muzan. Her heart raced as she struggled to come to terms with the betrayal and manipulation she experienced. The realization that she was nothing more than a pawn in the Progenitor of Demons’ twisted game filled her with a mix of anger, fear, and an overwhelming sense of despair.

That despicable bastard... He did something to me! He drugged me, causing me to either die or remain in a state of dormancy long enough to make people believe I had died! After that, he took my body, which is how I ended up in his mansion!

Tears involuntarily streamed down Himari’s face, and she realized that she could not stop them from pouring. “Father-sama, are you angry with me?”

“No, why would I be angry with you, Himari?”

“You would be angry with me because you and I had an argument about me getting married to the Ootanis’ youngest heir...”

“I would not call that an argument,” Kihaku sighed. “You were angry, rightfully so, because I neglected you like I always have. That is why you were acting out of line, to get my attention.”

“Acting out of line? How so, Father-sama?”

“Do you not remember, Himari?”

Himari shook her head.

“Well, you were... Never mind that. You were not yourself. I do not need to tell you anything more.”

“When I was not myself, did I cause you any grief, Father-sama?”

The silence that ensued told Himari all that she needed to know.

“So, I did cause you grief, Father-sama,” she sobbed. “I caused you enough grief to disown me… Gomen’nasai!”

✧TRANSLATION: “So, I did cause you grief, Father-sama,” she sobbed. “I caused you enough grief to disown me… I am sorry!”

“Disown you? What are you talking about, Himari?”

“I was disowned by you all. I was stripped of the Maeda-Katōwamuro surname!”

“What? Who told you such things, Himari?”

Himari hesitated before speaking, realizing that there was no use in bringing up Muzan or his involvement. Knowing that her father had not disowned her filled her with such joy that she could not help but smile through tears. “Oh, my…”

I did not have an argument with Father-sama, at least not one that led to my disownment by my family. Father-sama did not disown me!

Kihaku grasped Himari’s hands and spoke softly, “Himari, I may have failed as a father, but I could never disown you, not for anything in this world!”

“Yes, but I still caused you grief even though I was not myself! If you were to disown me, it would be understandable.”

“Himari, none of those things are important because you are here with me at this moment, even if you are a revenant!”

“Oh, Father-sama...”

Soaku was repulsed and felt nauseated as she listened to Kihaku speak to Himari in a tender and loving manner. “Kihaku, you imbecile, she is not a revenant! That girl is an evil spirit, an Onryō!”

“Soaku, I am exhausted from your constant accusations of Himari being evil! This is going too far! Initially, you labeled her as a devil-child, then claimed she had been possessed by the devil, and now you are calling her an Onryō! When will you put an end to these unfounded claims?”

“Oh, please! The girl died and now she has returned, but somehow, I am the one who is insane?”

“That is irrelevant. Her return is a divine blessing from the Heavens! I have devoted significant time and effort in prayer for this very moment!”

“A divine blessing from the Heavens, you say? Bah! It seems more like a malevolent curse from the depths of Hell! This is unnatural, Kihaku!”

As Himari watched her father and stepmother engage in a heated dispute over her unprecedented return, she felt her heart sink in her chest and a dark sense of despair. She intended to speak up but fell silent as she caught the scent of blood, seizing her attention.

Glancing behind her, Himari noticed the blonde-haired maid had inadvertently cut herself while attempting to gather the porcelain teacups fragments.

Everything moved in slow motion.

Suddenly, Himari felt an intense, agonizing throb in her head that persisted relentlessly. The cause of her pain became clear when she recognized a familiar voice echoing in the depths of her mind. The voice possessed a seductive smoothness, enticing as velvet yet cradled in a sinister malice.

‘Kill them.’

The homicidal suggestion was short and abrupt, striking a chord within her.

Amidst the foggy haze clouding her thoughts, Himari identified the voice as belonging to Muzan. Her amber-gold eyes darted around in a frantic search for him only to find that he was nowhere in sight.

What? You! You are here, watching everything, are you not? Why do I hear you like you are inside of my head? Oh, please just leave me alone! Leave me alone!

‘Kill them.’

… W-what did you just say?

‘I said, kill them.’

Kill… them? Kill who? Who am I supposed to… kill?

‘Kill the humans around you, all six of them.’

Okay... But why? Why must I kill them?

‘You must kill them because you are starving.’

I am… starving?

‘Yes, Himari. You are starving.’

Starving? I am starving? Wait, I am starving! I never noticed how famished I was…

Entranced, Himari’s attention was captivated by Muzan’s voice, and her pointed ears were solely attuned to him. As a result, she could not hear the overlapping voices of Kihaku and Soaku, as they were drowned out.

‘Himari, you must feed.’

‘To sate your hunger and increase your strength, you must kill the humans before you and consume them.’

‘Kill them.’

I must kill them? Oh, my. I… I do not know. I cannot… I cannot do that… Ohhh, this hunger. My head hurts so much! Ahh…

As Himari’s migraine grew more severe, she began expressing her pain through loud, agonized groans and gripping her head with her hands. The disembodied voice of the Progenitor of Demons became more menacing, further exacerbating her pain.

‘Kill them.’

‘You will kill them all.’

‘You will obey.’

‘Kill them.’

Oh, my, the pain in my head is unbearable, almost as if it is being torn apart, split in two! I… I… I cannot take it!

Himari sensed the presence of fangs pressing against her bottom lips as they lengthened. Twitching, she covered her mouth and turned away to conceal the emergence of her newfound demonic attributes.

No, please…Not now!

“Himari?” Kihaku asked, his voice rising to a panic. “Himari, are you all right?”

“That damned thing,” Soaku muttered, her hands shaking from anger and fright. “Moe, try to call the priest once more!”

When Himari turned to look at Kihaku and Soaku, she found herself increasingly drawn to them and felt a growing appetite that caused her to salivate. Her fangs extended as she started to view the two humans less as her family and more as potential prey. In her mind, their flesh and blood held the promise of satisfying her hunger and bestowing power upon her.

I am so, so, so hungry…No, what am I thinking? That is my father and stepmother, I cannot imagine harming them! I love them, I love them so much!

That moment of clarity and awareness allowed Himari to gradually reassert command over her body. Gritting her fangs, she tried to resist Muzan’s dark influence and alert the others that she was possessed, but realized she could not utter a single word.

I cannot say a word, I have lost my voice! Everyone, please run. Hide. Run far away from me! I cannot control myself!

Suddenly, Himari felt her consciousness separate from her physical form, and found herself pulled into the depths of her mind.





A cold touch, a shiver.

Himari awoke to find herself engulfed in a realm of darkness. The blackness appeared to swallow her whole, leaving her disoriented and desperate to find a way to escape. Panic began to set in as she frantically searched for any sign of light or a way out. She was unable to move, as she was kneeling, and her legs felt as heavy as lead.

What is happening? Where am I? What is this place?

Someone, help me!

For a moment, Himari was conscious and aware until an agonizing, unbidden memory that she had suppressed emerged.


With tears streaming down her face, a nine-year-old Himari hurriedly made her way through the corridors, a painful bruise on her forehead. She sought out her father who had recently arrived home from work. “Father-sama!” she called out desperately. “Oh, Father-sama, Saori-chan hit me, and she said that I should die and join my dead mother!”

Kihaku let out a sigh and shook his head. “I do not think Saori meant it like that, Himari.”

“But she did, Father-sama, Saori-chan really did!”

“Well, that is strange because I was told that you were the one misbehaving and starting things with your stepsisters in my absence, Himari?”

“Huh? But that is not true, Father-sama!”

“So, are you saying that your stepmother lied to me?” Kihaku questioned, lowering his eyebrows in suspicion. “How dare you accuse an adult of lying, Himari? You know better!”

“No, no, no, Father-sama. I do not mean to accuse anyone of lying, but I did not misbehave or started things with my stepsisters while you were gone!”

“Why would your stepmother lie to me? What would she gain from that?”

Himari dropped her head and nervously shifted on the spot as she said, “She… She does not like me! No one likes me here, Father-sama!”

“Enough of this, Himari! I have had enough of your antics! Stop trying to mess up the one good thing we have!”

“But they keep hurting me, Father-sama…”

Kihaku kneeled to the young girl’s level and said, “Himari, for us to stay here at the Katōwamuro manor peacefully, we must be strong. You must get along with your stepsisters and not cause any trouble.”

“But Father-sama, I—”

“No buts, Himari.”


“I am serious, Himari!” Kihaku yelled, his face contorting in bitterness and anger. “Stop with your nonsensical lies and rhetoric!”

Startled, Himari recoiled at the intensity of her father's voice, as it was the first time he had ever raised it towards her. The ensuing silence was so profound that even the sound of a pin dropping could be heard.

The gold of Himari’s bronze-colored eyes dimmed into a hollow, inky black as she felt nothing but despair. “You… You do not believe me?” she whispered softly.

“Kihaku,” a voice interrupted.

The voice belonged to Himari’s stepmother, Soaku. The noblewoman was standing by the front door, wearing a fashionable purple velvet dress and a matching couture hat.

Soaku and her daughters were standing by the front door, all of them wearing fashionable attire. “You promised I and my daughters that you would join us for a family outing as soon as you returned,” she said. “We must get going, we do not want to be late for the opera.”

“Yes, dear. Coming.”

“Oh, girls! My sweet Saori and Yui, please do come down! We are leaving!”

Saori and Yui descended the stairs, adorned in exquisite dresses with their lustrous fuchsia hair styled beautifully. Their radiant presences and captivating beauty, particularly Saori’s, only served to deepen Himari’s sense of being hated, punished, and neglected.

Saori grinned mischievously at Himari, while Yui playfully stuck her tongue out as they strolled by.

With great enthusiasm for attending the opera, Himari timidly inquired, “May I come, too?”

“No, you not may!” Soaku barked viciously. “Bad girls like you must be locked away and disciplined! Now go and complete the chores I wrote on a list in the kitchen for you!”

“More chores? But I have been doing chores all day, stepmother—”

“What did I tell you about calling me your stepmother, girl?” Soaku interjected with a fierce roar. “It is ‘Lady Mistress Soaku-sama’ to you! Now get back to your chores!”

“Huh? But why? Father-sama, please!”

Kihaku would not meet his daughter’s eyes and simply turned away, which caused Himari to break down in tears.

Soaku, satisfied in witnessing her stepdaughter’s emotional distress, placed a hand on her hip and smirked deviously. “Kihaku, it is time for us to leave.”

“Yes, dear.”

Heartbroken and filled with despair, Himari witnessed their departure as they entered the luxury car and drove away, leaving her behind. Standing on the manor’s front steps, she gazed longingly at the vehicle as it disappeared from the premises, feeling a deep ache of yearning in her chest. “Father-sama? Father-sama? Father-sama?”


The painful memory left Himari in a state of profound emotional distress. Overwhelmed by the weight of her sorrow, she sought solace by burying her face in her hands and succumbed to the uncontrollable onslaught of tears.

Why? Why? Why did I have to see that memory?

Himari’s tears ceased as she sensed a gentle hand on her back. Raising her gaze, she beheld Muzan before her, clad in a black kimono adorned with silver floral embroidery. His countenance had changed, appearing softer and less menacing, and his crimson eyes held a warmth she had not seen before. Despite this, a sense of unease lingered in his presence.

You... Why are you here?

“I am here because you called for me,” he answered, his form kneeling to meet her eye level.

What? I did not call for you. I would never do such a thing!

“You may not have knowingly called for me, Himari, but you called for me subconsciously.”

Subconsciously? I do not believe you. I do not believe a word you say! Get out of my mind and leave me alone!

“The world outside of here, are you afraid of it?” Muzan inquired suddenly.

I am not afraid of it any more than I am afraid of you!

“You have every reason to be afraid, Himari, for in under thirty seconds, you will lose all control and slaughter your family. Your subconscious is aware of this and summoned me without your knowledge because it understands that I am the sole individual capable of averting this outcome.”

What? I will lose all control and slaughter my family? No, no, no, that cannot happen!

“Then give yourself to me, Himari. Allow me to use your body in your place and thwart the savage desires of your flesh. Know that only I can prevent you from harming all the people you hold dear.”

How is that true? You are the cause of my current situation! I know that I was fighting against your control, Master Muzan-sama! You were manipulating me, convincing me that I was starving and coercing me to kill people!

“That was before I saw you and your father,” Muzan said. “I was moved by you and his reunion. I do not want your father to die simply because the love he has for you is genuine.”

Himari was on the verge of engaging in yet another argument with Muzan until she realized she lacked the energy to do so. She had grown weary of constant disputes and conflicts, feeling drained and devoid of strength to partake in any more.

I am so tired… I am so tired of fighting!I do not want to do this anymore! Please...

“Perhaps you should consider ceasing your resistance against me,” Muzan said. “Himari, I can help you free yourself but only if you let go.”

Will that be all right?

Muzan smiled.


Himari’s heart wavered under the weight of the memories of loneliness, betrayal, and sorrow she endured as a young girl. Unable to resist Muzan’s influence any longer, she closed her eyes and succumbed.

In that moment, she felt her pure, maidenly heart blacken with anger and spite as her demonic nature stirred within her.


Himari’s instincts of a demonic nature became dominant, causing her fangs and claws to extend, and her eyes to whiten with intense, animalistic rage. What surpassed her appetite was an overpowering surge of pure, blinding fury.

Emiso shrieked at the top of her lungs upon seeing Himari’s new devilish appearance. “UNE MONSTRE! UNE DEMON! UNE FAN—”

✧TRANSLATION: Emiso shrieked at the top of her lungs upon seeing Himari’s new devilish appearance. “A MONSTER! A DEMON! A GHO—”

The blonde-haired maid suddenly stopped her cries and fell into sudden silence.

“… Emiso? Emiso?”

Emiso’s body collapsed onto the ground, leaving Moe in a state of shock as she gazed at the decapitated corpse. Her lips quivered, and a single heart-wrenching cry escaped, echoing the anguish of a mother robbed of her child. The dark-haired maid’s eyes shifted from Emiso’s lifeless body to the demon standing a short distance away.

The female demon stood in an awkward stance, twitching as an intense aura of pure evil and darkness emanated from her, casting doubt on whether it truly belonged to her.

Moe was horrified to see her own limbs lying on the hardwood floor in front of her, causing her eyes to widen in shock. Before she could utter a sound, she was swiftly attacked and torn apart by sharp claws. The deep lacerations and gashes on her terror-stricken face bled profusely and exposed parts of her skull.

For her, death was a mercy. If she had survived her injuries, she would have been left permanently disabled and disfigured. However, in a morbid twist of fate, she died within moments.

‘You may feed.’

Like a feral beast, Himari pounced upon the two mutilated corpses and began feeding on them greedily, pushing through bone and rending flesh with her claws and fangs.

“HIMARI!” a voice cried out in deep anguish.

Himari ceased feeding upon the two corpses and turned her head in the direction of the voice, viscera hanging from her mouth. Her eyes centered on a pale, weary man, and she saw his distraught, horrified face.

“Oh, Himari, w-what have you done?” Kihaku faltered, his voice cracking in terror. “What have you done? What have you done?”

‘He never believed you.’

He never believed me.

‘He never believed a word you said.’

He never believed a word I said.

‘He ignored all the terrible, awful things that were happening to you.’

He ignored all the terrible, awful things that were happening to me.

‘Your father must pay for all that he has done to you, Himari. You know what must be done.’

‘Do not disappoint me.’

Himari rose to her feet with her amber-gold gaze fixed upon Kihaku. “You never cared about me,” she spoke in a voice that emanated from deep within, a low and unsettling guttural tone. “You never believed me… You never believed a word I said!

“W-what?” Kihaku stammered, taking a few steps back. “What are you s-saying, Himari?”

“You wanted a business empire more than you wanted me!”

“No, that is not true! I—”

‘Kill him.’

Without wasting another moment, Himari lunged at her father and forcefully restrained him on the floor. Baring her sharp fangs, she moved closer to sink them into Kihaku, her mouth dripping with bloodied saliva that dripped onto his face.

Taken aback, Kihaku firmly grasped his daughter’s shoulders, preventing her from clawing and biting at his throat. “Himari, stop this! Your... Your appearance! W-what has happened to your face? You resemble an oni! Himari!”

‘Kill him.’

“No! No! Stop this! Stop this, Himari! HIMARI!

The powerful sound of her father’s voice reverberated through the air, snapping Himari back to reality. In that moment, she awakened from her daze and recognized that the figure beneath her was not mere prey but someone incredibly significant in her life: her beloved father. This realization flooded her with memories and emotions, reminding her of the profound bond they shared.

… Father-sama!

‘Kill him now.’

No, I do not want to harm him! He is my father!

‘You will kill him.’

Get out… Get out of my head, get out of my mind, get out of my heart!

Himari let out a piercing scream while clutching the sides of her head. “AAAGGGHHH!”

The same formidable force Himari felt earlier crashed down upon her, and she felt the weight of a thousand tons. She found herself fighting against her demon instincts, the profound urge to rip her own father to shreds, and Muzan’s influence over her body yet still beating amidst the savage, animalistic growls of the ravenous female demon was the pure, maidenly heart of the young human woman she was before.

‘Kill him.’


‘Kill him!’



No, no, no! I do not want to do this! I do not want to harm anyone, especially not my father! Please, God, Buddha, give me strength to break free of his curse! Please, release me! I beg you to release me! I beg you to release me from his grasp!


Suddenly, time itself stopped.

The heaviness Himari felt crushing her dissipated, vanished, along with the rage she harbored deeply as a numinous warmth filled and surrounded her.

… What?

Himari gasped as she felt the tremendous weight on her lessen and warm, loving hands encircle her. She was filled with a profound sense of peace, reminiscent of nirvana, as tranquil as water lilies and lotus flowers drifting on placid waters.

It was evident to whom the aura belonged to.

Okasan, it is you. Arigatō!

I love my father.

I love him… I cannot kill him. Why would I even try to do that?

Master Muzan-sama, Tsukihiko-san, or whatever title you prefer, I am aware of your presence. Please forgive my interruption, but I must ask you something: Why would you even begin to think that I would be capable of murdering my own father?

At that moment, Himari’s demonic features lessened. Her prominent veins disappeared, and her eyes reverted to the color they were when she was human, resembling her father’s bronze-colored eyes. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she uttered in a soft, faltering voice, “… F-Father-sama?”

Kihaku’s eyes slowly widened as the face of his late wife vanished. The veil of grief lifted from his eyes, and for the first time in a long time, he truly saw his daughter’s face, bronze-colored eyes and all. “… Himari. It is you.”

‘What is this defiance? Devour him immediately.’

Despite the heightened and excruciating headache that Himari felt, it failed to detract from the profound connection she shared with her father. The reignited, rekindled love they felt for one another surpassed any physical discomfort and transcended all mortal wounds.


‘Kill him already.’

Himari whimpered as she tightly pursed her lips and shut her eyes, unable to contain herself any longer. With a pained wail, she wept, “I am deeply sorry for everything! Father-sama, please forgive me! Gomen’nasai, gomen’nasai, gomen’nasai! You only wanted what was best for me, and I made things so difficult for you!”

✧TRANSLATION: Himari whimpered as she tightly pursed her lips and shut her eyes, unable to contain herself any longer. With a pained wail, she wept, “I am deeply sorry for everything! Father-sama, please forgive me! I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry! You only wanted what was best for me, and I made things so difficult for you!”

‘Listen to me, wench. Do as I say.’

Kihaku wept as he pleaded, “No, please, do not hold yourself responsible, Himari! It is not your fault; it is mine entirely! I allowed my greed to consume me. I prioritized my career over nurturing a bond with my own daughter! I should be the one apologizing and pleading for your forgiveness!”

‘Kill him, Himari!’

Himari was so engrossed in reconciling with her father that she failed to notice that the air reeked of copious amounts of spilled blood. She turned her head and saw the maimed, disfigured corpses of the two maids, their organs and severed limbs visibly masticated and gnawed. The gruesome fashion of how they were slaughtered, and the taste of human flesh and blood upon her tongue proved that she was the one who committed such an egregious crime.

Unable to believe her eyes, Himari let out a horrified shriek. “Oh, m-my… I have killed! I have murdered two people! I have murdered two people! I am a murderer! Gomen’nasai! Gomen’nasai! Gomen’nasai!”

✧TRANSLATION: Unable to believe her eyes, Himari let out a horrified shriek. “Oh, m-my… I have killed! I have murdered two people! I have murdered two people! I am a murderer! I am sorry! I am sorry! I am sorry!”

“No, do not look over there,” Kihaku urged, gently redirecting Himari's gaze towards him. “Do not look over there, Himari!”

“I killed them! I killed them, Father-sama! I am a murderer! I am a murderer!”

At that moment, Kihaku held onto his daughter tightly, unwilling to release her. “Oh, Himari!”

Himari could feel her father’s warmth and the strength of his embrace and as she buried her face in his chest, staining him with the blood that coated her.

“We must leave this hellish place!” Kihaku cried out.

“Father-sama, although I yearn to reunite with you, I cannot. I am a demon now. I can no longer be part of your world.”

“That is not true, Himari. We can still be together. I am no expert on things of this matter, but I do not think that demons and humans are so different. We can certainly live amongst each other, right?”

“No, Father-sama, that is not possible! It is... unrealistic.”

“How so?”

“Well, to begin, I cannot be exposed to the sun...”

“Then I will build a windowless house for us that is underground, if need be, to ensure that sunlight would never reach us.”

“There are people who dedicate their lives to slaying demons like me, and rightfully so!”

“Then I will kill whoever tries to harm you!”

“I feed on the blood and flesh of humans!”

“Then I will give you my own blood and flesh, and if it comes to it, I will go out and kill other people!”

“Father-sama, there may come another time when I lose control of myself... What if that happens and I unintentionally cause harm to you?”

“Himari, I am willing to selflessly lay down my life for you, as it is the minimum I can offer in recompense for my role as a terrible father throughout these years. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I long for our relationship to return to its former state. There is nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you, if you will have me!”

With her prominent fangs on display, Himari wept and beamed the largest smile she had ever worn. “Oh, Father-sama!” she exclaimed joyfully. “Yes, yes, yes, of course!”

The key to true happiness lies in love and forgiveness, not in hatred and revenge! Despite the hurtful things my family did to me, I never harbored hatred towards them; my love for them remained steadfast. While pain is fleeting, love endures eternally. I cannot believe that I allowed myself to be influenced by someone devoid of love.I am determined never to let my heart falter again!

Master Muzan-sama, did I not once tell you about love of the sacrificial kind? If you were confused by what I meant, then look closely because you are seeing it right now!

Unbeknownst to Himari and Kihaku, Soaku made her way down the staircase, holding a shotgun tightly in her grasp. With each powerful stride, the stairs reverberated with a thunderous, haunting howl. Fixing her aim on her stepdaughter, she let out a piercing scream before finally squeezing the trigger. “Die!”

A gunshot rang out and the sound echoed off the walls.

The bullet flew in slow motion, wisps of smoke trailing from the shotgun’s barrel.

In a matter of milliseconds, just before the bullet reached Himari, Kihaku’s unwavering love for his daughter compelled him to act. Without hesitation, he swiftly positioned himself in the path of the bullet.

Himari sensed her father’s body stiffen within her embrace, and the sound of his pained gasp reached her pointed ears.


In her embrace, she felt his back being soaked in a warm liquid, which caused her to feel a strong sense of apprehension. With caution, she shifted her gaze towards his back, only to discover that he had sustained a gunshot wound. Before her very eyes, a canvas was slowly becoming engulfed in a deep shade of red, like her lips, evoking the ominous reminder of life’s ephemeral nature and all its inherent risks.


Kihaku, falling into a state of physical decline, began to cough up blood. Despite his weakening condition, he tightly clung to his daughter, gradually losing strength and warmth in his embrace.

“Father-sama? Father-sama! No, no, no! Father-sama, stay with me, p-please! Do not leave me! ” With a sense of alarm, Himari attempted to apply pressure to her father’s gunshot wounds, however, her efforts proved ineffective. Blood soaked her hands as a pool of blood quickly formed around them.

So much blood… He will not stop bleeding. He will not stop bleeding!

As Kihaku began emitting a soft gurgling noise, indicating that he was struggling to breathe due to blood collecting in his lungs, Himari cradled his head gently on her lap. Tears streamed down her face as she helplessly witnessed her father drown in his blood from within, overwhelmed by a sense of powerlessness.

Amidst her sorrow, Himari’s gaze fell upon the elegant arrangement of white roses on the coffee table, causing her to feel disoriented. The once pure and pristine petals were now tainted and marred with splatters of blood, distorting their inherent beauty.

Ruining them.

“H-hi… ma…” Kihaku spoke in the gentlest and almost inaudible tone that Himari had ever heard. The sound was so faint that a mere human would not have been able to perceive it.

Himari leaned in close to hear his voice and coaxed him to speak louder. “What? Father-sama, what is it that you are trying to say?”

“Wa… r-ri…”

“Yes, Father-sama? I am listening!”

“… Hi… m-me…”

Baffled, Himari stared at him with an expression of pure bewilderment until his cryptic words dawned on her.

Himawarihime, meaning Sunflower Princess. That is what my father used to call me.

Lady Mistress Soaku-sama overheard your mention of my nickname and, motivated by animosity, began referring to me as ‘Himawari.’ While being called a sunflower does not bother me, her intention behind using this name is purely to mock the nickname my father gave me. It is evident that Lady Mistress Soaku-sama lacks any positive intentions when referring to me in this manner.

“I hear you, Father-sama. Himawarihime is what you said.”

A solitary tear cascaded down Kihaku’s freckled cheek as his bronze-colored eyes lost their golden luster.

Father-sama is fighting so hard to stay and this time, he is trying to stay just for me.

I need him to let go.

“Aish*teimasu,” Himari whispered affectionately to her dying father as she gently planted a tender kiss upon his forehead. “Watashi wa anata o aish*teimasu, sosh*te, watashi wa daijōbudesu.”

✧TRANSLATION: “I love you,” Himari whispered affectionately to her dying father as she gently planted a tender kiss upon his forehead. “I love you, and I will be okay.”

Kihaku experienced a sense of relief, allowing himself to peacefully embrace the warm darkness of death, as he knew his daughter would be able to manage without him. Gradually, he gently closed his eyes and released his last breath.

In an instant, his life ended, akin to the flickering flame of a candle nearing its end.

The manor, if not the entire world, was still.

Soaku’s stammering filled the void that was the soundless atmosphere, almost foolishly so. “Is he dead? He is! I— I did not mean to. It was an accident! I tried to— KIHAKU! Oh my God, Kihaku! I was trying to shoot—”

At that moment, Himari delicately placed her father on the ground before standing up. Her body became adorned with visible veins as her pointed fangs and claws, stained with a magenta hue, grew longer. Additionally, two inward-pointing white crescent-shaped horns emerged from the sides of her head.

“SOAKU!” Himari roared in a low, guttural voice that was not of her own. Her bright amber-gold eyes reflected nothing but anger, vengeance, and certain death as she affirmed, “You will pay for this with your life!”

The hardwood floors creaked due to the volume of intensity of Himari’s words.

Despite being visibly frightened by the female demon’s deadly glare, Soaku was determined to put up a fight and not surrender easily. Firmly clutching her weapon of choice, she resolutely held her position and refused to yield an inch.

Soft footsteps resonated throughout the house as Yui made her way down the staircase. Clad in a delightful Lolita-style nightgown adorned with a charming rabbit motif, she wore matching slippers that completed her adorable ensemble. The young girl let out a sleepy yawn and gently rubbed her eyes, before inquiring, “Mother, why is there so much noise?”

As Yui’s emerald-green eyes fluttered open, the sight that kay before her sent a wave of terror through her petite body, causing her to let out a piercing scream. “EEEHHH? BLOOD? ONI-HIMARI? EEEHHH? Oh my God, Father! Why are you lying there in so much blood? Why are you not moving?”

“Yui, go upstairs,” Soaku commanded. “Make sure you and Saori stay upstairs until I go up there.”

“But Mother—”


The noblewoman let out a subdued sigh and clenched her chattering teeth while remarking, “The sight of you with horns protruding from your head is an unnecessary confirmation of your devilish nature. Nevertheless, that is now inconsequential because your life will now come to an end, and we will finally be free from your presence!”

Soaku demonstrated enhanced confidence as she firmly grasped the shotgun, discharging it without any hesitation. The subsequent recoil forcefully propelled her backwards.

Himari sustained a direct gunshot wound to her chest, right above her heart. The impact caused her to stumble slightly, but she maintained an upright position and displayed an inhuman resilience in reaction to the injury.

I feel no pain.

“I am determined not to meet my demise in this place!” Soaku declared. The noblewoman appeared visibly agitated by Himari’s unresponsive demeanor, which only caused her to firmly grasp the firearm even more. “One of us will be condemned to the depths of Hell, and rest assured, it will not be me!”

Soaku shot Himari once again.

Then, again.




And again.

Himari stood still, her body bearing evident gunshot wounds that were bleeding profusely. Unbeknownst to Soaku, these wounds were gradually healing and regenerating with every passing moment.

My father is dead.

Nothing matters to me anymore.

Soaku’s disturbed expression turned to disbelief as she squeezed the trigger once again, only to find that she had run out of ammunition. “Huh? I am out of bullets... How is this possible? How are you still alive and in one piece? Why will you not die? How—”

The noblewoman’s sentence came to an abrupt halt as she realized that one of her arms was inexplicably absent, not within her peripheral vision.

Within the span of half a second, Himari had aggressively lunged at Soaku and tore off her arm. The female demon assumed a feline-like posture, crouching in a corner and voraciously chewing the noblewoman’s severed arm before discarding it onto the hardwood floor.

Soaku noticed her arm lying a distance away from her and a few moments later, the excruciating pain engulfed her. In a state of pure agony, she let out a piercing scream, overwhelmed by agonizing torment as blood showered and sprayed her surroundings from the stump of her arm. The noblewoman lost her footing on the bloodied floor and fell, overcome by her tears and screams of anguish.

When Soaku gained enough strength and willpower to bear the pain, she attempted to crawl to the shotgun her severed arm still grasped. Heaving and crying out in agony, she used her intact arm and her short, thick legs to propel herself forward. Her upper arm strength and leg strength were low, so as she was dragging herself with all her might, she was mostly stationary.

Himari watched as the obese noblewoman struggled to crawl over her own mounds of fat and constantly slipped in the slick sea of carmine. With the intent of finishing the noblewoman off, she took a few steps towards her.

Soaku screamed in terror at the sight of the approaching demoness and began crawling away at a faster pace. She accidentally leaned on the stump of her severed arm and screamed in pain, but her scream was cut short when something clamped around her throat.

The noblewoman felt herself being lifted off the ground, her feet dangling beneath her. Her corpulent body shook with fear as her remaining hand reached upward to claw at her stepdaughter’s hands.

At that moment, Soaku and Himari met eyes.

Soaku’s emerald-green eyes, pleading for mercy, locked with Himari’s demonic amber-gold eyes, reflecting cold indifference.

Himari’s unwavering grip remained firm, her arms demonstrating pulsating veins as she exerted consistent pressure on Soaku’s soft, flabby neck.

I feel… powerful.

Desperately seeking mercy, Soaku struggled to breathe and vigorously kicked her legs to free herself. In her distress, tears flowed from her swollen, bloodshot eyes as she wordlessly implored compassion.

Yet I feel… nothing.

Soaku’s facial complexion transitioned from a subtle pinkish hue to a deep violet, and eventually to a faint blue shade. She desperately clawed at Himari’s arm while her mouth resembled that of an asphyxiated fish, gaping wide open.

Himari witnessed the noblewoman’s struggle for breath but gained no pleasure from it, so she eventually lost interest in the situation. She forcefully applied even more pressure to Soaku’s neck, resulting in a sickening, echoing cracking sound that could be heard all throughout the manor.

Soaku’s body went limp, her hand that was once desperately trying to free herself falling to her side.


The female demon let the lifeless body of the noblewoman fall to the ground, displaying a complete lack of empathy.

I killed her.

I just killed my stepmother.

I do not feel anything. I know I should feel something, but I do not. Why is that? Am I far past the point of even the most poignant sorrow, remorse, and regret? Is this yet another symptom caused by the curse of being a demon?

Upon hearing movement upstairs, Himari’s pointed ears perked up. With an empty, apathetic gaze, she ascended the stairs to finish what the darkness in her heart had wanted all along.


Yui raced up the stairs, hyperventilating and gasping for air. She was utterly bewildered by the horrific scene she saw downstairs: Kihaku sprawled on the floor in a pool of blood, a frightening-looking Himari standing over him, and Soaku gripping a shotgun aimed at Himari.

The young girl burst into her older sister’s room and cried out, “Saori! Saori, wake up! Please wake up! Wake the hell up right now!”

Saori let out an aggravated groan as she was abruptly pulled out of her deep sleep. “Oh, my God, what is it, Yui?”

“It is Himari!” Yui shouted.“Himari has returned from the grave, and she looks like a demon!”

Saori stared at her younger sister in disbelief and asked, “Are you having those nightmares again?”

“No, Saori! Listen to me for once, will you? It is Himari! She is downstairs!”

“Are you telling the truth, Yui?”


“She… Himari is downstairs? But she died, Yui! How can she be downstairs? God, if I find out you are joking—”

That was when Saori heard the echoes of several gunshots, confirming the truth in Yui’s words. “Is Mother down there?” she gasped, anxious and flooded with fear.

“Yes, she is! I did not want to leave her down there, but she has a shotgun!”

“Where is Father?”

Yui’s eyes filled with tears as she cast her gaze downwards, the droplets of her sorrow damping her nightgown. She tried to hold back her sobs, but they escaped her lips in quiet gasps.

Saori grasped her younger sister's arms, shaking and pressing her for an answer. “Yui, where is Father?”

“I saw h-him,” the young girl stammered. “I s-saw him downstairs… He was dead! Father is dead, Saori!”

“How can you be sure that he was dead?”

“H-He was laying in his own blood!” Yui wept hysterically. “Himari killed him! I saw her standing by him, covered in blood. She killed him, Saori! She killed Father! She even killed our maids, Moe and Emiso!”

Somehow, Himari has returned from the dead and murdered her own father... I mourn Father's death, as he was a kind man, but I can only wish for Mother to meet a similar fate. She always saw me as a mere tool and considered my life to be her own! Now I must escape and go to Ikuo!

“We have to get out of here, Yui!” Saori exclaimed, jumping out of her bed and changing from a nightgown. “We must escape before it is too late.”

“But we cannot leave, Saori! Mother told us to stay upstairs!”

“We are leaving, Yui!”

“W-what? But Mother said—”

“It does not matter what Mother said, Yui! Since Himari is one of the undead, there is no guarantee that a shotgun will kill her! We must leave before she comes to kill us as well.”

“We are leaving without Mother?”

“Yes, we are leaving without her. We have no choice.”

Yui was in disbelief at the words spoken by her older sister. The thought of leaving her mother with a murderous, bloodthirsty demon was incomprehensible to the young girl. She could not imagine abandoning her mother, and while she did not know how she could help, leaving was out of the question.

Sensing her younger sister’s reluctance, Saori gently rested her hands upon Saori’s shoulders to console her. “Yui, mothers make sacrifices to protect their children all the time. That is the reason why Mother instructed us to stay upstairs, is it not?"

“Well, yes…”

“Now is our opportunity to escape, Yui. It is now or never.”

Yui pondered for a moment before nodding and responding, “Oki-dokie!” Then she frowned as she said, “Oh, I cannot find Fuwapo anywhere up here!”

“Yui, that cur will be fine. Animals are better at survival than us humans. Hurry up!”

“Wait, I need to get one last thing!” Yui rushed to her bedroom, her curly pigtails bouncing behind her, and came back with a stuffed rabbit. “Oh, I just could not bear to leave Mister Hops behind!”

Imbecile! She is wasting our precious time! I am not dying in this cursed manor because of her!

“Whatever, Yui, we need to leave! Come on!”

The two sisters hurried down the grand hallway that led downstairs until they saw a white figure standing at the far end of the corridor.

… That is Himari!

Himari donned a white floral kimono soaked in blood, with crimson spatter adorning her fair countenance. Illuminated by the moonlight, her skin and attire appeared almost translucent, resembling a hauntingly beautiful wraith bespattered with blood.

“Himari, it truly is you!” Saori shrieked, horrified and shocked. “What is the meaning of this? You perished!”

Himari remained silent but slightly parted her full lips, exposing her menacing, bloodstained fangs.

Saori felt a chill run down her spine as she laid eyes on her late stepsister, drenched in blood and bearing fangs like a vampire, but she concealed her fear well. Instead, she let out a mocking laugh and said, “I was informed that you were responsible for Father’s demise, as well as the deaths of the two maids, and quite possibly Mother’s as well, given your presence here with us.”


The manor lay quiet until Saori suddenly erupted into a fit of laughter, the sound echoing down the corridor.

Yui gazed up at her older sister, perplexed by her sudden burst of laughter. “Saori…”

“Do not be afraid, Yui!” Saori laughed. “It is only Himari, our pitiful stepsister, no matter how much she alters her appearance. She will forever remain the worthless, lowly housemaid with the scent of floor cleaner and mackerel. Is that not right, Himari?”

“Saori, please do not provoke her!” Yui pleaded with tears in her eyes. “Look at how intensely she is gazing at us, as if we are her next meal! I believe it is time for us to go!”

“Why? Are you afraid, Yui? I am not. I do not know what happened between her and Mother downstairs, but I can take her, even in my heavily pregnant state!”

Suddenly, a heavy, ominous sensation enveloped the surroundings, causing their legs to weaken and buckle with dread. The atmosphere grew uncomfortably dense, making it difficult to inhale, and the sound of their own heartbeat reverberated in their ears.

Yui clutched her plush rabbit tightly to her chest, feeling a wave of fear as her bladder betrayed her, and then experiencing the warmth of liquid running down her legs. Paralyzed with fear, she stood in the puddle of her own urine.

Saori felt the intimidating presence and started to retreat slowly, trembling and perspiring heavily. She instinctively shielded her pregnant stomach, as she could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to maintain her composure.

What is this sudden feeling that came over me? It is an overwhelming and palpable sense of dread!

Himari stepped forward, her eerie gaze suggesting that she saw Saori and Yui merely as prey, devoid of any recognition or connection to the individuals she once knew and lived amongst.

“S-She is coming!” Yui stammered. “W-what do we d-do, Saori?”

Saori pondered her next move, realizing that her chances of survival in any scenario were minimal. She considered waiting for Himari to draw near, then slipping past her with Yui when an opportunity arose, or swiftly turning around with Yui and making a break for it.

Saori, unable to come up with a better alternative, opted for the one situation that ensured her safety and hers alone.

Forgive me, Yui.


Yui, quivering in immense fear, continued backing away from the approaching demon. “Saori, what do we do? Himari is coming—" The young girl's words were cut short when her own sister pushed her towards Himari, knocking her to the floor. "EEEKKK!"

“Goodbye, Yui!” Saori shouted as she swiftly turned and fled without even a brief glance back.

Yui was unable to comprehend that her own sister had betrayed her in such a despicable manner, and she let out a piercing scream as she watched Saori disappear further down the hall. “What? Saori! Saori! Why, Saori? f*ck!”

I cannot believe that Saori left me... She betrayed me! My own sister betrayed me!

Yui turned around and noticed a set of bloodied socks and zori right in front of her. When she looked up, she saw Himari gazing at her and leaning in. Himari’s hands reached out and grasped Yui’s arms, as if she intended to assist her up from the floor.


Trusting Himari’s aid, Yui rose to her feet and breathed a sigh of relief. She stood facing Himari until she felt Himari’s grip on her arms begin to tighten. “Huh? Himari, stop! You are hurting me! Stop, please! KIYAHHH!”

With a startling intensity, Himari's grasp on Yui's arms was incredibly unfathomably, akin to the unwavering coil of a boa constrictor. Her claws, stained with vibrant magenta, deeply gouged into Yui's flesh with alarming force, colliding with bone.

“EYAHHH!” An anguished wail fled from Yui’s lips as her delicate arms were violently torn from her body, causing her to throw back her head and release howls and screams that epitomized sheer terror. Her harrowing screams filled the air as she endured the savage assault, being viciously attacked by a creature bearing a resemblance to her deceased stepsister. With no mercy, this bloodthirsty beast sank its fangs into the young, tender flesh of Yui’s throat.

The overwhelming waves of fear and unbearable agony engulfed Yui’s entire being. Her voice was silenced by the ravaging of her throat from Himari's fangs, making it impossible for her to release a cry of pain. The helpless young girl found herself being devoured alive, with no possibility of escape. Soon, the pain numbed and grew dull as Yui succumbed to the loss of an excessive amount of blood and the shutting down of her organs.

Help... me...

Eventually, Yui’s life came to an end, her existence and the light in her emerald-green eyes extinguished.


Saori sprinted desperately through the corridor, a pang of regret weighing heavily on her heart for betraying her own sister. The piercing pleas and cries of Yui suddenly ceased, replaced by the chilling echoes of blood splattering and coating the corridor walls. Saori was aware of the tragic fate that had befallen Yui, and she was determined to take every possible measure to avoid a similar outcome.

Oh, Yui... I had no other choice! We had the opportunity to flee sooner, but you hindered us! Your demise is not my responsibility; it lies with you!

I am determined to stay alive as my child has yet to experience their first breath! I must escape immediately for the sake of both Ikuo and our unborn child.

I am coming to be with you, Ikuo.

Finally, Saori reached the end of the corridor, and she swiftly descended the stairs and hurried into the kitchen. She seized the largest, sharpest knife available, a Chef’s knife, before dashing towards the main living room. Her bare feet became stained with blood, creating a disquieting sound as she walked on the gory hardwood floors. There, she saw the bodies of Soaku, Kihaku, and the two maids, Moe and Emiso, lying motionless, presenting a gruesomely haunting scene.

So, they are all dead...

Saori’s heart twinged at the sight of her deceased parents lying on the floor, but the sensation was albeit fleeting. In truth, Saori held a deep resentment towards her family. She resented her mother for restricting the freedom she believed she should have, and she did not feel much affection towards Kihaku because he was not her biological father. He merely filled the role of her real father, who had abandoned them and started a new family with another woman.

I have no concern for these fools who met their demise! In a sense, Himari did me a favor!

As Saori reached out her arm to open the front door of the Katōwamuro manor, she caught a glimpse of Himari standing behind her from the corner of her eye. The door was within reach, but Himari’s daunting presence interrupted her action.

This murderous bitch... I know exactly what she needs. I can take her.

Saori’s expression transformed as she turned around to confront Himari, concealing the knife discreetly behind her back. In that moment, her beautiful countenance softened into a maternal visage, a side to her that had rarely been seen before. “Oh, my sweet Himari,” she cooed in a gentle, affectionate tone. “Look at the chaos you have created! It seems you have not satisfied your thirst for bloodshed, have you?”


“Rest assured, Himari, you will no longer have to bear any concerns or burdens, for I will alleviate them for you... NOW DIE! ” Saori revealed the concealed knife from behind her back and poised it menacingly to strike Himari.

However, in a swift and overpowering motion, Himari forcefully pierced her hand into Saori’s abdomen, resulting in a disturbingly wet noise.

Shocked, Saori’s mouth gaped wide open, yet no sound escaped her lips. Her trembling hand released the knife as it slipped from her grasp.

H-how…? How did she...

Squelching sounds were heard as Himari’s clawed hand moved around inside of Saori’s stomach. Saori cried out and experienced a sickening tug as her flesh, internal organs, and intestines were torn apart. As the relentless agony intensified, Himari ruthlessly tore Saori apart from within, causing blood to pool around her feet. The excruciating pain was unbearable, with each moment feeling like an eternity. The gaping wound in Saori’s abdomen oozed blood uncontrollably, further adding to her suffering. The invasive, tormenting assault persisted until a chilling thud echoed through the corridor, marking the gory culmination as something was thrust onto the bloodied hardwood floor.

Blood seeping from her lips, Saori glanced at the ground and noticed a peculiarly shaped mass of tissue. Upon closer inspection, she recognized it as her unborn fetus, at a developmental stage of over twenty weeks, with tiny fingers and toes fully formed.

My baby... I and Ikuo’s baby...

Saori stood, breathing heavily and quivering, her body enduring excruciating pain and overwhelming grief. She was in a state of shock, unable to grasp the gravity of the recent events, as her blood and intestines continued to leak out of her through the gaping wound in her abdomen.

I have lost too much blood… I do not want to die having not spoken to Ikuo! I did not... I did not imagine my life would end like this!

“Curse y-you,” Saori whispered through the choking of her own blood filling up her lungs. Weakly, she reached out for Himari's shoulders, her bloodied hands causing her grip to falter. “I c-curse you, Himari… I curse y-you! I curse y—”

The manor fell silent once more, as Saori was unable to utter her vengeful last words before her demise.


A profound sense of weightiness filled the atmosphere, impeding one's ability to breathe comfortably.

Slowly, Himari came to consciousness and found herself kneeling on the hardwood floors.

… What happened?

The kimono Himari wore became a haunting sight, stained deeply with blood, obscuring its once pristine white beauty. Even the silvery ends of her hair were matted and coated in dried blood, a grim testament to the violence that had taken place.

I smell and taste blood... Why, I am covered in it! There is blood everywhere, all over the floor! How did this happen?

The unsettling presence of a metallic essence, accompanied by the taste and texture of human flesh, was in her mouth. What troubled her deeply was her unexpected inclination towards enjoying this taste. Her lips were stained with blood, which she tasted and licked with a mixture of greed and self-loathing. The demonic desires that had awakened within her were too difficult to resist.

Himari shifted her gaze towards her side and was met with the sight of a woman’s face frozen in a state of sheer terror, a face she recognized as the dark-haired maid. The woman’s eyes, icy and glazed, locked onto Himari’s amber-gold ones. She lay on the ground with her spine fully exposed and unnaturally arched, giving the impression that she had been attacked from behind. It seemed as if something had consumed her from within before extracting her backbone to leave her lifeless form behind. Next to the dark-haired maid laid the maimed, decapitated corpse of the young maid with blonde hair.

“KIYAHHH!” Frightened, Himari scrambled to run away but slipped in the pool of blood.

No… N-no… Everyone…

Soaku lay motionless on the ground, her eyes bloodshot and bulging, her neck showing signs of bruising, and her puckered lips swollen and discolored. Furthermore, one of her arms was missing from her body.

Various parts of Yui’s petite body were sprawled in different locations. The dismembered head got lost amid the chunks of flesh, and her torso affixed to the wall with a fireplace poker lodged in her chest. Her limbs were severed and scattered at a distance, with only the bones remaining. Portions of her skull were visible, while her face was unrecognizable due to extensive damage and tissue consumption.

Saori’s disemboweled body was found in a slumped position against the wall. Her abdomen bore a deep, wide wound through which her intestines were visible, having been extensively damaged and disrupted. The visceral organs exhibited signs of severe trauma and disturbance, appearing mangled and chewed.

There, in the heart of everything, lay her father’s lifeless body. Unlike the mangled rest, his form remained unharmed and untouched. With closed eyes, he appeared as if peacefully slumbering, as if it were any other day in the manor, untouched by the gruesome scene of chaos surrounding him.

Himari was overcome with nausea, causing her to part her lips and let out a bloodcurdling scream, an anguished whimper, as her heart was mercilessly ripped apart and shattered into pieces. The sight of her hands drenched in blood and her claws stained with crimson confirmed that she was the perpetrator behind these heinous acts.

Everyone… They are all dead! Am I… Am I the one who did this? No, that cannot be! I do not believe this. This c-cannot be real. No, no, no, no, no, no—

Suddenly, Himari heard applause coming from behind her, accompanied by a voice she knew all too well.

“Himari, I must say, I am thoroughly impressed. Well done.”

N-no… It is him!

With a sense of trepidation, Himari glanced in the direction of Muzan approaching her. His white attire retained its immaculate whiteness, standing out against the surrounding viscous crimson liquid. The Demon Lord scoffed and tauntingly remarked, “You appear quite lovely drenched in blood. Red becomes you.”

Himari attempted to voice her frustration towards him, but soon realized that her voice was stifled, as if her throat had been clamped shut.

My voice! Where is my voice? D-do not come any closer!

“I apologize for initially lacking faith in your abilities,” Muzan continued. “I had doubts about whether you would fulfill your tasks, but I must admit, Himari, you have done an excellent job. You efficiently eliminated the members of your household and two unrelated individuals without showing any mercy. I must express my utmost admiration for your exceptional abilities. With the appropriate guidance and structured discipline, you have the potential to achieve great heights and become something, far, far greater... Perhaps you could possibly elevate yourself to the upper echelons of my league, yes?”

“N-no… I hate you. They are all dead… They are all dead because of you!

“Hm? I have not a hand in this,” Muzan scoffed. “This is entirely your doing.”

“But you brought me here, knowing that I would lose control over myself!” she yelled. “You orchestrated everything, so this is your fault! I hate you! No, I despise you!”

“Yet you brutally ended their lives and even dragged their corpses here to revel in your work,” Muzan continued. “I never would have imagined that you possessed such a nefarious side. Confess that you took pleasure in it, Himari!”

Distraught, Himari buried her face in her hands and rocked back and forth while tears streamed down her cheeks. “No, no, no! You are lying! Stop s-speaking falsehoods and lies, please!”

"The hatred you harbored for your family deep in your heart enticed you, and you fell prey to it. Himari, admit that you despised your family—" Upon sensing that they were being watched, Muzan turned his head to see a small, white shih tzu adorned in pink standing in the main living room’s entryway.


“Fuwapo, you say?”

Ignoring the unfamiliar pale man with serpent-like eyes and the sight of the mangled familiar corpses that laid, Fuwapo ventured forward. It sniffed its way through the blood-soaked floor, determined to reach Himari. Upon reaching her, it positioned itself in front of her, barking excitedly. “ Yip! Yip, yip, yip!”


Himari noticed the distasteful glint in Muzan’s piercing, plum red eyes and realized that he was about to inflict harm on the small dog. She cried out, “Stop, do not hurt it! Fuwapo, run!

With one fluid movement of his arm, Muzan swiftly terminated the unfortunate canine. Fuwapo’s body was slammed against the wall on the other side of the room, resulting in a graphic spectacle of blood and entrails scattering across the vicinity, as if enhancing the already macabre ambiance. With the nerves still attached, one of its eyes rolled and turned its gaze towards them.

“Oh my, God!” Himari screamed in terror, sobbing hysterically. “You killed Fuwapo! What did you do that for? I will never forgive you!”

The Demon Lord chuckled maliciously and remarked, "You, the demon who just slaughtered her entire household, including two innocent souls, has the audacity to speak? How heartless of you to grieve for a cur's life more than for the human lives you have mercilessly taken."

Himari felt the gravity of Muzan’s words, bowing her head in sorrow and shedding tears as she accepted the painful truth.

I am the one responsible for this. I am the root of all these troubles. If I had not harbored such deep hatred for them in my heart, none of this would have ever happened. I succumbed to my emotions and lost control of myself, which caused the deaths of all these people...

I am sorry, Okasan.

Muzan abruptly snapped his fingers in front of Himari’s face to capture her attention. “Himari, have you considered my previous request?”

“W-what? What request are you talking about?”

In that instant, a memory of a conversation with Muzan resurfaced in Himari's mind. The recollection was vivid, as if it were unfolding before her eyes.

“It means that I want you to become mine; mind, body, and soul. You shall live alongside me as my kept girl, a pet of some sorts.”

“Oh, that...”

“So, what do you say? How about it?”


‘Answer me, Himari.’

As Himari spoke in a flat and emotionless manner, her once vibrant and glowing amber eyes transformed into a solemn shade of inky black. “I have no desire to belong to you, but do I even have a say in the matter? You have already dictated my fate.”

The Demon Lord remained silent and simply smirked, his face displaying a twisted sense of self-satisfaction.

“I was weak and allowed you to cause me to kill my own family,” Himari continued. “I allowed you to manipulate me and fill my heart with darkness!”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, it is so! You sowed the seeds of hatred and bitterness within me! I was fine before I met you!”

“Do not give me too much credit, Pet. I only unearthed what was already there.”

Himari, deeply offended by Muzan’s insinuation, asked, “What do you mean, you only unearthed what was already there?”

“In truth, I never instilled anything in you, I only gave you the weapons,” Muzan said, referring to her bloodied claws. “Ultimately, the fate of your family depended on you.”

“How can you say such a callous thing?”

“There is no need for you to feel any remorse for your actions, Himari, as those individuals deserved nothing short of death. They were loathsome, parasitic maggots who brought no value and served no purpose other than to harm you. Your inherently innocent and compassionate nature prevented you from recognizing the truth, leading to a repetitive cycle of self-destruction. In their stead, you killed yourself numerous times to gain their love and affection.”

I… I killed myself numerous times?

Suddenly, the faces that were once on the lifeless bodies vanished, and Himari’s face appeared in their place. The female demon was presented with multiple deceased versions of her human self, almost slaughtered beyond recognition.

Himari saw herself lying motionless on the hardwood floor with a gunshot wound, surrounded by a pool of blood. She saw two mangled corpses of herself lying beside each other, all mutilated, twisted, and missing limbs. She saw her own severed head lying a short distance away from her decapitated corpse, her bloodied face expressing pure fear and anguish with gently parted lips.

All of them… All of them are me! Did I truly do this to myself? Just how many murders did I commit?

“I cut for them, I bled for them, I cried for them, I suffered so that they did not have to. I murdered myself so many times to appease them, but it was never enough! I was never enough!”

Why? Why did my stepmother never love me?

Muzan suddenly appeared behind Himari and leaned in close to her ear. His voice, a chilling whisper, gently caressed her pointed ear as he spoke. “Now that you are no longer bound by them, none of that holds any significance. Himari, you are free.”

Free? Why does being free feel so awful? I would prefer to remain bound in shackles and chains!

“The taste of freedom may initially seem unpleasant, but that sensation is fleeting,” Muzan chuckled maliciously. “Himari, you are utterly radiant, like your name suggests, but even in young, innocent maidens like you, there exists a hint of darkness. At first sight, I glimpsed that darkness within you, I found it captivating and exquisite. Therefore, I invite you to join me. Join me, Himari. Become mine— mind, body, and soul.”

Himari tightly shut her eyes and prayed, beseeching for guidance, mercy, absolution, and deliverance through her prayers. She felt as though she was surrendering her soul to the epitome of evil, and in a sense, she was.

I am alone. I have nobody left. I must go with him, as I have no other option. Oh, dear God, Buddha, whoever is in control of all things, please show me mercy, I pray!

“Do not lament and linger on the past, Himari,” Muzan consoled her, his voice oddly soothing and comforting. “You are not at fault and have committed no wrong, as they all deserved their fate. Remorse escapes you because I saved you from that.”

Upon hearing those words, Himari paused from feeling the depths of despair and was instead consumed by rage at Muzan’s callous remarks. Speaking in a grim, somber tone, she said, “Do you truly think you saved me? No, you have damned me! You led me to take numerous lives, and now I am destined to suffer in eternal hellfire!”

“How foolish the god you worship must be if you think you would be condemned despite enduring so much pain,” Muzan derided with a low scoff.

“You poisoned me… You infected me with your disease, and your accursed blood has blackened my veins! You have introduced me to lust, hatred, and selfishness! Because of you, I am a sinner. Because of you, I am a murderous beast! Because of you, I will never reunite with my parents in the afterlife!

I am destined to never experience the joy of reuniting with my parents in Heaven, as the Gods have forsaken me!

“There are no gods, Himari.”

“Yes, there is!”

“How so?”

“If there is pure evil, then pure good must exist. It must!”

“You are unaware of what you speak of. I have lived for more than a millennium, and I have never beheld the face of Buddha.”

“As if Buddha would appear to an evil man like you!”

Muzan crouched down to Himari, the ends of his pristine white cloak becoming tainted by the blood creeping up the fabric. With a deathly serious expression, he locked eyes with her and said, “Hold your tongue.”

“Why?” Himari contested. “Why should I? What is the point of obeying you?”


“Everyone I have ever loved is gone; there is nothing more you can do to me. I have nothing left to lose!”

“Himari, refrain from uttering another syllable,” Muzan cautioned with an ominous tone.

“I understand now that you were envious of me all along!” Himari proclaimed, her voice hoarse and strained with passionate anguish. “You envied me for having a family who loved me and a place to call home, while you are old, alone, and miserable!”

Muzan seized the female demon’s throat with one hand, lifting her high in the air and strangling her.

Himari was suspended in the air, her body limp and devoid of strength. Her vocal cords were constricted, rendering her unable to utter a single word. Resigned to her fate, she sealed her eyes in acceptance because she no longer had the will to go on.

Please just kill me! Let me die. I have taken the lives of my own family, leaving me with no reason to continue living. The debt of blood must be settled with blood.

The Demon Lord experienced a sudden shift in attitude and released Himari from his grasp.

Himari landed on the blood-soaked hardwood floors with a wet sound. Drenched in blood, she screamed, “Why will you not kill me?”

Muzan let out a quiet sigh as he fixed his lingering gaze on Himari before turning away from her pained face. “Death by my hands would be too merciful for you. Farewell.”

“Farewell? Where are you going?”

“I am departing as you have always desired, Himari. You shall roam and wander the earth alone, just as you once wished.”

“What? But why? Why are you leaving?”

“Why does it matter? Were you not adamant that you did not require my presence in your life?”

“Yes, I was, but that was before you made me kill my family! I have no one now...”

“That is none of my concern,” Muzan icily stated, refusing to reconsider his decision. “I wish you well, Himari.”

Himari watched as Muzan left the manor, experiencing a pang of sorrow in her heart. She longed to say something, anything, to make him linger and persuade him to stay, but her lips remained still. Tears welled in her eyes as the chasm widened between her and the only man who comprehended her plight, even though he was its source, as he walked away.

Please... Master Muzan-sama, please do not leave me... Do not leave me!

Upon hearing her internal pleas, Muzan abruptly halted in his steps. “What was that, Himari?”

“I know you were hearing my thoughts... I said, do not leave me! Please do not forsake me, Master Muzan-sama!”

The Demon Lord faced her, unmoving, with chillingly vacant eyes. His expression was inscrutable, yet unmistakably unpleasant.

Himari could feel the weight of his gaze bearing down on her, sending shivers down her spine. The silence between them was suffocating, and she failed to find any words to break it. Despite the shackles of fear gripping her, she shifted her body into a deeply apologetic posture and prostrated herself before him. She kneeled and bowed with her head touching the red, slicked hardwood floor.

“I should not have said those things to you, Master Muzan-sama… It was wrong of me. Gomen’nasai!”

✧TRANSLATION: “I should not have said those things to you, Master Muzan-sama… It was wrong of me. I am sorry!”

Muzan remained unimpressed and unmoved by Himari's apology. “Have you made a decision regarding my proposal?”

“Yes, I have decided that I will join you but only on one condition...”

“What is your condition?”

Himari swallowed a lump in her throat and gathered the courage to exclaim, “You must let me bury these people!”

After a prolonged period of silence, Muzan callously provided his response. “No.”

“No? What do you mean, no?”

“I will not allow you to bury anyone, for it is meaningless and a waste of time.”

“Then I am not joining you!”

“It appears that you are misunderstanding the situation, Himari,” Muzan laughed sinisterly. “You are not able to make demands as you lack control and power. I invited you to join me simply to hear you pledge your allegiance, but that is inconsequential now.”

Before Himari could respond, darkness enveloped the world. Within the echoing void, she heard the damning words that sealed her fate.

‘I own you.’

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Upon opening her eyes, Himari found herself in a completely unfamiliar location. It appeared to be a traditional Japanese manor, characterized by its high stone walls, tatami mats, shoji screens, and exquisite wood craftsmanship.

Where am I? How did I get here? What is this place?

“This is your permanent residence,” Muzan stated unsettlingly, his voice startling Himari as she had not noticed his presence behind her. “This estate is protected by a potent barrier, rendering it undetectable and impervious to sunlight. Follow me.”

My permanent residence?

The two demons proceeded along the corridor until they reached a fusama door adorned with a hand-painted depiction of cranes, mountains, and rivers. The fusama doors slid open unassisted, unveiling a bathhouse equipped with a shower and a deep, steep-sided ofuro soaking tub at its heart. A pale green speckled kimono and socks were neatly folded on a bench, ready for her.

Before Muzan left, he said, “Clean and dress yourself well. I will return for you once you are finished. Do not do anything unwise.”

Shaking with nervousness, Himari cautiously entered the bathhouse and removed her blood-soaked clothing. As she stood underneath the shower head for a rinse, the water fell upon her like a peaceful rain and its warmth washed away the blood that had been stuck to her skin. Still, her frail body could not stop shaking from terror. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she was confronted with the haunting faces and images of the individuals she had killed. She shut her eyes and drew deep breaths, attempting to cleanse herself of her pain, fears, and trauma.

The water took on a pink hue as the blood blended with the shower water and streamed down the drain. After what seemed like an eternity, the water ran clear, and she emerged from the shower.

Thoroughly rinsed, Himari tied her hair up and pinned it into a bun on top of her head before stepping into the soaking tub. As she immersed herself in the water, she drew in a deep breath and submerged herself beneath the surface. Holding her breath, she closed her eyes tightly, and fragments of the events at the Katōwamuro manor flashed through her mind.

The two maids.

Lady Mistress Soaku-sama.





Himari emerged from the water, gasping for air and whimpering. Her heart raced with grief, remorse, and guilt weighing heavily on her chest.

Everyone… I murdered each of you! I am so, so, so sorry! Please forgive me! I… I have nothing. I have nothing. I am all alone. I truly belong to him! It has been such Hell belonging to a man as cruel as that!

I wonder… What is the point of continuing this cursed life?

Distraught, Himari glanced at her environment and spotted a delicate porcelain vase.


Stepping out of the soaking tub, the female demon draped a towel around herself and made her way towards the vase. She lifted the porcelain vase and forcefully threw it to the ground, causing it to shatter into pieces.

Himari grasped the largest and sharpest fragment and pressed it against her neck. Tears silently cascaded down her face as she expressed apologies to her loved ones, bid farewell to her life, and implored forgiveness from the divine powers above.

Forgive me.

The female demon exerted pressure on her neck with the porcelain fragment until she tensed up as she sensed an ominous presence surround her.

“That will not work,” Muzan said, his voice carrying a low and menacing tone. He snatched the porcelain shard from Himari’s hand and hurled it at the wall, frightening her. “Wench, did I not tell you to refrain from doing anything unwise?”

“Were you watching me, pervert? I hope you got your rocks off!”

“I was not watching you.”


In a fit of rage, Muzan tightly seized Himari’s shoulders, his blue-tinted nails gouging into her delicate flesh and bloodying her floral demon crest. “Hold your tongue and display proper respect in my presence!”

“Get your hands off me, pervert!” she retorted, sobbing hysterically. “Do not touch me! Creep! Debakame!”

✧TRANSLATION: “Get your hands off me, pervert!” she retorted, sobbing hysterically. “Do not touch me! Creep! Peeping Tom!”

“As if I would waste time watching a scraggly wench like you bathe!” he snarled. “Sentakuita!”

✧TRANSLATION: “As if I would waste time watching a scraggly wench like you bathe!” he snarled. “Washboard!”

“Oh, you are just a foul, terrible bastard!” Himari shouted as she rushed to repeatedly punch Muzan’s broad chest. “I hate you!”

The Demon Lord perceived Himari’s punches to be as gentle as a falling leaf brushing against one’s skin. After enduring a consecutive string of blows from the female demon, he seized her wrist to halt her assault.

The two demons stared at one another, motionless, their gaze filled with intense animosity.

Himari’s frail, petite frame paled in comparison to Muzan’s towering, robust physique. Just his height and physical strength alone made it clear to her that she stood no chance against him, especially considering his status as the Progenitor of Demons.

All efforts were futile.

“Are you finished, Pet?” Muzan asked ominously, assuming that he would have to discipline her. He was taken by surprise when Himari suddenly burst into tears and threw herself at him. The towel wrapped around her came undone, leaving her naked and bare. He was left at a loss for how to handle the unexpected situation and could only stand there with his hands by his sides.

“Why will you not set me free?” Himari softly inquired amidst her sobs. “Why will you not let me at least die?”

The Demon Lord gazed upon the female demon with an emotion that could be mistaken for pity, if he were capable of such sentiment. As he unraveled her hair from its high bun, allowing it to flow down her back and tucking a lock of it behind her pointed ears, he said, “I have plans for you. That is all you must know.”

The gentle sound of water dripping from the shower faucet echoed, accompanied by the soft weeping of Himari.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Cleaned and clothed, Himari followed Muzan into a chamber filled with laboratory apparatus. There were pipettes, testing tubes, beakers, and microscopes.

“Are you familiar with any of the equipment present?” Muzan asked.

“I am familiar with some of them…”

“Then you shall learn because from now on, you are my apprentice,” he declared. “Now, your purpose is to assist me in my search for the sacred flower, the Blue Spider Lily.”

“… The Blue Spider Lily?”

The Demon Lord walked over to a table and signaled for Himari to come to him. He picked up a book and turned to a page displaying a drawing of a spider lily pigmented with a vivid, luminescent blue. “Have you ever heard of it?”

“No, I have not. I never knew of such a beautiful thing… May I ask why you need it?”

“No, you may not!” Muzan spat angrily. “Just know that I wish to acquire it and it is your job to assist in recovering it.”

“As much as I want to help you, how will I be of use? I only practice herbalism and make perfumes! I cannot help you find a flower that probably does not exist!”

The Demon Lord forcefully struck Himari across the face, sending her crashing into a wall with sheer impact. Approaching her, he seized her by her hair and menacingly hissed, “Pet, your ignorance is profound. You know nothing, so hold your tongue or I will tear it out!”

“H-hai! Gomen’nasai, Master Muzan-sama!”

✧TRANSLATION: “Y-yes! I am sorry, Master Muzan-sama!”

Muzan showed clear signs of irritability as he returned to the table, closed the book, and put it back in its original position.

“Would there not be lingering traces of the sacred flower within you if you had consumed it?” Himari inquired softly, fearing what would happen if she angered him again.

Muzan’s rage simmered down in response to her question. “I have made multiple efforts to extract cellular matter, yet all my attempts have been in vain. Hence, I require the sacred flower itself.”


“Come, Himari. I have more to show you.”

Himari followed Muzan into a smaller adjoining room filled with similar laboratory equipment. There were bottles, container molds, and jars of dried and fresh flowers and herbs.

“What we have here are jasmine, plumeria, and freesia, but I can provide any flora you desire,” Muzan said. “There is palm oil, beeswax, lard, and tallow at your disposal. I have done research on this old-fangled process called enfleurage. It is complex, but I am certain you know more about it than I, yes?”

Is this…

“Yes, this is your workspace.” The Demon Lord played with a lock of Himari’s hair, the silvery tips shining like starlight in the warm candlelight. “Himari, I encourage you to persist in your pursuit of perfumery. Your skill has great potential to yield significant profits through the creation of unique and captivating fragrances.”

“Profitable?” Himari whispered. “You wish to make money off my perfumes? But why would you need money?”

“Money is required whenever I reintegrate into human society,” Muzan replied. “The extravagant dates, gifts, and luxurious clothing I provided were all made possible by my funds. Moreover, having money brings its own advantages.”

“You… You made me go through all of this just so I could make perfume for you?”

“No, not at all,” Muzan denied, embracing Himari from behind. He leaned in to nibble on her pointed ear and whispered, “This is just one of the benefits of having a clever, resourceful girl like you.”

Himari gasped at the feeling of the tip of her pointed ear being nibbled on. She covered her mouth and winced, refusing to give further indication of how pleasurably erotic it felt.

‘Good girl.’

Prior to vanishing into thin air, Muzan said, “Pet, I must take my leave for a while. During my absence, I expect you to craft numerous perfumes for me. Remember to conduct yourself appropriately.”

Now alone, Himari could not stop the onslaught of tears that poured from her eyes.


┍━ 【❀】 ━┑




The manor exuded a sense of coldness and abandonment. The air held a stale, musty quality, carrying the whispers of age, and the floorboards would creak, echoing the lament and solitude within.

Himari was unaware of the passage of time since there was no window to mark the days. To create a semblance of time, she dedicated what she believed to be two and a half hours to studying or reading, four hours to making perfumes, and an hour to soaking in the ofuro, repeating this routine each day.

Over time, Himari, despite her reluctance to acknowledge it, realized that she longed for Muzan’s presence. His self-satisfied expression, the smooth, velvety crawl of his voice, and the crimson hue of his eyes that evoked the image of glistening rubies, all left a lasting impression on her. The female demon was aware that Muzan was responsible for all her suffering, yet her body craved him in a disturbing, twisted manner, akin to Stockholm Syndrome.

How can I possibly miss him, the bastard? He is the cause of my conversion into an oni and the demise of my family! Yet, loneliness and solitude weigh heavily on me, with only my thoughts for company. Oh, how I wish there was someone for me to talk to…

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Himari settled into the fragrant herbal bath, her entire body immersed in the warm water up to her neck. She closed her eyes and let out a contented sigh, the soothing scent of rose petals and lavender easing the tension in her body.

Suddenly, the sliding door opened.

Himari could feel a profound darkness that both made her sick to her stomach and caused her heart to flutter. She closed her eyes in acceptance because she knew who it was.

I feel you.

The female demon listened as he unfastened his belt and undid his shirt before approaching the bath with deliberate strides. He positioned himself right behind her, the warmth emanating from his groin conveying everything she needed to understand.

‘Tell me that you do not want me to stay, then I will leave.’

The Demon Lord’s alluringly invasive voice, slithering and probing in Himari’s mind, was a disturbingly familiar sensation.

Shuddering, Himari attempted to push Muzan’s voice out of her mind, but his voice seemed to echo in her head, refusing to be silenced. It felt as though he had established a lasting residence within the depths of her mind, akin to a parasite nestled deep within its host. She was aware that she needed to find a method to escape from his grasp, or else face the possibility of being engulfed by his darkness eternally.

Still, she could not bring herself to respond.

Himari had lost track of how long it had been since she last saw or spoke to anyone, so the presence of anyone, even someone as despicable as Muzan, was like milk and honey to her parched lips, a blessing to her isolated existence.

It was more than enough.

Naked, Muzan stepped inside the tub and sat across from her. Himari averted her eyes from him, turning her head the other way. They remained motionless for some time until Muzan communicated with her using telepathy once more.

‘Come to me.’

The command was unexpectedly gentle in a controlling manner, and before she realized it, she felt herself moving towards him. Soon, they were face to face, with her gazing up at him, mere inches away. They shared a kiss, and as Himari savored the taste of blood on his lips and tongue, she imagined that he had been considerate enough to feed before reuniting with her, allowing him to nourish her in his own way.

Delicious… I want more!

Pulling away from his longing lips, Himari gently applied the washcloth to Muzan’s physique, caressing his pale, milky white muscles with care. She caressed his broad shoulders, biceps, and chest, gently applying aromatic oils to his body and massaging him.

Muzan chuckled darkly and said, “You are such a good pet, Himari, for serving me without my instruction. Well done. I shall reward you later.”

I hate you... I hate you so much. I hate everything about you.

The Demon Lord turned his head to look at her.

“What, did you think that I loved you? How can I when you are the one who killed my family?”

“I had no hand in slaying your family, Himari. That was all you. Their deaths are on no one’s conscience but yours.”

“I beg to differ… You brought me there, knowing that I would lose control of myself. You knew that this would happen.”

“I regret presuming that you cared for your family enough to refrain from harming them. I genuinely believed you were more resilient than this, Himari.”

“What? Do not twist things up like that!”

“Why are you still dwelling on the past? It has been well over three years since that night.”

Upon hearing that, Himari let go of the washcloth and gazed at Muzan with an astonished expression. “Over… three years? How long have I— How long have you kept me here?”

A sinister, evil smile twisted across the Demon Lord’s face. “Oh, did I not once mention that time moves differently here?”

“No, no, no, Master Muzan-sama! You did not mention such a thing!”

“My apologies,” he laughed heartily, visibly taking pleasure in her misery.

Himari’s eyes turned somber as she reminisced about the tragic events of that fateful night that led to her family’s demise. Her head hung low, and her once vibrant amber-gold eyes now carried a deep darkness. She gathered the courage to inquire about the aftermath of that horrifying incident, her voice faltering. “'I have been meaning to ask, what became of my family after we departed?"

“Oh, now you wish to know?” Muzan chuckled darkly, amused. “The remains of your family were found the next morning by an elderly man named Alde Hayashi, who worked as the family’s chauffeur. He was deeply upset when he called the police to report the discovery. Although he was initially questioned, he was ultimately cleared of suspicion and allowed to leave as the investigators continued their efforts to unravel the case.”

“Oh, poor Alde-san!” Himari sobbed. “I wish that he did not see the destruction I caused… What happened to him after that?”

“Hayashi ended his life soon after,” Muzan divulged. “It seems that he struggled to cope with the trauma of what he witnessed, thanks to you. The case of the Katōwamuro Family’s demise has been officially closed as a cold case. The Katōwamuro family clan has gained widespread popularity. Even now, their case continues to be a topic of constant discussion, speculation, and intrigue, leading to a significant surge in Katōwamuro Enterprise’s business. Could this be the notoriety that your stepmother, Soaku, had once yearned for?”

Himari’s face was concealed by her hands as tears streamed down, her sorrowful cries resonating like a melodic tune that stirred something deep within Muzan. “Oh, no, no, no… Everyone, I am so very sorry... If only I did not return, then all of you would still be alive!”

The Demon Lord emitted a deep growl, creating ripples in the water, exuding an aura of dominance, possessiveness, and a perverse pleasure derived from witnessing Himari in profound distress and despair. He gently ran his fingers through her long, raven hair and tucked a lock behind her ear, a gesture Himari had come to associate as a prelude to intimacy.

Himari, through her tears, realized it was time to give herself to him, as she had done many times before. Hoping that her demon nature would make her body more resilient to his brutal treatment, she offered herself to him once again.

‘Do not deny me, Himari.’

I will not.

Muzan fully extended his fangs, poised to initiate their coitus by biting into her neck, but Himari intervened by placing her hand in front of him.

“Forgive me, Master Muzan-sama, but before we continue, there is something I wish to inquire of you.”

“Make it quick,” Muzan replied, visibly agitated by her interruption.

“Whenever were together, you are always the one in control. But this time, I want to be the one in charge and focus on satisfying you. I hope you will let me take the lead this time. I am not asking for much, Master Muzan-sama, just this one opportunity.”

The Demon Lord gazed at the female demon, his crimson eyes drifting over her delicate form as he pondered. “All right. I will allow it but only this time.”

With that, Himari raised her arm and cupped the back of Muzan’s ivory neck, pressing him to her flesh.She leaned into Muzan’s chest and gave his nipple a rough lick. “Oh, my, you are delicious. I cannot believe that I did not taste you earlier…”

“Himari,” Muzan growled in a foreboding tone, visibly becoming irate.

Assuming that he did not like foreplay, Himari changed her current method and sped up things. She wrapped her arms around his neck and straddled him with her legs embracing his muscular physique. She felt his member rising between her legs to meet her the fleshy slit of her sex. “Since I am a demon now, I am certain we can do this without either of us holding back.”

With one hand, she held his penis and directed to her vagin*l opening. Being underwater causedimmense friction and eliminated any natural lubricants, but his member slid into her just fine. Himari winced in discomfort at the twinge of pain in her lower abdomen but proceeded with her attempt to pleasure him.

“Oh, Master Muzan-sama!” Himari mewled in a voice of false seduction, bouncing her body against Muzan as she rode him. “Oh, how I want you to fill me with your custard! You never had a woman dominate you before, have you? Well, there is a first for everything. I have never done anything like this before, but something tells me that I am a natural. Soon, I will have you screaming and writhing under me like a fussy child! That is what you truly are, is it not? A little baby who needs a mother to—”

‘Cease speaking in that manner.’

The Demon Lord’s telepathic command inflicted such excruciating pain on Himari that she winced and cried out. “What, do you not like it?” she questioned through gritted fangs.

“Not in the slightest. It is not you.”

Enraged, the female demon disregarded the repercussions of her actions and exclaimed defiantly, “I do not care if it is me or not, I just want to be the one in control! If I let you f*ck me, then we f*ck on my own terms! Could you grant me that much, at least?”

Muzan retracted his hand and delivered a forceful slap to her, resulting in a visible red imprint of his palm on her face. “Repulsive.”

“What? I thought this was what you wanted!”

“This is not how you were supposed to be!”

“How was I supposed to be?” Himari yelled. "Let me guess: sweet, innocent, submissive? Well, I embodied all those qualities until you arrived! You ruined me! You corrupted me with your poison and destroyed everything I once held dear, which killed me! Was that not your intention, for me to die? Huh? Was it not?”

Muzan remained silent, his brows furrowing in dissatisfaction as he refrained from responding.

“None of that matters anymore because you are stuck with me, Anata. Right now, I am no longer a human, demon, or even a woman. I am just your property, your personal co*cksleeve. So, f*ck me. f*ck me hard and f*ck me good, my sweet, sweet Master. Would you like if I call you ‘daddy?’ Or how about ‘baby?’ Whichever you prefer, whatever I need!”

The bathhouse was eerily silent as Muzan rose from the ofuro’s fragrant waters. As he towel-dried his body and dressed himself once more, his eyes filled with a frightening malice and animosity as he directed a venomous gaze towards Himari. With a cold tone, he said, “You will regret this.”

“I eagerly anticipate it,” Himari said, bracing herself for the impact that she was certain would soon be delivered by his fists. “I can deal with whatever challenges you throw at me!”


Muzan entered the laboratory, the sliding door behind him forcefully closed on its own. Filled with a seething rage, he pounded his fists on the desk, unleashing his fury and sending a wave of destruction through the room.

In one fluid motion, he swept his arm and demolished the other side of the laboratory. The laboratory equipment and bookcases fell to the floor as chaos ensued.

That wretched vixen! How dare she try to assert control over me? I must punish her! Indeed, I will make her remorseful for crossing me by revealing the depths of true solitude to her...


Himari suddenly found herself transported to a room inside the manor, where she lay on the wooden floor. The space was minimally furnished, featuring a low table, chairs, a modest dresser, and a comfortable futon bed. The walls were adorned with exquisite traditional Japanese calligraphy and paintings depicting cranes, flowers, and majestic mountains.

What? Is he not going to beat me?

‘No, I am not going to beat you.’

Once again, she shuddered and cringed as Muzan’s invasive voice slithered through the depths of her mind, causing an unsettling sensation.

You! What do you have planned?

‘I am going to show you what true isolation is.’

What? You cannot mean...

‘Yes, that is exactly what I mean, Himari.’

You... You cannot keep me here forever!

‘We will see about that.’

In that instant, Himari felt Muzan’s departure from the recesses of her consciousness and the manor. Bewildered, she instinctively touched her head, realizing that she had forgotten the profound emptiness that existed before Muzan had intruded. The sensation of emptiness was now amplified by her demon cells yearning for their creator, filling her with a profound need to not be abandoned.

“MASTER MUZAN-SAMA!” Himari screamed at the top of her lungs, her throat becoming scarred and raw. “I will never displease you again! Please do not leave me. Please do not leave me here, Master Muzan-sama!”

Please, do not leave me! Please…

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-



An indeterminate amount of time had passed.

Himari was terror-stricken in a corner of the room, her body curled up with her knees close to her chest, and her hands resting on top of her head. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, the sound echoing in her ears, and the air of the room felt heavily suffocating.

I have been a bird trapped in a birdcage ever since I can remember.

I have never felt this isolated before. I am filled with regret. I regret falling for him, staying with him, and surrendering my body to him. If only I could tear off my skin, rip out my defiled parts…

Himari was tormented by the visages of the individuals she had taken the lives of. Their lifeless, terror-stricken expressions were etched into her mind and consciousness permanently.

I… I killed my father. I killed my father, stepmother, stepsisters, and two innocent maids… I am a monster! God, please forgive me! Gomen’nasai, gomen’nasai, g-gomen’nasai!

That was when a woman’s familiar voice whispered with a gentle sweetness, “Himari.”

Upon hearing the familiar voice, Himari ceased her tears and shifted her attention towards its source, the voice resonated in her ears. There, she saw her mother, clad in a dress of purewhite. “… Okasan?”

Himari’s mother greeted her with a warm, gentle smile. “Himari, my dearly beloved daughter. It has been quite a while since we last had a conversation.”

The presence of her mother, who had died long ago, standing just a few feet away, was both jarringly unsettling yet consoling for Himari. Overwhelmed with emotion, tears streamed down her face like a broken dam as she wept uncontrollably. “Oh, Okasan! have committed numerous sins, as I ended the lives of several people! The two maids, my stepmother and stepsisters, and Father-sama... I murdered each of them! I have murdered my own family in cold blood! It is all my fault that they are dead!”

“Himari, none of that is your fault, as you were tricked and manipulated by darkness itself. Therefore, you are not guilty and absolved of any wrongdoing. Your only responsibility now is to refrain from harming others.”

“But Okasan, look at me!” Himari wailed, tears flowing down her cheeks without pause. “I am an oni! I have been cursed! With this accursed blood coursing through my veins, I will never be able to join you nor Father-sama on the other side!”

Himari's mother came up to her and knelt to gently caress the side of her face while speaking. “That is not true, Himari. The fate of your soul still hangs in the balance, so you must remain strong and stay of pure heart.”

“I must remain strong and stay of pure heart? Yes, Okasan, I will. I will try my hardest to do as you said.”

As Himari’s mother turned away, the woman gradually dissipated, leaving behind her last words. “Be strong, my dearly beloved daughter.”

Reluctant to being abandoned once again, Himari extended her hand to touch her mother's pristine white dress. “N-no, not again. Please, do not go, Okasan. D-do not leave me… Do not leave me here, Okasan!

As the woman faded away, Himari hurriedly reached out for her mother’s dress, only to realize that she was merely grasping and clutching at thin air.

Okasan… She was not truly here. None of that was real… It was all my imagination.

I have nothing. I have nothing.

A sharp, piercing cry left Himari’s mouth as she screamed at the ceiling. “Let me out of here, Master Muzan-sama! Let me out, you evil bastard! You cannot keep me locked in here forever!”

A deafening silence ensued, telling Himari she could potentially be confined in that room for the rest of eternity.Distraught, she fell to her knees and repeatedly struck the floorboards with clenched fists, tears streaming down her face.

Why? Why must all these terrible things happen to me? I must be the unluckiest, most unfortunate woman in existence! The only person who showed me kindnessturns out to be the devil himself, and now he has imprisoned me forever! There is no one who can save me, not even the Gods, for they have forsaken me!

Suddenly, a flower sprouted from the gaps in the wooden floorboards. With a graceful unfurling, its petals of gold burst open, revealing a fully bloomed sight.

A flower? It was not there before. How did it get here?

Himari kneeled to gently cup the flower in her palm, and to her astonishment, the flower began to sprout further and bend towards her, with its petals furling and unfurling as if winking at her. “Hello,” she cooed lovingly with a soft, light-hearted laugh. “Where did you come from?”

Amidst her tears, Himari smiled and marveled at the flower she had created as it continued to flourish. The flower gracefully wound itself around her arm, gently brushing against her skin with its delicate petals and leaves, evoking a tickling sensation.

How pretty.



Fifteen years had passed since Muzan’s last visit to the manor where he held Himari captive. Throughout those years, he struggled internally and battled with his own thoughts on his next move regarding her. Though he considered paying her a visit, his priority was ensuring she had truly grasped her lesson.

The Demon Lord desired to shatter Himari’s spirit and reduce her to a pitiful embodiment of grief, a writhing mass of sorrow. He aimed to crush her soul to ensure she would never oppose or defy him in the future. However, as time passed, he realized that tormenting her no longer brought him the same satisfaction he had anticipated, and he began yearning to catch a glimpse of her instead.

Would she have a drastic decline in her mental state and become emotionally shattered? Would she succumb to the urge to kneel and express reverence by kissing his feet upon seeing him? Would she contemplate an assault on him? Would she attempt to attack him?

I will know soon.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Muzan entered where he kept Himari confined to see that the entire room had been transformed into a wild garden. The atmosphere carried a soft fragrance, while the walls and floors were adorned with a thick layer of greenery and vegetation. The dense foliage of plants and flowers created a twisted, intertwined lattice of vines and stems.

There, he witnessed Himari, the heart of it all, positioned at the center of the room, ensnared in a web of twisting, floral tendrils. She was seamlessly intertwined with the flora, as the vines extended like branches from the veins within her body. The female demon was restrained by a prison of her own creation, kneeling with her limbs pinioned and coiled by the vines and tendrils emerging from her body. Her raven hair had grown remarkably long, reaching a length of over seven feet and veiling her countenance, and her alabaster skin bore dark fissures and cracks that had manifested in various parts of her body.

So, this is her power.

When Himari sensed Muzan’s presence, she raised her head and met his gaze with a smile. “Master Muzan-sama, you have come back to me! I am so, so, so happy to see you! What do you think of my garden?”

The Demon Lord knelt to inspect a fungus that bore a striking resemblance to a Devil’s tooth. “It is quite fascinating,” he remarked.

“I was calling for you for a long while, Master Muzan-sama. I feared you had forsaken me... How much time has passed?”

“It has been fifteen years since our last encounter.”

“Fifteen years, huh? It feels like no time has gone by at all, yet I know that an eternity has passed since I last laid eyes on your face...”

“As I once told you, the perception of time in this realm is so distorted that distinguishing between a week and a decade becomes impossible.”

“I see... What era is it?”

“It is the Nita era.”

“So, it has been nearly two decades since you have converted me... Why did you leave me here?”

“What, am I expected to center my life around you?” Muzan inquired dispassionately.

“No, but you should not have abandoned and completely forgotten about me. I have felt so, so, so lonely in this place all by myself…”

“Himari, do you remember the reason why I imprisoned you here?”

Softly, Himari responded with a lowered head, “Yes, I do remember...”

Muzan’s deep voice assumed a more severe tone as he spoke, taking on a stern edge. “I felt undermined and disrespected when you had the audacity to mock me. It was truly disappointing to witness your repugnant behavior. I was far from impressed and found you to be highly unattractive. Refrain from attempting to subjugate me, or I will administer a punishment that is beyond your comprehension! Do you understand, Himari?”

“Yes, yes, yes, I understand, Master Muzan-sama.”

A cluster of vines and branches intertwined to create a structure resembling a throne.

“Please take a seat with me, Master Muzan-sama,” Himari requested in a serious tone. “There are some important matters we need to discuss.”

The sudden change in Himari’s tone and her request took Muzan by surprise. Normally, anyone daring to address him in such a manner would have faced swift and brutal consequences, but inexplicably, he could not muster the will to inflict harm upon her.

With that, Muzan conceded to her request and sat down in the chair. “What is it that we need to talk about?”

“What made you want to convert me?” Himari inquired, a striking curiosity gleaming in her amber-gold eyes. “You must have recognized something valuable in me to make me into a demon.”

“I converted you because I felt that you desired a glimpse of power,” he sighed. “You were so vulnerable and feeble, unable to confront your own tormentors. How tragic it was. From the very beginning, the odds were not in your favor. All I wanted was for you to experience resilience, authority, and self-reliance.”

“So, in other words, you pitied me?”

“Whichever way you decide to perceive it.”

“As if I asked for your pity!” Himari scoffed. “I did not ask anything of you.”

“Excuse me, Pet? Hold your tongue.”

“Oh, please! You are just like everyone else I have ever known. I am not a person, I am merely an object, something you can manipulate to fit your own image and perception. I do not have a sense of individuality. ‘Himari’ is more like an abstract concept, an emotion rather than a person. I am viewed through various lenses and experienced in different ways. Everyone is fixated on me, even you. Tell me, Master Muzan-sama, did I ever cross your mind during the time you left me here to rot?”

Recollections of Muzan seeking physical release through self-gratification, as well as his persistent quest for women who bore the slightest resemblance to Himari, resurfaced in his thoughts. “No, you never crossed my mind, not even for a moment,” he falsely claimed. “I left you here for fifteen years because I truly forgot about you. You are not as exceptional as you believe, Himari.”

How humiliating this is! I refuse to allow this disgraceful harlot to have control over me.

“What about all the lies, manipulation, and abuse I suffered at your hands?” Himari questioned, changing the subject. “As much as it pains me to say this, you broke my heart, Master Muzan-sama!”

When Muzan locked eyes with Himari, he instantly comprehended the immense emotional anguish he had caused her. A tincture of regret crept upon the apex of all seven of his hearts, causing a subtle transformation in his piercing crimson eyes, softening their gaze. He wanted to confess that he mistreated her to help her become more resilient, and he wanted to commend her for her current fortitude. However, he found it difficult to articulate his thoughts because there were deeper layers to that partially truthful statement.

In that instant, Himari had an epiphany. She came to understand that enduring suffering was an inherent aspect of her relationship with him. Whether driven by his own perverse satisfaction or genuine good intentions, his malice was as intrinsic as breathing. “Now I see... Good is bad, love is hate, and pain is pleasure. You needed to break me down to rebuild me. You had to reduce me to ashes to shape me into something more than I was.”


“Yes, Master Muzan-sama?”

“I am pleased to see that you have begun to understand things from my perspective. It is evident that this time of solitude has helped you mature and gain insight. You should be grateful to me, as without my help, you would still be cleaning floors at this very moment.”

“Yes, yes, yes. I appreciate your intervention, Master Muzan-sama. Without you, I would either still be burdened by debt at the Katōwamuro manor or have resorted to ending my life.”

This certainly is not the demon I sealed away fifteen years ago, as her submissive demeanor is uncharacteristic. I sense that she is up to something, but I cannot figure out what it is. Despite my active efforts to probe her mind and uncover any signs of deceit, I fail to find anything.

Himari stared expressionlessly at Muzan until a smile formed on her heart-shaped lips, and she erupted into spontaneous laughter. Her laughter was delightful and melodious, reminiscent of a song meant for her voice to ascend like rising steam.

Muzan was baffled by her sudden burst of laughter and grew furious. “Why are you laughing?” he questioned.

“Forgive me, but I cannot help but reflect on how you disrupted my life and shattered everything I once knew, and how I let you,” Himari replied amidst her cheerful, light-hearted laughter. “I was so desperate, craving any attention, especially the attention of a man… How about we strike a deal?”

“A deal? You do not have the necessary credibility to negotiate any deals. There is nothing you possess that interests me.”

“Oh, but I do have something that interests you, Master Muzan-sama: my mind, body, and soul. It is all I have left.”

“I possess that already. I acquired it a long time ago. Remember, Himari, that you are the one trapped in this room.”

“Trapped? You cannot contain me, Master Muzan-sama, no one can. Others would falter and perish under the trials and conditions you have imposed on me, but I have thrived in isolation. You are here in my garden with my permission. My thorns and vines have not harmed you because I have chosen to spare you. It is a kindness you are unworthy of!”

I should either rip out her tongue or force her to put it to good use…

The Demon Lord was uncertain whether to confront Himari and slay her, reprimand her harshly, or compel her to the ground to engage in brutal coitus for her brazen disrespect and bold defiance. However, his curiosity prevailed. Believing she intended to negotiate her release, Muzan reclined in the chair, crossing one leg over the other and resting his cheek on his fist. “You have my complete, undivided attention now, for I am intrigued. Tell me, Pet, what is your proposal? You may speak.

Himari spoke in a resolute and unwavering tone, declaring, “I am willing to offer you my entire being— my mind, body, and soul— in exchange for the erasure of my memory.”

“Himari, you wish to have your memory erased, you say? Are you aware of the severity of your request? You will relinquish all knowledge and memories, all that you have ever known.”

“Yes, yes, yes. That is my ultimate wish, my one true desire! I no longer want to feel this way... I do not want to be ‘Himari’ any longer.”

What will become of her if she forgets everything? What will her future alongside me hold if she loses all her memories? How unprecedented…

“No,” Muzan said curtly.

“Please, Master Muzan-sama!” Himari pleaded. “I have been in this prison for so long, so the least you could do is give me this! If I remain in this state, then I will never devote myself to you fully. I will loathe you forever.”

“Himari, what is the purpose of this?” Muzan inquired. “What are your true intentions? Certainly, there must be a true rationale.”

“I aim to demonstrate my worthiness by lifting your curse,” she said. “Once my memories reemerge and darkness fills my heart, it will signal my readiness to you.”

“Your worthiness and readiness for what, exactly?”

“My worthiness and readiness to exist alongside you as your equal, your counterpart.”

The audacity of this creature is remarkable. However, I also desire for her to share an equal and complementary existence with me...

“Oh, is that so? How do you suppose to achieve that, Himari?”

Himari approached Muzan, pressing her unclothed form against his clothed form. The wild garden’s flowers bloomed profusely, enveloping them as she eagerly spoke. “With your blood, your cursed ichor, of course! When you mentioned the ‘upper echelons’ before, I pondered it deeply... It suggests that there are other demons who are immensely powerful.”

“What are you saying?”

“Oh, Master Muzan-sama, I am expressing my desire to embrace all aspects of being a demon brought into existence by you. As a human, I lacked power, so I long for the strength of a powerful demon. I seek to determine the fate of others, to wield control over life and death. I aspire to be the cause of a soul’s departure from its corporeal vessel. I seek to embody chaos, to instill fear and unleash widespread devastation! Ah, there is one thing I always longed to know: What exactly is a soul? What is a soul composed of and how does it come to be? Are the fates of our souls preordained by a deity? Will a soul remain connected to an individual even if their vessel changes? Oh, how I wish to know…”

While Himari spoke, her countenance bore a sinister, cruel expression that stirred arousal in Muzan. He observed that her heart had blackened considerably. Time had transformed her, rendering her indifferent and ruthless, akin to a genuine demon. In his eyes, this only enhanced her beauty and allure. Blood rushed to his sexual organ, causing it to become tumescent and press against his trousers, begging to be plunged deep inside her core.

I knew it.

I knew that she was the woman for me. Still, I…

“Himari, once I strip you of your memories, they shall remain forever lost to you. My curses possess an unyielding power that cannot be undone, for they are impenetrable. Heed my words when I say that you are making a grave mistake.”

"Master Muzan-sama, I am confident that I will be successful in reclaiming my memories and I am willing to bet on my success. Should I triumph, I will be rewarded with a substantial quantity of your blood, enough to empower me to reach whatever pinnacles you have set. On the other hand, if I should fail, you will possess a devoted servant who will obediently follow your every command and only possess the knowledge you provide. You have the freedom to restrain and treat me as you would a sick dog, as it matters very little to me. Can you not see that you emerge victorious regardless of the outcome? Such is the amusing thrill of our wager."

With a smirk on his face, Muzan averted his gaze. This led Himari to believe that he was considering her proposal and would ultimately accept the conditions of their agreement until he said, “Himari, I refuse to do what you ask of me.”

Himari’s cheerful expression transformed into a displeased scowl. “Why is that?”

“You are mistaken about me emerging victorious with either outcome of our deal. If I were to provide you with any more of my blood, it would undoubtedly lead to your demise, leaving me without both an Upper Moon and a servant. You do not possess the strength to handle even a single drop.”

Himari’s anger flared up when Muzan accused her of being weak. The thorny, vine-like appendages surrounding her longed to strike, but their target was none other than the Progenitor of Demons himself. Despite her newfound rebellious spirit and ample reasons to despise Muzan, even Himari would not dare to strike her master in a truly confrontational manner. “You have the audacity to label me as weak while being in my domain, seated on a throne crafted from my flesh and blood! It is you who confined me here, depriving me of the opportunity to harness my true strength! What do you take me for? Why does it matter if I live or die?”

Muzan remained silent in response, yet he harbored a deep awareness of the answer within himself.

I do not want to part with her.

“Oh, I see, you have concern for me!” Himari laughed, a hand covering her mouth. “You would not want your beloved pet to perish, especially considering the time and care you have invested in it. Is it possible that you have developed tender, sentimental feelings for me, Master Muzan-sama?”


Himari’s laughter, filled with mockery, faded into silence, and her playful expression turned into one of seriousness. “Enough of that… Master Muzan-sama, consider this as a business deal where we both stand to benefit, even if the deal does not go through. All that remains is for you to promise that you will fulfill your part of the agreement.”


Himari seductively moved towards Muzan’s sitting figure on her hands and knees, her tear-filled amber-gold eyes shimmering. She tenderly kissed his hand and pressed it against her face, her face resembling the delicate, fractured visage of a porcelain doll. Her voice was a sweet rasp as she whispered, “Promise me. Promise me that you will follow through… Promise me, Master Muzan-sama!”

The Demon Lord gazed upon the female demon, feeling a deep sense of pity for her. Her sorrowful and troubled countenance, along with her shattered psyche, stirred a sense of regret within him like never before. Before he knew it, the words, ‘I promise,’ escaped from his lips.

Delighted, Himari jumped onto Muzan’s lap and lavished him with kisses, her fangs grazing the crook of his neck. “Yay, yay, yay!”

She fails to grasp that she will never recover her memories, as it is impossible to break my curses. The only demon to have defied my curse and eluded my grasp is the traitorous vixen, Tamayo...

I have come to appreciate Himari’s company. She may not be as engaging and amusing without her memories, but I will still cherish her, nonetheless. Himari, my dear girl, you will be well looked after, as I will take care of you forever.

Himari rose from Muzan’s lap and knelt before him, biting her full, red lips. He regarded her with uncertainty and suspicion until he detected the intoxicating scent of a female demon’s arousal.

How I desired to feel this once again, with you...

Licking her lips, Himari unzipped Muzan’s pants and searched within to locate what she was seeking: his manhood. The pale sexual organ stood attentive and alert with clear pre-cum sliding from its slit, having been previously aroused by her earlier avowal and embrace of darkness. She gave the tip of Muzan’s penis a swift lash of her tongue before making her lips form a tight ring around his heavy scrotum, the mounting pressure in the heavy pouch of flesh weighing on her sharp tongue.

The Demon Lord leaned his head back in pure ecstasy, relishing in the pleasure being bestowed upon him orally. Looking up at the ceiling covered in moss, vines, and vibrant blossoms, he smiled as he ran his fingers through Himari’s ebony tresses, her head bobbing up and down near his groin. His ultimate venereal fantasy was to corrupt a pure, innocent maiden, transforming her into a lascivious temptress who would willingly devote herself to him for eternity, serving and worshiping him willingly. Himari’s action of kneeling to pleasure him orally without his prompting was evidence that he had successfully shattered her will and trained her to regard him as her god.

She is mine.

As Himari suckled Muzan’s scrotum and lashed her tongue at the hilt of his length, he squeezed and smacked her buttocks until the round, fleshy protuberances were red and hot to the touch. The female demon yelped and mewled as she was spanked, her whines and whimpers delivering sweet vibrations down his shaft.

The Demon Lord’s eyes widened as he felt the vine-woven chair unravel and collapse beneath him, causing him to fall onto the floor. He found himself fully lying on his back, recumbent, with Himari straddling him, wearing a devious smile.


Several tendrils and vines emerged, swiftly ridding Muzan of his trousers and undergarments, leaving his lower half completely bare and exposed. Himari ripped off his suit jacket and vest with her magenta-stained claws, then licked his bare chest from his super sternum notch to his groin.

Just as Muzan raised his hand to strike Himari for her hastiness, she grabbed his shaft and positioned it at her core. The moist, fleshy folds and lips of her vulva gave his member a tender kiss before swallowing him whole. Turning his head to the side, he released a strangled moan of pleasure when she slid down upon him, and his length impaled her.

I feel so alive.

The two demons were unable to comprehend as to why their present union surpassed all previous encounters. They derived equal pleasure from their actions, expressing their satisfaction through cries and moans alike.

Himari threw her head back and voiced harmonizing moans with Muzan, their moans intwining beautifully. She continued riding him, bucking her hips against his groin with him slamming into her cervix repeatedly. As the two demons engaged in violently erotic sex, the living flowers of the wild garden danced and writhed along with their movements.

“Say it!” Himari cried out, her rosy-brown nipples puffing with a feverish arousal. “Say it! Say it, please! Oh, please say it!”

“Silence!” Muzan’s sharp eyes narrowed as he grew increasingly frustrated by Himari’s nonsensical shouting. From the moment she assumed control and undressed him, he developed a deep disdain for her, despite his body yearning for her touch, to be lodged deep inside of her.

What a noisy, unruly harlot! If it were not necessary for her to open her mouth, I would consider having her mouth sewn shut.

The Demon Lord considered sex to be a necessity that required occasional attention. He often availed himself of the company of women, considering them as readily available, so he never lacked sexual gratification. However, Himari’s touch was distinctive, as it awakened in him a newfound understanding of intimacy and pleasure that he had never experienced before. Being in a relationship with Himari made Muzan perceive copulation as more than just a physical act of release between two bodies. Instead, he saw it as a sacred experience that should be shared exclusively with the one he cherished deeply. Still, Muzan disliked the notion of desiring someone’s touch because it implied reliance on them for fulfillment, and there is nothing a man, especially a demon, desires more than independence.

“Say it! Say it, Master Muzan-sama, say it! Aie, aie, aie! OHHH!”

“What is it that you want me to say, you wild minx?”

“I want you… I w-want you... I want you to… I WANT YOU TO SAY THAT YOU LOVE ME AND CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT ME!

Upon hearing that, Muzan ceased his thrusting of his pelvis and the rising and falling motions he made as he gripped onto Himari’s hips. Anger contorted his face, causing veins to protrude and bulge as he recoiled at the audacity of being accused of succumbing to the frailty of love.


Enraged, Muzan made his penis take on sharper, curved shape like a scimitar, with protruding fangs covering it from the shaft to the hilt. He pierced Himari’s supple flesh with his blue-stained claws and tightened his grip on her hips, plunging into her harder, deeper, and faster. The altered form of his penis, the bestial abrasiveness, and the depth of his strokes was more than Himari’s petite body could take; his member was akin to a blade being thrusted in and out of her vagin* as it tore through membranous tissue, caused internal bleeding, and inflected agonizing damage all the same. Blood gushed from her vagin*l orifice and nauseatingly squelched with every collision, but Himari’s undulating screams were not of protest and remained unchanged.

Muzan seized a lock of Himari’s hair and tugged it, causing her to gaze down at him. He was taken aback by the sight of her and gasped inwardly.

The female demon’s countenance exhibited a visage portraying a spirit shattered by sex. Her eyes appeared deranged and crossed, continually twitching, while her tongue dangled and drooled. Steam emanated from her flushed and perspiring flesh.

What? This vixen… She is enjoying this!

The Demon Lord found himself in a state of utter disbelief, but then he remembered the words spoken by Himari earlier.

“Good is bad, love is hate, and pain is pleasure.”

“I will be everything you ever wanted, and then some!” Himari shouted. “Oh, my, I am cumming, Master Muzan-sama! I am so, so, so close! Oh, m-my, yes! Yes! Yes, yes, yes! KIYAHHH!

The Demon Lord’s back arched high, and his fangs lengthened through his low, guttural grunts as he ejacul*ted deep inside Himari’s tainted, defiled womb. A river with a unique pink hue, consisting of blood and white, creamy sem*n, flowed continuously onto their pale bodies.

How fleshy, how warm.

Himari let out a deep exhale and slowed her bucking hips as she came down from her org*smic high. She playfully bit on her full, red lips and glanced down at Muzan. “Anata,” she said breathily, her voice as soft and sweet as she looked. She gently leaned towards Muzan and planted a kiss on the side of his face, then nuzzled into the curve of his neck. There, she kissed his pale, perspiring flesh and traveled to his Adam’s apple, giving the cartilage protrusion a fierce suck and bite. As she nestled and rested upon him, an abundance of flowers blossomed and enveloped them until they were overwhelmed, suffocated, by the delightful scent of the blooms.

“Respond to me, Anata,” Himari begged, her face nuzzled against him. “I want you to respond to me! Say something, please, for you have not said a word!”

“I do,” Muzan said quietly, his voice a low hum.


“I do care for you.”

“You… You are professing your love to me, are you not?”


Tears of deep emotion filled Himari’s eyes as she straddled him once again, gently covering her trembling lips. “Master Muzan-sama… This is all I ever longed to hear from you… To be cherished by you in this way is more than enough. The love we have for each other is more than enough. Arigatō.”

✧TRANSLATION: Tears of deep emotion filled Himari’s eyes as she straddled him once again, gently covering her trembling lips. “Master Muzan-sama… This is all I ever longed to hear from you… To be cherished by you in this way is more than enough. The love we have for each other is more than enough. Thank you.”

Himari drew nearer to Muzan, her face adorned with a blissful smile as her long ebony hair enveloped and cascaded over them both, veiling them in a curtain of ink. Tears of joy streamed down her cheeks, landing on his unmoving face, until he unexpectedly placed his finger on her forehead.

In that instant, Himari began to convulse and have uncontrolled spasms. Her gaze became vacant as her eyes rolled upwards before she went unconscious and fell on him.

The room reverted to its initial state as the plants and vegetation, formed from Himari's own flesh and blood, dissipated and vanished.

Everything was over.

Muzan rose to a sitting position and embraced the female demon, cradling her against his exposed torso. He tenderly kissed the crown of her head, while delicately caressing her hair.

What is it with her? I am unable to explain the captivating nature of this young woman, which is something that piques my interest. I derive satisfaction from her expressions of distress and anguish, and I find even more pleasure in being the source of her suffering. My affection towards her involves causing harm, exerting control over her, manipulating her, and engaging in sex with her.

The subtle movement of her lips as I enter her womb, although amusing, does not compare to the immense satisfaction derived from treating her with kindness and affection. My strong attachment to her is undeniable. I am determined to shape our relationship into a harmonious partnership that fulfills my needs.

The Demon Lord lifted Himari’s petite, naked form and took her to the bathhouse, her long hair trailing on the floor as he carried her through the hall. There, he stood beneath the shower with her, cleansing both of their bodies of blood.

After drying Himari and dressing her in a modest kimono, Muzan escorted her to a bedroom in the manor and gently laid her down on a bed. Himari’s breathing softened as her bruises and internal injuries slowly healed.

Watching her, Muzan marveled at her beauty in peaceful repose. “Little one, you will wake up soon. I will be here for you once you do.”

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Several hours had passed since Himari’s memory was erased.

Muzan watched her from the bedside, anxious about what was soon to come. His restlessness stemmed from his concerns about the state Himari would be in upon awakening. Their long history together had fostered a deep admiration for her defiance and strong-willed nature, thus the prospect of all that being erased caused him great concern. Still, he had a vow to uphold.

After a short while, Himari’s eyes gently opened, unveiling the large, dilated orbs reminiscent of a doe’s gaze. As she straightened up and faced Muzan, a gentle sound escaped her lips. “Shhh...”

The Demon Lord could see that her heart was now even purer than when she was human, untouched by pain, sorrow, or suffering. Gently, he extended his hand to rest it upon hers.

“… Who are you?” she asked, her mind an indecipherable whirling blur.

“I am your Master,” Muzan replied. “You may refer to me as Master Muzan-sama.”

With a finger placed on her lips, the female demon glanced upwards, giving the impression of embracing a youthful innocence and demeanor. “You are Master Muzan-sama? Oki-dokie, Master Muzan-sama! Where are we, Master Muzan-sama?”

“We are currently at one of my private residences.”

In an innocent manner of childlike curiosity, Himari tilted her head to the side and asked, “Master Muzan-sama, who am I?”

Deep in contemplation, Muzan closed his eyes, pondering over what name to bestow upon her, as he would now treat her like an obedient pet. “You are Zero, representing the absence of quantity, value, and number; nothingness. That is who you are.”

“… Zero?” With a joyful expression, the female demon rested her hands on her cheeks, emitting a delightful sound of contentment. “Zero… I am Zero! I am Zero! I am Zero!”

Muzan was taken aback when the female demon abruptly sprung from the bed and landed on his lap, enveloping him with tight embraces and showering his face with kisses.

“Oh, my sweet Lord Master!” she exclaimed, kicking her legs wildly. “I am Zero! I am Zero! I am Zero! I am Zero! I am Zero! I am Zero!”

Mortified, Muzan’s face twisted in horror as he gawked at the female demon, who behaved as though she possessed the cognitive abilities of a young child. He found it hard to fathom that the demon he had once held in high regard and deeply cared for had deteriorated to such a degrading extent. The vast difference between her current state of immature feebleness and her former power and brilliance caused him to develop a strong contempt towards her.

This was a mistake.

*ೃ༄ OUTRO .ೃ࿐

𓆩♡𓆪 HYDRA - MYTH & ROID 𓆩♡𓆪

破滅さえ 厭わないで

ねえ まだこの手に残る欠片だって


何もかも 失くしても

捧げるものが 在るの

未来だって 命でさえ

焼け尽きた感情も 不毛な祈りも

縋る無様も 貢ぐ愚かも

病んだ声も 穢れた両手も


𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳


時間がまだ 在るのなら


無意味だって 無駄だっていい

積み上げた日々が 無残に散っても

想いが呪いに 変わったとしても

報いも無く 徒労に終わってもいい


暗く陰った この道の先では

どんな光も やがて潰えるでしょう


希望待つように 生きるより

尽くしきるの 今を

焼け尽きた感情も 不毛な祈りも

縋る無様も 貢ぐ愚かも

何もかもが どうなってもいい

全て貴方に 捧げよう

𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘧 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳

Chapter 6: placeholder for more reads🖤

Chapter Text

placeholder for more reads🖤

Chapter 7: ꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱ Announcement ꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

🎍Hello, all! Happy New Year! ᙏ̤̫ I hope 2023 was good to everyone, and may 2024 be even better! 🎊

After the final installment is released, I decided to include a Bonus chapter, a full chapter of extras, kind of like Koyoharu Gotouge! I think it would be a great opportunity to gain more insight in the characters, what they think of other characters, and see alternative scenarios! I would love all of my readers’ input and requests!

Three alternate scenarios I have already decided to write are:

♡ Himari, a young housemaid in an abusive household, meets an enigmatic stranger who gives her the choice of a lifetime.

♡ Scenes of our deceased characters in the afterlife!

♡ Upon turning into a demon, the darkness in Himari fully awakens and she submits to Muzan completely. They visit the Katōwamuro manor, unfolding a twisted, new sequence of events…

~ Everyone, give me your thoughts, please and thank you! As always, thank you for reading! ~


This will be my last post until I upload! My apologies for getting your hopes up with the notifications. I am working fervently on the final installment!

(白い薔薇) Eyes Like Rubies - Volume One - xsoftly - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.